Vol. 69, No. 2 Official Publication of the Alpha Iota State Organization

Winter 2018

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International ~ For Key Women Educators

Alpha Iota State

2017-2019 Biennium Theme DKG BRIDGING GENERATIONS Commit, Challenge, Change, Complete

Nancy Everett 2017-2019

State President

Inside This Issue

President's Message

1 - 2

State Committees 3 - 11



White Roses

12- 14

State Convention Information Registrations Sessions

Fall Conference Highlights

15- - 21 21 - 22

Women in the Arts

Highlights and 23 - 24 Registration

Chapter News 25 - 26

International News 27

President's Message

Accept the CHALLENGE of Bridging the Generations

We started the biennium with COMMITTING to Bridging the Generations in the fall. It is now time to "Accept the CHALLENGE to Bridge the Generations!"

What does this mean, you may ask? When we paid our dues for the year, I was told of a longtime member who wanted to resign because she had not been able to attend, due to caring for a family member. This situation is ongoing and she felt that she was no longer a contributing sister, therefore she should resign. WOW! It struck me that THIS was one of our CHALLENGES.

The member was not at fault; but we, the chapter, had been busy in our lives and failed to let her know how important she was to us. As a result, 15 members, traveled to her town where three other members find it difficult to travel. We had lunch, birthday cake, longevity awards, great visits and a wonderful outing. CHALLENGE met, happy chapter. We will do this again!

What are other CHALLENGES that we find when it comes to "Bridging Generations"? We find young members who may be overwhelmed with the many demands placed on their time by teaching, family and children. How can we help? Bring the children to the meeting and have an older teenager supervise them with an arts and crafts project. Take some time for at least one DKG meeting to be a fun, social outing where younger women can have a night out like dinner and the theater. Is the demand a monetary issue? Do you go out to eat every time you meet? Why not try a meeting with just a few desserts or finger foods provided by the hostesses and save the money for members who are watching their pennies.

Retired members may have a luxury that younger members do not have and that is time. Consider volunteering in some of your working member's classrooms or in the classroom of your grant-in-aid recipients.

There are many CHALLENGES to Bridging the Generations. Often there is

continued on page 2


PRESIDENT Nancy Everett (Alpha Xi)

2518 E. Scott Road Ossineke, MI 49766-9747 nancyeverettdkg@

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Ranae Beyerlein (Alpha Mu)

19930 Frazho St. St. Clair Shores, MI 48081



Anne Wade (Alpha Lambda) 1409 Basswood

East Lansing, MI 48823 wadeanne@


Sharon Smith (Epsilon) 3652 W. D Ave.

Kalamazoo, MI 49009-9080 slsponypower3@

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Kay Tebo (Gamma Eta) 15371 Harmony Lane Cheboygan, MI 49721 hierarchy5@

PARLIAMENTARIAN Gloria Richards (Nu) 3771 Anderson Rd. Albion, MI 49224


IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dr. Dorothy Sample (Mu) 3335 Westwood Parkway Flint, MI 48503


EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Jackie Smart (Gamma Alpha)

20158 Southampton Livonia, MI 48152 jackie@

TREASURER Loretta Miles (Beta Omicron)

7099 Reflection Dr. NE Comstock Park, MI 49321-9639


WOLVERINE EDITOR J - Jay Pechta (Gamma)

3520 N. Hillsdale Rd. Hillsdale, MI 49242-9152 jpechta.dkg@

President's Message Continued

Alpha Iota State

2017-2019 Biennium Theme DKG BRIDGING GENERATIONS Commit, Challenge, Change, Complete

Continued from page 1

lack of communication between the generations or lack of willingness to try something that is different from what you have always done. Try stepping outside of the box and be willing to allow someone else to do a job that you might have done for a long time. You might be amazed what can happen if we give the little trees in the forest some sunshine and allow them a chance to grow. Always remember, we need to water our ENTIRE forest to make it flourish and be strong, not just the little trees, but the oldest ones with the deepest roots as well. What are YOUR CHALLENGES and how do you plan to meet them? Nancy W. Everett, Alpha Iota State President, (2017-2019)

Our International Guest JOAN WOLFE 2016-2018

Administrative Board's



Luke Wilcox Michigan's 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year Keynote Speaker at the Luncheon May 5, 2018 and presenting a session See Page 19 for Details

Alpha Iota State's Lifetime Service Award.

See Page 6

Pontiac Convention Registration Materials Information, Schedule,

Sessions See Pages 15-21

Page 2 Winter 2018 The Wolverine

State Committees

Communication is Key in DKG!

