Contact: Theatre Arts Department ???????????? FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETelephone: 509-963-1750 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 04/01/18Email: theatre@cwu.eduWebsite: to Host Bard FestivalEllensburg, (WA) – Central Washington University’s Theatre and English Departments are collaborating together to hold a free Bard Festival open to the public on April 23. This event is timed to celebrate Shakespeare’s 450th birthday.The “Bard Festival” will include a series of “Will Talks” by CWU professors in the style of 10-minute Ted Talks. There will also be a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by local elementary school students.The celebrations will culminate with two presentations of abbreviated Shakespeare comedies at McConnell Auditorium. The comedies have been adapted and abbreviated by undergraduate drama students Anne Dumphy, Kate Lawrence and Chris Santella.“This is one of the most ambitious student-organized and executed events at CWU in the last 15 years,” said Katherine Johnson, a professor of acting who is serving as the Bard Festival’s executive director.“Our goal is to get people talking about Shakespeare by bringing his work right into the heart of the university,” said Johnson.The “Will Talks” will start at 11 a.m. in the SURC Pit. The elementary school children’s play will take place in Black Hall 151 at 4 p.m. The McConnell plays will begin at 7 p.m. “Shakespeare isn’t just relevant to drama or English majors. This will be a great opportunity to examine how Shakespeare has influenced so many different fields,” said Jamie Elliott, a third-year English student.Cake and refreshments will be served after the children’s performance. The catering is provided by The Yellow Church café..About Central Washington UniversityCentral Washington University is a public, four-year university located in historic Ellensburg, Wash. Each year CWU graduates thousands of well-educated citizens ready for high-demand careers in the workforce. Central’s commitment to hands-on learning and discovery and individual attention takes students beyond the limits of the classroom and books. CWU professors are actively involved in extracurricular activities that engage students in the materials they study. Students get to do what they’re studying in real world, professional settings, which makes learning exciting and relevant. ................

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