Using the MPN Learning Path Tool to Manage your Team’s ...

Using the MPN Learning Path Tool to Manage your Team’s Sales and Technical TrainingTeam learning plans can help you to get a team of people in your organization trained or certified. You as a Team Learning Path administrator, can use the tool to create a plan for your team, assign members, and track your team’s progress. Another feature is you can create company learning paths that highlight the learning paths that are relevant to your company, or organization, and make these easily accessible to your learners within your company. These company Learning Paths can then be easily be added to a learners Learning Plan.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Using the MPN Learning Path Tool to Manage your Team’s Sales and Technical Training PAGEREF _Toc386199813 \h 1Making sure your team has access to the Learning Plan tool PAGEREF _Toc386199814 \h 1Create a Team Learning Plan PAGEREF _Toc386199815 \h 2Creating the Learning Plan PAGEREF _Toc386199816 \h 2Assign Learning Paths to Your New Learning Plan PAGEREF _Toc386199817 \h 3Assign Learners to Your New Learning Plan PAGEREF _Toc386199818 \h 4Setting Up New Learners in the Learning Plan Tool PAGEREF _Toc386199819 \h 5Reporting on Your Learners Progress PAGEREF _Toc386199820 \h 5View By Name PAGEREF _Toc386199821 \h 5View By Learning Path PAGEREF _Toc386199822 \h 6Resend Assignment Reminder Emails PAGEREF _Toc386199823 \h 7Creating Company Learning Paths and Assigning Them to Your Learners PAGEREF _Toc386199824 \h 8Create a Company Learning Path Playbook PAGEREF _Toc386199825 \h 8Edit a Company Learning Path Playbook PAGEREF _Toc386199826 \h 9Create a Company Learning Path PAGEREF _Toc386199827 \h 9Editing a Company Learning Path PAGEREF _Toc386199828 \h 9Assigning Learners to a Company Learning Path PAGEREF _Toc386199829 \h 10Making sure your team has access to the Learning Plan toolBefore you continue, it’s important that your planned learners, or team, are associated to your MPN Organization. This is critical as its needed in order to access the MPN Portal and its training materials. Learning path team plans, and individual plans, require you to sign-in to learning paths in order for this functionality to be available. You will need to set up your team learners in your MPN Organization if you have not already done so.Your learners on your team will need an MSA (Microsoft Account, formerly known as Live ID) and it must be unique for each individual.?If they do not have Microsoft Account, they can click here to create one.Each individual learner must be associated with your MPN Company Organization. Each team learner can click here to Associate to your Company Organization. From there, the Primary Program Contact can approve the request.Create a Team Learning PlanA Team Learning Plan should only be created and used by a Team Learning Plan Administrator, or Co-Owner. The following is how to create a new learning plan, adding Learning Paths to the plan, and then assigning learners to your new plan. Creating the Learning Plan Click Create Learning Plan on the right side of the page.In the next window you start your Learning Plan input. In the Basic Details section you provide the following:Provide the Plan Title (mandatory)Provide the Plan Description (mandatory)Next to Complete by provide the completion date (mandatory) for the learning planIn the Measure Completion by section, there are two measures of completion parameters. Select one of the two choices provided for measuring completion. Learners must pass all assessments/exams within the learning path, but the training can be completed as necessary – This is the default setting. Only Assessments and/or Exam assets need to be passed and will counted for completion. The training in the learning path(s) is not necessary, or counted. Learners must complete all training and pass all assessments/exams within the learning path. – All assets in the learning path must be completed. Assessments, and/or Exams, including the training, in the learning path(s) are to be completed. Click Save & Next to continue.Assign Learning Paths to Your New Learning Plan On the Select Learning Paths page, you will now select the learning paths you would like to be a part of your plan. Drill down through the playbook, and tracks to find the Learning Path you wish to add to your plan. When you wish to add a learning path to your plan, simply click Add To Plan in the Learning Path header. When you have finished adding the Learning Paths to your plan, click the Done button on the right side of the page.You are now ready to assign learners to your new learning plan.Assign Learners to Your New Learning PlanOn the Assign People page, here you can now assign people to your Learning Plan. Under step 3 Assign People to Learning Plan, you have a number of options available. Use the Upload List feature to upload data of first name, last name, and email ID for multiple users simultaneously. You can Browse to an Excel spreadsheet Excel 2010, and Excel 2013) with the names and email of each person you would like to add to your plan. You can obtain a template of the worksheet by clicking the question mark icon.Click the Add User button to add a user. Here you can input the first name, last name, email id, and the complete by date for the employees who the learning plan should be assigned to. There is also the option to delete users.In the text box area in the middle of the page you must fill in email content, along with an Agreement link. This is mandatory before sending to the user(s). This sends an email notification to the assignees (containing a link to access the learning plan) and confirms the same to the employee.Under step 4 Assign Co-owners To Learning Plan, you can assign a co-owner to the plan. This step is optional.Click the Resend Assignments button to continue.Click Done to complete the changes.Setting Up New Learners in the Learning Plan ToolThe following assumes you have already created a Learning Plan, and want to set up additional, or new learners into the plan. On the right side of the Learning Plan page, click View all Plans.Click Edit.Click Save & Next on the Basic Details page.Click Next on the Learning Paths page.On the Assign People page, here you can now assign people to your Learning Plan. Under step 3 Assign People to Learning Plan, you have a number of options available. Use the Upload List feature to upload data of first name, last name, and email ID for multiple users simultaneously. You can Browse to an Excel spreadsheet Excel 2010, and Excel 2013) with the names and email of each person you would like to add to your plan. You can obtain a template of the worksheet by clicking the question mark icon.Click the Add User button to add a user. Here you can input the first name, last name, email id, and the complete by