Intimacy with God - Stairway College

Initial Planning Meeting Worksheet

Arrange a supervisor who you can meet with to discuss the project/event you are planning. Use the following questions as the talking points for your meeting. It would be best if this was a key leader in your church (eg. staff member or key volunteer). As part of your discussion be sure to cover the below points.

a) Who the event will be for (it must include people you’re not familiar with).

b) What you want to see happen and the key themes/messages/ideas you would like to communicate.

c) Identify the key requirements, appropriate policies, strategies, resourcing and key people to be involved.

d) Decide on the ministry goal of the event. For example, if you were organising a connect group night you may have as a goal “people encounter God and experience personal breakthrough”.

Important: read the supervisor feedback report, team member’s feedback report and self–reflection report worksheets below before the planning meeting for clarity on what needs to be covered.

|Supervisor full name | |

|Supervisor role in your church | |

|Supervisor meeting location, date and time | |

|Event purpose: What is the purpose of this event?| |

|Identify key themes and/or messages to be |1. |

|communicated (list at least two): | |

| |2. |

|Who are the people this event is for? Identify | |

|the people you are not familiar with. What are | |

|their needs? Who does God want to be for them? | |

|How will you engage the people during the event | |

|to communicate your key themes? | |

|Are these people capable of participating in | |

|discussions about the key themes during or after | |

|the event? | |

|If so, list two specific reasons why you believe | |

|this. | |

|If not, please select a different group of | |

|people. | |

|Consider the different ways you will communicate |1. |

|this theme/message to different people and/or | |

|groups of people. List at least two and mention |2. |

|why each method will be effective. | |

|Identify two ways you can use storytelling to |1. |

|communicate the themes/messages (list at least | |

|two ways) |2. |

|What will you do for the event? | |

|How does this event support existing programs, | |

|events, or activities for the people involved? | |

|What is your ideal outcome from this event? | |

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|Resourcing |

|Use the below sub-table to consider resourcing. Consider who will you need on your team (list at least two and ensure they can |

|effectively participate in discussions about the key message or theme)? What skills/attributes will each bring (ensure one listed|

|relates to how they can effectively discuss the key message or theme)? How will each contribute to the communication of the key |

|messages/themes? |

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|Name of team member |

|Skills/Attributes |

|Contribution to key messages/themes |

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|E.g. Paul |

|Understands the gospel |

|Heart for people |

|Gifted communicator |

|Paul is passionate about teaching others about the truth in the Bible and how much God loves them. |

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|How do you plan to recruit the people listed | |

|above? | |

|What financial costs or other resources do you | |

|need to make this happen (e.g. purchase of | |

|materials, venue hire, petrol for car, etc)? | |

|List at least two. | |

|Where will the money come from (e.g. you may | |

|choose to cover expenses personally)? | |

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|Risk management issues: Use the following sub table to assess the risks involved in this event and prepare strategies to minimise|

|them (list at least three). |

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|Risks or Hazards |

|Preventative Strategies |

|(during normal operation) |

|Emergency Strategies |

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|E.g. Burn on BBQ |

|Set up serving area away from BBQ |

|Keep participants away from cooking area |

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|First aid |

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|Technology |Technology can be useful in ministry planning and |1. |

| |events. Examples include: computers, phones, email, | |

| |internet, personal schedules, printers, photocopiers, |2. |

| |scanners, websites and social media. List two technology| |

| |examples you will use in your event to schedule tasks | |

| |and plan. Describe how each will be used. | |

| |List two technology examples you will use in your event |1. |

| |to present/communicate information (e.g. TV, microphone,| |

| |phone, etc). Describe how each will be used. |2. |

| |List two technology examples you will use in your event |1. |

| |to store information (e.g. laptop, server, ‘the cloud’, | |

| |etc). Describe how each will be used. |2. |

|How will you communicate/market this event to potential participants |1. |

|and encourage them to be involved (e.g. emails, flyers, posters, | |

|personal invite). Describe at least two. |2. |

|It is valuable to regularly update your supervisor with progress and | |

|highlight event variations. Explain how you will do this. Include | |

|communication method (e.g. email) and frequency (e.g. weekly). | |

|What local, state and federal legislation do you need to be aware of |1. |

|in this event (e.g. privacy, OH&S, etc)? Describe at least two. | |

| |2. |

Important: use the above meeting/worksheet to create your ‘Event Task List Worksheet’

Event Task List Worksheet

Set out a list of things you need to do to get your event underway in the table below. Also, technology can be very powerful in helping to organise and run a ministry event (e.g. email, internet, computers, printers, photocopiers, etc). List your tasks in order of priority. Then list at least three technology items you plan to use (see bottom of the table).

|Event name | |

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| |Action required |

|Complete |Task |Email |Phone |Meet |Do |

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|The technology I plan to use |2. |

|includes: |3. |

Team Member Feedback Report Worksheet

Instructions for student: Provide a written report from one of the team members for your event / project using the worksheet below. Explain to them that this will be used for your assessment.

