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The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (Foods)Argumentative EssayGMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.The purpose of GMOs is to produce plant and animals for food use that have:1. Increased size.2. Better disease resistance.3. Larger crop yield.4. Better overall quality.Much controversy surrounds the use of GMOs as food sources, both in support of and in opposition to their use.YOUR TASK:After reading a selection of articles dealing with GMOs, write an ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY in which you take a position either IN FAVOR OF or in OPPOSITION TO the use of GMOs as food sources and SUPPORT your claims using evidence from the articles you have chosen to read in preparation for writing this essay.To begin with, EVERYONE SHOULD READ THESE THREE ARTICLES: What are Genetically Modified Organisms are a selection of articles both IN SUPPORT OF and IN OPPOSITION TO the uses of GMO food sources.After deciding you stand, read at least 3 articles to support your writing then WRITE a 2-3 page ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY in which you support your views on the use of GMOs as a food source.I. PROSGM: Mark of Excellence? in Favor of Genetically Modified Crops. CONS10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) for GMO Foods Are a Bad Idea . Addresses both PROs and CONsGM CROPS: THE ARGUMENTS PRO AND CON Crops. Find TWO additional sources of information to support your argument ON YOUR OWN from these:#1 The curse of Frankenfood.() U.S. News & World Report (07/26/99)—Longman, Phillip J.Grose, Thomas K.Charski, MindyEgan, JackLoeb, PennyLoftus, MargaretTangley, Laura Discusses genetically modified organisms (GMO), or Frankenfood as the British tabloids call it. How the ability to crossbreed diverse forms of life has impacted United States agriculture; Critics warning against bio-engineered food; Investigation into the safety of GMO; Farmers' concern about how United States consumers will respond as trade frictions and scientific findings put GMO in the news. INSETS: How safe is genetically modified food?;How to create a life without sex.1240L#2 Is Genetic Engineering the Answer to Hunger?() America (2/21/2005)—Coleman, Gerald D. Highlights the conference on genetically modified organism (GMO) hosted by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See in cooperation with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Examination on the arguments proposed by Catholic bishops on the issue of GMO and the problem of world hunger; Views of Pope John Paul II on biotechnology and GMO.1190L#3 THE THREATS FROM GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS.() Mother Earth News (Apr/May2012)—MATHER, ROBIN The article focuses on the side effects of genetically modified (GM) food. The first GM food, the Flavr Savr tomato appeared 18 years back. Since then the controversy about their safety is going on. In GM foods, the DNA is changed like inserting good genetic material of one species to another. The first GM crop of potato carrying Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) genes was approved in 1995 in U.S. The two predominant traits of GM are herbicide resistance and pesticide production.1320L#4 Engineering the Future of Food.() Futurist (May/Jun2012)—Schonwald, Josh The article discusses the benefits of genetically modified food, the genetically modified organism (GMO) movement, and GMO's potential benefits for sustainability, adapted from the book "The Taste of Tomorrow: Dispatches from the Future of Food," by Josh Schonwald.#5 SEEDS OF CONFLICT.() Discover (Apr2013)—CURRY, ANDREW1190LThe article discusses genetically modified organisms (GMOs), focusing on political and social opposition to genetically modified foods in Europe as of April 2013. Topics include the raiding of farms by activists including the beekeeper Michael Grolm, research concerning the potential adverse health effects of transgenic crops, and the economic impact of transgenic crops for consumers and corporations. The biologist Norman Borlaug's work with wheat strains, innovations from the biologists Marc van Montagu and Jeff Schell, and an anticipated increase in global crop demands is mentioned.1280L#6 The Science Against GMOs.() Skipping Stones (Mar/Apr2013)—Mullins, Julian The author reflects on the issues associated with the genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the food supply in the U.S. He cites the California ballot in the Proposition 37, which requires the labeling of GM products, and mentions the effort of several prominent companies to spend big budget for a campaign to stop the proposal. The author also notes the lack of research that confirms the safety of GMOs, prompting him to suggest consumers to buy locally-grown organic crops to prevent GMOs.1340L#7 Fight the GM Food Scare.() Scientific American (Sep2013)— An editorial is presented which discusses the potential health impact of genetically engineered foods, arguing that laws should not require the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Topics include consumer attitudes, the benefits of GMOs in developing countries, food costs, and the "Proposition 37" legislation rejected in California in 2012.1340L#8 Longest-Running GMO Study Finds Tumors in Rats.() Mother Earth News (Apr/May2013)—Philpott, Tom The article focuses on a study published by French researchers on genetically modified organism (GMO) safety which shows that rats eating genetically modified (GM) corn and Roundup herbicide have bad health effects. It states that researchers found mammary tumors and kidney and liver damage in rats.#9 RESISTANCE TO GENE-ALTERED FOOD SOFTENS.() Christian Science Monitor (6/6/2008)—Marquand, Robert1330L#10 Report calls genetically altered plants safe; White House to boost oversight.() Issues in Science & Technology (Summer2000)— Focuses on the April 2000 National Research Council report which concluded that genetically engineered plants appear to be safe but that government oversight could be improved. Other key findings of the report; Comments from committee Chairman Perry Adkisson; Effort made by the United States government on the matter.1370L#11 Playing God or feeding humanity?() UNESCO Sources (Oct97)—Macer, Darryl Discusses the debate over genetically engineered plants. Environmental concerns; Fears for health; Qualms about interfering with nature; Advantages of genetic engineering; Controversy over the arrival of genetically modified soybeans in Europe; History of human involvement in the control of genes and seeds; Application of bioethics principles.1280L#12 Corn that clones itself.() Technology Review (Mar2003)—Charles, Daniel Discusses the genetic engineering of corn. Benefits of self-cloning plants; Information on the International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat; Views of seed companies on self-cloning corns.#13 Superior crops or 'Frankenfood'?() Christian Science Monitor (3/1/2000)—Belsie, Laurent Reports on growing concern in the United States about genetically modified food.#14 BIOTECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE: GOOD OR BAD?() BioScience (Jun2002)—McDade, Lucinda A. Reviews the book 'Lords of the Harvest,' by Daniel Charles. ................

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