date for the employees who the learning plan should be assigned to. There is also the option to delete users.In the text box area in the middle of the page you must fill in email content, along with an Agreement link. This is mandatory before sending to the user(s). This sends an email notification to the assignees (containing a link to access the learning plan) and confirms the same to the employee.Under step 4 Assign Co-owners To Learning Plan, you can assign a co-owner to the plan. This steps is optional.Click the Resend Assignments button to continue.Click Done to complete the changes.Reporting on Your Learners ProgressThere are two ways you can view the progress of your assigned learners. The default or first view is by name, and the second view is by learning path.View By NameOn the right side of the Learning Plan page, click View all Plans.Click Track Progress. From here you can see the overall progress of each individual you have assigned the Learning Plan to. By default the view here is By Name. Click the expansion, or + button, next to the name you wish to drill into. From here you can now see how this person is doing by each Learning Path assigned to them. You can also send a reminders. Click the Send reminder to all incomplete button to do this in batch for all incomplete assigned assets.View By Learning PathOn the right side of the Learning Plan page, click View all Plans.Click Track Progress. From here you can see the overall progress of each individual you have assigned the Learning Plan to. Click the By Learning Path tab. Here you can see each Learning Path assigned.Click the arrow to expand a Learning Path assigned. Here you can see the progress of each asset assigned with the Learning Path. You can also send a reminder for each asset incomplete individually, or click the Send reminder to all incomplete button to do this in batch for all incomplete assigned assets.Resend Assignment Reminder EmailsReminder emails will go out to the learner as the Completed By date approaches. However there may be times you may want to resend a reminder email manually, especially while tracking the learner’s progress. The following is how to resend a reminder email to a learner.On the right side of the Learning Plan page, click the learning plan you wish view.From here, you can perform one of the followingSend a Reminder email to one student by clicking the Send button next to their name.Send a reminder to all students who are still in progress by clicking the Send reminder to all incomplete button. Creating Company Learning Paths and Assigning Them to Your LearnersYou can create company learning paths that highlight the learning paths that are relevant to your company, or organization, and make these easily accessible to everyone within your company. These company Learning Paths can then be easily be added to a learners Learning Plan. It is important to note, that only Organization training admins can create company learning paths and there is only one Company learning path allowed per organization.Create a Company Learning Path PlaybookAs an Organization training admin, when you first log into the Learning Plan page on the MPN Portal, you will see an option to create a Company Learning Path. First, you must create a company learning path playbook, which is the top level that any new company learning paths will reside under. The following are steps to create the Company Learning Path playbook.On the Learning Path page on the MPN Portal, click the Create a learning plan for your team link. This will take you to the Learning plans and company learning paths page.Click Create on the right hand side of the page, under the Company Learning Paths heading.In the Playbook Title field, enter your company title you wish to use. For example, Contoso Corporation learning paths.In the Playbook Description field, enter the description you wish to use for describing your new company learning path playbook.From here you can now create a new Company Learning Path Group which in turn you can then add Learning Paths from the Learning Path page on the MPN Portal to. Edit a Company Learning Path PlaybookAs an Organization training admin, when you log into the Learning Plan page on the MPN Portal, and you have previously created a Company Learning Path Playbook, you will have the option to edit.On the Learning Path page on the MPN Portal, click the Create a learning plan for your team link. This will take you to the Learning plans and company learning paths page.Click Edit on the right hand side of the page, under the Company Learning Paths heading.In the Playbook Title field, enter your new company title you wish to use. In the Playbook Description field, enter your new description you wish to use for describing your new company learning path playbook.Create a Company Learning PathFirst you need to make or use an already existing Company Learning Path Group. If creating a Company Learning Path Group, its best practice to name it so the learning paths you want to add makes sense to the grouping. To add a New Group, click the Add Another Group link. From here you can enter the Group Title and Group Description. If you want to edit an existing Company Learning Path Group, simply expand the existing Company Learning Path Group and edit as necessary.Once you have a Company Learning Path Group set up, you can add the Learning Paths you want to it. To add Learning Paths, click Add Learning Paths.Navigate to the Learning Path you wish to add, and click Add To Group. Select the Group you wish to add the Learning Path to, and click OK. You can also create a new Company Learning Path Group to add the Learning Path to if you choose to.Click the back arrows until you reach the Edit Company Learning Paths page again. To make these Company Learning Path Groups and Learning Paths viewable by your learners, click the Publish Playbook button. Editing a Company Learning PathAs an Organization training admin, after you have created a company learning path playbook, you will see an option to edit. The following are steps to edit the Company Learning Path.On the Learning Path page on the MPN Portal, click the Create a learning plan for your team link. This will take you to the Learning plans and company learning paths page. Click Edit on the right hand side of the page, under the Company Learning Paths heading.From here you can edit company learning paths, and company learning path groups. You can also Remove or Add any Company Learning Path Groups, and/or any Learning Paths from Company Learning Path Groups.Assigning Learners to a Company Learning Path Learners in your organization can see your company learning paths, and they can now add these to their own plans, or you can create a learning plan, and assign the learning plan to your learners. ................

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