Nigerian journal of technology


A. B. Author1,*, K. L. Coauthor2, B. D. Bestauthor3

1,3 Department of Real Engineering, University of Goodplace, COUNTRY, Phone No.

2Department of Abstract Technologies, Federal University of Here, COUNTRY, Phone No., 2kingcoauthor@ 3 bd.bestauthor@

* corresponding author (Phone Number: +234-812-323-1094)


1. The main thrust of this Guide is to provide authors of articles that will appear in NIJOTECH a guide on how to prepare their articles to make review easier and faster.

2. We typed this in MS Word on a Font Face of Cambria Math point 12. It has Line numbers which can be easily added by Page Layout in MS 10 Word. Our page numberings are unique as it shows how many pages the article 11 contains. Figures, Tables and References are shown the way they should appear in the 12 article.

3. We were able to achieve a very elegant Authors guide which is new to Authors and is very easy to use.

4. Overall Author’s guide is shorter, concise and has a 45% improvement compared to other 16 Author guides of comparable journals.


This article acts as the template for preparing articles for submission to Nigerian Journal of Technology. The abstract should be a clear statement defining the problems of study, methodology adopted, results and conclusions. Please do not refer readers to other literature articles in the abstract. This is because abstracts are expected to be stand-alone, capable of providing fast and complete, yet short information about the article. The abstract should be brief and not longer than 150 words.

1.0 Introduction

The journal, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH) is based at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and has been publishing technical papers since 1975. NIJOTECH is already indexed by AJOL®, Ebsco Host®, Proquest®, Scholar Google®, etc. We have uploaded all the previous issues published in the pre-computer days (since 1975) to enable us get indexed by Journal Citation Index (JCI) in order to increase our visibility and along the line, acquire an impact factor rating from Thomson Reuters®. All papers submitted to the journal should be an original thought-provoking appraisal of existing knowledge, collation of relevant data of interest or investigation and exploration of new fields in applied science and technology. The paper should cover aspects of technological education, planning, analysis, design or construction of technological systems. A key phenomenon of each paper is that it must advance technology or contribute to knowledge.

2.0 Manuscript format

2.1 Paper text: Technical papers shall not exceed 5000 words or approximately 20 typewritten pages in double spacing on A4 size paper. Research notes and communication not exceeding 3000 words and discussion on a published paper not exceeding 1000 words are also acceptable. Original papers that are unavoidably longer than these may also be considered. Classified and commercial advertisements are welcome. Only documents prepared in English Language using MS Word 2003 or higher on a 12 point font-face of Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial will be considered. The articles should have only one column per page. Each article should have an approximate title of less than 25 words and should have an abstract of about 150 words. The article should be logically divided into numbered sections and subsections (just like this Author’s guide). Equations should be written using MS Word equation editor and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in parenthesis in the right hand margin. All units shall be in SI.

2.2 Figures: All line diagrams must be computer processed in black and white using the appropriate software and must be embedded in the paper. Photographs shall also be in black and white. Diagrams and photographs should be as small as possible preferable with a width less than 8cm but not larger than 16cm and should not scatter (retain the same format) when resized. All line diagrams and photographs shall be numbered consecutively and referred to as figures. Each should have appropriate numbers and précised captions. In situations where multiple curves exist per graph, each curve should be uniquely distinguished with markers or different line styles, not colours. Please be sure that the quality of all diagrams is high as we cannot improve what is sent to us. Figure 1 is an example of a good diagram which shows the variation of rotor temperature with current for differing values of resistance.


Figure 1: Actual variation of rotor temperature with current for differing values of resistance

2.3 Tables: Tables should be used when data is reported and must be referred to in the text. For example, Table 1 is the results extracted from short-circuit calculations of a turbo generator. Table title should be above the table and when it is obtained outside the research being reported, its source must be stated below the table. Authors MUST AVOID presenting tables and graphs for the same data, only one should be used.

