Georgia Department of Education

Course: GRADE 5 Visual ArtGRADE:5 UNIT: 1Lesson: 4 (2 – 45 minute classes)LESSON TITLE: Elements and Principles502920080010000Sample(s) (Right click image to add pictures of student and teacher samples)38104749800044557955702304457700571500445770057150044577005715004457700571500ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Artists use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to build and create successful works of art.TECHNICAL FOCUS: Students will review and apply the Elements and Principles in a hands-on review project.VISUAL ARTS GSE TO ADDRESS IN LESSON: CREATINGVA5.CR.1 Engage in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas by using subject matter and symbols to communicate meaning.c. Produce multiple prototypes in the planning stages for a work of art (e.g. sketches, 3D models).VA5.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes.b. Create works of art emphasizing multiple elements of art and/or principles of design.VA5.CR.3 Understand and apply media, techniques, processes, and concepts of two dimensional art.c. Utilize a variety of materials in creative ways to make works of art (e.g. mixed-media, collage, or use of available technology).VA5.CR.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and appropriate use of materials, tools, and equipment for a variety of artistic processes.RESPONDINGVA5.RE.1 Use a variety of approaches for art criticism and to critique personal works of art and the artwork of others to enhance visual literacy.Interpret and evaluate works of art through thoughtful discussion and speculation about the mood, theme, and intentions of those who create works of art.Explain how selected elements and principles of design are used in works of art to convey meaning..3 Develop life skills through the study and production of art (e.g. collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication).ASSESSMENTS: Link to each document with assessment examples with explanations DIAGNOSTICGauge where students are in their learning prior to beginning the lesson.FORMATIVEGauge student progress/growth through ongoing and periodic observation and/or checks for understanding.SUMMATIVEGauge student mastery of standards.Critique and discussion of student or teacher exemplarsOne-on-one or group in-process critiques Teacher observationElementary RubricStudent ReflectionMAJOR UNIT CONCEPTS AND VOCABULARY FOUNDATIONAL INFORMATION: The Elements of Art are the basic parts of an artwork. When artists use these basic parts, they are building up and creating artwork. The artistic decisions they make while creating their work of art are the Principles of Design.CONCEPTS: Definition of each Element of ArtBeginning understanding of Principles of DesignApplication of Elements and PrinciplesVOCABULARY: Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Color, Form, Texture, Space, ValuePrinciples of Design: Balance, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Repetition, Proportion, Rhythm, Variety, UnityLINKSAssessments PowerpointStudent InstructionsDemonstration Video DIFFERENTIATED LEARNINGINCREASED RIGOR: Students needing an extension can work larger or create more finished pieces.ADAPTED ASSIGNMENT:Students needing a simplified approach can focus on personalizing their Elements of Art notes in their Visual Verbal Journals. MATERIALSSTUDENT SUPPLIES:Visual Verbal JournalsPencilsColored Pencils, Crayons, Various drawing materialsSharpiesTEACHER SUPPLIES:Handouts, Powerpoints, and Video demonstrationsJournal sampleTeacher generated project sampleActual or photographed student examplesOPENINGGetting students ready to learnESSENTIAL QUESTIONS:What are the Elements of Art?How do artists use the Elements of Art to create successful works of art?HOOK/INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY:TED Talk on taking notes visually and verbally* (inappropriate joke in the video, please be careful when showing in class) Classroom/School “scavenger hunt” activityElements of Art Powerpoint & Class note takingCREATINGSTUDENT AND TEACHER PROCEDURES:Mini Labs: In their Visual Verbal Journals, students will practice using different kinds of lines, shapes, colors to create interesting designs to serve as thumbnail sketches. Project instructions: Teacher will model note-taking for students using both visual and verbal approaches. Students might turn words into pictures, use different fonts, or add shapes/borders/objects. Teacher helps to guide learning about Elements of Art through videos, discussion, and review of completed scavenger hunt activity. In Visual Verbal Journals, students will create personalized notes on Elements of Art to use as reference and will create finished work of art highlighting 1-2 Elements of Art. Procedures:Scavenger Hunt – Explain scavenger hunt activity. Give directions & boundaries for students.Review completed scavenger hunt and discuss powerpoint.Students take notes during powerpoint in Visual Verbal Journals.Students work independently to personalize and complete notes.Students choose 1-2 Elements to create small, finished works of art highlighting that Element in Journal.Visual Verbal Journal assignments:Find works of art that use the 1-2 Elements of Art you chose to highlight. Compare and Contrast your work with the found works.Reflect on your small works of art. CLOSINGREVIEW: Students reflect on how Elements of Art are used in works of art. Class reviews Elements of pletion of summative assessment of project by instructor and/or student. ................

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