for SE319 Techniques of Teaching English

—read ALL of these directions carefully! (Rev.Fall 2008))

Professional development activities are activities in which an English language arts teacher is expected to participate as a means of keeping current in the profession. Many school districts require certain activities of their teachers as a part of teacher evaluation and the achievement of tenure. These activities generally fall into the following categories: memberships in professional organizations, attendance of professional organization meetings and conferences, activities which broaden knowledge in the field of study/teaching.

For the Professional Development portion of your grade (100 pts,), you will be expected to engage in a variety of such activities.

Develop your folder with a title page and a table of contents. Please use Century Gothic, 12pt. font, single-spaced. Use the following categories as a means of organizing.

Section I: 50pts. Memberships in professional English/Language Arts and Teaching organizations. This Section is DUE week 3_____________.

For each organizational group listed, write a 1+ page overview. Your overview must reflect membership in at least one of these organizations. Be sure to include information of each organization (for those with local/student, state and national groups), about dues, scope and mission meeting and conference opportunities, journals offered, web site supports, etc…. that you found helpful.

For teachers in all areas:


*2. SMNEA/MNEA /NEA student: State organization: MoNEA ; National organization: ;

For English teachers:

*3. NCTE (national) Be sure you cover the Inbox!

*4. MATE (state); SMETA (local)

Section II: Involvement

A. Attendance/participation in meetings/conferences of professional organizations

Attendance of a regular/monthly meeting of any educational group = 10 pts. Attendance of a conference or convention = 30 pts.(generally 10 pts. per hour up to 30 points).

B. Relevant activities

Attendance of or participation in plays, workshops, read-ins, public storytellings, volunteer read aloud sessions, Writing Achievement Awards program, speech contest, relevant Common Hour programs, speakers, etc. Any activity that would enhance your knowledge of English/language arts subject matter or teaching methods or involve you in the profession of English language arts teaching. Check it out! Each activity = 10 pts.

Format for reflections for Section II, III: a) identify the activity fully :5 w’s, describe what the activity entailed (@1/2 page) and reflect (one detailed paragraph--@1/2 page) on the value it is to you in terms of your future profession. This Section DUE Week 15.________________ Do turn it in early(

Lack of professional appearance (this includes poor editing skills exhibited in the reflections), lack of organization of materials, lack of specificity or thoughtfulness in reflections, and/or lack of variety will result in a loss of points. You may earn up to 10% additional points for additional participation.

Place this page in the Folder when you turn it in as an indication that you are aware of the requirements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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