As I started to prepare the group mailings to the President's Advisory Council and Chapter Presidents, I quickly discovered something that each list had in common. Many of the emails and phone numbers were out of date on the DKG International State Roster. When I would email a person or try to call them, either the email would be returned, or the phone number would not be current. We live in a time where people have gotten rid of their landlines and just have cell phones, which are not listed in a "phone book" that contains an address. We often change email addresses, because we find a better Internet carrier. What we neglect to do is update our information with DKG International. There is only one person who can do that, and that is YOU! Please take the time to do that TODAY and continue to keep it updated and you will be privy to everything the Society has to offer through their website.

Directions on How to Update your DKG Profile

Here is the information about signing onto the website. You can find your member ID on your membership card or on your Society publications. If you get your member ID from a Society publication, you will need to use the first 6 numbers. Leave off the 7th number as it is for the post office use only.

You will need your 6-digit member ID number as your user name and the default password which is available from your Chapter President.

After you have signed in, check in the upper right-hand corner and you should see your first name between the "cart" and "sign out " buttons. If you click on your name (or My DKG) it will take you to your personal account page. You will see "Change Password" on the right where you can change your password to something personal to you.

If you want to be a part of our members only searchable directory, you will have to opt in. Members are not searchable in the online directory until they opt in to be included. This will give other members a way to contact you. If you wish to have your information in the online directory, you will have to go to your account page and choose the red tab labeled "My Participation." Scroll all the way down on the page until you see "Communication Preferences" and place a check in the box next to "Yes- include my DKG Profile in the Members Only Online Directory."

Only the Members in the Online Directory can communicate with each other. Therefore, we are trying to get all Michigan members signed on. This way you can meet other DKG members from other state chapters. It is part of our Seven Purposes and it is fun to collaborate with other educators. Try it, as it is a way to meet some really fantastic Key Women Teachers, Impacting Education Worldwide!

Submitted by Nancy Everett, Alpha Iota State President

Articles Wanted

For The Wolverine about: Chapter News

Events/Celebrations Program Ideas and Resources

Good Works Pictures with captions Spring Issue Deadline

February 1, 2018 e-mail-jpechta.dkg@

We Want to Visit with YOU

One of the most valuable rewards for your chapter could be a visit from a state officer. Our President, Nancy Everett, as well as, any other state officer, would be most pleased to visit your chapter. You may select any officer and we will do our best to match your request times. Forms for requesting a visitation are available online at You may also call Julie Usher (989-471-9182) or email her at dbujeu@ Please let us hear from you this year.

Submitted by Julie Usher, Alpha Xi, State Visitation Chair

Winter 2018 The Wolverine Page 3

State Committees

Alpha Iota State Starts State Tax Exemption Process

At the Alpha Iota Fall Conference Executive Board Meeting, the Finance Committee made a motion to authorize the establishment of a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of applying for Michigan Tax Exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Michigan Tax Code. After some discussion from the floor, the motion passed. The issue of Alpha Iota State-Michigan becoming a 501(c)(3) corporation has been studied by the Finance Committee for several years. Thanks to Immediate Past President Dr. Dorothy Sample for contacting Dr. Evelyn Barron, Founding Director, Epsilon Kappa Educational Foundation and Founding Director, Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation, and enlisting her guidance through this process. Why does Alpha Iota need to establish a separate nonprofit corporation? It is in the best interest of the Alpha Iota State-Michigan organization to form a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation to help sustain the financial health of the Alpha Iota State-Michigan organization. What is the rationale? It is not possible to change the tax status of Alpha Iota State - the Michigan organization of Delta Kappa Gamma. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International holds 501(c)(6) group tax exemption status that covers all chapters and state organizations within the Society. The 501(c)(6) classification is given to nonprofit organizations described as "trade organizations" or "business leagues." DKG (and each constituent part) is generally exempt from paying federal income tax, but there is no exemption from sales taxes, and as you know, donations to the Society are not tax exempt for the donor. In order to gain the benefits of the 501(c)(3) status, it is necessary to establish a separate nonprofit corporation that will operate in "close connection" (IRS term) with the Alpha Iota State Organization. The 501(c)(3) status would allow donations to Alpha Iota State-Michigan to be state tax exempt for donors. The 501(c)(3) status would allow Alpha Iota State-Michigan to not pay state sales tax on contracted activities like fall conferences and spring conventions, thereby saving the state organization money. Now that the membership (Executive Board) voted to support the formation of a nonprofit organization at the Fall Conference, what are the next steps? The Finance Committee members will do the work of establishing the educational foundation. The organization needs a name approved by the State of Michigan. Articles of Incorporation need to be developed and approved by the State of Michigan. A Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) application also needs to be completed. Plus bylaws for the educational foundation need to be developed and approved.

