Plotting of Seismic and Volcanic Activity

Mapping Tectonic Plates Lab

Objective: In this lab, you will explore the relationship between earthquakes, volcanoes and the Earth’s

tectonic plates.


Credit on the Map: Pre-lab/Post Lab Credit:

Part I – Earth’s Tectonic Plates (20 pts) Part I – Pre-lab (5 pts) & Post-lab (5 pts)

Part II – Earthquakes & Volcanoes (30 pts) Part II – Pre-lab (6 pts)

Part III – Real Time Earthquakes (20 pts) Part III – Post-lab (14 pts)

Part II. Earthquakes and Volcanoes

PreLab – Answer in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper, or on the back of this paper.

1. What type of boundary will produce volcanoes?

2. Name a location with this type of boundary.

3. Define the following terms:

a. Viscous(or viscosity)

b. Silicate

c. Magma

d. Lava


1. Draw a small, black circle where each earthquake occurs. (Data table 1)

2. Draw a triangle for each volcano (Data table 2). Use the following color key:

i. SiO2 Content Color

ii. Medium - High > 52% red

iii. Low < 52% blue

3. Draw a legend on your map to indicate what the symbols and colors represent.

4. Now draw the plate boundaries on your map using the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, and other features such as mountains, mid-ocean ridges and trenches.

5. Trace over the trenches orange. Draw an arrow on either side of the trench to show the

6. direction plate movement.

7. Trace over the Mid-ocean ridges green. Draw an arrow on either side of the mid-ocean ridge to show the direction plate movement.

8. Trace the transform boundaries brown. Don’t forget the San Andres Fault through California

9. Label the plates by name, you should have 14

10. Find the Ring of Fire and trace over it in red.


|Earthquake |Latitude |Longitude | |Volcano |Latitude |Longitude |SiO2 content % |

|1 |60( N |152( W | |1 |43( N |122( W |55.1 |

|2 |50( S |70( W | |2 |1( S |78( W |56.2 |

|3 |20( N |115( W | |3 |16( S |71( W |60.1 |

|4 |30( N |115( W | |4 |58( N |155( W |76.9 |

|5 |30( N |60( E | |5 |35( N |139( E |55.8 |

|6 |0( |35( E | |6 |15( N |61( W |65.0 |

|7 |40( N |135( E | |7 |40( N |140( E |60.3 |

|8 |15( N |95( W | |8 |19( N |156( W |49.6 |

|9 |15( N |142( E | |9 |3( S |39( E |50.3 |

|10 |37( N |35( E | |10 |65( N |15( W |48.8 |

|11 |45( N |122( W | |11 |18( S |149( W |44.3 |

Part III. Real-Time Earthquakes

Real-time Earthquake Data:

Once you have completed the Earthquake map lab you are now going to add real-time data using the Quakefeed App on the IPods.

1. Open the Quakefeed app

2. You will see all earthquakes around the world in the past few days.

3. You can move the screen from side-to-side to see different parts of the world.

4. You can filter the quakes based on the minimum magnitude by clicking on the filter icon (looks like a funnel).

5. Record 5 recent earthquakes by making a green circle with the magnitude of the earthquake written in the circle. Include one of each of the following earthquake magnitudes:

• 6.0 or higher

• 5.0-6.0

• 4.0-5.0

• 3.0-4.0

• < 3.0

Post Lab Analysis – Answer in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The following are descriptions of the different types of lava. Copy these descriptions into your notes.

a. andesite—magma containing about 57 to 63 percent SiO2; intermediate in eruptive characteristics between basaltic and silica-rich magma.

b. basalt—low-silica magma (containing about 45 to 57 percent SiO2), which is the hottest and least viscous.

c. silicic magma—magma that contains more than 63 percent SiO2 and is generally the most viscous and gas-rich; includes dacite, rhyodacite, and rhyolite (the last not present at Crater Lake).

1. At what type of plate boundary do you generally find medium to high silica lava? What is this lava type called? Explain why – what is happening at these boundaries?

2. At what type of plate boundary do you generally find low silica lava? What is this type of lava called? What is happening at these boundaries.

3. Explain why Iceland experiences a great deal of volcanic activity (along with many hot springs).

Look at the type of boundary it is on…

4. Name the plates that border the Ring of Fire?

5. The Andes Mountains are found on the western coast of South America. Describe the plate interactions causing those mountains and name the plates involved.

6. Based on your map, where in the world (in general) would you expect future earthquakes to occur?

7. Are most volcanoes and earthquakes found at the edge or center of continents (and/or plates)? Explain why they occur where they do as a function of Plate Tectonics.


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