Activist Journeys

Did you ever get out side of Michigan and see any of the United States? Do you have any animals? Do any old high school friends visit? have you’ve been to any reunions? Whens the last time you seen Lori. Have you’ve seen Gordon Marks. or the Randalls?23 Theres hundreds more Id like to ask you. But I best not bog you down with to many. Oh one last one. How does Dave feel about me? After all I did kill his species you know. There must be a grudge ?!Take it Slow Gal!Love Lee. . . What was the name of the bar we went to where we luckily got in and you met Dave? You did meet him then . . . right? Dear Dawn,. . . So hey ’ol Buddy, “Good Mornin Gal!” Hope your doin OK! How about some real food, got any? I’m tired of cold eggs with no salt, (or) pepper, coffee that taste like mudd, Oatmeal brown that looks like dog vomit. (or) grits that look like seagull shit, leaving out green speckles, theres black ones! I think those are knatts, (or) maybe maggot eggs ha! ha! I know one thing It aint pepper! This coffee I swear, they put ex-lax in it. Then giggle there little ass’s off while we poop the deck . . .My neighbors are DR #2 and #3. theres also #4 and #5 . . . Theres Deidra hunt,43 shes in for killing an 18 year old (tied to a tree.) Was videoed of it. There’s Andrea Jackson44 (killed a cop) Ann Cordona45 – (killed her little boy with abaseball bat) and Judi Buenoano46 “the Black Widow” (she poisoned her husband with arsenic in 1971, and drowed her paralyzed son in 1980) . . . This room seems to be about 15 feet high. Theres a window that can be cranked open, no bars, except one inch and a half heavy metal strip running down the middle. I’d say its about 10 inches wide. So we do get fresh air though . . .Theres a T.V. stand, bolted to the wall of nicotine pink, brown, about half way positioned . . . Stranes your neck bad, just to sit, and look up to it.I have a metal grey foot locker, which is about 40 inches long and about 15 inches wide. This is where I sit on the floor on a blanket and pillow, and use it as a desk to do all of my letter writting (or) book writting (or) drawing’s etc. Then there also is a funky green like (lime color) clothes locker, where my state garb, and personnel P.J’s and (silk Karate lookin black robe) hangs within. Its 6 ft high, by 2 foot wide. Decorates the place a bit as well as the foot locker. Also I have a grey metal folding chair, which I drape my navy blue state jacket over to cover over its bland look. It also helps to decorate the room some.The bed is made of steel, which is bolted to the wall. (No legs.) . . . Theres 2 dark (grey wool) blankets that cover its drab existence.Then there is a stainless steel sink with commode attached to. It is Silverish grey. Very clean looking, Since its stainless. And is cause I’m “always” cleanin my quarters . . . Seemingly always given the floor a quick wipe over. With a sock. ha! ha! An old military trait. A mirror, tinted, so as you think your tan, when in all reality, you as white as a “Alaskan albino” . . . is positioned between the stainless steel sink and T.V.The door that holds my withering existence in, has a ten by ten by ? inch thick window to it . . . And also there is an area, to serve food trays, that is closed at all times, except to dish out chow.Then I have a 10" X 12" radio for sanity with big head phones of Nova 40s – For to block out, disturbances of any kind. Such as girls going off, and trying to kick in there heavy metal + steel doors that hold (em) hostage. Which can really get noisey! . . .Then I also have the “Dake”47 to help me through. And lastly the room has things out here and there, to make it feel more livable, and give it a livingroom existence. Pictures, lots of yours, and books out. Cards on the clothes locker,Foot locker, decorated with what ever can be put out. to discard the drab look. And presto! This is D.R#1 . . .Well!! You can survive and keep from going (insane) by constantly keeping yourself occupied. Which I do by much letter writing, working on my life’s manuscript, for a future book. Drawing, poetry, Song writing, only lyrics, don’t know how to create a song in notes, for music form. Just the words. Book reading, Bible studying, and lots of communicating to God, is what basically I do, to keep occupied. Lots of praying as well. “Not for only myself!” But for humanity . . .The lunch can be so, so with vegetables. The dinners, at times good. like fried (or) baked chicken, speggitti, beef stew, chilli and rice etc. Vegetables are always plentyfull. So its not that bad of food. It would just taste a bit better, with Seasonings, (or) sauces to spice its taste up somewhat more.We draw out Canteen – store items – once a week. Monday list goes out, Thursdays receive, of only 30 dollars a week of. This is were your real essentials come by . . .So there you have it. I basically watch T.V. only when a real good (or) cool movies on, (or) when wheel of fortune (or) jeopardys on. And always watch the afternoon and evening news. oh! I cant forget! My favorite morning game show. “Price is Right.” Then the rest of my hours are spent on what ever to keep occupied, until I get tired and get a chance to leave this existence behind with. “Sweet Dreams” The most blissful part of reality, from a slow dying one in a 6 X 10. Well last page – more to follow . . . Take good good care – Love Always – 4-now – Love AileenTheres not much goin on. But I nearly got a D.R.22 Yeah! Theres this officer . . . She acts like she hates my guts . . . I got 15 days probation. See . . . she wants to see me suffer before the chair . . .And they call this place CORRECTIONAL.” Time out! Shit!. . . Yes we are like Sisters. My heart feels for you as one. I love you as one . . . Once I do love someone. Its all out. I am a very affectionate person . . . Eventually Ill be working on a drawing. All my work has been in ink. And itll be sent to you. When I get started Ill let ya know. The artwork takes days . . . Arlene has around 18 blue ink ones. My best . . . Even since I hit this place. I havent communicated on the phone with Arlene. I miss it. But not a whole lot. Arlenes phone bills were. 1,500 and 3,000. what?! Yeah her and I when I first was introduced to her. We talked for 3 hours24 nearly everyday for quite a while . . . But the cops fuckin lied so much, and as so much lying has gone on, I don’t know who to trust anymore . . . Take it slow. 4-now. Love LeeAnd how your Christmas comin along! . . . You know, here, I can’t believe they haven’t even Christmas decorations up. Nothing! Last night some inmatesfrom the compound. “Church goin ones.” Sang 3 Christmas carols out loud to us . . . they did a pretty good job. I clapped, whistled, and yelled. “Merry Christmas you guys!” So got a little Christmas spirit going. Felt nice....I’ve got a new Years resolution going. January 2nd I start really meditating into God. Knees and all in here. I’m gonna see if I can silently get baptized in the Holy Spirit . . . Even on death row, I still have sins. One is extreme, “hatred” over those crooked cops. I can’t seem to tear myself away from all the evil theyve done. So Ive got to work on it, by the help of the spirit . . .Theres not much goin on. But I nearly got a D.R.22 Yeah! Theres this officer . . . She acts like she hates my guts . . . I got 15 days probation. See . . . she wants to see me suffer before the chair . . .And they call this place CORRECTIONAL.” Time out! Shit!. . . Yes we are like Sisters. My heart feels for you as one. I love you as one . . . Once I do love someone. Its all out. I am a very affectionate person . . . Eventually Ill be working on a drawing. All my work has been in ink. And itll be sent to you. When I get started Ill let ya know. The