Lesson Plan for Technology Mandatory (Stage 4)

Lesson Plan for Technology Mandatory (Stage 4)Food TechnologyClass/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 1/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Introduction to design and technology – Introduction to unitSYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:To give students an understanding of Design and the process that needs to be takenSYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.1.1 applies design processes that respond to needs and opportunities in each design project4.1.2 Describes factors influencing design in the areas of study of Built Environments, Products, and Information and CommunicationsTEACHING STANDARDS INCLUDED:1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilitiesDemonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.Students will learn about:Design processes including: producing design solutionsDefinition of DesignStudents will learn to:Evaluate the design processRecall a definition of designCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyReading and Writing in “What is design”workbookConsiderations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologyStudent work booksWBMarkersKey VocabDesign ProcessSafety RiskN/AKey QuestionsSee belowSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCESBefore the Start of the lesson-Line students up outside classroom-explain they will need a pen or pencil and their technology display folder -ask 2 boys Andrew and Daniel to sit up the front because I had to speak to them several times in the last lesson about keeping their hands to themselvesLine up quietlyPen and folder in handListen to instructions5 m1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous classes regarding design and technology-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listeningWhat they have learn, what projects that may have worked on, What they know about design process5 m(10)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sToday we are going to talk about ‘design’ because we are in design and technology.What we are going to do is look at an accurate definition of ‘design’ and look at the process of ‘designing’-Respond to teachers questionsWho can tell me what technology is?Does anyone want to have a go to explain what ‘design’ is?5 mins(15) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?TeacherHand out workbookAsk for student to read the first questiondiscuss designask for volunteer to read case studynow Activity 1.1 on the process of designwrite up on the WB the steps and then copy down the definitionsActivity 1.2Looking at the Design Problem and coming up with a Design SolutionExplain that we are skipping all the steps involved with coming up with the solution to understand what a design problem and a design solution isIF students are finished early they can go on with EXTENSION QUESTIONSNeed to gauge how fast students are working whether to cover this now or next lesson:Now to look at our work for the next couple of weeks Our design problem is:Childhood obesity is becoming a problem in Australia with “The number of overweight children in Australia has doubled in recent years, with a quarter of children considered overweight or obese. Causes of obesity in children include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits”. The number 1 factor is: Food choices – such as choosing high fat and sugary foods instead of healthier options. What is our solution going to be?SET FOR HOMEWORK-one student to read the first question-class to write answers- read / listen- copy down the definitions of design process- work through activity 1.2What is something around the room you can see that has been ‘Designed’?30 mins(45)Work books 1 per person4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ linking to next lessonConclude lessonSummarise what we have learnt about the definition of designLink to next lesson about our design problem and how are we going to develop a solution?Pack up work books into folderStand behind chairs5 mins(50)Lesson PlanClass/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 2/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Food Technology – Healthy EatingSYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:To give students an understanding of Design and the process that needs to be takenSYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.1.1 applies design processes that respond to needs and opportunities in each design projectTEACHING STANDARDS INCLUDED:4.1 Support student participationIdentify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.Students will learn about:Design processes including: -analysing needs, problems and opportunities-producing design solutions-generating creative ideas-evaluating ideas and solutionsStudents will learn to:Establish a design process that responds to an identified need and opportunityApply a design process when developing quality solutionsEvaluate design processCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyConsiderations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologySee belowKey VocabDesign, Safety RiskN/AKey QuestionsSee belowSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCESBefore the Start of the lesson-Line students up outside classroom-explain they will need a pen or pencil and their technology display folder -ask 2 boys Andrew and Daniel to sit up the front seperately Line up quietlyPen and folder in handListen to instructions5 m1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous classDraw up on the WB the steps of the design process while students are giving information from workbook-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listeningWhat did we do last lesson? What did we learn about design? Can one student give a definition of design? 