Submitted by Joan Dillman, Beta Alpha, State Finance Committee Chair

Getting Ready for the Presidents' Procession

On the Saturday night of our DKG State Convention in May, outgoing and incoming presidents will participate in the March of the Roses (The Presidents' Procession), symbolizing the change in leadership. It is hoped that your chapter is already planning for this important occasion. Nomination committees are encouraged to select and chapters to elect their officers for the coming biennium so that new officers can participate in the Officers' Training Session and The Presidents' Procession during the state convention. Names of incoming presidents need to be sent to the state leadership chair by March 1, 2018. As your chapter begins the process of nominating women to the offices of president, vice president, and secretary, ask yourself, "Have I served as an officer? For which office am I best suited? If you are willing to serve, contact your nominations committee to make it known you are willing to take a position. In serving the chapter, you will be impacting education worldwide. (There is the option of a second vice president and/ or a corresponding secretary; both are elected. The Executive Board selects the treasurer.)

Submitted by Dorothy E. Sample, PhD, Mu, State Immediate Past President

Page 4 Winter 2018 The Wolverine

State Committees

A Parliamentary Moment

Nominating Officers for the

2018-2020 Biennium

This is the year when chapters need to nominate and elect new officers. The names of these officers should be sent to Alpha Iota State by March. At the state level, nominations of new officers are done by an elected committee, and the method used by the chapters should be spelled out in the chapter's standing rules. If it is not in the standing rules, there are several ways that nominations can be made.

The nomination of officers can be offered by the chair of the meeting, however this is not a recommended method, and Robert's Rules of Order recommends that the chair or president not be involved in nominations. Nominations can be made from the floor, after a call by the chair. This method can be used alone, or used in conjunction with nominations by a committee.

Nominations can be made by a committee. This committee is often selected or elected in advance with the direction to submit nominees for the election to be held at a specified time. Other methods of nominations are by ballot, by mail and by petition.

The nominating ballot is conducted in the same way as an ordinary electing ballot, except everyone receiving a vote is nominated. Each member has the opportunity to nominate a candidate for every office. This nominating ballot does not take the place of an election ballot. In organizations whose membership is not located in a close geographical area may use the method of nominations by mail or by partition. If nominating by mail, a form is mailed to each legal member with instructions on how to complete and return it. Nominations by petition provides for members to be nominated by submitting a petition signed by a specified number of members.

Information for this article is from Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition, pages 430- 438.

Submitted by Gloria Richards, Nu, Alpha Iota State Parliamentarian

The Personnel Committee Announces

Staff Vacancy

The Personnel Committee announces one staff vacancy, effective July 1, 2018 for:

State Treasurer The vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Loretta Miles after 30 years of service. The vacancy will cover three years from July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021 According to Alpha Iota State Bylaws, Article 7,

Section 2, G, State Treasurer (employed) duties:

Submit all reports to the International Executive Coordinator on or before the specified deadlines.

Submit recommendations for investments (as approved by the Finance Committee) to the State Executive Board for approval at the semi-annual meetings of the Board.

Maintain all required and specific funds as separate accounts.

Provide the president and the Finance chairman with detailed quarterly expenditure reports.

Execute state documents with state president as directed.

Provide all documents for an annual external audit/financial review.

Qualifications include: Demonstrated expertise in the following areas: Interpersonal Communication Skills Organizational/Coordination/Record

Keeping skills Computer/Word Processing, and Excel

Software Skills Time Management/ Prioritizing Skills to

Meet Deadlines

The application deadline is March 1, 2018. Information and application forms are available on the website . Completed application forms are to be emailed to: dkg.gloria@

Submitted by Gloria Fisher, Nu, State Personnel Chair

Winter 2018 The Wolverine Page 5

State Committees

Leadership Training Opportunity for Incoming Chapter Officers

On July 1, your new chapter officers will officially assume their leadership roles to guide your chapter through the next two years (2018-2020). The state Leadership Development Committee is planning a two-session conference during our state convention in May to give support and guidance to help you have a successful biennium. Chapter presidents and first vice presidents need to attend these sessions. Other chapter officers are also invited. The workshop is designed to get you acquainted with your responsibilities. You may have questions such as: Who does what? How do I plan a meeting? What reports are expected?