artwork takes days . . . Arlene has around 18 blue ink ones. My best . . . Even since I hit this place. I havent communicated on the phone with Arlene. I miss it. But not a whole lot. Arlenes phone bills were. 1,500 and 3,000. what?! Yeah her and I when I first was introduced to her. We talked for 3 hours24 nearly everyday for quite a while . . . But the cops fuckin lied so much, and as so much lying has gone on, I don’t know who to trust anymore . . . Take it slow. 4-now. Love LeeAnd how your Christmas comin along! . . . You know, here, I can’t believe they haven’t even Christmas decorations up. Nothing! Last night some inmatesfrom the compound. “Church goin ones.” Sang 3 Christmas carols out loud to us . . . they did a pretty good job. I clapped, whistled, and yelled. “Merry Christmas you guys!” So got a little Christmas spirit going. Felt nice....I’ve got a new Years resolution going. January 2nd I start really meditating into God. Knees and all in here. I’m gonna see if I can silently get baptized in the Holy Spirit . . . Even on death row, I still have sins. One is extreme, “hatred” over those crooked cops. I can’t seem to tear myself away from all the evil theyve done. So Ive got to work on it, by the help of the spirit . . .Dear Dawn,Hi gal! I’m back! . . . Say guess what! I recieved my play girl card, expressing theyll be sending the magazines now. Doesnt sound quite Christian of me. But Man I’ve got to see some fine bods. Before I go! ... 10 bucks I do a drawin of one. Like of one showing more of it covered, but the rest of his gorgeous species reflected on the paper. Whew! Sound good! Watch Dave pitch a fit. “Dawn, take that drawing down!” . . . ha ha ha ha ha! Then next he’ll start sayin. “And she says she’s Christian!” Chuckle-chuckle! I’d say! “Relax Dave its only human Anathomy something like “Leonardo Devinchi” would do,” Chill out! ... Anyway! That baby would be worth some bucks if I could do it right . . .Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, slap your conscience. I’d, never ever “Lezzbo!” out with you. nor try! ha ha ha! Yeah, I am a kidder . . . You sure were a tomboy. Tough as heck . . . I admired it though – a lot. I didn’t have “Any” lezzy tendencies back then. I got thee idea at 28 when I met Toni. But your tomboy styles turned me on, because you weren’t afraid to adventure . . . Cause life is to adventure, and thats were our human knowledge comes by. Wheather they be good or bad. The key is there . . .?All my love for now Lee5-2-98Saturday 1/Dear Dawn,. . . The vibes are being surely felt around here that the era for Womens X-exuted is happening. And wondering whose next isnt hard to figure out. (Theres only 4 of us here.) ... One of the thoughts that cross our minds – is back to back. So all an all sis – you may want to get yourself geared up for this due separation. But When it all comes down though. Try to keep as strong as you can – and know that – life is – really but a moment in time down here. Well see one another fairly soon afterwards anyway.! . . . By the way If you can remember this too.! . . . Keiths ashes were scattered here in Florida on the pacific side. Around Stienhattache165 . . . So I drove down . . . And as I followed to the end this road, I reached an area desolate except for a small restaurant. With what looked like rocks turned into some type of shoreline wall. There I cried my eyes out and dumped his remains along that rocky wall . . . then just drove off – crying wildly out of my mind. O boy was I. EVER!And so what I was thinkin on the lines of here . . . if you had a rent a car – you could drive out there / take the road – or any that leads into Stinhattache and bury me beside Keith out there.This would make me extremely happy. 4-Shore . . . Whatta ya think? Think you could handle it. And does it bother you any, my desire to be scattered out here by Keith, and not up there.?! . . .I realize to good buddy, that your against the Death Penalty. But it goes like this, sis. I blew it . . . Penalties must be paid ...Love ya“Buches!”Aileen,5-2-98Saturday 2/Dear Dawn,. . . Whenever Judy Virginia and I were together out at rec. on occassion our executions would come up. So as we’d talk about death and the life after, we’d state now and then to each other. / to leave a sign., First it was a joke, then we started to take it a bit serious to use. And the pac was formed that should one of us die before the other. After execution, leave a sign as to life after death by patting the others left behind on the shoulder, or back. Like – yooooo! . . . And I remember Judy laughin and said. Ill do more then pat. Ill shove ya. Hard! OK. . . . so there I was ō about a Week ago now., reading the National Geographic sitting on the bed and bent over reading – while the rag rested on the bed. And as I was in this position I suddenly felt a powerful magnified force in the room. “Really magnified.” This power didnt feel evil nor good. just there . . . I suddenly began to feel a hand on my back and it shoved me downward.A hard shove as it also began to rub my back, as if to say, O Sorry about that, didnt mean to shove ya so hard. And all of this happened so FAST. It was AWESOME. So.... needless to say Dawn. Theres no doubt life after death. But I still feel she died atheist. So is in limbo. Soul’s still on the planet awaiting judgment . . .4-Shore.?ASHES SCATTERED5-5-98Dear Dawn,. . . Ever since Judy pushed on my bunk. I’ve been suddenly energized. Like WOW.! pretty freaky!. Ha Ha Ha . . .Were going to be getting a new Govenor soon. And everyone thinks Itll be george bush. His brother jed is already in Texas as Govenor.166 And my dear. He executes up to 8 (in) 3 days time. The Bush’s are cold as ice, evil as hell, and only care about Political Prestieage. Will do ANYTHING for more power, money, and to feel Above everybody and the Law. So if George becomes Govenor here in Florida. Women being XD/ is definet . . . So thats why we must now start planning . . .Now if you asked me to do some little ditty to prove life after death. I dont think Itd work. You know why!? NO WHY – Ha Ha Ha Well because. My belief is. Christians leave this planet. Therefore couldnt. But Seculiar folk who died – unsaved – I feel – can – because their souls remain on the planet to await judgment. So . . . I wont even be around to do for anyone. I plan to fully be with Jesus. I Love him to the MAX . . .Well good Buddy, Ive got to close er up . . .Emmmmmmmmmmmmph. X X X X X X X X LoveAileen,8-14-97Dear Dawn,THANK YOU GOOD BUDDY FOR COMEING DOWN! Weeeee hooooo! I am extremely glad you did! Again sorry for only 2 hours at a time, but! at least we saw one another once again! GREAT! Everytime I retract in mind our visit.... a huge smile forms on my face. THANKS DAWN. It was really good to see you. 4-Shore.I feel wonderful now! / Gave it away! To linda the truth, and got to see you! COOL.! I am very much complete now. God Thank you Buddy.! THANK YOU BOTH.! . . .Since our visit and the interview, I’ve noticed an aire of contempt. Obviously jealous about the tapeing and who it went to. Aw poor babies. Anyway! I’m as happy as a lark. Weeeeeeeee hoooooooooooo . . .Anyway!!! really sorry for any inconviences or hassels you had to endure.. sis. Just really elated to the fact we got to see one another . . .I will admit!!! I was shy with it.! Because of my Boo Boo on my face. Ha Ha. What a time to get that darn thing A!? My shyness may of made you think I didnt give two hoots about our visit. But.... by all means. NO WAY! (And do hope I’m wrong on even thinking this.) I Love you DEARLY ...Well . . . got to close . . . More to follow.Untill then! THANK YOU SIS! Love Aileen,?6-19-97Dear Dawn,I sent out my old stuff. A box is on its way to ya. OK. Contents are. Sweater ... Watch (. . . needs a new battery put in). 