Instructions to team member:

Please complete the below in regards to the event the candidate ran. Note: You may be contacted by the College to confirm the information provided.

|Candidate name | |

|Date of the event | |

|Your comments & observations | |

|about the event. Include an | |

|overview. | |

|What role did the candidate | |

|play in the event? | |

|What skills/ attributes did | |

|the candidate display? | |

|Describe at least two. | |

|Confirmation |I confirm the candidate ran a ministry event/project and as part of the event: |

| |Effectively presented key themes/messages/ideas. |

| |Used appropriate language for the audience/context. |

| |Used different ways to communicate/discuss key themes and ideas with others. |

| |Participated appropriately in discussion and responded to questions with confidence and |

| |relevant information. |

| |Communicated key themes and requirements clearly and creatively in ways appropriate to |

| |audience/environment. |

| |Communicated verbally using listening/questioning to understand the views of others and to |

| |confirm understanding. |

| |Used a range of responses to show an understanding of key topics and concepts. |

|Team member full name | |

|Role in team | |

|Contact number | |

|Email address | |

|Signature | |

|Date | |

Supervisor Feedback Report Worksheet

Instructions for student: Provide a written report from your supervisor for your event using the worksheet below. Explain this will be used for your assessment.

Instructions to supervisor:

Please complete the below in regards to the event the candidate ran. Note: You may be contacted by the College to confirm the information provided.

|Candidate name | |

|Date of the event | |

|Your comments & observations | |

|about the event | |

|What are the candidate’s | |

|strengths/gifts? | |

|Advice on how the candidate | |

|can improve | |

|Confirmation |I confirm the candidate and I met to plan the event and also ran an event. As part of these two |

| |things, the candidate: |

| |Provided regular updates with event progress and highlighted event variations (if applicable). |

| |Used appropriate language for the situation. Presented ideas for the event appropriately. |

| |Displayed openness to discuss/analyse own ideas. Reflected upon and embraced ideas/views I |

| |offered. |

| |Participated in conversations that challenged/explored different concepts/approaches and |

| |generated new ideas. |

| |Responded to questions with confidence and relevant information. Communicated verbally using |

| |listening / questioning to understand the views of others and to confirm understanding. |

| |Communicated ideas and requirements clearly and creatively using techniques appropriate to the |

| |situation. |

| |Used a range of responses to show an understanding of key topics/concepts. |

| |Explored ways to include storytelling in the event |

| |Discussed ways to engage with event participants and also approaches to possible communication |

| |challenges. |

| |Is prepared to take risks in presenting ideas/themes. |

|Supervisor full name | |

|Contact number | |

|Email address | |

|Signature | |

|Date | |

Personal Self-Assessment Report Worksheet

Now that you have completed the activity/event and reflected upon the feedback, complete a written personal self-assessment report incorporating the following.

|Your name | |

|Date of the event | |

|Give an overview of what happened during the | |

|event. Make note of any particular highlights or| |

|lowlights. | |

|Name the event participants? Identify at least | |

|two people you were not familiar with before the| |

|event. | |

|What did you enjoy the most? What did you enjoy | |

|the least? | |

|Reflect upon your communication in preparing and running of the event and answer the below. |

|Communicat|List two creative ways you overcame |1. |

|ion |communication challenges. |2. |

| |List two ways you took risks in your |1. |

| |communication. |2. |

| |List two ways you encouraged |1. |

| |responses through your communication |2. |

|You have written feedback from a team member and your supervisor. |

|Feedback |How did you gather this feedback? | |

| |Explain how you analysed and | |

| |interpreted the feedback. | |

| |What conclusions can you draw from | |

| |this feedback? | |

| |Include two ways you can develop and | |

| |improve personally. | |

|Reflect upon the planning meeting with your | |

|supervisor and the views he/she expressed. List | |

|two ideas (large or small) from your supervisor | |

|that you incorporated in the event. | |

|Describe how you regularly updated your | |

|supervisor with event progress and highlight | |

|variations. In your answer provide one example. | |

|Imagine you had another $500 to spend next time | |

|… what would you do with this money? | |

|What area of personal development have you | |

|identified as a result of this event (e.g. grow | |

|as a team leader)? | |

|Discuss this question with your supervisor and | |

|ask for input. Describe an area of growth | |

|identified and list at least two steps you will | |

|take to develop. | |

|Did you think the event was a success? Why? | |

|If you were to run the event in six months’ | |

|time, what would you do to improve it? | |

|Your supervisor may like to use the event | |

|records for future ministry events. Explain | |

|where/how you have stored the documents and | |

|records used for this event. Highlight how | |

|technology was involved (e.g. emailed to | |

|ministry area leader for their records). | |

Review your Growth and Development Worksheet

Now that the activity/event is complete, it is important to review your personal growth and development. Two common methods to do this are listed below. Research both of these methods and briefly explain how each can be helpful in reviewing personal growth and development. Include one written reference for each (e.g. internet article).

a) Feedback

b) Self-Reflection

|a. |

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|b. |

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Future Recommendations Worksheet

Please review your activity and make some recommendations for the future (up to 100 words for each recommendation).

Recommendation 1 - the relevance of this activity based on the changing needs of the chosen group of people (ie. would it be useful to run this event again in six months’ time? If so, what changes would you make? If not, why not?)

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Recommendation 2 - any additional resources required for effectiveness (eg. In terms of the connecting, sharing, training components)

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Recommendation 3 – List any additional assistance which should be given to run this event successfully in the future (eg. additional people, time, etc)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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