Tears of a Tiger - Richmond County School System

2014-2015 English Language Arts, Grade 10

Tears of a Tiger

Student Documents

Second Semester

The mission of the Richmond County School System is to educate students to become lifelong

learners and productive citizens.

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Last Revised 6/10/14

Tears of a Tiger Teacher's Resource Packet

Tears of a Tiger By Sharon M. Draper A story of Realistic Fiction

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Tears of a Tiger Teacher's Resource Packet

Pre-reading Activity

Directions: Think about the words below. Free write for at least three minutes about each word. Use extra paper if necessary. Be prepared to share your thoughts with your classmates.

1. suicide

2. DWI

3. friendship

4. family

5. depression

6. discrimination

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Tears of a Tiger Teacher's Resource Packet

Pages 1-22 Vocabulary & Discussion Guide

Vocabulary Fiery (1) Weaving (1) Frantically (2) Raggedy (4) Stunted (16) Infinite (16)

Discussion Questions (Use your own paper to answer questions)

1. What does the newspaper article report in the first chapter? 2. Why do you feel the author chooses to begin the novel this way? How

does that affect your opinion of the novel? 3. What are the four friends going to do after the game? Why? 4. Who does not drink alcohol? Why? 5. Which member of the team decides to go home after the game

instead of going with the guys? If you were this person, and you learned of the accident, what would be your first reaction? 6. Who calls Keisha to inform her about the accident? 7. Why does Keisha assume that it was Andy involved in the accident? 8. Who was the only person admitted to the hospital? 9. Who had the most to drink, according to Tyrone? 10. How was Rob positioned in the car? 11. Why did B.J. sit behind Rob? 12. Who was the first to escape from the car? 13. Who did Rob call to for help? Why?

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Tears of a Tiger Teacher's Resource Packet 14. Why does B.J. decide to go back to church? Would most people react this way? Why or Why not? 15. What is ironic about Andy being appointed as the new team captain for the basketball team? Who can we infer appoints Andy to this new position?

Journal: Respond to one of the two prompts (Use your own paper to

answer questions)

1. Tears of a Tiger begins with a tragic accident--a fatal car crash caused by drinking and driving. The story is then told from the point of view of the group of friends involved. How does this method of telling the story affect the reader's response? What advantages and disadvantages does this method of narrative offer?

2. Many teenagers drink and then drive with no thought of the consequences. How is Andy like many young people today? How is he different? What makes this book more than just a moral warning to young readers about alcohol and vehicles?

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