Good Models of Teaching With Technology (GMOTT)

Planning for Curriculum Integration of Technology (PCIT)

Action Plan

Name: _______________________________

Your role: _______________________________

School: _______________________________

District: _______________________________

Date: ______________

1. Using Technology to Meet Learning Goals

Describe a learning goal for your school/district.

Ex., Over the next year, we want to use technology as a tool for helping our students to become more fluent writers. Specifically, I would like to implement an email community mentoring program in our school. Students will email writing assignments to their mentor and receive feedback.

2. Current Initiatives

Briefly describe how this learning goal fits into a larger school/district initiative.

Ex., We are in our second year of our district’s 5 year “Focus on Literacy Improvement” goal.

3. Describe Success

How will you know you’ve met your goal in one year – what will success look like? How will you monitor the results?

Ex., All of our students are writing with greater ease and fluency in all of their subjects as show by increased scores on our district quality writing assessment and a qualitative analysis of student writing samples from different times of the year. Great improvements will be seen in the writing skills of all of our students.

4. Starting Out

What are the five first steps you and/or your staff might take to meeting your goal in one year?

Ex., 1) Gather research on using technology to improve writing. 2) Present research at school staff meeting. Present idea about creating an email mentoring program. Get buy-in from the teachers. Ask for other ideas in which technology can be used to increase student writing fluency. 3) Build email mentoring partnership with area corporation where each student is given an email mentor at the company. 4) Meet with staff to plan ways in which students may communicate and email their work to their mentors. 5) Work with staff to create a “How to Effectively Mentor a Child” handout for the corporation to distribute to their employees.

5. Potential Barriers to Success

What are the barriers to success you face in achieving your goal? What actions can you take to remove or overcome those barriers?

Ex., Barrier: Our district does not allow students to have email accounts. Action: Advocate the research on benefits of email correspondence increasing student literacy to Superintendent and District Technology Coordinator. Sell them on using my school to pilot a one year program where students are given email accounts. Invite a researcher from the local college to evaluate success of student email usage and improved literacy.

6. Reporting Success to Stakeholders

Who are the stakeholders that care about this goal? Describe your strategy for reporting your goal and the outcome to the stakeholders.

Ex., The stakeholders are the administration, teachers, students, parents, and community. Best way to get buy-in from the stakeholders is to maintain frequent and meaningful communication. I plan to work with the local newspaper to feature a story each month about our goal and our progress toward meeting the goal. Newspaper can share research, interviews with the teachers, mentors, and students, sample correspondence from the mentors and students (with names removed). Work with university to publish and distribute the evaluation of the program.


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