500.06 Protection of Healthcare Information Procedure

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College(A-B Tech) ProcedureProcedure 500.06: Protection of Healthcare Information Consistent with legal requirements, A-B Tech will make every reasonable effort to protect the confidentiality of employee medical information and the privacy of an employee’s designated record set, as defined below.Designated Privacy OfficialThe Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development serves as the College’s designated privacy official responsible for College compliance with applicable laws and the compliance of healthcare providers and third party healthcare administrators. The designated privacy official will also receive and investigate complaints related to compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and take appropriate action to remedy any breaches.Employee Notification Regarding the Disclosure of Records Subject to HIPAA Requirements Consistent with HIPAA requirements, the College will ensure that employees periodically receive notification regarding the College’s and the dental plan administrator’s use or disclosure of the designated record set. The notification will include a description of what the designated record set for each employee in the Dental Plan includes and what it excludes. Employees may request, in writing, to review and/or receive a copy of their own protected health information for as long as the health information is maintained in the designated record set. The College will respond within 30 days from the date the written request is received in the Human Resources Department.Employee Access to HIPAA Protected Information and Ability to AmendPer HIPAA requirements, an employee covered under the dental plan has the right, for as long as the protected health information is maintained in a designated record set, to make a written request for an amendment to his/her protected health information or a record about the employee, provided that the employee provides a reason to support the requested amendment. The College may deny the request for amendment if it determines that the protected health information or record was not created by the College and the originator is still available to amend the information, the protected health information or record is not part of a designated record set, the protected health information or record is not of the type of information or record that is accessible to the employee.Protection of Employee Medical Information and HIPAA Designated Record SetConsistent with legal requirements, all medical information will be maintained in a separate benefits/medical file in the Human Resources Department. Access to the benefits/medical records and related discussions will be strictly limited to those with a legitimate need to know this information and/or those with legal authority for access to them.The College shall mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that it becomes aware of resulting from a use or disclosure of protected health information in violation of HIPAA and/or the procedures developed to implement HIPAA requirements by the College and/or its business associates.Definitions: Designated Record Set: Any item, collection, or grouping of information that includes protected health information, including enrollment, payment, claims adjudication, and case or medical management record systems, about an individual maintained by or for the Dental Plan or its Business Associates or a group of records used, in whole or part, by or for the Dental Plan or its Business Associates to make decisions about the individual. References:Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended.Owner: Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development Pursuant to Board Policy 500, the Protection of Healthcare Information procedure must be followed to protect the confidentiality of employee medical information and the privacy of an employee’s designated record set.Updated: February 2018 ................

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