Table 1: Extracted parameters

|Parameter |Calculated from |Extracted values |

| |analytical | |

| |equations | |

| | |Constant speed |Driven by dc motor set and coupled with gear of ratio (1:5) |

| | | |Rigid coupling |No damping, D=0 |Steel |Rubber Damping, |

| | | | | |Damping, D=0.01/(2π) |D=0.1/(2π) |

|Xd(p.u) |2.1690 |2.1685 |2.1711 |2.1692 |2.1692 |2.1692 |

|Xd'(p.u) |0.2294 |0.2308 |- |- |- |0.2242 |

|Xd''(p.u) |0.1597 |0.1598 |0.1597 |0.1597 |0.1597 |0.1604 |

|Td'(s) |0.7255 |0.7382 |- |- |- |0.7320 |

|Td''(s) |0.0173 |0.0170 |0.0171 |0.0172 |0.0170 |0.0170 |

Source [5]

3. Copyright

With the submission of a manuscript, the corresponding author confirms that the manuscript is original work of theirs, free from encumbrances and indemnifies NIJOTECH in case of any claim of plagiarism and also affirms that it is not under consideration by another journal. With the acceptance of a manuscript, the Journal reserves the exclusive right of publication and dissemination of the information contained in the article. The veracity of the paper and all the claims therein is solely the opinion of the authors, not of the journal. A copyright transfer form needs to be filled out, signed and sent to the editor prior to publication.

4. Paper review

One author must be designated as corresponding author with whom the editor communicates the development of the paper as it moves through the NIJOTECH peer review system. NIJOTECH uses a double-blind review system in which the author and reviewer do not know each other. This ensures objective reviewing of articles for qualitative publications. Review takes approximately 8 weeks from date of receipt of paper. Papers submitted to NIJOTECH are usually sent out for review within 24 hours. We place an article on review when the author pays a review fee of N4000 or US$20. Payment can be made to:Bank: Diamond Bank PLC, UNN Branch. Account Name: NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY. Account Number: 0019429431. Sort Code: 063251139. The swift code for international transfers is: DBLNNGLA. This fee is rebated against the page charges if the article is accepted.

5. Submission of manuscripts

Papers can be submitted at any time by uploading it to . To be able to submit a paper, the author must register (free) on our website. All links for registration and paper submission are available on the homepage. An author encountering any difficulty in submitting a paper online may send it directly to the editor by e-mail to: We no longer accept hard copies of manuscripts.

6. On acceptance

The corresponding author will be notified of acceptance/rejection of paper and informed of the page charges. Page charges are usually calculated based on the length of the final paper and rebated against the review fees. Authors who need acceptance letter should contact the editor. A PDF of the proof of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for proofreading the editorial typesetting and formatting. All corrections should be returned at one time only by e-mail within one week, otherwise the paper publication will be delayed. Upon online publication all authors registered on our website will be notified by e-mail immediately. When available, a print copy of the journal will be supplied free of charge to all the authors through the corresponding author. A PDF of the paper with complete citation details can be downloaded by all authors from the journal website or e-mailed on request to all authors whose e-mail details are available to the editor. Average time between submission and publication is currently 5 months. NIJOTECH is published thrice in a year in March, July and November.

7. Correspondence

All correspondence should be sent to: Engr. Prof. E. S. Obe, Editor NIJOTECH, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. NIGERIA, e-mail:, Mobile: +234-812-323-1094

8. References

Authors are highly encouraged to visit the website of NIJOTECH to search for articles related to theirs using their keywords and cite them in their article. That way, our citation index will improve. In the text, references should be cited by consecutive numbers in square brackets using the IEEE format, e.g. [1], not by names of authors and year of publication. In the references listed below [1] is for journal articles, [2] for books, [3] for conference proceedings while [4] is for articles obtained from on-line sources. References should be listed and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text e.g.

[1] Ezekwe, G. O. “The Screw Conveyor Lane, Design for Piece-wise Construction”, Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, Number 1, 1975, pp 3-6 (for journal Articles).

[2] Neville, A. M. Properties of Concrete, Pitman, Paperback, London, 1970 (for Books).

[3] Iken, G. B. and Umah, L. M. “Performance of NIJOTECH journal editors”, International Engineering Conference on Journal Performances, Nsukka Nigeria, June 10-13, 2004, pp.23-27.

[4] Idam, U. V., Trust, K. T. and Perst, M. M. “Undoubted philosophy of technologies” pper.wes/ser/phil, Accessed on May 10, 2010.

[5] Obe, E. S. Dynamics of a Turbo-generator Driven by DC Motors During Off-line Three-phase Sudden Short Circuit”, Electric Power Components and Systems, 39 (16), pp.1828–1844, 2011.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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