5 m(10)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sToday we are going to put the design process into action with a design problem-Respond to teachers questions5 mins(15) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?Now to look at our work for the next couple of weeks Our design problem is:Childhood obesity is becoming a problem in Australia with “The number of overweight children in Australia has doubled in recent years, with a quarter of children considered overweight or obese. Causes of obesity in children include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits”. The number 1 factor is: Food choices – such as choosing high fat and sugary foods instead of healthier options. What is our solution going to be?Work through the design process with the students TICK OFF AS WE GO1) Design Problem - Go over the problemIDEA GENERATION - WHAT COULD BE A SOLUTION (ON BOARD)2) Narrow down by our limitations -Cost –Abilities – time - MaterialsCome up with a intranet website for storing information and recipes on3) Brief – Teacher to scaffold - Lets as a class come up with a design brief “I am going to come up with a …” “It will be ….”4) Investigation How will we do this?5) Ideas Brainstorm on board6) Evaluation Compare to design problem/brief7) Developing Compare to limitationsOnce we have decided on a healthy eating website to encourage children to eat healthy by providing information and recipes Start the web page format exercise 2) Involvement in Brainstorming process3) Students to offer suggestions4)Write up a to do list of how we are going to investigate5) generate some ideas of what to include in the website6) evaluate if it meets the design brief/problem7) consider our limitations8) planning what we need to doIf one or two students have finished they can start to write up our about us page including our -who are we-goals-how we are going to achieve themWhat are our options? Be creative hereWhat are our limitations going to be?Steps to take sheet25 minsWork books from last weekSheet for the folio on the design process and the steps that we will take4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ linking to next lessonConclude lessonSummarise what we have learnt about the definition of designLink to next lesson about our design problem and how are we going to develop a solution?Pack up work books into folderStand behind chairs5 minsBlackboard or Interactive White Board for KWL chartLesson PlanClass/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 3/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Food Technology – Healthy EatingSYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:Students know where the tools are kept and what tools are used in the Food technology roomSYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects4.3.2 demonstrates responsible and safe use of a range of tools, materials and techniques in each design projectTEACHING STANDARDS INCLUDED:4.2 Manage classroom Activities Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.Students will learn about:Specific tools related to food technologiesThe safe and responsible use of materials, tools and techniques in each design projectStudents will learn to:Select and correctly use a variety of appropriate food utensils and appliances to prepare quality food items for a design projectUse tools, materials and techniques in a responsible and safe manner in each design projectCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyWriting on the scavenger hunt sheetSpelling for scavenger sheetsConsiderations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologySee belowKey VocabSafety RiskN/AKey QuestionsSee belowSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCESBefore the Start of the lesson-Line students up outside classroom-explain they will need a pen or pencil and their technology display folder -ask 2 boys Andrew and Daniel to sit up the front Line up quietlyPen and folder in handListen to instructions5 m1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous classDraw up on the order for this lesson-Navigating the Kitchen map-Scavenger hunt-Game (who am I)-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listening5 m(10)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sToday we are going to work in groups to discover the kitchenFirstly we need 4 even groups-Respond to teachers questions5 mins(15) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?TeacherOnce students have put themselves into 4 even groups issue each group with a kitchen map (A3 size) and let them goFirst group finished gets a prizeWait for everyone to finishNext game is the Scavenger HuntThis time the groups will be the people that work in cooking bays together. They will explore their own cooking bay Teacher to say ingredients one by one for literacy purposes. Ask for a different volunteer to spell each word up on the boardOnce everybody has completed the scavenger hunt sheet call everyone back to desks and explain the rules of the WHO AM I gameAs per sheet *BONUS POINTSGroup with the most points gets a prizeDifferent students Spell each word up on the board25 minsKitchen map (A3)Scavenger Hunt Sheet Who am I game sheet4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ linking to next lessonConclude lessonSummarise what