Pre-test Questionnaire

Virtual Harlem Project Survey

Your Name: ____________________

Thank you for your participation in our survey. The purpose of this survey is to study the use of communication technology in the classroom for collaborative learning. It should take less than 20 minutes to complete. If you have any difficulties in answering the any of the questions, please let us know. The contact email address is

Pre-course Questionnaire

1. Do you have a computer at home? Do you own a laptop too? How long ago did you get the computer? How many computers do you have?

2. Do you use a pager or a cellular phone? How many pages a day do you get? How many minutes a day do you use the cellular phone?

3. Do you own a Palm Pilot or Pocket PC? If so, how many hours a day, on average, do you use it?

4. How many hours per week, on average, do you use a computer?

5. What kinds of Internet access do you have at home?

__ None

__ Modem

__ Cable modem

__ DSL

__ Don’t know about Internet

6. How many hours per week, on average, do you surf the Internet? For what purpose do you use the Internet?

7. How many hours per week, on average, do you use email? For what purpose do you use email?

8. How many hours per week, on average, do you use online discussion boards (e.g. egroups)? What kinds of discussion boards do you use?

9. How many hours per week, on average, do you use online textual interaction technology (e.g. chat rooms, instant messaging)? For what purpose do you use online textual interaction technology?

10. How much experience do you have with video conferencing technology (e.g. Polycom, Netmeeting, Ivisit)?

__ None

__ Used once

__ Several times

__ A lot

__ Don’t know about video conferencing technology

11. Have you experienced virtual reality technology before (e.g. CAVE, ImmersaDesk, Disney Quest, 3D movie)? If so, which, where and for how long?

12. How much experience do you have with Virtual Harlem?

__ None

__ Used once

__ Several times

__ A lot

__ Don’t know about Virtual Harlem

13. Please rate which technology are you more comfortable with. (1. extremely comfortable, 2. fairly comfortable, 3. somewhat comfortable, 4. not comfortable, 5. don’t know or never used)

• Email __

• Discussion boards __

• Chat room __

• Video conferencing __

• Virtual reality __

14. Please rate which technology would you be more interested in using or learning? (1. extremely interested, 2. fairly interested, 3. somewhat interested, 4. not interested, 5. don’t know)

• Email __

• Discussion boards __

• Chat room __

• Video conferencing __

• Virtual reality __

15. What technologies have you used in your previous classes or are using in any of your current classes?

16. What do you think might be the benefits of linking classes between the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Central Missouri State University via technology, if any?

17. Which of the technologies in question 13 do you think will be most useful to link classes between the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Central Missouri State University? Why?

18. Prior to this course (either from previous courses, background knowledge or other experiences), how familiar are you with ideas and figures associated with the Harlem Renaissance? For example, have you heard of any of the following:

__ Langston Hughes __ Marcus Garvey __ Charles S. Johnson

__ Rudolph Fisher __ Countee Cullen __ Alain Locke

__ James W. Johnson __ Jean Toomer __ Sargent Johnson

__ Claude McKay __ Wallace Thurman __ Aaron Douglas

__ Zora Neale Hurston __ Arna Bontemps __ Richard Bruce Nugent

__ Duke Elington __ Melvin Drimmer __ Richmond Barthe

__ Palmer Hayden __ William H. Johnson __ Hale Woodruff

__ A’Lelia Walker __ Florence Mills __ Mabel Hampton

Please list others _________________________________________________

19. What is your current educational standing?

__ Undergraduate

__ Graduate

__ Post-Graduate

__ Others

20. How old are you?

21. Are you male or female?

__ Male

__ Female

Section 2

In the following section, you will be asked to respond to a series of statements. In the blank before each statement place a number that corresponds to your opinion. (1. Strongly agree, 2. Agree, 3. Neutral, 4. Disagree, 5. Strongly disagree).

22. I feel technology should be used in the classroom. __

23. I believe technology has a practical purpose in the classroom. __

24. I believe that email is an interesting form of technology. __

25. Email, generally speaking, is a good thing for society. __

26. I believe email is a difficult communication technology to use. __

27. I believe that discussion boards are an interesting form of technology. __

28. Discussion boards, generally speaking, are good for society. __

29. I believe discussion boards are a difficult communication technology to use. __

30. I believe that virtual reality is an interesting form of technology and communication. __

31. Virtual reality, generally speaking, is a good thing for society. __

32. I believe virtual reality is a difficult communication technology to use. __

33. I believe that online textual interaction technology (i.e. chat rooms, instant messaging) is an interesting form of technology and communication. __

34. Online textual interaction technology (i.e. chat rooms, instant messaging) is a good thing for society. __

35. I believe online textual interaction technology (i.e. chat rooms, instant messaging) is difficult to use. __

36. I believe that television is an interesting form of technology. __

37. Radio is a good thing for society. __

38. I believe that the Internet is an interesting form of technology and communication medium. __

39. The Internet is a good thing for society. __

40. I believe the Internet is a difficult communication technology to use. __


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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