|Essential Question |

|How did humans survive in harsh environments with little technology? |

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| Standards |

|History/Social Science |

|HSS 6.1 – Students describe what is known through archaeological studies of the early physical and cultural development of humankind from the |

|Paleolithic era to the Agricultural Revolution. |

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|6.1.1 – Describe the hunter-gatherers societies, including the development of tools and the use of fire. |

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|6.1.2 – Identify the locations of human communities that populated the major regions of the world and describe how humans adapted to a variety of |

|environments. |

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|6.1.3 – discuss the climatic changes and human modifications of the physical environment that gave rise to the domestication of plants and animals |

|and new sources of clothing and shelter |

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|Instructions: Respond to each statement twice: once before reading and again after reading. Write “A” if you agree with the statement. Write “D” if you |

|disagree with the statement. |

|Response Before Reading |Topic: |Response After Reading |

| |Early Humans | |

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| |Prehistory is the time before there was writing. | |

| |The three eras of the Stone Age are defined by language, art, and religion. | |

| |The first bones of the earliest humans were found in the continent of Europe. | |

| |The Ice Age caused the migration of early humans to other parts of the world. | |

| |Tools were mostly made of stone during the Paleolithic Era. | |

| |During the Neolithic Era, early humans domesticated plants and animals. | |

| |Early humans made clothing out of animal skins to adapt to cold weather. | |

| | | |

| |All early humans lived in permanent shelters. | |

| |Hooks and fishing spears were used during the Mesolithic Era. | |

| |The early humans had no way of communicating with one another. | |

| |Men hunted alone to be more productive and safer. | |

| |Until the Neolithic Era, early humans could only use fire that had been started by | |

| |natural causes. | |

| | | |






























Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.

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Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.


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Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.


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Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.


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Output: Provide neat work (1) ___ Use your creativity to demonstrate what you have learned in the notes: use colorful illustrations with captions, charts, short paragraphs (2) ____ Include connections to self, world, text…., point of view (2) ____.


|TOPIC/OBJECTIVE:________________________________ |NAME: ____________________________ |

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Directions: Use this map to complete page 5 of this reading guide.

Agriculture and Animals

During the Neolithic Era, people learned how to domesticate animals and plants. People found that if they planted seeds, they could grow their own crops. Farmers also learned how to select wild animals and breed them in captivity. Farmers kept sheep, goats, and pigs for milk, food, and wool. Farmers also began to use large animals like cattle to carry loads. The farmers learned to store food. This meant that they no longer needed to move each year to keep their families clothed and fed.


1. What crop originated in Africa? ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

2. What crops are shown on the map? ______________________________



3. In which continent were olives grown? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________

4. How do you think the development of farming led to civilization? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

5. Why do you think cattle were useful animals for farmers to domesticate? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

| |Paleolithic |

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|Shelter | |

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|Fire | |

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|Shelter | |

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|Fire | |

| |Neolithic |

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Comprehension Questions

Directions: after studying the three eras of the Stone Age, complete the following questions using complete sentences.

1. The text states that “the most important development of early Stone Age culture as language. Support this claim with evidence.


2. What did people use to make tools in the Mesolithic Era?


3. Why did people have to learn to make clothes and build shelters?


4. How did early people use domesticated animals?


5. How did domestication of plants and animals lead to the development of towns?


Self Evaluation

Directions: Read each item. Evaluate your effort on each of the elements below using a scale of 1-5, 1 being almost no effort and 5 being all the effort that was required to do excellent work. To get your total score, add all of the individual scores.

|Pg. |Item |My Effort (1-5) |Teacher’s score |

|1 |Cover Page: & Self Evaluation (5 pts) | | |

|2 |Essential Question and Standards (5 pts) | | |

|3 |Anticipation Guide (5 pts) | | |

|5 |Notes 1 (5pts) | | |

|7 |Notes 2 (5 pts) | | |

|9 |Notes 3 (5 pts) | | |

|11 |Notes 4 (5 pts) | | |

|13 |Notes 5 (5 pts) | | |

|4 |Output 1 (5 pts) | | |

|6 |Output 2 (5 pts) | | |

|8 |Output 3 (5 pts) | | |

|10 |Output 4 (5 pts) | | |

|12 |Output 5 (5 pts) | | |

|15 |Map Questions (5 pts) | | |

|16 |Graphic Organizer (15 pts) | | |

|17 |Comprehension Questions (10 pts) | | |

| |Total: | | / |





SWBAT: Identify, categorize, and compare the three eras of the Stone Age.

Anticipation/Reaction Guide

The Agricultural Revolution


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