we have done todayLink to next lesson on the computers (hopefully)Pack up work books into folderStand behind chairs5 minsBlackboard or Interactive White Board for KWL chartLesson Plan for D & T (Mandatory)Class/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 4/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Food Technology – Healthy EatingSYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:To make fruit kebabs with studentsGive students a base knowledge of how to follow a recipeTo use a knife safelySYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects4.3.2 demonstrates responsible and safe use of a range of tools, materials and techniques in each design projectStudents will learn about:Specific tools related to food technologiesThe safe and responsible use of materials, tools and techniques in each design projectThe functions and correct and safe use of a variety of contemporary food utensils and appliances used for -Cutting-MeasuringStudents will learn to:Select and correctly use a variety of appropriate food utensils and appliances to prepare quality food items for a design projectUse tools, materials and techniques in a responsible and safe manner in each design projectCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyWriting recipes out onto recipe scaffoldConsiderations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologyIngredientsWhite boardKey VocabIngredientsMethodVariationSafety RiskKnife injuriesTeach knife skills and safety Key QuestionsWhat is the safe and responsible way to use a knife and conduct yourself around the kitchenSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCES1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous class. Draw up on the order for this lesson-Knife safety worksheet-knife demonstration-Cook-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listening-Who was here last Friday? -What did we cook? -How did we cook it?-What procedure did we follow?5 m(5)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sWe are going to work in pairs to make this dish. Please stand next to the person you will be working with today.Our Aim of today is to produce a dish suitable for breakfast or a snack throughout the dayStudent to select their buddy for today-Are you 2 going to work well together?1mins(6) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?Complete knife safety worksheetWrite the recipe on the board and briefly discuss-ingredients-method-number of serves1 per pair, write out the recipe on to scaffoldTeacher to demonstrate how to collect food-on tray-after you have washed hands, collected apron, wearing hair net.Return to the front bench for a cutting demonstration on appropriate knife handlingStudents to cookWalk around and ensure everyone is using correct knife techniquesEnsure:-students are cleaning the bench as they go-students are rinsing their dirty, bowls, plates, chopping boards, knife, etc. as they go-students are working safely and responsibly togetherwrite out the recipe on to scaffoldCollect food and take back to your e out the front for a demonstrationCook fruit kebabsClean as you go-what do we have to do before we collect our ingredients and start to cook?What is the risk if I hold the knife this way?What is the appropriate way to pass a knife?29Mins(35)Recipe scaffoldknife safety worksheet4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ linking to next lesson10.50 pack upPack up Wash upPut everything away!Pack up Stand behind chairs15 mins(50)Blackboard or Interactive White Board for KWL chartLesson Plan for D & T (Mandatory) Class/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 5/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Food Technology – Healthy Eating (ICT skills)SYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:*To finish making the format for web page (finish the format and the backgrounds)*Insert the photos stored on the intranet*Insert your text into the web page (title, serves, ingredients, methods, reasons why)*Navigation Bar*B-A-N-A-N-A-S web page (why we love bananas)SYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects4.2.1 generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutionsStudents will learn about:Using ICT’s to plan, develop and document design projectsPresenting food for visual appealRange, suitability and use of data types including hypertextStudents will learn to:Use ICT to communicate information including saving a document in various file types and storage locations from within the applicationSelect and use techniques appropriate for the purpose of a design projectCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyWriting recipes out onto recipe scaffold Considerations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologyComputers Computer projector Key VocabSafety RiskergonomicsKey QuestionsSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCES1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous class. Need folders to type up the recipe we cooked last FridayEveryone to be sitting on the left side of the room!!Please sit at your computer facing me without logging on-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listening-Who wasn’t here last Thursday? -What did we do?