Decathlon Trivia Challenge

Decathlon Trivia Challenge —

Un decathlon en Questions

For Science at the Games event

Text history:

Written by Catherine Emond, June 30, 2012

Edited in English by Lynn Wilson, July 12, 2012

1. The Olympic flag consists of five overlapping circles. What do the circles represent?

a. the fives inhabited regions of the world: Americas (North and South), Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia

b. five donuts with coloured icing

c. the five main sports from the first Olympics: athletics, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, and swimming

2. A very important symbol that involves combustion is carried from Olympia, Greece, to the location of the Olympics. This symbol is passed by relay from person to person until it reaches its destination. What is this symbol?

a. the Olympic flag

b. the Olympic flame

3. Fill the blank:

There are three types of medals made of elements from the periodic table awarded to the top three athletes in each sport: a bronze medal for third place, a silver medal for second place, and a ______ medal for first place.


4. The Olympic flame resides in Greece and is rekindled not with a lighter, but by using the energy from the Sun and a concave reflective mirror. True or false?

5. Tug-of-war is based on Newton’s third law of motion that says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. More than one hundred years ago, tug-of-war was an Olympic sport. True or false?

6. I am a soft mineral used by weightlifters and gymnasts to help grip the bar and to remove moisture from hands. What am I? Clue: I am also used to write and colour on blackboards and pavement.

Mohs scale of mineral hardness

7. In diving, athletes throw themselves from a platform, and perform amazing spins before entering the water. What invisible force makes this sport possible?

a. magnetism

b. gravity

c. the Star Wars Force

8. Changes in technologies and materials do not influence an athlete’s performance. For example, there is no difference between the efficiency of 1959 Jacques Plante fibreglass goalie mask and the currently issued Kevlar-fibreglass goalie mask. True or false?

You can see a replica of Jacques Plante mask in the exhibition Innovation Canada.

9. The bicycles used during the Olympic track cycling event are different than the one you have at home. Which of these characteristics make an Olympic track bicycle different?

a. It has no brakes.

b. It has two wheels.

c. It has two pedals.

Hint: You can see a bicycle with the same features on our Penny-Farthing in the Locomotive Hall.

10. Athletes have to perform amazing feats of endurance, strength, and power. Which of these activities does not help an athlete to perform?

a. Participate in intensive training.

b. Eat a good high calorie diet.

c. Partying every nights and sleep few hours


1. a, 2. b, 3. gold, 4. true, 5. true, 6. chalk, 7. b, 8. false, 9. a, 10. c

























Talc category- as hard as …..

Fluorite category- as hard as a nail

Diamond category- hardest mineral of all


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