Secondary Career and Technical Education Follow-Up Survey

Security Code:First Name:Last Name:Survey QuestionAnswer (circle/enter)1.According to records from <<School name>>, you were enrolled in the program <<Program name>>. Is this correct? If no, please explain. YesNo 2a.As of October, November and/or December 2019, what was your?education status? If not enrolled in additional schooling, please circle answer “Not enrolled in additional schooling” and skip to question 3.Enrolled in additional schoolingNot enrolled in additional schooling2b.What type of schools were you enrolled during October, November and/or December 2019? 4-year or higher postsecondary institution2-year postsecondaryinstitutionLess than 2-year technical or trade schoolOther2c.Is this program related to the program in question 1? YesNo 3.What best describes your employment status in October, November, and/or December 2019?? If answer is not “Employed – Includes all part-time and full-time employment; does not include full-time military service” circle answer, skip to the end of this form, sign, date, and submit.Employed - Includes all part-time and full-time employment; does not include full-time militaryservice.Full-time military service - Does not include Reserves or National Guard.National Community Service or Peace Corps Unemployed, seeking workUnemployed, not seeking work because of choice, illness, full-time student status, retirement,pregnancy, or other reason.4.Describe briefly your job title in October, November, and/or December 2019.Only answer if response to question 3 is “Employed – Includes all part-time and full-time employment; does not include full-time military service.”?Enter description:5.How is your job related to the program in question 1?Only answer if response to question 3 is “Employed – Includes all part-time and full-time employment; does not include full-time military service.”?Directly or closely relatedRemotely or not related6.How many hours per week do you work in your primary job? (do not include overtime)?Only answer if response to question 3 is “Employed – Includes all part-time and full-time employment; does not include full-time military service.”?In hours per week:I give permission for <<name of school>> to enter my data online.___________________________ ____________SignatureDate ................

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