Ed Tech Article Ideas

Ed Tech Article Choices

The following are topics about educational technology, its applications, and issues surrounding its use. Choose one - that has not already been selected - see - on to which to base your “Tech Article.” The ideas and questions with each numbered topic are not exhaustive; you may think of other ideas and issues related to the topic you choose.

1. How to survive in the one-computer classroom. How can a teacher make best use of the computer if s/he only has one in the classroom available for students use? Provide examples with some detail.

2. How do copyright laws apply to classroom teachers and what do they mean in terms of electronic sources? Can a teacher use copyrighted material without permission? What do these laws say about downloading music from a website or from a friend?

3. Equity issues - is there a digital divide (between the haves and have nots or between the majority and minorities) in this country? Are computers and the Internet equally available to all students?

4. Do males actually have higher “Technology Quotients” than females - are they naturally better at this tech stuff? What does the research say about this question? If there is a difference, why? What does this mean for the classroom teacher?

5. Assistive technology - what kinds of technology (hardware and software) is currently available to assist the teacher in working with children who have very special needs? How can a teacher use this technology to best advantage?

6. Teacher resource sites recommendations. What kind of teacher resource information is available on the web? Explore several of these sites and choose two to describe and recommend to others.

7. How could iPods or PDAs be used in the classroom? Give several examples and describe in some detail how they could be incorporated in a lesson(s)

8. What can I do to assist my students in finding worthwhile websites and in critically evaluating the websites they use? Is there a problem in using websites that have advertising? How can I use web sites in my instruction?

9. If funds are limited, should my school set up one computer lab, purchase one these mobile computer labs, or buy 2 computers for each classroom? - What are the advantages/disadvantages of each approach? How do the costs compare?

10. Should my school purchase PCs or Macs? Advantages/Disadvantages?

11. How should computers best be used in the schools? How should they not be used? Should computers change the instructional role of the teacher? If so, how? If no, why not?

12. What are some success stories of schools integrating technology in their curriculum? Describe some model programs of technology integration and provide recommendations.

13. How are teachers and administrators using computer technology in administrative tasks? Grade books, attendance, other record keeping, communicating with staff and parents, etc.? Describe what some of the best software programs can do to assist the teacher and administrator with these tasks? Recommend a good grade book program.

14. How can technology be used to support the learning of LEP (ESL) students? Describe how the regular classroom teacher might best use this technology with the several LEP students s/he has.

15. How secure is the information on my computer and on the web sites that I use for purchases, banking, travel, etc? Describe some of the recent breaches in security that have threatened people’s credit accounts. What can one do to minimize the danger of one’s financial and private information being stolen?

16. What does a state-of-the-art technology classroom look like? Describe all the kinds of technology (old and new) that are currently available to the teacher. What is considered “necessary” in today’s tech society?

17. What are some educational games that have been shown to improve learning and that students really like? Describe some of the best and relate the research evidence that supports their use.

18. How has technology impacted standardized testing and classroom testing? Is this a good thing? What is technology’s role in the push for accountability in the schools?



19. What is a digital portfolio? How could a teacher education student use one? How can the classroom teacher use digital portfolios in her/his instruction? Give examples and describe one in more detail.

20. How can I use digital cameras or digital movies in my teaching and in student learning? How is storyboarding related used in video-enhanced instruction? Give examples and explain one example in some detail.

21. What does the research evidence say about the impact of technology on student learning? Do students actually achieve more when technology is used? Find empirical studies and report on their results. Provide recommendations.

22. THE COMPUTER - How does it work? What are the components of a computer system? What are people talking about when they use words like booting up, CD-R, CD versus DVD, CPU, files & folders, GUI, memory, storage, input, output, gigabyte, RAM, ROM, operating system, inkjet versus laser, etc?

23. Classroom web site? Describe authoring tools for creating the web site? How should I design the site? How does one get the web site on the Internet? What elements should I include on the classroom web site? What should not be put on the site? How can students and parents use the site?

24. What is the current state of distance learning and online courses? How has distance education impacted K-12 teachers? What are advantages and disadvantages of distance education? How is technology used in distance learning? Do students learn as much in distance learning - research evidence?

Items numbered below all refer to the following ideas: How can I integrate technology in the teaching of this subject? Provide several examples. Take one or two ideas and explain in more detail. Identify and describe several web sites that can assist in integrating technology with this subject area.

Grades K-6

25. Art

26. Children’s Literature

27. Health

28. Language Arts

29. Mathematics

30. Music

31. Physical Education

32. Reading

33. Science

34. Second Languages

35. Social Studies

Grades 7-12

36. Art

37. Biology

38. Chemistry

39. Earth Science

40. General Science

41. Health

42. Language Arts

43. Mathematics

44. Music

45. Physical Education

46. Physics

47. Second Languages

48. Social Studies


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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