3 Bandana’s, The black robe . . . a ring . . . A stone is missing from the ring. But a little shoppin around and it could be fixed . . . “Our Friendship ring – sis – handed down from me to you!” Was sent to me, from some gal in New York that I never wrote back to. She sounded to much like a creep from some gang – plus was spick. So I said to myself. OK. Ill keep the ring and someday send it to dawn ... Which would symbolize our sisterly friendship. Good and tight. Or whatever suits your fancy buddy. Anyway! . . . Get a chain and wear it around your neck, so everyone knows – your mine! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ō god. . . . I’m laughin now.! . . .Love always! The ol hippie from Troy Aileen??8-3-97Dear Dawn,Hi Buddy! I know your gettin all geared up for the Visit.ME TOO! Even bought curlers! So as you can see . . . I’m just as EXCITED as you! I curl my hair for no-one. Didnt even for Ty! So my friend. KNOW YOUR LOVED and very special to me. OK.!. . . my tooth is . . . healin up fine . . . And you!? How are you doin!? And Dave with work!?I dont know how you do it myself ... when your sick . . . Your tough sis. TOO THE CORE! . . . you should have been a man instead of a Women! Am I right or am I wrong.? Chuckle. I can hear ya now.! Had I never of met Dave . . . I probably would of perferred – A Man. And Tom boyed it throughout life. Ha Ha Ha. . . .Me! I never thought I’d ever Lezzie out myself! Another thing that blows my mind. / I played with G.I. Joe dolls Keith had and all of Keiths toys, completely avoiding Lori’s Barbie . . . Buttt! That was only!! Because guys stuff was more fun.! I had no attraction to girls or anything ... Now.... had I of never been stuck out on the road . . . being Abused and mistreated constantly by guys!!! I’d of certainly turned out like you. Married with kids and playing the Womenly Motherly role. Buttt fate wouldnt have it, and all my Tom boyish experience eventually turned me gay at the age of (28). / 28!? Ha Ha . . . Yes (28). Took a good while before I finally gave in and decided to check it out . . .4-nowLove Aileen, ***5-20-97Dear Dawn,. . . I remembered in one of your letters you mentioned drawing. Well Girl! Let me tell ya . . . We’ve been doing some heavy stress around here . . . I perceive a heavy lawsuit by many will take place. To much hatred in a hitler sense against the girls, and then always trying to cover it up . . . So anyway.! I havent the energy nor time to do drawings . . .If you thought to seek book plans to help out your 50,000. Well! Go for it.! But I cannot help you . . . I am worn out. Looking only now to rest in Christ. Be it alive or dead. I rest in him.. . . concerning this 10 acre farm house . . . Your wasting time. Percious time. Sitting around hopeing the money will come to ya! It wont by any book of me (in time) nor by any drawing’s!. And no bank my dear is going to loan you it. Face . . . Reality! . . .I sure wish dark skies was on. Miss it! Man. a series I finally really got soaked in, and zip . . . Its only probably true the Government is trying to conceal U.F.O. Knowledge, and got peeved about the airing of the series . . .As for seeing you.! Why of-coarse!.. I want to see you.! We’ve just been facing some mental warfare. OK. And my energy is Zapped of all their evil.Well let me close er up Buddy ...Relax,LoveAileen,?6-4-97Dear Dawn,. . . Girl! you dont read my letters properly. You think Im on your case, when Im telling it like it is about the farm and money. / But I’m not. / Only concerned. /On the remark about the book and 50,000 on the farm . . . You said it was a nasty one. Amazeing! You really take me wrong.... I just stated – I cant help you on a book. But then said . . . if you want to do one on your own. Well whats stoppin you. Go for it . . . Whats so dam crappy about that.?Anyway! Whats with you . . . I feel as if you are now starting to play games with me.! . . . Quit holding information from me, and lets cut to the chase. / Hit the breaks. Whats up.!?. . . Now are you still mad.? And what for!? I’m just being me. Honest, down to earth, and Rational about things all around me.You need to be more / Understanding.. . . How about chillin. I am. Wasnt hot in the first place! Was only trying to explain stuff.4-nowLoveAileen11-17-96Dear Dawn,Man, either mail room is playin with my T.V. guide or it ran out. And didnt you tell me it was subscribed for 3 years. So if you would, would you please call the T.V. guide people and find out for me whats going on . . . If there is tampering. I want Toni to get on this one . . . This is a Federal Offense . . .Man you blow my mind sis! Still watch the Wizard of Oz. your a trip! And It is one darn good flick . . . I just received a letter from . And it contained that the U.S. Supreme Court has denied any write of certiorari. / Appeal denied. / This gives me some 2 years left . . . So we will never know what tomorrow may bring. The chair could very well be around the corner. But Am I concerned.! Big no. You know how I feel. Ill be were ever Jesus is . . .Dawn my beloved childhood friend an sis.! You’re a trip Man!——Namin your boy cat Debbie . . . Why on earth didnt you check the kittens little crotch. Ha Ha Ha. Was it “Then” to little to see. If you did you probably thought it was the clit of the female. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Well dont feel bad. I once did the same thing – untill ty steered me straight. ol’ country gal knew the difference . . . Love Aileen –?Christmas Message12-14-96Shootin the Breeze With ya On!Dear Dawn,. . . Dashing through the snow, on a one horse slope an sleigh. through the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells of Bob Tails ring, making spirits bright. ? what fun it is to ride, with a sleighing song tonight.! ?.I believe that’s how the last line goes. Its been moons since I’ve heard or sung this song. But I hope you were singing it with me. You see Christmas may be a pagan holiday.... But! we can always counter-attack Lucifers scheme by/worship-ping Christ and his birth and mission and enjoy it . . .Therefore Good Buddy!I’m dreaming of a while christmas, Just like the one we use to know. Ba da da da da da . . . da da da da.. da . . . We bring the Devil down. And we bring up Christ.!!!. . . Love your letters and recent pictures of you and everything – 4-Sure! My heart pours out all over for you. Only wish I could literally show it.. I wanted to during visiting our last 2 occassions. But. I knew I’d cry if I was more expressive. And also was quite shy about how terrible I looked due to this state of being, slowly taking effect of all and everything of me. I’d looks 20 times different and healthy – of-course – in the free world . . .I sign off now Buddy ... See ya Soon Love, Aileen?1-10-97FridayDear Dawn,Good Mornin! Its 3:03. Cant believe it either, that here I am, literally up this early. What it is, is that some girl upstairs – up in CSU. Crisis Suicidal Unit, is up and has been going off. Poor thing! Sounds all so sad. Either she’s filled with hatred to the core, or just down right insane. who knows. But she’s been screaming and banging up there like crazy. Sounds like she’s directly above me too. Sooo! I’m up! And am glad I am! I need to catch up with the mail. I’ve been so upset about stuff (around) going on that Ill park everything and seek peace, by tuning this world out of my head. I have too at times! Otherwise – locked in a cage like this I’d go insane an purhaps be like the chick upstairs. (uh-hem. . . . far cry though.... I’m way to tough for that garbage) . . . OK. Catch up time! and so here I go!I see more here on your kidney infection. Man . . . Very scarry – for shore – yet you come through . . .Long ago . . . ?O around 84 I had a stomach scan . (done) Come to find out . . . sists were all inside my bladder. Doc said. you need those cut out, or down the road like 10 years from now they could turn cancerous. Well I never had anything done, and wont now. Im on my way out. But I think the gig may be from . . . uh hummmm. Masterbating! