Unit 1: Technological Revolution and American Expansion(Chapters 4-7)PROJECT 1: Choose a Native American Indian tribe that once roamed the area that is now the United States AND has members still living today on reservations. You will research their history, look at the effects Western expansion had on them, evaluate their state of life today, and form some opinions about where we should go from here in protecting their legacy. Details for this project are as follows and information continues onto the next page:You will first have to identify an American Indian tribe that stills exists on at least one reservation somewhere in the United States. Then, begin your research. Look at the expectations you will need to report back on to ensure you gather information on all the needed aspects of the project.Using your research, create a research report that documents the following things. Each topic section should be separated by titles that are listed in bold below:LIFE BEFORE: Elaborate on the history of this tribe. Pertinent information includes: where did they once roam and what was their native culture and life like before interactions with Americans. (8 pts)TRANSITION: Elaborate on the relationship they had with new Americans. Pertinent information includes: when did they first become aware of or otherwise introduced to new Americans, was their relationship with the newcomers hostile or friendly and when did the tribe’s life/culture begin to truly face direct effects from the presence of new people on the continent and how did the transition start to take place. (8 pts)LIFE ON THE RESERVATIONS: This section should focus on the reservation experience. Pertinent information includes: when did the tribe get moved to reservations, why were they moved, where were the reservations, how was the tribe’s life/culture change on the reservations, and did they resist the move/relocation. (8 pts)PRESENCE TODAY: This section should focus on the current life of the tribe today. Pertinent information should include: where does the tribe live today, approximately how many living members of the tribe are there, what is the typical economic status/situation today on the reservation(s), how do they still live out their culture, what hardships do they face, and what is the status of youth within the tribe today. (8 pts)PROPOSAL: This section should focus on a proposal plan you think would help the members of this tribe today in continuing to survive, strengthen future generations, and preserve their culture/history. Pertinent information should include the following: What can or should the government do to assist the tribe in maintaining their legacy and preserving future generations (and why/how), what can other Americans do to assist the tribe in maintaining their legacy and preserving future generations (and why/how), and are there any specific organizations you would propose getting involved in the tribe’s situation (and why/how). (8 pts)This report will be graded on the following specifications:All five parts above are given relatively equal focus, depth, and elaboration. Clear research was done and topics were well-developed. Most if not all pertinent information suggested was included within the individual sections of the report. The point values of each section of the report are listed above within the descriptions.Each part is neatly and clearly organized separately within the report and identifiable by the corresponding title listed above (5 pts)The report is written in complete sentences and paragraph format. (5 pts)The report is proofread and free of grammatical and spelling errors. (5 pts)There are numerous in-text citations (using APA format) listed within the paper to give proper credit to facts, statistics, and information learned through research. (5 pts)There is a final reference page that corresponds to the in-text citations and provides a proper APA listing of all those sources consulted. At least four different sources are consulted. (5 pts)The document is presented in third-person format with the exception of the final PROPOSAL portion. This incorporates your opinion and thoughts, so you can use first-person in this section (ONLY). (5 pts)There is a top cover page to the document that states an appropriate title and unit project number, your name, and St. Mary’s School (which is proper APA format). Ask for clarification if unsure. A running header is not necessary. (4 pts)Please include page numbers in the upper right-hand corner. (1 pt)PROJECT 2: Type a persuasive paper in which you respond to the following question: “Do American citizens today possess the same characteristics that early pioneers in our country exhibited?” OR “Do American citizens today possess the same characteristics that early entrepreneurs in our country exhibited?” (Choose either pioneers or entrepreneurs—not both). Use the following format as a guideline and adhere to all the requirements that follow:Your paper must be directly focused on one of the questions given above.Your paper must have an introductory paragraph that introduces your topic and presents your main thesis. (5 pts)Your paper must have a concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and brings a clear close to your thoughts. (5 pts)The body of your paragraph must clearly contain four unique, supporting reasons for your argument. These reasons must be clearly developed and have substance to them. Use some facts gathered from research to assist you in your explanation. (32 pts)Your paper must demonstrate good grammar and spelling, be well-organized, make use of transitions to provide good flow to the finished product, and be entirely composed of complete sentences and paragraph format. (8 pts)Your paper must have a top cover page with an appropriate title and unit project number, your name, and St. Mary’s School (which is proper APA format). Ask for clarification if unsure. A running header is not necessary. (4 pts)The body of your paper must be 2-3 full pages in length (this does NOT include your cover page or reference page) (5 pts)Your paper must include page numbers in the upper right-hand corner. (1 pt)Your paper should be written in first-person perspective since you are trying to argue/persuade your reader to agree with your perspective. (5 pts)There are numerous in-text citations (using APA format) listed within the paper to give proper credit to facts, statistics, and information learned through research. (5 pts)There is a final reference page that corresponds to the in-text citations