English Exploration with Ms. Johnson

Technology Research PaperAssignment: Write a research paper exploring the benefits or consequences of technology in the world today based on the technology category you worked on in groups. Hopefully, your interviews and PSA have brought up some ideas that you want to explore. You may even want to cite your interviews as sources for your research paper. Reminders: You need at least 4 sources that you use in your research paper and one needs to be from a database.Make sure to craft a thesis statement that is narrow (you could write books about cellphones today). You may want to narrow it down to points you want to discuss. For example: Cellphones today have negatively impacted society in creating a decreased quality of attention in academics, family time and social life. Include in text citations in your outline.What you will need:At least Four dependable sources—must have and cite each of the following:One magazine, pamphlet, journal, (article on a database or in print)Other sources can be books, interviews or internet (NOT WIKI)40 notecards Rough draft outline3-4 pages double spaced (does NOT include MLA heading)Works CitedWhat will be graded:Four source cards40 notecards Temporary Works Cited pageRough Outline Rough Draft—50Final DraftGetting Started:Create a thesis statements. It must prove your point and be focused! Research: Where to look:Library for books and magazines Databases—located on school library page (Ex. ProQuest or InfoTrak)Public library or DWU may also have additional informationWebsites (stick to edu, org or .gov. sites since they are more reliable)1st Step: Source cards and temporary works cited pageAfter you have signed up for a topic, it is time to get started working on your three source cards. When researching in the library, look for your book and magazine sources first, since you can do the internet source at home. While you are sourcing your information, go ahead and copy/paste the information into a word document. This will act as your temporary works consulted page. It is accomplishing two steps in one. You will find a quick reference sheet in this packet. DON’T FORGET YOUR SOURCE NUMBER IN THE RIGHT HAND CORNER OF YOUR CARD!!!2nd Step: notecardsPeruse your sources for information that will support your viewpoint. Read the really important chapters to find solid information that supports your thesis. You will want to quote important experts and brilliantly worded information by using “quotations.” That reminds you that you copied it word for word from the source. Paraphrase long ideas or information you can easily put in your own words. CAUTION: Just because you paraphrase DOES NOT MEAN you don’t have to cite it!A notecard(s) needs the following information:A slugline (two or three words that describe the card’s information)The source number (matched to the source that you received it from)Page numbers (the only notecards that will not have page numbers are websites or Proquest sites)Look below to see the following notecard:Slug linesource number26670010795000Pagan ritualsHill (2)It is believed that The God of War, Mars, raped Rhea Silvaand as a result, gave birth to twins, Romulus and Remus.Although Amulius tried to kill the children, the servant leftthem floating in the Tiber where they were spared by theRiver god, Tiberinus. The boys were raised by a she-wolf.18675352286000220Paraphrased informationPage number3RD STEP: Rough Draft OutlineYour slug lines should help organize your paper, since they will fall into similar categories. Sort your cards using your slug lines according to the categories. You may have some cards that do not fit into any category. Lay those aside on separate piles. Now, you have the beginnings of a rough draft outline. (You will not use every card because a large part of the paper should be your opinion.) Your computer may want to tell you how to set up an outline. However, make sure you follow the rough draft outline sample. (See next page for sample outline!)4th Step: Writing the research paperNow that you have the rough draft outline finished, the rest will flow easily. The more detailed your rough draft outline will determine how easy it is to write your paper. After every topic sentence, support that idea and lead in to your first point. Then, use a quote or paraphrase idea to support your argument. Finally, after the quote/paraphrase, don’t forget to explain how it proves your topic sentence. Keep going for the rest of the paper. See example below:Your NameSAMPLE OUTLINEMs. JohnsonHonors English IISeptember 24, 2016TitleThesis Statement: This is the skeleton of you essay. Your reader should be able to read this one sentence and KNOW what your entire essay is arguing and how you will structure it. Every other sentence in the essay will prove this statement to be correct. Place your thesis at the end of your introduction paragraph.Write your first proving point in a complete