Essay Scaffold : Robotics Essay

Essay Scaffold

Subject : Stage 4 – Technology Mandatory Syllabus

Topic : Control Systems - Robotics

|Syllabus Outcome : |4.4.1 : explains the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on society and the |

| |environment |

Essay Question : Hollywood robots will never be real : discuss

|Introduction |State what the essay is about by |

| |Define what a robot is |

| |Describe real robots today (include a picture) |

| |Describe Hollywood robots (include a picture) |

| |Preview what you think is the right answer by using some sort of attention grabbing sentence. |

|Body |Analyze and develop arguments in support of your position by : Reasoning, Explaining, Giving examples |

| | |

| |Try to come up with at least three pieces of evidence or ideas to support your position (start a new |

| |paragraph for each piece of evidence) |

| | |

| |Compare and contrast real robots with Hollywood robots – how are they the same, how are they different ? |

| |How does this support your position ? |

| |Discuss the progress made in robotics over the years – how does this support your position ? |

| |Imagine the changes to people and society (good and bad) that robots can bring – How does this support |

| |your argument? |

| | |

| |Examine at least one argument against your point of view. |

| | |

| |Argue against the opposing view and discuss why you think the opposing view is wrong (or at least |

| |partially wrong) |

|Conclusion |Summarize or re-state your position and your support. |

| |Conclude with a strong sentence that states your case. |

Evaluation Rubric : Robotics Essay

|Category |4 : Excellent |3 : Satisfactory |2 : Can do better |1 : Poor |Score |

|Definitions and |Demonstrates a clear |Demonstrates an |Demonstrates some |Does not appear to | |

|Descriptions |understanding of the essay|understanding of the essay|understanding of the|understand the essay | |

| |topic with concise |topic with definitions |essay topic by does |topic. | |

| |definitions and examples |and/ or examples |not have definitions| | |

| | | |or examples | | |

|Attention |The introductory paragraph|The opening paragraph has |The author has an |The opening statement| |

|Grabber/Position |has a strong hook that |a hook, but it is weak, |interesting opening |is not clear and is | |

|Statement |makes clear the author’s |rambling or not clear as |paragraph, but the |not interesting | |

| |position: Could be a |to the author’s position |connection to the | | |

| |strong statement, a | |topic is not clear, | | |

| |quotation, or a question | |or the position is | | |

| |addressed to the reader | |not stated | | |

|Support for Position |Includes 3 or more pieces |Includes 3 or more pieces |Includes only or 2 |There is no evidence | |

| |of evidence that support |of evidence, but the |pieces of evidence |provided to support | |

| |the position. Evidence is |evidence is not clearly |and/ or the evidence|the author’s position| |

| |presented as separate |stated or not linked back |is not clearly | | |

| |paragraphs and links the |to the question. |linked back to the | | |

| |evidence back to the topic| |question | | |

| |question. | | | | |

| |Paragraphs are linked so | | | | |

| |that a cohesive argument | | | | |

| |is developed. | | | | |

|Argument Against |At least one |At least one counter |At least one |No counter arguments| |

| |counter-argument is |argument is given, but it |counter-argument is |for the author’s | |

| |presented. The |is poorly argued against |give, but no attempt|position are given | |

| |counter-argument is argued| |to argue against | | |

| |against to suppor the | |this is made | | |

| |authors initial position | | | | |

|Conclusion |The conclusion re-states |The author restates their |The author restates |No conclusion is | |

| |the author’s position |position and a weak final |their positon |made | |

| |summarizes why the |statement is made. |without support or | | |

| |reasoning for the | |final statement. | | |

| |position. A strong final | | | | |

| |sentence is made to | | | | |

| |complete the essay. | | | | |



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