
NETS-A Essential Conditions

Effectively Leveraging Technology for Learning

Directions: Select the box that indicates your school’s or district’s level of progress and note specifics as it relates to your rating.

|Shared Vision |Proactive leadership in developing a | | | | |

| |shared vision for educational |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |technology among school personnel, | | |Progress | |

| |students, parents, and the community | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Implementation Planning |A systemic plan aligned with a shared | | | | |

| |vision for school effectiveness and |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |student learning through the infusion | | |Progress | |

| |of Instructional and Communication | | | | |

| |Technologies (ICT) and digital learning| | | | |

| |resources | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Consistent and Adequate Funding |Ongoing funding to support technology | | | | |

| |infrastructure, personnel, digital |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |resources, and staff development | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Equitable Access |Robust and reliable access to current | | | | |

| |and emerging technologies and digital |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |resources, with connectivity for all | | |Progress | |

| |students, teachers, staff, and school | | | | |

| |leaders | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Skilled Personnel |Educators and support staff skilled in | | | | |

| |the use of ICT appropriate for their |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |job responsibilities | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Ongoing Professional Development |Technology-related professional | | | | |

| |learning plans and opportunities with |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |dedicated time to practice and share | | |Progress | |

| |ideas | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Technical Assistance |Consistent and reliable assistance for | | | | |

| |maintaining, renewing, and using ICT |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |and digital resources | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Curriculum Framework |Content standards and related digital | | | | |

| |curriculum resources |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| | | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Student-Centered Learning |Use of ICT to facilitate engaging | | | | |

| |approaches to learning |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| | | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Assessment and Evaluation |Continuous assessment, both of learning| | | | |

| |and for learning, and evaluation of the|No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |use of ICT and digital resources | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Engaged Communities |Partnerships and collaboration in the | | | | |

| |community to support and fund the use |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |of ICT and digital resources | | |Progress | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Support Policies |Policies, financial plans, | | | | |

| |accountability measures, and incentive |No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |structures to support the use of ICT in| | |Progress | |

| |learning and in district and school | | | | |

| |operations | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |

|Supportive External Context |Policies and initiatives at the | | | | |

| |national, regional, and local levels to|No Progress |Just Beginning |Substantial |We’re There |

| |support schools in the effective | | |Progress | |

| |implementation of technology for | | | | |

| |achieving curriculum and technology | | | | |

| |(ICT) standards | | | | |

| | |Comments:       |


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