sentence here. This will be the topic sentence to your first body paragraph when you turn the outline into an essay.Use phrases and key words to elaborate your first pointYou could list specific, textual evidence – don’t forget the page number. Remember to cite this information. You need to have in text citationsExplain why this evidence proves thesisGive another example of how it provesAnd so on, and so onIt may seem repetitive, but it will guarantee clarity!If you have an “A.” sub point, you must also have at least a “B.” sub pointYou could go all the way to “Z” – though I wouldn’t recommend itEach sub point (letter) could have numbers underneath explaining moreOr they don’t need anyIt’s your callThis complete sentence will be the topic sentence to your second body paragraph.Points that help your topic sentence prove your thesis statementIf you have a “1.”, you must also have at least a “2.”The more in depth you go, the less you’ll have to write for your rough draftWhat other evidence can you find for support?Write another complete sentence. This will be your last body paragraph and last point.Give evidenceDon’t forget page numbers3rd point should be your strongest pointRemember to PROVE your thesis statement throughout the essay!Tips for writing your paper:1. The opening paragraph should introduce the topic and outline what the paper will discuss. If you need to explain technical terms, elaborate on historical occurrences, etc, this would be a great time to prepare the reader.2. The body of the paper might answer questions like these:What impact does your person/topic have?How did your person/topic impact the nation long range?3. Use parenthetical documentation (see next page) for each fact, statistic, quote, opinion of expert source, etc. If an expert holds the opinion, be sure to mention the expert’s name, position, organization, etc. in the body of the paper.4. If your paper has technical terms, the easiest way to handle them is to provide an informal definition when the term first appears.5. Summarize conclusions about your research in a paragraph or two.5th Step: Editing Your Paper for Publication1. Check your paper for over-used words, mechanical errors, spellings.2. Check each paragraph to make sure that only one topic is discussed in each paragraph. Each paragraph should have a clear, interesting topic sentence.3. Edit your paper, eliminating unnecessary words. Good technical writing is crisp and brief. Sentences should be interesting but clear. USE ACTIVE VERBS WHENEVER POSSIBLE.4. Type your paper double spaced, including quotes.When to Use Parenthetical Attribution????When you use a direct quotationWhen you copy a chart, table, or other diagramWhen you summarize a discussion of an issue or even in your own wordsWhen you construct a diagram from data others providedWhen you paraphrase an opinion which you have read rather than reached independentlyWhen you present specific evidence which cannot reasonably be considered common knowledgeWHEN IN DOUBT, CITE THE SOURCE!!!Never take credit for words, statistics, or conclusions, which are not your own.Use the evidence of experts to prove your viewpoint, but also show that you can present conflicting evidence and arrive at your own conclusions.Different ways to cite:Direct quote:For example, the Maine Coon cat loves to ”play catch, follow their masters from room to room, and even greet them at the door” (Karth 25).Paraphrase: In addition, the Maine Coon who boasts three different coats of different length hair, a large lion-like mane, extra padded paws, and an uncommonly long tail is built for cold weather (Simpson 12).Direct quote with author in sentence:Trisha Simpson, president of the American Cat Associations, recalls, “Maine Coons were well established more than a century ago as a hardy, handsome breed of domestic cat, well equipped to survive the hostile New England winters” (12).6th Step: Publishing your paperRecheck rubric to see if you have completed all requirements!Make sure you have inserted the header with page numbers at the beginning of your paper to the works cited page. Do they contain the correct pagination? Make sure your title appears the same on both final draft outline and first page of paper. Is it original and reveals content?Do you have the correct MLA formatting on the left-hand side?Your nameTeacher’s nameClass nameCurrent dateDEADLINES to RememberAssignment Due Check if Done________________4 source cards__________________________40 notecards__________________________Outline (Works Consulted)__________________________Rough draft paper__________________________Final draft paper__________________________Presentation__________*It can be overwhelming to look at the big picture in one glance. Concentrate on the little steps, one at a time, and have no fear.“Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. “Wayne Gretzky ................

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