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Hey got ta have it some how or another. I aint no fool now! . . .I know.... “Sinner”. . . . ! But I say A!? Its cleaner then, Adultery, fornication, or hooken, Chuckle, Chuckle. I know whose ever else readin this . . . has got to be fallin out. I know I am . . . and you are.! Ha Ha Ha.?4-16-96Dear Dawn,. . . yep! Still Studyin – whenever I’m not written a letter basically to you I write. then Its back in the Word. So Sooooothing! Emmm. So Pooowwwwerfulll! Amen. ?. I hardly even Watch T.V. Only Jag, Unsolved Mysteries, or when anything cool is on ... Cartoons I watch 2. Pinky and the Brain. then any Warner Brother ones. Otherwise my thoughts are entirely stuck in studies. I’m so comforted when I’m lost in the Bible.Mr. Alexander142 called [you] Again! Geez! He needs to contact me like this.! I need him or colleages to come on over here and visit me in a Bad Way. So please let him know this. Okee doke! Aww ...First Day of Spring! I know your happy as a lark now! Out here today it was 80. But! felt like 95. Hot, Hot, Hot, Man, Whew! If you ever get oddles of money some day, move down here, you’ll love it. But make sure you’ve got plenty of bread. There’s no work. Its just retirees . . .Love always Aileen,?Just Shootin the Breeze2-29-96Dear Dawn,. . . Im munchin down – here in my room – celebratin yours and my Birthdays. Radio’s on – as I write ya. This ones beginning to feel very mellow. Best one Ive had since Ive hit the skids and wound up on the Row throughout it all. Its about time ?! . . . So Im in a happy state for once. Great.! . . . Steve has written twice since I told him to FK off. He cant read to well can he ... Steve never sent me any Birthday Cards. Said he had 4141 too, ta send me. Is this Suppose to be a hint . . . Ive 4 more years. Then there going to execute me. Who Knows.! All I know is the guy is totally deranged ...OK. I’m off to a Bar now and pool hussel while I suck up some suds for this 40th Ha Ha Ha. Just dont pack a gun with the stick right.!? ? my god.! May become Hosa Queer vō. Chhhhhheeeech. Alright I’m outta here.To Day Dream like Crazy! Take Care Sis. Love ya With all my heart 4-now Off to Party!9-18-94Dear Dawn,. . . Arlene., she’s playin games. They’ll be no box sent this month. Also the Prison’s messed up in the Package room . . . So Ill just hold off and sit this month out. Then wait for November, and have you send one. Okee do Kee . . . !You asked me if I heard from ty lately. No . . . I really miss her too. sniffle. But Ill be tuff.! Like a Rock No problem. Besides now that your in my life . . . I can maintain real well. Ill just pretend your my, New Lover . . . Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . You better be kidden Aili. Cheeeeeeechhh I am . . . I am. I swear it. Whistle . . .OK, so what else is up. Well,.... lets see, Commassary finally opened up for me, so I had 3 cigerettes Friday. Em. Yum. . . . Yum. A remember “Candy Cigerrettes” Lucky strikes were best. hummm hummmmm. Ha Ha . . . I was stealin mymoms Kents whenever I could. When we were busted she started countin packs. DARN. Then we had to revert to our pennys she gave us for the Church Pan. Cigs were only . . . what? 22 on up to 33? a pack. Good ol days! . . .Love ya dearly4-now Love Aileen Take Care!?8-27-94Dear Dawn,Hi Silly Wabbit! That was, FUN! We just finnished up around 5? hours of get down on Arlene, Steve, Linda, Laura,125 60 min, Hotel, “Munchies” Ha Ha Soda’s Chuckle. And man, am I lovin it. Barbara Striestands song “Memories” is goin through my mind. So glad to see you. Love ya much . . .I seen ya Wave on your way out. I’d of had loved to of said, See ya tomorrow, take care, but were not allowed to yell out the window. Instant D.R. So I waved if you could even see my white palm goin back + fourth. Tomorrow Ill ask you to look for it on your way out.. . . I hope you see the ocean tonight . . . Well this is a short but Sweet . . . Love ya Much,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Aileen??8-17-94Dear Dawn,... But where’s, Springer! I find it Strange Autralia came in before Springer. Hum! Where’s his interview. Phil124 will be next. Ill ok his too. Get em while the getting’s good. Cause Gods talkin me there gonna try executing me soon. Sooner then usual. They want me dead. All of em . . .Back to your Visit!Yes I’m Excited Excited Excited!Weeeeee Hoooooo! Say have Arlene give ya munchie money! 3 soda’s Coke’s, 3 bags of Chips (2) BBQ + (1) Regular, and (1) Big Bag of peanuts, and a Calzone that/cheese + meat filled.If you can! If mommy dearest will give you x-tra money! O M+Ms too peanut + plain.Then dont forget Munchies for yourself. Ha Ha Ha. Itll all cost about 10/15 bucks . . . chuckle, chuckle. Are you 4-RealYep! 100%. Economy man, even in prison.But if you “Cant” get. Then at least get the Soda’s. OK! And dont forget a straw. Hee Heeeeeee.! Ha Ha!OK Ill quit! Footballs comin on, so I’m outta here. Ill write more tomorrow . . .Stay Cool!LoveAileen??8-12-94oops! 11thDear Dawn,. . . You’re the life of me! . . . I’d have to live down the street from ya, if I were with ty. Live with ya if I weren’t, if ya wanted me too. U O God . . . NO.. She says . . . No way . . . Man. Her 2 german shepards would tear my garden + house up, and that constant Sun bathin in G-strings . . . The Boom Box blarin all the time, and the garbage can full of beer cans . . . Nah! I dont think you’d care to have me 24-7 around. Sis-tar! . . .Aili Be truthfull, what would ya really be like? Aww rats . . . I wanted ta keep ya fooled. Darn. OK this is what I’d really be like . . . Always keeping my things clean ... I’d probably read the Bible everywhere. Like I did when I was in the free-world. Sit and commune with the Lord, gardenin, cook outtin, or mowin lawn, (or) Just plain Sun bathin . . . Love washin dishes. Its a mellow time for me. Also love cleanin, I think that relaxin and mellow. Can be anyway! As for hell-raisin. Those days are by-gone. I’ve had my fill of... Thanks to “fate” it dealt me a royal flush of evil. So I was never able to pick up any broken pieces and to start all over to do, as I “Really” wanted to do . . . and Be! To Be! I wouldve loved to of been in the Marine’s, and climbing up the ladder in any Red or Green beret. And if not this, then a buisness of my own, living “alone” and keeping it together in, God . . . as I do . . . Why Alone? Because I cant handle “Relationships” . . . I fall toooooo, in Love . . . and then I blow the whole thing ... because I cant control my Love Emotions. I become . . . “Possessive” . . . Possessiveness would destroy the relationship eventually. So why even start one.Live alone . . .OK! How’d I get on all of this stuff . . . Hum! ? yeah! If ty and I were at your place! ... if only it could be true. I miss her. God knows I do.See ya!Aileen The Kiddo8-15-94On Arlenes Visit 1st in like 2 yearsDear Dawn,Hi Well I gave Arlene a shot.... We got along great . . . and had plenty of munchies to past the crave away. Ha Ha . . . Its been quite awhile since Ive had . . . commossary stuff. The Calzone’s here are vantastic . . .Anyway! She gave me the good news122 . . . Look at me! I’m “all” Smiles . . . Weeeeeeeeee Hooooooooo. The Buddies gonna be down to see me. Arlene wants to come down, and stay in a motel near by and meet ya too. I think this is one Kool idea, if your all for it . . . So will you!She explained – arlene – how your trying to/as – well., trust Steve . . . Arlene is like dough. She can be softened. But Steve is like below 0° /zero, A creep and corrupt to the core . . .Love ya!?8-17-94Dear Dawn,. . . Say on visiting Buddy. When will you be here. (?) So I can get my clothes pressed and my makeup on. chuckle. I cant Wait. I’m all Super excited too . . . 