Technology Curriculum -

[Pages:60]Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

District Mission Statement The education of the youngest generation is "THE MISSION" of all adult citizens of Chesterfield Township. We strive to accomplish this in partnership with home and community. As mandated by state and federal guidelines, our goal is to teach our students the skills necessary to achieve proficiency in the most current NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. The school leadership must provide the necessary resources and facilities that support a positive learning environment. In a rapidly changing community, Chesterfield Township Elementary School is committed to providing a safe environment in which to prepare all students to become responsible, respectful citizens and active life-long learners, with an appreciation of self and others.

Innovative pedagogy prepares students (citizens) of a knowledge society to be creative, achieve change, manage and analyze information and work with knowledge. A transformed school is a place where learning is transparent within a socio-ecological system. Learning can happen at any time and in a variety of settings, not just the school building. All teachers, students and administrators are empowered in a transformed school to become idea-generators, risk-takers, creators and innovators within a community that promotes invention. Teachers and administrators are required to have the same skills they are developing in their students -- flexibility, creativity, an ability to work collaboratively and to think innovatively. (Transforming Schools. Northeastern Regional Information Center)

Technology Curriculum Vision Statement The human endeavor is constantly improving itself to attain a higher understanding of self and purpose in life. Technology is proving to be ever indispensable within the stage of human development we are presently experiencing. We live in a technologically enriched and interdependent global society with unprecedented means of sharing information and unparalleled utilization of technology to improve the quality of life for all people. The vision of the Chesterfield Township School District is to prepare our students to thrive in a challenging and technologically advancing society with the realization that the technology experience in which they explored during their tenure in the Chesterfield Township School District was but a small part in a wondrous journey into self-fulfillment.

Acknowledgement The development of the Chesterfield Elementary School's Technology Curriculum was an arduous task that required dedicated professionals with a sincere interest in their craft. Many hours of preparation, discussion, articulation and refinement went into this curriculum. The Chesterfield Elementary School gratefully acknowledges the thoughtful contributions and outstanding efforts of:

Angie Manning and Maria Prince


Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum


Grade K: Unit 1

Recommended Pacing: 13 days

Technology Core Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate and to create and communicate knowledge.

A. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. 8.1.2.A.1 Identify the basic features of a digital device and explain its purpose.

8.1.2.A.4 Demonstrate developmentally appropriate navigation skills in virtual environments (i.e. games, museums).

B. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and process using technology.

8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.

Standard 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, Design, and Computational Thinking - Programming: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, computational thinking and the designed world as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.

E. Computational Thinking: Programming: Computational thinking builds and enhances problem solving, allowing students to move beyond using knowledge to creating knowledge.

8.2.2.E.5 Use appropriate terms in conversation (e.g., basic vocabulary words: input, output, the operating system, debug, and algorithm)

21st Century Life & Career Skills Standards

9.2 Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation


Career Awareness

9.2.4.A.1 Identify reasons why people work, different types of work, and how work can help a person achieve personal and professional goals.

Understandings: Technology is a tool that helps people work and play

Essential Question(s): What parts of the computer are input devices?


Adopted 2016

Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

The computer is a system made up of various parts that work together to perform a task (e.g., monitor, keyboard, mouse, CD drive, and printer)

What parts of the computer are output devices? What do the keys on the keyboard do?

How do we use the mouse and keyboard effectively to

perform a desired task?

Student objectives: Identify the basic function keys of a computer and explain its purpose (alphabet, number, enter, backspace, escape, space bar, arrow and shift keys) Utilize proper care of a computer Utilize basic mouse and keyboard functions Demonstrate proper usage of age-appropriate, teacher approved programs

Demonstrate appropriate navigation skills to launch and exit an age-appropriate program

Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s): Name the parts of the computer

Use keyboard and mouse to work in a virtual environment (age-appropriate

game, word processor)

Learning Plan

Other Evidence: teacher observations student responses during class

teacher-created rubrics

Learning Activities and Resources - (may include, but are not limited to the following) Students will play games to learn the different parts of the computer.

Students will use the mouse and keyboard functions to launch, work in and exit from, computer programs and websites.

Keyboarding Without Tears

Microsoft Word

Good Links:

Any other age-appropriate software or program


Adopted 2016

Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

Grade K: Unit 2

Recommended Pacing: 17 days

Technology Core Content Standards Addressed: Standard 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate and to create and communicate knowledge.

A. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. 8.1.2.A.1 Identify the basic features of a digital device and explain its purpose.

8.1.2.A.4 Demonstrate developmentally appropriate navigation skills in virtual environments (i.e. games, museums).

B. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and process using technology.

8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.

Standard 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, Design, and Computational Thinking - Programming: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, computational thinking and the designed world as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.

A. The Nature of Technology: Creativity and Innovation Technology systems impact every aspect of the world in which we live. 8.2.2.A.1 Define products produced as a result of technology or of nature.