These questions will be answered and information shared about other essential duties and tasks. In addition to the roles of the officers (including treasurer and secretary), other topics that will be covered include the following: The Structure of the Society, Programs, Parliamentary Law, Strategic Planning, Membership, and Communication. There will also be Q and A opportunities.

Submitted by Dorothy E. Sample, PhD, Mu, State Leadership Development Chair

Lifetime Service Award Honors Members

During the last biennium. many chapters in Alpha Iota State have honored longtime members with the Lifetime Service Award. Does your chapter have members who fit the following categories: the woman has been a DKG member for at least fifty years or has reached the age of eighty?

This award seeks to honor members for their important contributions to education and to DKG. These women have been a major part of the success and history of the Society in our state which has impacted education worldwide. Choose to honor these key women educators by sharing the accomplishments of these members; this will help newer members appreciate the past, the projects, and legacy of the chapter and will inspire participation and inspiration in both the Society and in educational activities in the community.

To honor a woman or women from your chapter, first choose the member (s) to be honored as recipients of the Lifetime Service Award.

Then, using the form that is available on the state DKG website : look under "Resources" and "State Forms", list the individual major educational work and accomplishments and describe the member's involvement and leadership in DKG

Be sure to include involvement at all levels of DKG: chapter, state, and International. Send the completed application to the email address on the form. A certificate for presentation will be sent from Alpha Iota State DKG. There is no deadline for this award application but please allow time for the certificate to be mailed. The honor may be bestowed upon women any time of the year. Your chapter may choose the time and place to present this award. When the certificate is presented, give special honor to the recipient by sharing her life story in education

and DKG. Take pictures and send an account of the honor to The Wolverine Celebrate the women of your chapter. Acknowledge and applaud their accomplishments!

Submitted by Dorothy E. Sample, PhD, Mu, Alpha Iota State Immediate Past President

Pins Available for honoring: Michigan Chapter Woman of Distinction. Red letters are on a gold background. The dark areas are raised gold. Available at State meetings or via mail with small shipping charge. Contact J-Jay Pechta See page 2.

Key Woman Educator Pin

Pin shows gold laurel leaves with a diamond setting. An open red rose with green leaves outlined in gold on a black background is in the center. The DKG letters are in red. Gold letters read...


Page 6 Winter 2018 The Wolverine

State Committees

Supporting World Fellowship

First, a huge thank you to the chapters that sent a gift for the World Fellowship Auction in Lansing. Through your generous donations of 29 items, we were able to raise more than $1,582 for the support of World Fellowship and Funding Our Purposes. Thank you also for the many buyers of tickets. Without your financial support, we could not go forward!

Thanks, as well, for my great committee members, Mary Oram and Mary Bischoff-Greer and others offering help selling tickets--you ladies were awesome!

Second, just a reminder that May 4-6 the convention is in Pontiac. If you intend to donate gift cards, remember that they should be for a statewide (rather than local) retail establishments. We had a number of themed items, such as Wine and Chocolate, Reading and Writing, Aromatherapy and various holidays. As creative as chapter gifts were in Lansing, I look forward to the possibilities for the May convention.

Finally, there are two categories for the World Fellowship Auction donations. Items that have a value of $50 or less are given yellow tickets and they are sold at 6 tickets for $5. Items valued over $50 are green tickets and are sold at 3 tickets for $10. We need items for each category. These ticket prices have stayed the same for more than 5 years! It might be helpful for members purchasing tickets to bring self-adhesive address labels to put their information on the back of the tickets. It will save lots of writing time! We anticipate great gifts for the upcoming auction.

Thanks again for your generosity.

Submitted by Joyce Daglow, Gamma, State World Fellowship Chair

"Success will not lower

its standard to us.

We must raise our standard

to be successful."

Do Not Miss Out On

Opportunities for Scholarships and Grants

Delta Kappa Gamma has competitive scholarships at both the State and International levels. There are grants for educators working on a graduate degree, retaining, or seeking an additional endorsement in education. The DKG Educational Foundation grants more than $150,000 each year to support creative projects, seminars, and professional development.

Alpha Iota State offers non-competitive grants to attend the International Convention. This year the Jane Goudreault Memorial Grant will offer two grants for partial reimbursement of the registration fee to first -timers to attend the International Convention in Austin in July. The International Convention Grant is also available, one time only, to partially cover the cost of the registration fee for the 2018 International Convention. One member from every chapter is eligible.

