Loudoun County Public Schools

Study Guide for World History Test #1 of Quarter 4 Unit 7Western Europe During the Middle Ages (Pages 1-8 in Unit 7)1. What event is typically viewed as being the start of the Middle Ages in Western Europe? ________________________2. All of the following took place during the early Middle Ages:a. invasions by _______________________ tribes (also known as ____________________________)b. ________________________ was disrupted and declinedc. the _______________________ shifted as people moved from the cities to the _______________________d. ____________________________ (including buildings, bridges and roads) fell into disuse and disrepaire. education __________________________3. With the movement of Germanic tribes into Western Europe, all of the following occurred:a. _____________ and the various Germanic languages mixed together, forming the ___________________ languages (such as Spanish, Italian and French)b. loyalty changed from obligation to an emperor to loyalty based on ________________________________ and _______________________________________________________c. the Empire was replaced with many smaller Germanic ________________________________4. One of the most powerful of the Germanic kingdoms was that of the __________________________.5. Which Frankish king was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope in 800 C.E.? ____________________________6. Which Pope crowned the king you mentioned in the above question? _______________7. All of the following were built to help unify and strengthen the Frankish kingdom established by Charlemagne: (a)______________________________, (b) _____________________________ and (c)_____________________8. After the invasions by the Germanic tribes, these other groups later invaded/attacked Western Europe:(a) ___________________ (b____________________, (c) ___________________ and (d) ___________________9. What was the path of invasion/migration for each of the following? (Be able to identify each invasion/migration route on a map.)a. Angles and Saxons: _____________________________________________ to __________________________b. Magyars: to c. Vikings: to 10. What was the name of the empire created under Charlemagne's rule? 11. The empire created under Charlemagne included nearly all of the lands in Western .12. As the empire created under Charlemagne's rule faced invasions from groups such as the Vikings and the Magyars, what happened to trade and towns? 13. The death of marked the end of a strong central government in Western Europe.14. The end of a strong central government in Western Europe and the ongoing invasions led to a new system of living in Western Europe which offered protection. This system is known as .15. After the death of Charlemagne people no longer felt that the government could protect them. So, who they turned to .16. Explain how the system of feudalism worked. Be sure that your explanation includes the terms manor, fief and vassal AND that you know the meaning of all of these terms.17. Were manor systems fairly self-sufficient? 18. Were social classes fairly rigid during the Middle Ages? 19. What is the order (from top to bottom) of the following: nobles (lords); peasants and serfs; monarch; knights?20. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf?21. What was the primary purpose of castles on manors? 22. Non-religious authority is known as authority.23. As secular authority declined during the Middle Ages, the authority of the _______________________ grew.24. In Western Europe during the Middle Ages, what was the "Church"? 25. What are FOUR examples we learned about in class of ways that the influence of the Church during the Middle Ages can be seen?26. What is a monastery? 27. How did monasteries preserve Greco-Roman cultural achievements?28. How did the use of Latin within the Roman Catholic Church contribute to its increasing power?29. Early medieval society in Europe was formed by/influenced by three major elements, which were:a. classical heritage of b. c. customs of the tribes who settled in Western Europe30. The Middle Ages are also known as the Period.Trade Throughout the Eastern Hemisphere During the Middle Ages (Pages 9 -13 in Unit 7)1. Be able to identify all of the following trade routes during the Medieval Period on the map: a. Silk Routes across Asia to the Mediterranean Basinb. Maritime routes across the Indian Oceanc. Trans-Saharan routes across North Africad. Northern European links with the Black Seae. Western European sea and river tradef. South China Sea and lands of Southeast Asia-232913611002. Trade helped to spread goods, technology and ideas among different cultures. Know where each of the following originated and/or spread: a. gold came from b. spices came from the lands around the Oceanc. textiles came from , , the and later d. porcelain came from and e. amber came from the regionf. paper traveled from through the world to and g. new crops for making sugar came from h. waterwheels came from the i. windmills came from the j. the compass, a navigational tool, came from k. another navigational tool, the lateen sail, came from the Ocean regionl. Hinduism and Buddhism spread from (where they started) to m. Buddhism later spread from to and n. Islam spread into as well as and Asia o. knowledge about printing spread from p. paper money spread from Formation of European Nation-States in the Late Middle Ages (pages 14-15 in Unit 7)1. What is a nation-state? 2. Know about all of the following, which are associated with the formation of the nation-state of England:a. Who was the Norman who united most of England? b. What was the name of the decisive battle between William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson AND in what year did it take place? c. What is the name given to the conquering of England by William the Conqueror? d. Under whose reign did common law develop? e. What is common law? f. Which king of England was forced by English nobles to sign the Magna Carta? g. Why was the Magna Carta significant? h. Which war with France helped to define England as a nation? i. What was the name of the legislature that evolved in England? 