and provides a proper APA listing of all those sources consulted. At least four different sources are consulted. (5 pts)PROJECT 3: Create a board game themed around the early pioneers heading West. Consider the many board games that exist (Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, Trivia, Payday, Life, Sorry, etc.) and use them to inspire you with an original design. Directions continue onto the following page:The game must involve an actual board—preferably the standard size of modern board games, but it could be smaller as well. (5 pts)All necessary elements of play must be included in the finished product (dice, spinner, cards, pawns, etc.) (10 pts)The board game must be entirely from scratch—the only exception could be the dice necessary to play it (10 pts)There must be evidence of creativity and effort—a lot of thought should be put into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces, and/or board design. (10 pts)There must be significant color and imagery throughout the game. Either hand draw or use clip-art/Internet images. Use markers, construction paper, colored ink, colored pencils, stickers, etc. to enhance your color. (10 pts)There must be an accompanying TYPED list of rules which are clear enough that anyone could easily understand how to play the game (10 pts)There must be practicality and functionality with your board game. Play it with someone before handing it in---does it actually work, based on rules, board, and playing pieces? If something doesn’t quite work, fix it (5 pts)The content of the game must directly tie to the story of early pioneers heading West and show authenticity to history. There must be accuracy in all information presented/incorporated—whether it is from class notes, the textbook, or outside research. Consider the purposes people had for heading West, the challenges faced, the career options awaiting them, the environment they traversed, etc. (10 pts)There is attention to neatness. Avoid pencil marks, glue smudges, marker smears, ragged cutting, scribbled writing, or hasty coloring. This should look like it took quite a while to do. This project cannot be thrown together in 30 minutes. It should show evidence of neatness in its construction. (5 pts)PROJECT 4: Create a set of diary entries that tell what it was like to be an immigrant in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Use the information provided in Chapter 6 of your textbook, as well as other class information and outside research as necessary. The diary entries must meet the following requirements:Type three different diary entries based on what it was like to be one of each of the following during this era in history--you are writing three total diary entries):An immigrant from Europe An immigrant from Asia An immigrant from Mexico Each diary should be 1 1/2 -2 pages in length, and organized as three separate documents (6 pts)Each diary entry must include accurate facts about the situations the individual immigrant would likely be facing at this time in history; be creative, but also use accurate facts/research to keep your statements authentic; in each diary, explain the following using specific facts that are authentic to the time period.Where did he/she come from? (9 pts)Why did he/she specifically leave his/her homeland to come to America? (9 pts)What specific part of the United States did he/she immigrate to and why there? (9 pts)What are living conditions like where he/she is at in the U.S.? (9 pts)What hardships is the immigrant facing from the transition? (9 pts)What kind of job (if any) does this person have now in the U.S. Why/how did they get this job? (9 pts)Although diaries are often informal, for this assignment, use proper grammar and complete sentences in your writing (6 pts)Although these diary entries do NOT require in-text citations because a diary would be more informal, I still want a final Reference page listing all the sources you consulted in putting together these diary entries (in proper APA format). You must use more than just your textbook as a source. (6 pts)Please include a top cover page for this entire project (all diaries collectively) that lists an appropriate title and project number, your name, and St. Mary’s School. (3 pts)PROJECT 5: Write the lyrics to four different songs that relate to this era in American history. Consider topics discussed in your book and in class and write these songs based on the following guidelines:Write four different songs based on four of the following topics from this unit; all of the words/ideas of each song should focus on the topic chosen for that song (20 pts):IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATESANDREW CARNEGIEGROWTH OF BIG BUSINESS JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERGROWTH OF NEW INVENTIONSGROWING UP IN THE GHETTOFRUSTRATION OF WORKERSCONSTRUCTION OF THE WORKING ON THE RAILROADGOING ON A CATTLE DRIVEINEQUALITY AMONG SOCIAL CLASSES A TRIBUTE TO GOLD MINERSJOY OF STARTING A NEW LIFE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN FUTURETHE CAREFREE LIFE OF A COWBOY STORY OF THE EXODUSTERSFRUSTRATION OF EARY FARMERS FRONTIER MYTHS & LEGENDSEach song must be typed, with its lyrics being written with the following guidelines (think of the songs being like poems). The song lyrics should clearly show signs of creativity and not be exact replicas of already existing songs Each song must have three written verses that contain at least three facts/accurate information (total) about the topic chosen for the song (so one fact per verse, minimum); each set of verses should be 3-4 sentences in length (24 pts)Each song must have a chorus that would be repeated when sung, and the chorus should be 2-4 sentences in length (8 pts)Give a song title to each song; the title should be listed at the top of the sheet (4 pts)Each song must be able to be sung to the beat/melody of a nursery rhyme. Under the title of each song, be sure to type in parenthesis which nursery rhyme/children’s song it is to be sung to so your teacher knows (i.e., Mary Had a Little Lamb; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; etc.). The song should be able to flow well to this beat when actually being sung because you may be asked to sing at least one of these songs in class or to the teacher. (12 pts)There must be no grammatical or spelling errors in these songs when typed up and handed in (7 pts)PROJECT 6: Interview two individuals who are modern-day immigrants. They may have come from Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc. but