University of Washington

This document provides summary information regarding earning type updates effective July 1, 2015. Premium pay earnings type information on the web will be updated in late July.These following rate changes were the result of negotiated agreements between the University of Washington and the unions, and are effective July 1, 2015.NEW EARNINGS TYPES CREATEDRespiratory Care Practitioner Preceptor PayThe following new family of earnings types was created for the Respiratory Care Practitioner preceptors:PRU — RES CARE PRAC PRECEPTOR (This is the base rate.)Hourly rate: $1.50Eligible job class: 8155PRV — RES CARE PRAC PRECEP OT (This is the overtime rate.)Hourly rate: $2.25Eligible job class: 8155PRW — RES CARE PRAC PRECEP HR (This is the overtime half-rate.)Hourly rate: $0.75Eligible job class: 8155Police Management Longevity PayThe following family of earnings types was created for longevity pay and the portion of overtime paid on it for Campus Police Sergeants and Campus Police Lieutenants under the WFSE Police Management contract in UWPD. All of these earnings types are eligible for use by job code 8787, Campus Police Sergeant and job code 8786, Campus Police Lieutenant.LM1 — LONGEVITY PAY TIER 1 WFSEPercentage rate: 1%LM2 — LONGEVITY PAY TIER 2 WFSEPercentage rate: 2%LM3 — LONGEVITY PAY TIER 3 WFSEPercentage rate: 3%LM4 — LONGEVITY PAY TIER 4 WFSEPercentage rate: 4%LM5 — LONGEVITY PAY TIER 5 WFSEPercentage rate: 5%OP1 — LONGEVITY O/T PREM 1 WFSEPercentage rate: 1.5%OP2 — LONGEVITY O/T PREM 2 WFSEPercentage rate: 3.0%OP3 — LONGEVITY O/T PREM 3 WFSEPercentage rate: 4.5%OP4 — LONGEVITY O/T PREM 4 WFSEPercentage rate: 6.0%OP5 — LONGEVITY O/T PREM 5 WFSEPercentage rate: 7.5%Campus Police Officer Longevity Pay (Unchanged)Longevity earnings types for Campus Police Officers in job code 8990 are unchanged and will continue to use earnings types LP1, LP2, LP3, LP4 and LP5, and the associated longevity overtime codes OL1, OL2, OL3, OL4 and OL5.RATE CHANGES TO EXISTING EARNINGS TYPESSurgical Technician Preceptor PayPRT — SURG TECH PRECEPTORChange in rate from $1.00 to $1.50PRO —SURG TECH PRECEPTOR O/TChange in rate from $1.50 to $2.25PRH —SURG TECH PRECEPTOR O/THRChange in rate from $0.50 to $0.75Medical Centers Security Officer Restraint PayHRP — RESTRAINT PREMIUMDESCRIPTION change from “HMC RESTRAINT PREMIUM” to “RESTRAINT PREMIUM”These earnings codes for restraint pay and restraint pay overtime are eligible for use at the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) by job code 7638, Campus Security Officer and job code 7636, Campus Security Sergeant. These jobs tend to use the working title of “Public Safety Officer” and “Public Safety Sergeant”.To recognize that use of this premium is no longer restricted to Campus Security Officers and Campus Security Sergeants at Harborview Medical Center (HMC), the earnings type description field in HEPPS has been modified. HRO — RESTRAINT PREMIUM O/TDESCRIPTION change from “HMC RESTRAINT PREMIUM O/T” to “RESTRAINT PREMIUM O/T” ................

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