Educational Technology RWLO Template Title Placeholder

Then & Now – Comparing Classrooms, Teaching and Learning

Project Overview

This RWLO will focus on the use of internet resources to discover and to describe American classrooms from one hundred years ago and to compare them to the modern classroom. Students will explore websites that have digital images of schools, classrooms, equipment, texts, and other educational resources from one hundred years ago. Students will compare and contrast those same elements from the classroom in which they are doing their field placement assignments with the historical artifacts. The impact of facilities, resources, and organizational schemes on student learning opportunities and pedagogy can more effectively be understood by connecting similar elements from the past with real-world experiences in classrooms today.

Student Learning Objectives

For this RWLO, the student will be able to:

1. Describe teaching artifacts that were common in classrooms approximately one hundred years ago.

2. Describe similar items found in today’s classrooms.

3. Compare and contrast similar items and describe the impact of each on pedagogy and student learning opportunities.

4. Collaborate with other students to describe current classroom practices and resources based on field placement experiences.

5. Describe strategies to maximize the impact of current classroom resources on student learning.


Time: Approximately two hours and 30 minutes. 100 minutes of in-class time and

50 minutes outside of class will be used.


• Computer with internet access

• Student directions guide

• Teaching artifact worksheet

Prerequisites: None

Implementation: This RWLO can be used in the classroom if each student has access to a computer and the internet. Otherwise this RWLO will require students to complete some components outside of class.


1. As a class, brainstorm a list of the various resources used in schools to enhance learning. (examples: books, technology, classroom design, etc.)

2. Present the websites containing historical teaching artifacts in class. Provide an example of what to look for and contrast that element to something in the college classroom.

3. Distribute the student directions and teaching artifacts worksheets and discuss them with the class.

4. Students will investigate the websites and complete the teaching artifact worksheet. It may be necessary for this aspect of the lesson to be completed outside of class and brought to the next class meeting.

5. Students will share their completed worksheets in small groups.

6. Students will write a reflection piece comparing today’s student learning opportunities with those of the last century. The essay should contrast the impact of school facilities, organization, technology, instructional materials, and other elements that impact instruction. Students will use their field placement experiences from the current semester in making comparisons. Students will describe uses of current facilities, organization, technology, instructional materials and other elements in their classrooms.

Content Material

Student Directions:

• Go to the websites listed on the teaching artifact worksheet. Explore the photographs, drawings, and information found at each site. Browse the websites for examples of what schools and classrooms were like, samples of technology commonly used, the nature of textbooks in use, and other important elements found in schools approximately 100 years ago.

• Using the historical artifact matrix, select as many instructional elements as you can. Your goal is to identify six or more different components. List each element and describe it. You may add your own illustrations to describe the artifact, but remember to adhere to copyright restrictions. Next describe how this historical instructional element affected student learning.

• Next, use the field placement artifact matrix and select instructional elements being used in your current field placement classroom. Your goal is to identify six or more different components. You may want to select items similar to those listed on your historical artifact matrix to make comparison easier. List each element and describe it. You may add your own illustrations to describe the artifact, but remember to adhere to copyright restrictions. Now describe how each element affects student learning.

• Once you have completed both worksheets, you will share them in a small group. Your discussion should focus on the affect of each artifact on student learning then and now.

• Write a 2-3 page essay that addresses two aspects of your investigation.

o Compare and contrast the influence of your selected artifacts in terms of their influence on student learning.

o Describe how you will use present day instructional artifacts in your classroom to enhance student learning.

Referenced URLs:

• Blackwell History of Education Museum

• PBS – School: The Story of American Public Education kcet/publicschool


Students will be evaluated using the project rubric that follows.

| |1 |2 |3 |Your Score |

|Part 1 – |Describes fewer than 4 |Describes 4-5 historical |Clearly describes six or | |

|Description of Historical|historical artifacts. |artifacts. Adequately |more historical artifacts| |

|Artifacts |Inadequately describes |describes their uses. |and their uses. | |

| |their uses. | | | |

|Part 2 – |Describes fewer than 4 |Describes 4-5 current |Clearly describes six or | |

|Description of Current |artifacts from a current |artifacts from a current |more current artifacts | |

|Field Placement Artifacts|field placement. |field placement. |from a current field | |

| |Inadequately describes |Adequately describes |placement and their uses.| |

| |their uses. |their uses. | | |

|Part 3 – |Inadequately describes |Briefly describes the |Describes in detail the | |

|Comparison of Past & |the impact of resources |impact of resources on |impact of resources on | |

|Present Artifacts |on the teaching-learning |the teaching-learning |the teaching-learning | |

| |process and how that has |process and how that has |process and how that has | |

| |changed during the last |changed during the last |changed during the last | |

| |100 plus years. |100 plus years |100 plus years. | |

|Part 4 – Impact of |Inadequately describes |Briefly describes the |Describes in detail the | |

|Resources on Student |the impact of resources |impact of resources on |impact of resources on | |

|Learning |on the teaching-learning |the teaching-learning |the teaching-learning | |

| |process. Includes vague |process. Includes some |process. Includes | |

| |plans on how resources |plans on how resources |specific plans on how | |

| |will be used in your |will be used in your |resources will be used in| |

| |classroom. |classroom. |your classroom. | |

|Writing Mechanics, |Not well written with |Mostly well written with |Clearly written with | |

|Structure, Organization, |frequent errors in |only occasional errors in|correct grammar, spelling| |

|and Appearance |grammar, spelling and/or |grammar, spelling and/or |and punctuation and a | |

| |punctuation. Lacking in |punctuation. Somewhat |clear, logical structure.| |

| |logical structure. |logical structure. |Professionally presented.| |

| |Unprofessional in |Generally professionally | | |

| |appearance. |presented. | | |

Total Score

(out of 15)

Links to Course Competencies

This RWLO could be applied in the following courses: Introduction To Contemporary Education, Introduction To Careers In Teaching, and others. Specifically, this RWLO meets the following course competencies:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of schools and the nature of the relationship between the schools and the communities they serve.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the ways educational policies and practices are influenced by sociological, political, and economic factors.

• Analyze how an understanding of educational history might be used to improve teaching today.

• Describe important improvements that have been made in the United States educational system over the past half-century.

• Demonstrate how the knowledge of the history of education might be used to improve contemporary education.

Supplementary Resources

• John’s History of Education

• 19th Century Schoolbooks

• Iron Hill School: An African-American One-Room School

• Teaching artifact worksheets – see attached

Teaching Artifacts Worksheet – Historical

Directions: Following your exploration of the suggested websites, complete the following table. Your goal is to identify six or more instructional elements, provide a description of each, and explain the impact of each on teaching and learning.

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Teaching Artifacts Worksheet – Field Placement

Directions: Complete the following table based on your current field placement experience. Your goal is to identify six or more instructional elements, provide a description of each, and explain the impact of each on teaching and learning.

|Name |Description |Impact on Teaching & Learning |

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Recommendations for Integration:

• This RWLO can be integrated during a discussion on the history of education or a review of field placement experiences.

• The RWLO has been designed to be completed in-class or out-of-class, but works best if each student has his or her own computer to access the specified websites.


• If access to the internet is not available during the session, students can begin by completing the teaching artifact worksheet information about artifacts found in their current field placement assignments. Exploration of the historical artifacts would take place outside of class time. Students can then complete the sharing component as well as begin the essay requirement during the next class session.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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