6 hours certainly will fly by. To bad to. I’d love a comfy room, with stereo, T.V.micro-wave, carpeting, lounge chairs, and munchies, and spend at least 3 days of 6 hours a piece with ya. Then! at least enough could be caught upon, so our letters could be fresh with, new – news, and not old . . .Anyway! OJ/what a royal “Scum”. I really feel for Nicole. Poor gal, See! Mixed marriages. God is totally against it. All throughout the Bible . . . You can read about it, on page 114 O.T.123 Second Column #10 on Segregation Laws. OK . . . Well, Shoot! I have ta close er up!CatchLoveAileenDear Dawn,Hi sis Whats cookin!?Em! Smells good. Ha Ha . . . Sure do miss home cookin. I use to have those 2 inch stakes and pork chops. Good ol Barbecued chicken and ribs ... if you use a regular round stand up grill, once the grease drops in the coals and lights up, all you need to do is use a spray bottle of water and spray the coals. Fire goes out! . . . One other best way at cookin ribs is to Boil them first. Like thick country ribs.Boil em for am hour + a ?. When they get to near peelin from the bone, then take em outta the water and into a bowl of BBQ sauce, then gently onto the grill. If you’d like them to be flamed up a bit, all you have to do is throw a bit of butter into the coals . . . This way you get flamed broiled ribs . . . You can also pre cook corn and vegetables, then rap in foil and leave on grill for extra smoke flavor, always poke fork holes in aluminum. Ty + I use to cook out all the time. Our back yard was nothing but BBQ stuff all ready ... I use to have 2 squirt bottles. 1 Butter and slightly of water.... Don’t ya Just love all my Heloise advice. Ha Ha Ha. . . good idea Aileen, Thanks. No problem buddy! Just send me some of them thar ribs when ya get done, with 1 can of Coors. OK. I quit drinkin, but one for the road I just had to slug down, ya know! Well, be catchin ya in my next kite. Untill then. This is Chieff “Lee da Vee” and heres “Cookin at you kid” chuckle chuckle, may all your mouths water! while I dream up another back yard Barbee for next weeks set.cha, cha,LoveAileen4-7-94Dear Dawn,Hi gal, by the way, you know, I recall... long ago, you said that Dave agreed to allow me to stay at your place if I ever was set free . . . Gee, thanks you guys! . . . My dream, upon release. A cabin in the mountains of Cannada. Screw America, to corrupt. And 2 german shepards as my companions. A Jeep to get through ruff turrain in. A Bronco for other sporty events, and lots of R+R in Jesus With all the Beauty surrounded . . . Ahhhhh . . . If you wanted to move up with me. I’d give you the bread for a cabin of your dreams to do it with. 4-Sure!You know if I ever was miraculously released, I would have to have an address to go to. Cant be released unless you have one. Otherwise they send ya to other prison like joints called, Work releases (or) halfway houses, stuff like this. So I appreciate the support, should I miraculously ever need it . . .4-nowLoveAileen3-20-94(3)Dear Dawn,ō ō ō By the way Buddy Another dick bites the dust. A gal in California was Acquitted of cutting off her husbands balls, with a pair of scissors. Excellent! Way to go! ... Women are basically . . . “Good!” And men treat em like shit. Such a sad world. And if God is female, Im really gonna loose it, with joy . . .Say by the way. If I ever croak, have them do an autopsy on my female parts. Cause down in this region, is all messed up. It would help on the cases. And I could just see them trying to cover up. Vaginal Cancer (or) somethin. See what Im sayin?! . . .Stay Warm, eat well, get well, sleep well, And all of that good jazz . . .4-now Love Aileen2-23-94Dear Dawn,Congradulations Sis! Weeee hooooo !This is just a quick note, to let you know I recieved all the good news. Man, the Lord is lookin over ya buddy! 25000 a month.!101 WoW! I am so happy for ya right now. A farm, pear trees, Apple trees, a corn field. Geez! This is cool! . . .Yeeeeeeeee! Hoooooooooo!Ill be over to visit around March 2nd. Help ya paint an all. I use to paint houses for a livin at one time. Show ya the ropes to getting around the difficult paintin . . . Shit, I wish I could really help ya. Well! let me slide, on out . . .4-nowLoveAileen2-28-94Dear Dawn,Weeeeee Hoooooo 38 WoW! and I dont “Even” feel it nor . . . much less look it do I. Great feelin . . . Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes, and from the family. Really Appreciate it, and am relaxed here with Jesus celebrating it with comfort and great peace of mind . . .I cant wait to see some flicks of your new place. Man am I ever happy for ya . . . I’m still thanking Jesus continually over this . . .I hope now that the rents so low, that you’ll go out and get a used T.V., and stereo, and toaster,. Chuckle. Feel back to liven again. If theres no stove or frig, check out the newspapers (or) any penny saver type newspaper. Theyres good deals being offered. Rent a center and champion, places like this will ripp you off . . . Ty and I goofed up, and went through champion . . . Well, the color T.V. was 1500, but in reality of what it was sold for any where else was 99500. And the Livingroom was 2400. But sold for any where else at 120000 . . . I wouldn’t suggest them, although I know I have. Sorry! . . . We learned from it though, and then started shoppin at trift shops, pawn shops, want ads, etc for second hand used items . . .nic, nic . . .?4-nowAileen?1-11-94Dear Dawn,Hi honey Bunny! U What quit usin that lezzy crap on me! me Aw come on, pudding I was only stroking ya, purrrrrrrrrrrrr! U Aileen! Well, 3 letters from ya! . . . Yeeeeee hooooo! . . . (Hug) . . .My food. Well, for the last 2 weeks its felt, that everytime I eat, I get numb all over like I’ve been drugged or somethin. The food tainted. And my head has begun to pulsate as if the brain was swellin. So I decided to fast. And guess what! As soon as I did, my entire body came back to normal after 1 day. and this is my second day, and I feel like a “Mint” now. Somethin else ?!I’m in Job now, in the bible . . . I’m so gratefull Jennings Dake took them 43 yrs, and 100,000 hours to . . . spread the word . . .Boy is this Bobbitt Jazz, pissin me off. Their showerin bobbit with sympathy, which I feel he did rape his wife, and the public is spitten all over his wife . . . See how Society just sand bags women. No-care, no-respect. Zip! And them dam women who side with these guys who do this to women, make me sick as hell. remind me of Jezebeels. She was the wicked’est bitch in the bible . . .White outs. Owww! I wanna see one Where, where, where? . . . I miss snow, so BAD. and snow ball fights, tobogganin, snow mobilen, skatin. Ahhh haw haw haw! hum if I could just figure out how ta make some snow in my room. Just to feel it, would be great! ... Take care now,?Love Aileen??8-23-93Dear Dawn,. . . The way I see it. Ill be lifted by the Rapture. So no burial problems to work out. (or) Just linger on now until 2,000 when Christ will touch down for good anyway. So! Again! No buriel problems . . . But all in all. I dont see my DEATH SOON . . . The reason, is. my belief, !, #1 Christ is coming soon . . . #2 I’m in OK shape so, no death near yet. #3 appeals take years to clear before the chair. #4 Christ by then will be on the planet beginning to reign. I know you chuckling away. But. ha ha hay hay