B. Technology and Society: Knowledge and understanding of human, cultural and societal values are fundamental when designing technology systems and products in the global society.

8.2.2.B.1 Identify how technology impacts or improves life.

8.2.2.B.3 Identify products or systems that are designed to meet human needs.

C. Design: The design process is a systematic approach to solving problems. 8.2.2.C.5 Describe how the parts of a common toy or tool interact and work as part of a system.

D. Abilities for a Technological World: The designed world is the product of a design process that provides the means to convert resources into products and systems.

8.2.2.D.2 Discover how a product works by taking it apart, sketching how parts fit, and putting it back together.

8.2.2.D.5 Identify how using a tool (such as a bucket or wagon) aids in reducing work.

E. Computational Thinking: Programming: Computational thinking builds and enhances problem solving, allowing students to move beyond using knowledge to creating knowledge.


Adopted 2016

Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

8.2.2.E.5 Use appropriate terms in conversation (e.g., basic vocabulary words: input, output, the operating system, debug, and algorithm).

Common Core Standards: S.L.1, S.L.6

Understandings: Technology impacts our lives

Products can be a product of nature or produced as a result of technology

Systems/products can be made to meet human needs

The parts of a system work together to give us what we need

A tool can help reduce work

Essential Question(s): How does a smart toy work?

How does technology impact or improve our life?

What products are made because of technology?

What products are made from nature?

How do the parts of a product work together as part of a system?

How do we use the mouse and keyboard effectively to perform a desired task?

Student objectives: Utilize proper care of a computer Utilize basic mouse and keyboard functions Demonstrate proper usage of age-appropriate, teacher approved programs Demonstrate appropriate navigation skills to launch and exit an age-appropriate program Identify products made from technology vs. those made from nature Discuss and identify tools that aid in reducing work (bucket, wagon, etc.) Discover how a product works by taking it apart, sketching how the parts fit, and putting it back together.

Performance Task(s):

Adopted 2016

Assessment Evidence

Other Evidence:


Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

Use keyboard and mouse to work in a virtual environment (age-appropriate game, word processor)

Use keyboard and mouse to navigate, launch, and exit a program

teacher observations student responses during class teacher-created rubrics

Learning Plan

Learning Activities and Resources - (may include, but are not limited to the following) Students will continue use of Keyboarding Without Tears.

Students will discuss and research products made from technology versus nature.

Students will take apart a simple toy, sketch it and put it back together.

`Keyboarding Without Tears'

Good Links:

Any other age- appropriate software or program


Grade 1: Unit 1

Recommended Pacing: 12 days

Technology Core Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate and to create and communicate knowledge.

A. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. 8.1.2.A.2 Create a document using a word processing application.


Adopted 2016

Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

8.1.2.A.4 Demonstrate developmentally appropriate navigation skills in virtual environments (i.e. games, museums).

8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.

C. Design: The design process is a systematic approach to solving problems. 8.1.2.C.1 Engage in a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities with students in other classes, schools, or countries using

various media formats such as online collaborative tools, and social media.

21st Century Life & Career Skills Standards Addressed:

9.2 Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation


Career Awareness

9.2.4.A.4 Explain why knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary grades lay the foundation for future academic and career success.

Common Core Standards: S.L. 1, S.L.6, W.6

Understandings: The computer is a system made up of various parts that make it work (e.g., monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer)

Essential Question(s): How do we use the parts of a computer effectively to perform a desired task?

Technology is a tool that can be used to collaborate with others

How can we use technology to collaborate with other people?

Student objectives: Utilize proper care of a computer Utilize basic mouse and keyboard functions Demonstrate proper usage of age-appropriate, teacher approved programs Demonstrate developmentally appropriate navigation skills Illustrate and communicate ideas and stories using digital tools Engage in a learning activity with students in other classes using an online collaborative tool


Adopted 2016

Chesterfield Elementary School

Technology Curriculum

Create a document using a word processing application

Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s):

Use keyboard and mouse to work in a virtual environment (age-appropriate game, word processor)

Use keyboard and mouse to navigate, launch, and exit a program

collaborate with the other 1st grade classes in the school to create an end project (teacher will use google drive)

Other Evidence: teacher observations

student responses during class

teacher-created rubrics

Learning Plan

Learning Activities and Resources - (may include, but are not limited to the following) Students will label parts of the computer while playing a game, as a class, on the Eno board.

Students will launch and navigate to, log in, complete an exercise, and exit from Keyboarding Without Tears.

Students will use Max Write, a Scholastic Keys program, to compose at the keyboard about a selected topic. Students will print their work.

Students will work together, as a first grade level, to create a presentation, with use of the Eno board and Google Applications.

`Keyboarding Without Tears'

Scholastic Keys

Google Drive

Good Links:

Any other age-appropriate software or program



Adopted 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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