Team Composition & Instructional Supports

SY 17-18 TLC Team Level DetailsNow that you have laid out your teams of teachers and who will be leading those teams in your 17-18 TLC Organization Chart, you will provide additional detail on how each team will work together in service of strong instruction for students and the roles and responsibilities for your Senior/Team Leads and Team Specialists. These details will help your school community understand the purpose of these teams, help your school select the teacher leaders who have the skills and knowledge to successfully lead and support these teams, and support your school in operationalizing its plan. Instructions:Duplicate the Team Level Details sheet below for the number of teams reflected in your org. chart. For each Team Level details sheet, you will have a heading for the team number, and set of blue, pink, and orange tables.You do not need to complete a Team Level Details chart for a team that is only made up of Sr./Team LeadsComplete the Team Level Details sheet for each team by following the directions in bold (ex. Select one, select all that apply, insert additional details as requested). Each Team Level Details sheet will include the following sections:Team Composition & Instructional SupportsSenior/Team Lead Roles & Responsibilities (only if the team is led by a Senior/Team Lead)Team Specialist Roles and Responsibilities If there are additional Team Specialist roles that your school needs to request to work across teams that are not captured in the Team Level Details, such as to work with ELA-S teachers, please duplicate and just the Team Specialist Roles and Responsibilities for each of those additional roles. KEY:Role TypeTeacher/ Team of TeachersSenior/Team Lead Team SpecialistSection (Uses darkest shade)Topic & Guiding Questions (Uses middle shade)Response: For school to complete (Uses lightest shade)Symbols = Check box for school to select to customize TLC plan, as desired [Insert…] = additional information to be completed by school = Required Responsibility of RoleTIPSClick the arrow ?in the left margin of each topic heading (e.g., Leading Team) to show a set of guiding questions to help you understand what information you need to provideTo select one or select all that apply, click once on the empty box to add an “X”. Mac Users: You may need to put an “X” next to the box.Have your 17-18 TLC Distributive Leadership Organization Chart handy to help you complete these Team Level Details[School Name]Team Level Details for: [Insert Team # from Your School’s Completed Org. Chart]Team Composition & Instructional SupportsLeading the Team:Guiding Questions:Who is leading the team?For Senior/Team Leads, what is the organizing feature for the whole team of teachers that the Senior/Team Lead leads?(Select one and fill in additional information as indicated)? Principal? Assistant Principal? Dean? Senior Team Lead for [describe whole team organizing feature here]*? Team Lead for [describe whole team organizing feature here]*? Other: [indicate who will lead the team here]Supports for Teachers on the TeamGuiding Questions:What supports will all teachers on the team receive?For what purpose will the whole team or sub-team come together to collaborate?1-1 instructional supports through observation, coaching, and LEAP evaluationEngage in peer-to-peer learning through collaborative team time for the purpose(s) of (select all that apply): ? Data Teams/DDI? Collaborative Planning Time ? Professional Learning/PLCs? Other: [insert purpose of team time] Collaborative team happens in (select all that apply and fill in additional information as indicated): ? Whole Team ? Sub-teams: [describe sub-team organizing feature] or [describe sub-team organizing feature] or [describe sub- team organizing feature] ? Other: [describe which teaching roles will meet for collaborative team time]Senior/Team Lead Role & Responsibilities (if applicable)Release time for Senior/Team Lead Guiding Questions:How much FTE of release/non-teaching time will the Senior/Team Lead need to support the # of teachers on this team? (Do not count the Senior/Team Lead in the teachers on the team, but do include a teaching role if you need to backfill for the Senior/Team Lead’s teaching time.)For Senior/Team Leads, what is the organizing feature for the whole team of teachers that the Senior/Team Lead leads?