3. Know about all of the following, which are associated with the formation of the nation-state of France:a. Who did we learn about in class who founded a dynasty in France that was based in the city of Paris?b. What was the name of the dynasty started by Hugh Capet? c. The Capetian Dynasty gradually expanded to include most of the present-day country of .d. What war with England helped to define France as a nation? e. Who was the peasant girl who helped to unify the French during the Hundred Years War? 4. Know about all of the following, which are associated with the formation of the nation-state of Spain:a. Which King and Queen unified Spain after becoming monarchs in 1492? b. The monarchs named above expelled and from Spainc. Muslims living in Spain at this time were known as: d. What happened to the Spanish Empire under Charles V? 5. Know about all of the following, which are associated with the formation of the nation-state of Russia:a. Which Russian ruler threw off the control of the Mongols? b. Russian power was centralized in the city of .c. The ruler of Russia, in which power was centralized, was known as a (also spelled czar)d. Which church also influenced unification of the Russian people? Conflicts Among Eurasia Powers During Late Middle Ages (Pages 16-19 in Unit 7)1. What were the Crusades? 2. What was the primary purpose of the Crusades? 3. Christians often refer to Palestine as the .4. Who controlled the Holy Land at the start of the Crusades AND what faith did they practice?5. Which Pope called for Christians to embark on the Crusades? 6. What happened in the First Crusade? (Be sure you mention who took control of Jerusalem.)7. Know all of the information about the Third Crusade:a. Who led the Muslims during the Third Crusade? b. Which leader gained control of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade? c. What were the Crusader States? d. In addition to the Crusader States, what did the Christians gain as a result of the treaty between Richard I and Saladin? 8. What city was sacked by the Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade? 9. What were ALL of the effects/consequences of the Crusades we learned about in class?10. Following the Crusades, the Muslims faced a new threat – the .11. The Mongols began to build an empire in the 1200s under the leadership of .12. The following lands were conquered by the Mongols: (a) , (b) and (c) 13. What city was conquered by the Mongols? 14. The sacking of the city of Baghdad by the Mongols marked the end of the Dynasty. 15. Which city was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1453? 16. What happened to the Byzantine Empire as a result of the event identified above in #15? 17. After they conquered it, the Ottoman Turks gave Constantinople a new name – – and made it the capital of .The Black Death (Pages 20-21 in Unit 7)1. Which three continents were affected by the Plague during the 14th century? 2. The type of plague that struck at this time was the plague.3. This plague was also called the .4. What were the effects/consequences of the Plague that we learned about in class?a. b. c. d. e. Developments Leading to the Renaissance (Pages 22-23 in Unit 7) 1. Why were most people uneducated during the Middle Ages?a. b. c. 2. Who were among the very few who knew how to read and write during the Middle Ages? 3. What contributions did church scholars make to education during the Middle Ages?4. Monasteries and church schools established for nobles' children eventually led to the rise of in Europe.5. What are three economic concepts we learned about in class that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages leading into the Renaissance?a. b. c. 6. What type of numerals were used in the accounting and bookkeeping practices that developed during the late Middle Ages? The Renaissance (Pages 25-29 in Unit 7)1. How did trade and the wealth that was generated by trade contribute to the rise of Italian city-states? 2. What were FOUR important Italian city-states that we learned about in class?3. The Italian city-states you identified in #2 above:a. had access to routes that connected Europe with the b. served as trading centers for the distribution of goods to 4. Several Italian city-states formed governments in which the people had the ability to elect their rulers. This type of government is known as a . (The answer is NOT democracy.)5. Identify whether the following are true of art created during the Medieval Period OR art created during the Renaissance:a. focused on the Church and salvation b. focused on individuals and worldly matters as well as Christianity 6. Identify the TWO Renaissance painters we learned about in class AND identify their creations shown below:a. artist: 982980946150032689808636000 his paintings: ______________________________ ____________________________________________b. artist: 991870609600046049256223000 his creations: ______________________________________________ __________________________7. A famous Renaissance writer known for his sonnets (particularly those inspired by his love for a woman named Laura) is .8. What is a sonnet? 9. Petrarch is also known as the father of a philosophy known as .10. Humanism was influenced by the study of classical and literature and culture.11. Humanism espoused a belief in the potential and worth of every .12. Which Renaissance writer was the author of The Prince? 13. All of the following are true about The Prince:a. it was about the power of the b. it promoted the idea that the ruler should have powerc. it maintained the idea that the justifies the d. it promoted the idea that a person should do if possible, but do when necessary14. Four key aspects of the Northern Renaissance were:a. a growth in in Northern Europe enabled Renaissance ideas and culture to spread to this areab. Northern Renaissance cultures mixed Christianity with ideasc. the spread of ideas was made faster and easier by the invention of and by the accompanying production and sale of (such as the )d. Northern Renaissance artists included both and subjects/images in their art15. Name TWO important Northern Renaissance writers we learned about in class, name the works of literature we learned about in class AND identify when each piece of literature was written by the author.a. b. ................

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