Growing Trends and Challenges for Adolescents and Their FamiliesRead Chapter 2 in Textbook and answer the following questions…Minds OnWhat is a census? Which type of census family do you belong to? [Note this chapter was published before the data was out from the 2011 census that added types of families to this list – including step families, foster families and skip generation families – grandparents raising grandchildren] Also, see chart on page 64. How does studying the characteristics of families and emerging family structures help social scientists understand society? Do you think you would be different if you were raised by a different type of family?ActionHow does a census reflect the values and norms of a society?What are demographics? Why or how are they important to our understanding of social change?Look at the graphs on page 62 and describe what the census data reveals about the current demographics in Canada and describe the current trends that are evident.What is a fledgling?What role do you think the economy plays in the creation of fledglings? Do you think there is a class difference and if so what do you think it is and why do you think it exists?Do you think the nuclear family is the ideal family structure and if so why? Why do you think it was considered ideal in the past?What are the trends regarding dual income families? How valued or important is marriage in Canada based on the census data? How do the changing family demographics reflect changing values in Canada?What other family demographic trends do you think might emerge in the future?Who are tweens? In your experience, are tweens a growing demographic in Canada? What are you basing this on?Do you consider tweens a new stage in the life cycle? Why or why not? Is it just a consumer phenomenon?Identify social pressures other than physical appearance that might affect tweens today. What is media literate? What can parents do to ensure that their tweens are media literate? Do you think there are more male or female fledglings? Why do you think that is the case? So essentially, how has parenting changed from each end of the spectrum? Why do you think this has happened? Is this a bad thing for children? What about for the parents?What is Festinger’s social comparison theory? Are you more likely to upward or downward compare? Do you think this affects your grades? If so, how?What did Schor find? Do you think your family is affected by competitive emulation? Can you provide an example of why or why not?Briefly what is Maslow’s theory? According to Maslow how does this affect conformity? What is alienation? How might it affect or be affected by social changes or trends?How important are social relationships for adolescents? What functions do they serve?What happened in the Sherif Robbers Cave Experiment?What lesson can be learned about bringing in groups and out groups together based on Sherif’s study?How are in groups and out groups possibly relevant throughout the life cycle?How do social belonging and in groups relate to conformity?What is conformity? How does conformity affect social changes or trends?Do you think deviance is an issue for many adolescents? Why or why not?How does technology create social belonging for adolescents? How does it create social isolation for some?How might technology contribute to socialization in today’s adolescents?Should schools get involved with cyber bullying? Why or why not? How do you think bullying is connected to conformity and alienation? What is sexting? Do you think it is an issue for teens at FFSS (no names please!)?What are the most important challenges that concern youth, according to Kids Help Phone?Based on the three types of suicide (according to Durkheim), which do you think might be the most relevant for adolescents today?ReflectionIn your opinion what are the most important challenges that teens face today? They may not have been mentioned in this chapter.Ask a parent and or a grandparent about the challenges they faced as teens? How are they the same or different?Which theories in the chapter help to explain peer pressure?Is the Canadian family going “down the tubes” / “crashing and burning” / fail! or… is the Canadian family thriving and evolving? Use terminology and demographic information to defend your position. ................

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