(Select one and fill in additional information as indicated):? .33 FTE to support [insert #] teachers on team? .4 FTE to support [insert #] teachers on team? .5 FTE to support [insert #] teachers on team? .6 FTE to support [insert #] teachers on team? .66 FTE to support [insert #] teachers on team? [insert release time] FTE to support [insert #] teachers on teamResponsibilities of Senior/Team LeadGuiding Questions:What are the responsibilities of this Senior/Team Lead in providing supports to teachers on the team?What type of collaborative team time will the Senior/Team Lead facilitate and for whom?Serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)Observe, coach, provide feedback to, and conduct LEAP evaluations for all teachers on the teamFacilitate collaborative team time as follows: For the purpose of… (select applicable types of collaborative team time)For… (select for whom this type of team time will occur)Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Team Level Details for: [Insert Team # from Org. Chart] (continued)Teaching Role of Senior/Team LeadGuiding Questions:What teaching role do you anticipate the Senior/Team Lead will hold? *Teachers in these roles must receive LEAP ratings and be responsible for student outcomes in Infinite Campus *These are high-level and do not encompass subjects or specific grades. For Example: - If you anticipate this role will teach 3rd, 4th or 5th grade, select “Teacher, Elementary” - If you anticipate this role will teach 7th or 8th grade Math or Science, select “Teacher, Secondary (Middle)” (Select the teaching role you anticipate this Senior/Team Lead will hold): Choose an item.Team Specialist Role & Responsibilities Complementary Team Specialist Role Guiding Questions:Will this team need a Team Specialist to complement the school leader or Senior/Team Lead to facilitate collaborative team time?If so, what will be the whole or subteam(s) organizing feature(s) that the Team Specialist will work with?(Select one)? Yes, this team needs a Team Specialist for [desribe whole team or sub-team(s) organizing feature(s) to reflect which teaching roles the Team Specialist will support} *? No, this team does not need a Team Specialist.Responsibilities of Team Specialist (if applicable)Guiding Questions:What are the responsibilities of this Team Specialist?What type of collaborative team time will the Team Specialist facilitate and for whom?Facilitate collaborative team time as follows : For the purpose of… (select applicable types of collaborative team time)For… (select for whom this type of team time will occur)Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.(Select, if applicable)? Service as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) (optional)Teaching Role of Team SpecialistGuiding Questions:What teaching role do you anticipate this Team Specialist will hold? *Teachers in these roles must receive LEAP ratings and be responsible for student outcomes in Infinite Campus *These are high-level and do not encompass subjects or specific grades. For Example: - If you anticipate this role will teach 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, select “Teacher, Elementary” - If you anticipate this role will teach 7th or 8th grade Math or Science, select “Teacher, Secondary (Middle)”(Select the teaching role you anticipate this Team Specialist will hold): Choose an item.[Copy and paste Team Level Details chart below for each of your teams]Additional Team Specialists (OPTIONAL)Complete this only if you are requesting Team Specialists beyond those described above. Please duplicate as needed to capture additional Team plementary Team Specialist Role Guiding Questions:Will this team need a Team Specialist to complement the school leader or Senior/Team Lead to facilitate collaborative team time?If so, what will be the whole or subteam(s) organizing feature(s) that the Team Specialist will work with?? Our school needs an additional Team Specialist for [describe whole team or sub-team(s) organizing feature(s) to reflect which teaching roles the Team Specialist will support} *Responsibilities of Team Specialist (if applicable)Guiding Questions:What are the responsibilities of this Team Specialist?What type of collaborative team time will the Team Specialist facilitate and for whom?Facilitate collaborative team time as follows : For the purpose of… (select applicable types of collaborative team time)For… (select for whom this type of team time will occur)Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.(Select, if applicable)? Service as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) (optional)Teaching Role of Team SpecialistGuiding Questions:What teaching role do you anticipate this Team Specialist will hold? *Teachers in these roles must receive LEAP ratings and be responsible for student outcomes in Infinite Campus *These are high-level and do not encompass subjects or specific grades. For Example: - If you anticipate this role will teach 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, select “Teacher, Elementary” - If you anticipate this role will teach 7th or 8th grade Math or Science, select “Teacher, Secondary (Middle)”(Select the teaching role you anticipate this Team Specialist will hold): Choose an item. ................

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