hay, its true . . . So I just felt to let you know a future feeling on all this . . .Dawn, I’ve been invited to a wedding.! Aw haw haw haw haw I’ve never been to one, whats it like? Will I miss anything? Alot of booze A. Ha Ha Ha. Thats O.K. I quit drinkin. So! Amazin aint it! WOW. 18 near years on the stuff. Shew. Whistle . . .Well, its time to close . . . I hope all stays cool on your end, as it seems its finally doin . . . Until next time, my beloved bud . . . Love Aileen?9-2-93Dear Dawn,Hi thar! Buddy! Hows it goin? . . .Say dawn, would you do me a slight itty witty favor. Remember I sent ty the 2 drawings, well I havent heard from her yet... Well, I figured if you wrote her a quick line maybe she’d get a line through, and perhaps write you back . . . It doesn’t have to be long, Just a quick kite, O.K . . . Ill stop askin ya to do stuff for me now. You know being helpless like this SUCKS . . . I’ve always liked being independant . . .So how was your Rod Stewart Concert!? Ha Ha, you crack me up. But! I’ve done the same. When I lived alone I had 250 ablums, the best of, of most cool artist, and man I use to get down heavy at home, drinkin alone, playin D.J. by myself. Man theirs this new song I love, called sleepless satalite. by Tasma Archer. WOW When she moans in it, it just turns me ON. This is the only reason I love the song so much . . . her moanin. Owww, its sexy., which makes the song sexy as heck. No I’m not thinking lezzy, I’m thinking musical. Swear it! Really! I am.DAWN! . . . I AM! . . . alright, ya dont believe me. OK . . . I’ve got an idea. Go buy the record and see for yourself...?Until next one. Stay cool! Love always Aili. P.S. This is what Keith use to always call me I-LEE . . .?9/8/93Dear Dawn,Hi . . . [Ty] finally wrote. After some 2 months. She received the drawings. Great! And! She’s got a new lover. Fantastic! Now wont be alone anymore. I really happy for her . . .And Guess what I received? Youll never guess! My manuscript, with 5 chapters missing. Yep. Well, I got entirely fed up Dawn. I ripped it all up. and said. Forget it. Christ is coming soon anyway! My Autobiography I’m giving up . . .I also received Appeal “Oral Argument briefs.” which means theyve more then likely had a hearing by now on a new trial94 . . . if there decision is “No.” I really “Dont Care” I just want to be with Jesus Bad . . . I’ve seen enough of theworld ... I havent ty anymore either., and truely without her, I feel empty ... I know God feels the same way and he will take me out of this in due time . . .But all and all, I really feel the Rapture is near to take place . . . And this should be to us believers a royal happy note to look forward too . . .Say before I close, Ive got to tell you a funny one man . . . Our toilets eat up anything I swear! Anyway I was done pissin and decided to wash my hands with this brand new bar of soap. “Irish Springs”, a huge green bar of. and it was in my soap dish. (closed up in it..) Well, I went to open it, after I flushed the rig, and while the water was thunderously goin down, I slipped openin up the soap dish . . . So I reach in and check in the hole and the foundation goes (upwards) inside to who know where. China maybe. Anyway! . . . Lord! ha ha ha . . . So after I’m done crackin up. I make a sad face, and go. But man. I just opened it up today, which was shower day and enjoyed its soft suds for only (1) shower.?Bummer! Now I’ve got to order another, which wont arrive until next week . . .Stay Cool, and See ya Sooner then Soon Love Aileen,?7-22-93Dear Dawn,. . . Arlene . . . wrote back and wants to keep in touch . . . So . . . I ask questions once in a while, hopin she’ll answer. And any she asks me. Ill avoid. Ha Ha! . . . Gonna remain on a defensive line, so no-more conniving occurs . . . Plus Ill be needin money later on when my funds run out. So she can reimberse me on [the money] she obtained altogether from me . .There sure building up on these support committers for my behalf. From New York to San Fran. But what gets me, is not a penny has been funded to me . . . What else is a support committee for. You have any idea? . . . Why all these people write me, saying they’ve joined this support jazz, yet for, what. Just to wear a pin and say. I support what A.W. did. Give me a break. Any way. I enclosed . . . fliers at a gay march in Frisco, so people would come to . . . watch Nick Broomfields 2 hour documentary on me . . . It exposes Arlene and Steve royal. But not much has been spoken of on cop corruption . . . I need more answers on what all was shown in this documentary . . .Well let me cut out . . . I’ve got to work on Tyria’s birthday drawings . . .?4-now Love Aileen6-28-93Dear Dawn,Hi! I’m back with some more of the latest I’ve heard on the news. “Have You?” About the guy who killed 17 prostitutes in New York.90 If not. It all happened on his bust, by havin no tag on his car. State troopers were in route tostop to ask why etc, when he decided, “Oh no! I’ve got my latest victim decomposing in the back of my truck!” “Better hit the medal to the pedal.” So he ran a stop sign. His glass’s that he wears must of fell and he hit a utility pole . . .What really pissed me off. is when channel 10(s) newscaster Art Carlson was relating this latest arrest, he smerked when he mentioned the victims were “Prostitutes.” Like havin “Sex” is such a higher crime then the rapist and murder’s was. I am so sick of them downin prostitutes as major criminals, worthy of death, just because of sex. Like I’ve said before. “We all Fuck!” . . .And think about it. A lover, (or) a friend, (or) your husband (or) your boss. etc, etc, etc. usually when you’ve given out that good stuff. He usually buys you something (or) give you money, (or) gifts just the same. So even though your not doing it on a regular basis, with strangers, your still – “in a sense” – being rewarded in return for letting your male buddy here, whoever he is, husband, friend, etc etc, like a prostitute is for puttin out . . . Theyre doing the same dam thing . . .How could anyone “Laugh” at a womens death by the hands of a viciously evil man . . . And check it out. I bet ya he gets life91 . . .Well, don’t let it . . . make your skin crawl to much, cause I’d hate to see you distracted from the word of God, thats full of love! ...?4-now until next time. From the Silly Wabbit Aileen better known as – – – – – – – – – Lee4-30-93Dear Dawn,. . . check this out! At the gay march in Washington they made a banner that said “FREE AILEEN WUORNOS”. And the gal who wrote and told me about it, said the banner looked at least a block long. COOL! ... She wrote me from a flier at the march . . . askin people to write the judge or Govenor on my behalf of being rail roaded in injustice. COOL I hope a civil attorney gets one, and starts contacting me. I am ready to throw Arlene and Steve in court. Royal! . . .Love ya Buddy?Lee2-24-93Dear Dawn,Yes I agree Ophrah Winphey and Jerry Springer are much more “Compassionate” [than Geraldo]. Im gonna check em out soon to . . . I hope Jeraldo doesn’t slice this one out . . . He told me to look in the camera, and act like your talking to the 7 dead men, what do you want to say to them? I said, I’m sorry your so you were so, phycologically sexually defunct and deranged, da da da da da. You know how some people are gonna crack up if he shows it. Then I was expressin how strong I am. Holdin my arms up sayin, but me Im strong, da da da. He said strong! what do you mean strong! look at your skinny as a rail (something like that he said) then I looked at him in a funny discussted look, cocked my head sideways and said “I MEANT MENTALLY!” Like you dumb jerk. God if they show that people are gonna roll off there couches laughin. Then I said real perky like, I was 175 lbs when I was arrested though. I was pertty strong back then. He went 175 lbs?! how much do you weigh now? I said 117. VCBJ nearly killed me, I lost most of my weight there! It’s a trip. I was believe it or not, Nervous as hell! . . . 