-Lets have a look at an example *Baileys5 m(5)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sThis lesson we will:Write this up on the boardDraw up on the order for this lesson-Finish format of web page-Research other web pages for ideas*To finish making the format for web page (finish the format and the backgrounds)*Insert the photos stored on the Intranet*Insert a photo from the Internet*Insert your text into the web page (title, serves, ingredients, methods, reasons why)*Navigation Bar*B-A-N-A-N-A-S web page (why we love bananas)DIRECT STUDENTS TO STEPS INVOLVED FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVENT FINISHED FORMATLOCATED IN THE WORK AREAContinue from where you’re up toWhere are you up to in this?1mins(6) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?Demonstrate how to include hyperlinks in your web pageOnce you have finished all these stepsYour job is to research other healthy eating websites to gather ideas about what we should include in our websiteFree to log on and work quietlyTeacher to come around and assist students who are strugglingIf finished they can start their homework sheetMultiple intelligences sheet29Mins(35)4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ linking to next lessonPack up at 2:55 stand behind chair15 mins(50)Lesson Plan for D & T (Mandatory)Class/Stage: 4 Lesson/Period: 6&7/12 Lesson Length: 50minsTopic/Main Concept/Theme: Food Technology – Healthy EatingSYLLABUS CONTENT to be coveredDesign and Technology Mandatory Stage 4LESSON OBJECTIVES:To make muffins with studentsGive students a base knowledge of how to follow a recipeTo use a knife safelyTo use basic cooking method – pan to melt butter, oven to cook muffinsSYLLABUS OUTCOMES to be covered4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects4.3.2 demonstrates responsible and safe use of a range of tools, materials and techniques in each design projectStudents will learn about:Specific tools related to food technologiesThe safe and responsible use of materials, tools and techniques in each design projectThe functions and correct and safe use of a variety of contemporary food utensils and appliances used for -Cutting-MeasuringStudents will learn to:Select and correctly use a variety of appropriate food utensils and appliances to prepare quality food items for a design projectUse tools, materials and techniques in a responsible and safe manner in each design projectCross Curriculum ContentICTAboriginal and IndigenousWork, Employment and EnterpriseCivics and CitizenshipDifference and DiversityEnvironmentGenderKey CompetenciesCollecting Analysing and organising informationCommunicating ideas and InformationPlanning and organising activitiesWorking with others in teamsUsing mathematical ideas and techniquesSolving problemsUsing TechnologyLiteracyNumeracyWriting recipes out onto recipe scaffoldConsiderations/PreparationPrior Knowledge/ExperienceEstablished in lessonResources/Materials/TechnologyIngredientsWhite boardPots Muffin traysPlatesKey VocabIngredientsMethodVariationSafety RiskKnife injuriesTeach knife skills and safetyOven/pot burns Teach about burns and what to do if it happensKey Questions-What is the safe and responsible way to use a knife and conduct yourself around the kitchen-What is the correct way to follow a recipe-What is the correct way to use hot equipmentSTAGE OF LESSONTEACHER ACTIONSSTUDENT ACTIONSQUESTIONING/UNDERSTANDING?TIME RESOURCES1. LINKING-what have they already learnt?-assumed knowledge?-link to last lesson?-Ask students for ONE PERSON TO PUT THEIR HAND UP and tell me what they have done in previous class. Review:-Knife safetyThis week we are going to look at:-Working with hot things in the kitchenDraw up on the order for this lesson-Recipe study (ready)-Demonstration (steady)-Cook -Take a picture for the website-One person to respond to teachers questions-rest of the class quiet and listening5 m(5)2.INTRODUCTIONContext of the lessonExpected outcomes/goalsKey question/sWe are going to work in pairs to make this dish. Please stand next to the person you will be working with today.Our Aim of today is to produce a dish suitable for breakfast or a snack throughout the dayRemember hygiene -wash hands-apron-hairnetStudent to select their buddy for today-Are you 2 going to work well together?1mins(6) 3. THE BODYTeacher directed learning?Independent student inquiry/ learning?Demonstration of how to collect ingredients-measuring dry ingredients (scrape with knife)Demonstration of how to cook-melting butter-amount to spoon into the muffin papers-put tray into over and remove (oven mitts)Demonstration of how to plate up ready for photo1 per pair, write out the recipe on to scaffoldTeacher to demonstrate how to collect food-on tray-after you have washed hands, collected apron, wearing hair net.Return to the front bench for a cutting demonstration on appropriate knife handlingStudents to cookWalk around and ensure everyone is using correct knife techniquesEnsure:-students are cleaning the bench as they go-students are rinsing their dirty, bowls, plates, chopping boards, knife, etc. as they go-students are working safely and responsibly togetherWatch demonstrationsCollect food and take back to your e out the front for a demonstrationCook MuffinsClean as you go-what do we have to do before we collect our ingredients and start to cook?What is the risk if I hold the knife this way?What is the appropriate way to pass a knife?To collect ingredientsHave you washed your hands?Are you wearing PPE?29Mins(35)Recipe scaffold4. CONCLUSIONPack up and organiseSummary of lessonFuture directions/ 10.50 pack up!!!Pack up Wash upPut everything away!People from bays to check other bays draws for equipment(if time)Clean upPack up Stand behind chairs-is this clean?-is it dry?-is it in the right spot?15 mins(50) ................

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