Fresno City College

Component 15 Unit 1: People and Technology, Studies of Technology

Self-Assessment with Answer Key

1. Which of the following are reasons why technology is important in healthcare today?

A. Technological applications save patient lives

B. Technology needs constant updating in the healthcare setting

C. Technology permeates all facets of the healthcare system

D. A and B

E. A, B, and C

Answer: C

Objective 1.1: Explain the importance of technology in health, Lecture 1, All Slides

2. The quality of a user’s experience when interacting with the technological system refers to which of the following concepts?

A. Usability

B. Gulf of execution

C. Iterative design

D. Digital-divide

Answer: A

Objective 1.3: Define the concept of system usability, Lecture 1, Slide 8

3. Which of the following is NOT a stage of user activity in Norman’s model?

A. Cognition

B. Intention

C. Interpretation

D. Perception

Answer: A

Objective 1.4: Identify the seven stages of User Activity in Norman’s Theory of Action, Lecture 2, Slide 15

4. Which of the following is NOT a source of usability evidence?

A. Mechanical precision tests

B. Usability testing

C. Expert review

D. Video-capture and review

E. Informal observations

Answer: A

Objective 1.5: Demonstrate concept knowledge of principles of user-centered design, methods of cognitive research, and sources of usability evidence, Lecture 2, Slide 17

5. Which of the following methods would you select to begin the process of formal usability evaluation?

A. Precision tests

B. Usability testing

C. Expert review

D. Video-capture and review

E. Informal observations

Answer: C

Objective 1.5: Demonstrate concept knowledge of principles of user-centered design, methods of cognitive research, and sources of usability evidence, Lecture 2, Slide 17

6. Which of the following methods of usability evidence is considered the gold standard?

A. Precision tests

B. Usability testing

C. Expert review

D. Video-capture and review

E. Informal observations

Answer: B

Objective 1.5: Demonstrate concept knowledge of principles of user-centered design, methods of cognitive research, and sources of usability evidence, Lecture 2, Slide 17 and Lecture 1, Slide 9

7. Identify TWO (2) steps that healthcare practitioners can take to improve patient safety using human factors or usability principles.

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________


1. Improving design on any of the above.

2. Fostering a culture of patient safety.

3. Greater commitment to iterative design and user-centered design

4. Increase the use of usability evaluation of medical technologies.

Objective 1.6: Describe the role of human factors and human computer interaction concerning patient safety in the healthcare setting, Lectures 1 and 2

8. Identify TWO (2) sources of patient safety problems concerning the use of technological applications.

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________


1. Health technologies are often sub-optimally design and can contribute to poor design in any medical information technology such computer-provider order entry.

2. Problems associated with medical devices used by patients

Objective 1.7: Identify various types of errors in medicine, Lectures 1 and 2

9. Identify TWO (2) reasons why patient safety is a subject of growing concern.

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________


1. Medical error is a leading cause of death.

2. Technologies can be a primary source of error.

Objective 1.8: Identify patient safety issues in the workplace and at home, Lecture 2, Slides 3-5

10. A patient has just turned 65 and goes to the following website to learn about Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage:

Considering a population of older adults,

A) Identify at least TWO (2) of Nielson’s usability principles that would be relevant for evaluating the website.

B) Project TWO (2) potential problems that may arise due to poor design from a usability perspective. Explain how these problems may be countered.

Answer: Holistic Rubric

Rating & Description of Performance

3- Correctly identified two (2) of Nielson’s usability principles that are relevant to the website design.

- Accurately projected two (2) potential problems from a usability perspective and identified relevant solutions.

2- Partially identified two (2) of Nielson’s usability principles that are relevant to the website design.

- Somewhat projected two (2) potential problems from a usability perspective and identified a relevant solution.

1- Did not correctly identify two (2) of Nielson’s usability principles that are relevant to the website design.

- Did not accurately projected two (2) potential problems from a usability perspective and gave unclear solutions.

Objective 1.0: Apply methods of cognitive research, sources of usability evidence, and principles of user-centered design to decisions regarding systems evaluation, technology evaluation, and iterative design, given a population of users

Objective 1.5: Demonstrate concept knowledge of principles of user-centered design, methods of cognitive research, and sources of usability evidence

Objective 1.7: Apply the principles of user-centered design to address the challenges to effective design

Lecture Slides: All


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