4-now Love Lee?2-25-93Dear Dawn,Geraldo was a trip! He really needled my ass. So no doubt., Eyes bulged out trying to state my say . . .Well, by now. You’ve probably done Jeraldo and are back. Number one question. Where you scared, sittin there in front of all those people in the Audience? Second one “Did ya have FUN?” Man I hope so! . . . Jeraldo he’s cute, but I don’t think he’s as “fine” as women think. Also a nitpicker. Like has to be his way (or) no way it seems. flicks were taken of me with him. He said he’ll send me one or 2 . . . Andrea one of the girls on Death Row, I decided to help out. She’s penniless here. And no money in one of these to buy commassary to help uplift ya, can be hell. So she’s gettin a grand . . . Another grand to ty. One fore me and 2 for Steve . . .Tell everyone I said hi! . . .?Love Lee?(4)3-8-93Dear Dawn,Oh man, I received Mays playgirl issue. WOW! . . . Theres some real good lookin huge mommas in there. Aprils were itty witty and whipped. Well you know were my perverted head is at now! ...Hey Dawn, you had a word in your letter I had to LOOK up man! “Condole.” You said in it . . . on Jeraldo. You don’t condole killing. OK! how about being my Assistant in my Autobiography?! You know how to rapp that lingo there gal! You certainly blew me away . . . I can hear ya now. You mean your 37 years old and you’ve never heard of condole. me no! . . . Only the pilsbury dole boy! But not Con-dole. U You idiot! Thats DOUGHE! not DOLE. me Just don’t tell anybody!! ... I’m Embarrassed NOW! . . .Well back to the defense part,. What I mean is that, if I WASNT DRUNK (OR) NOT DRUNK but psychological syndromes there, that blocked thought patterns I would’ve held the gun with a smile, and said. Next time just know that you may run into someone who won’t put up with your shit, Period. If undressed would of dressed and walked out. If dressed. Just walked out, with the reassurrance he continues to try any more assault, then I’ll diffenately shoot the fucker. But then I had mental blocks. See from alcohol influence, and also incidences to “MANY!” Being All cleaned up NOW and with a clear head, to properly rationalize. Never would of killed em . . . This is only (3) I can think of. I deeply regret shooting them. I know you curious who. So Ill tell you. Siems, Antonio, Burress. The others were diffenate creeps, and showing signs, and/or physically on me, for serious bodily harm. Mallory I abhor. I know Im gonna die, one way or another, be it natural (or) the chair. And do not give a dam about appeals . . . As for overturn sentences. Bull shit! when “I KNOW I’M INNOCENT” for various upon many of reasons . . . Letter #5 on the way LOVE LEE?3-24-93Dear Dawn,Man did you EVER look good on Jeraldo . . . Dave did make you loose all your tom boyish ways. You looked sharp up there, and full of class! . . . Well, I look terrible . . . But thats because of all the stress. I haven’t been feeling good for sometime. Just lingering and hoping my end is soon. Com on Jesus! Please take me home . . .I . . . told [Steve] to get my message out, that “the only reason I’m giving up and excepting death, is because of how I was railroaded at the Mallory trial.” “That, I’d never get a fair trial, ever, that because of this corruption that carried on, leaves it senseless to fight ... but “who cares” she’s an ex-hooker . . .Anyway! Jeraldo when I said Just let me go! and it came back to him at the studio, he bowed his head, after he said . . . “Good!” Like yeah kill her. Unbelievable! . . .Well, 3 more days and Yeeeeee Hoooooo! Our grand Reunion! . . .Theres a bar out here, somewheres in Miami, called “The Reunion” Shoot! now wouldnt that be a perfect place to head out, and have a few for good ol times.?4-Real!Looking back, at you on Jeraldo I even noticed your voice has changed too. Man it aint that . . . voice I remember as a kid. WOW! More like oh La La real hunk a Women there.. . . You Lezzy, you best not try any of that shit on me! Don’t worry, remember, the sex part I don’t like, its only the companionship! . . . If I were ever set free! . . . I’d remain single forever. I love to much in relationships and wind up falling in troubled spots . . . Love is very powerfull. Can have you do strange things, you’d never dream you’d do! ... So – See ya soon. This time 4-Real. Yeee haw! Weee hooo! Ariba ariba! 4-now Love Lee?3-28-93Dear Dawn,FANTASTIC! 2 full days! 6 hours a round! Yeeeeeeeeee hooooooos! . . . Love you gal and always will! Xxxxx XXXxxxx Emmmmmph. Your so beautifull. Every bit about you . . .If I would’ve gotten into my past . . . you wouldve had some dozzies to listen to. And we couldve gabbed forever . . . I’m Sorry it was mostly on the killings, crooked cops, and cases. But I did want you . . . to know about it . . .Please remember to see about your friends lawyer son idea84 . . . And also a will . . . Arlene receives nothing I own after death, nor my body. Neither Steve. Only you and tyria. OK . . .THANKS AGAIN BUDDY! ... Ill be seein ya in the lines again soon. EmmMMph! X Love Lee?4-5-93Dear Dawn,. . . Americas most wanted, wrote me for an interview . . . for a special there working on called “The criminal mind”. They want a better understanding of me . . . My situation, and how and why this happened. Calling my cases “Unique.” Well my cases are only Unique because of a pack of lying fuckin cops! They apparently refuse to help women . . . Obviously 75-80% men, really do, have a . . . hatred towards women . . .Well they certainly will not . . . make me look “to the world” as if I’m guilty of my crimes . . . UK! Im not even gonna write em back.. . . Okee do Kee. Love ya Gal Xxxx Take care – 4 now Love Aileen?4-12-93Dear Dawn,Well heck, I’ve been so busy in my manuscript, the holiday went by unnoticed. Sorry! I forgot to Wish you – Happy Easter too! So Happy Easter! Darn! this project I’m on is sooo tiring.. . . oh my god, Im in love with a new song. It is by Duran Duran. “An Ordinary World”. Man I’d like that baby as a theme song to my funeral if you can swing it, OK! Say since I’m on the subject of songs. I’d love played at my funeral . . .So far theres.,“Jesus is Just alright with me. Dobbie Brothers “Time for me to fly” R.E.O. “The flame”, Cheap Trick “I see the light”, Gloria Estefon. “Faithfully” – Bob Seager “Lucky Man” – Moody Blues “There aint no gettin over me” (an oldie) Roney Milsap “Run away child” – Temptations “Show me dont tell me” – Rush “My sweet Lord” George Harrison85Well theres a few, ha ha ha, a few, I could write down hundreds . . .5:45 and Im back, Lord guess who wrote. Havent heard in at least 8-10 months from her. Guess, Guess, Guess . . . Yes! Arlene. man, I’m not going through her crap again. What should I do. She wants to make amends all over, a clean slate . . . What would you do? I know Christ is coming soon. And I should forgive all. Help me Buddy!. . . Tell everyone I said Hi 5 What gives. later buddy. I’m Such a clown! 