Two $1,000 scholarships, two $500 scholarships for retraining or additional endorsements, and one $800 scholarship for graduate study may be awarded at the Spring Convention. Information and application forms are on the Alpha Iota Website: ; see "State forms" under "Resources." Please contact the committee chair for help and questions. You may also check with your chapter president or the website for the guidelines in the State Bylaws and Standing Rules publication. Scholarship applications need to be submitted by April 1st. A plan of study and proof of acceptance at a college/university is required.

Guidelines and application forms for the International grants and scholarships can be found online at . There are scholarships available from $2,000 to $10,000 for educational enrichment and help in funding additional degrees.

At the close of convention we have drawings. This time Julie Usher of Alpha Xi and Mary BischoffGreer, of Omega won the Kathy Cashen Grant 50/25/25 raffle. Joan Dillon, Beta Alpha; Ellen Eisele, Alpha Epsilon; and Michele Emmerich, Alpha Mu, had their registration for State Fall Conference paid from the Member-to-Member drawing.

For help or questions contact: Judi Fisher, Gamma Alpha, State Scholarship Chair 20180 Rippling Lane, Northville, MI 48167


Winter 2018 The Wolverine Page 7

State Committees

Communicate to Promote DKG

If you still have members in your chapter who feel uncomfortable using technology; perhaps, you could hold a chapter meeting in the high school's technology lab. Have your tech person give tips and show members how to access the chapter website, how to sign in, and how to maneuver from one location to another.

Submit Your Chapter Newsletter

The deadline for chapter newsletters to be submitted is February 1, 2018. They should be sent to Sharron LaHaie, at dkgmicommunications@. The checklist, which can be downloaded, is on the Alpha Iota State website at http:// stateforms.html. Please save a completed copy of your checklist and attach a copy along with your newsletter. We hope to have many more chapters submitting their chapter newsletter for evaluation this year.

Sharron LaHaie, Alpha Xi, State Communications Chair

Energize Your Meeting With An

Connection Story

Have everyone divide into small groups of 6-8 people. Ensure each table has several post-it-notes and pens. The goal is to connect mini-stories in an interesting way. Each person must share at least one item that connects to the other mini-stories. The longer the chain of items that can be created the better the connections that are created. The first player begins by sharing an interesting memory on experiences that they have. Any other person can tell a related story that has any similar themes or elements to the previous story. This activity is a fun way to get people to share stories, while helping people learn similarities or common interests.

Submitted by Dr. Charmane Echols, Epsilon, State Professional Affairs Chair

Let's Reinstate Former Members!

Have you found yourself thinking about a woman who was once a member of your chapter but who has, for one reason or another, dropped her membership? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have that woman back in DKG, sharing her passion for education, her concern for children and adding her skills and expertise to the chapter's projects and programs?

According to surveys done by the Membership Services Department of DKG, 63-67% of those individuals who dropped their membership later expressed an interest in rejoining DKG. That is astonishing! And, many who dropped out remarked that they would, if asked, return. The most common reasons for dropping was family commitment, time constraints and personal reasons. But life does change, for all of us. What kept that woman from remaining in the Society may no longer be an issue. She may now be very interested in rejoining.

So, let's ask her! Find that woman. She may be someone you or a friend sees regularly, so it won't be hard to locate her. If not, ask other members for the person's contact information or go back to previous yearbooks, directories and forms kept by chapter treasurers. Or contact her via social media. Then invite her to a chapter meeting or event. Re-introduce her to people and give her a warm welcome. Let her know about the chapter's projects and programs, being sure to include details of any topics of special interest to her.

Remind the woman of the value and benefits of membership: the chance to serve education in your community, to attend DKG's state and international events, to grow professionally with workshops, speaking opportunities, and publications, to take advantage of discounts, benefits, scholarships and grants, and travel offerings. And, of course, the fun, friendship and social ties!

Most importantly, remind her of the honor in belonging to a Society of Key Women Educators, a group that has worldwide impact on education, women and children. Let her know that her commitment and dedication to education is valued, as is her membership and participation, and that you and your chapter would be thrilled to have her return to membership!

There is no reinstatement fee, no hoops to jump through. The single-page form to complete for reinstatement is available on the DKG website, . Find the form under "Forms", "Membership", "Form 83 Reinstated Member Form". It can be completed online and sent electronically. It's quick and easy! Once the returning member pays her dues to the treasurer, she's back in.

Let's challenge ourselves to locate one (or more!) former chapter member and invite her to an upcoming chapter meeting or party, a coordinating council event, or to participate in a project. Then invite her to rejoin DKG!

A strong membership starts within the local chapter.

Submitted by Liz VanWestenburg, Gamma Gamma, State Membership Committee

Page 8 Winter 2018 The Wolverine


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