for the sake of comparisons, they could not have come over together at the same time. I would also prefer them to not be of the same immediate family as each other, unless their stories are truly unique from each other. If you are concerned and wish to verify who you want to interview, let me know. I will be happy to give you might thoughts/advice. In interviewing these two individuals, you will document their stories and then compare it to immigrant stories of the late 1800s, early 1900s. Details for this project are as follows, and they continue onto the next page:Document the story of each immigrant, separately, in a typed describing their responses to the following topic questions/prompts. You can ask as many questions as you want for elaboration within the topics, but the main themes/prompts are as follows:Describe your country of origin and what you remember about it (6 pts)When did you emigrate from your country and what motivated you to leave? (6 pts)Describe the immigration process/experience you went through to come to America (6 pts)What specific area of the United States did you specifically immigrate to and why? (6 pts)What were the biggest challenges/hardships you faced (and/or still face) from the transition to America? (6 pts)What kind of job did you first get when you came to America, and why/how did you get that job? Do you still work in that particular job? (6 pts)What is/are your favorite parts of being in America/being an American today? (6 pts)Both interviews should be a separate document, with the name of the individual interviewed as the title of the document. (4 pts)Organize both interviews into a “report-like document” where you list the bold question(s) above, and provide the interviewed individual’s answers below them. Please use complete sentences and paragraph format for the responses for each question. (6 pts)Be sure to proofread the finished documents to fix any grammatical and/or spelling errors. (6 pts)In addition to the two documents that list the questions and answers for each interviewed individual, I would like you to type a full 1 1/2-2 page essay that explains how the experiences of these two individuals compare and contrast to the experience of American immigrants of the late 1800s-early 1900s. For this comparison/contrast, use your textbook, notes and other materials from class, and outside research to be specific and clear in your elaboration. Connect their stories to what you have learned in class. (10 pts)You do not have to use any in-text citations in the final document of comparisons/contrasts, but you do have to include a final Reference page that lists the sources you use for the comparisons/contrasts (in proper APA format). (5 pts)Please include a top cover page for this entire project (all three separate documents) that lists an appropriate title and project number, your name, and St. Mary’s School (as is proper APA format) (2 pts)PROJECT 7: The late 1800s-early 1900s are times of great technological advancement and innovation. Have you ever considered creating something of your own or designing a better process for something? This is your chance to show your creativity by designing an invention and documenting your thought process regarding it. Your invention must show true originality and cannot fully replicate anything that currently exists. Details of this assignment are as follows, and they continue onto the next page: First, you must visually design your invention. This can either be done in a 2-dimensional setting (by drawing an example of it on paper) or a 3-dimensional setting (by constructing a replica or miniature model of it) (15 pts). If you draw your design: it must be done on a clean, blank 8 ? x 11” sheet of computer paper. It must make good use of space so the design is easily visible and shows details. It should be outlined in black pen or permanent marker before turning in. It does not need to be in color, but black outlines will make it look more professional. Erase any pencil marks that are still visibleIf you build a prototype of your design: it must show clear time and effort in its construction. It should be neatly and solidly built so that it does not collapse upon handling. It should clearly not be something that was put together in 10 minutes. Take your time and be creative in its construction.Then, accompanying the design, you must provide a 2-3 full page report (5 pts) that answers the following questions. These questions should serve as subheadings within the report so as to create ease in organization, with your responses to them following immediately under the headings. Responses should be in-depth and show sincere thought and effort.Explain what your invention is (what it is made out of and what its purpose is) (10 pts)Why would your invention be useful and for whom would it be most useful? Why? (10 pts)What would be the approximate cost of your product and why? This may involve some outside research to be realistic in the materials needed to create it (5 pts)What would you retail your product for and why? Again, be realistic. (5pts)Explain how you would specifically plan to market your invention and why? (magazines, TV commercials, Shark Tank, etc.) Be sure to consider your sought after audience when responding. (10 pts)Explanations must be presented in complete sentences and paragraph format. (5 pts)Be sure to proofread and fix any errors in spelling or grammar before handing in. (5 pts)Please include a top cover page for this entire project that lists an appropriate title and project number, your name, and St. Mary’s School, as is proper APA format. (5 pts)PROJECT 8: Do you have an idea for a project that you think would be a great way to get a more in-depth review of the content we are studying? Are you curious about a specific topic from the unit you would like to delve more in to? Would you like to do an oral presentation on something? Build something? Research and compile data on something? Any ideas must be discussed with the instructor PRIOR to beginning work on it, because INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL is necessary for the project to be done and to receive a grade for it. If you do not have instructor approval of a self-created project at least 1 week in advance of the due date, you cannot do it. The instructor must approve and establish criteria for grading requirements on the project so the student has guidance on what is expected. ................

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