4-now Love Lee?4-15-93Dear Dawn,Hi. Im back! I couldn’t resist another letter to you. . . . After you read the effects of the chair, consider . . . how wicked they must be . . . to . . . frame . . . a joker who had been raped to the chair, Falsifying evidence, and all the hundreds of, “obstruction of Justices”, they did, in order to gain a conviction . . . UK.?OK. here’s what happens.Justice Brennan describes accounts of execution by electrocution as followsThis evidence86 suggests that death by electrical current is extremely violent and inflicts pain and indignities far beyond the mere extinguishment of life. Witnesses rountinely report that when the switch is thrown the condemned prisoner cringes, leaps, and fights the straps with amazing strength. The hands turn red, then white, and the cords of the neck stand out like stel bands. The force of the electrical current is so powerful that the prisioners eyeballs sometimes pop out and rest on his cheeks. The prisioner often deficates, urinates, and vomits blood and drool.... the prisioners . . . skin stretches to the point of breaking. Sometimes the prisoner catches on fire . . . This smell of frying human flesh ... is sometimes bad enough to nauseate even the press . . . when the post electrocution autopsy is performed, the liver is so hot . . . that it cannot be touched by the human hand. The body frequently is badly burned and disfigured....?AKKK . . .Well I tell you. Even as much as I HATE Munster and his cohorts . . . Even I, wouldn’t want to see them strapped to the chair. Thats how hiddious this type of murder is.... They’ve got to litarally be “CR AZY” . . .oh by the way have you heard the latest! The Supreme Court decided . . . in “Herrera vs Collins”87 that it was not unconstitutional to execute an innocent man. . . . the law need not provide an opportunity for new evidence to be introduced, even if that evidence proves without a doubt not guilty, and have no rightto be heard on it by a federal court, once there trials are over and they’ve been sentenced.... Bold facedly giving the finger to the public and saying, And what are you going to do about it human race? . . .OK! thought Id fill ya in good Buddy. Sorry if the letter was depressing.... Love ya’s. 4-now Love Lee???1-7-93Dear Dawn,Hi gal! I’m back! . . . Say guess what! I recieved my play girl card, expressing theyll be sending the magazines now. Doesnt sound quite Christian of me. But Man I’ve got to see some fine bods. Before I go! ... 10 bucks I do a drawin of one. Like of one showing more of it covered, but the rest of his gorgeous species reflected on the paper. Whew! Sound good! Watch Dave pitch a fit. “Dawn, take that drawing down!” . . . ha ha ha ha ha! Then next he’ll start sayin. “And she says she’s Christian!” Chuckle-chuckle! I’d say! “Relax Dave its only human Anathomy something like “Leonardo Devinchi” would do,” Chill out! ... Anyway! That baby would be worth some bucks if I could do it right . . .Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, slap your conscience. I’d, never ever “Lezzbo!” out with you. nor try! ha ha ha! Yeah, I am a kidder . . . You sure were a tomboy. Tough as heck . . . I admired it though – a lot. I didn’t have “Any” lezzy tendencies back then. I got thee idea at 28 when I met Toni. But your tomboy styles turned me on, because you weren’t afraid to adventure . . . Cause life is to adventure, and thats were our human knowledge comes by. Wheather they be good or bad. The key is there . . .?All my love for now Lee. . . Did I tell you. Your drawings almost finnished. Yeah! I’ve only the stars left – a small corner to finnish up on. Then touch up. And Presto! on the way to you. When you get it. Put it against your T.V. set – That’s on. Or up towards a light. It looks boss. Arlene plans to have all the drawings I did for her, situated in frames of just glass with lights stationed in back. Like those Budwiezer signs you see in bars . . .Dawn! Lots of Letters will be on the way to ya. So be expecting them . . . (4) and (5) is on the way. “A-OK!”?4-now Love Lee(5)12-9-92Dear Dawn,. . . Yes I like Rod Stewart. Alot of his songs, but my favorite—favorite—“FAVORITE” group I’m into is R.E.O speedwagon. (There best hits.) Man whenever they come on my radio, I drop everything, plop my headphones on and just go hog wild. I love the way the sing. My heart does a million beats per minute . . .Butt out hands forward in the air, rockin my ass back and forth like the black girls do . . . 4-now—Love Lee?(1)?12-22-92Dear Dawn,And how your Christmas comin along! . . . You know, here, I can’t believe they haven’t even Christmas decorations up. Nothing! Last night some inmatesfrom the compound. “Church goin ones.” Sang 3 Christmas carols out loud to us . . . they did a pretty good job. I clapped, whistled, and yelled. “Merry Christmas you guys!” So got a little Christmas spirit going. Felt nice....I’ve got a new Years resolution going. January 2nd I start really meditating into God. Knees and all in here. I’m gonna see if I can silently get baptized in the Holy Spirit . . . Even on death row, I still have sins. One is extreme, “hatred” over those crooked cops. I can’t seem to tear myself away from all the evil theyve done. So Ive got to work on it, by the help of the spirit . . .I love you, so very-very much. Forever, I will. Plus you and I do think a like. That’s because our friendship is a most deeply felt one from the heart . . . we do think a like, and I bet act, alike, and (were) always made to be friends. The way us to are!! . . . Well until next time Buddy! Have a good one and see ya soon. Love Lee?. . . I spoke with Toni,146 of which word is now out on T.V. that he’s going to be representing me, and that he’s like Johnny Cochran. So he’s the Johnny Cochran of Europe. On the phone with him last week, I asked him to help you. He does, you best except it . . . You refuse his assistance, and it will be as if you refused mine . . . He’s going to make a fortune off my ass—through the recognition he’ll recieve once the spot light begins to shine. So except the things he’ll do for you to help out, as if it was coming straight from me . . .The songs! You sent! I love em Dawn,. Only wish I knew how to read music, then I’d know how its sung. But! Ill get by.... singing them to myself . . . My-Way ! Ha Ha Ha. In my imagination – I can see my group now. Bass – Electric – Drums – Conca style steel ones too.! Getting Down, in a Gloria estafon setting. Needless to say, besides rock, I also love tropical sounding music. Reminds me of the Keys when I lived out there . . .***. . . as I begin to Celebrate my Birthday! I want to also begin to Celebrate yours! Happy Happy Birthday DAWN! . . . One of my presents – One of em I say – Cause you’d have tons by me. Would be a car. You guys need a car so bad! How about a luxury van. T.V. an all. Or would you perferr a 4x4. Whatever! . . . Its yours! ... Next I guess would be a house. Good solid Brick house with a fire place. Nice huge ski resort one. And then some trip tickets. Like carribeans or Hawaii! . . . Like some Hilton or Radisson resort. An you’d have tons more gift wrapped presents by thee ol’ hippy here. You mean so much to me Dawn, I’d have to shower you full of affection of the utmost kind, so you’d know it . . .Say if Phyllis ever calls back! Let her know you’ve the Carbon Copy140 and fully agree with me. Then hang up on her. She’s full of shit . . .By the way. No letter from Nick yet. For the Record . . .Thank-you for letting me know I need not worry about Money in the future for needed necessities or funneral.***Dear Dawn,. . . I had a nasty tooth extraction . . .Then I’ve an ear infection. taking these eardrops. But the drops seem more then just drops with Aniti biotics in it . . . entire left side of my face hurts, and pressure pain galore where my tooth was pulled ... And then the problem of food contamination and intercom and – hum. Complete fishiness to big to slide on. So my dear this is where I hope Theresa can play a major part and change all this – “Madness.” All I can say is whose really the one., supposedly insane.But through it all, I’m still balanced and hangin tuff . . .***Thank-you for telling me you’ll keep good care of My Bible. Great! . . . Its my heart, too you. And my dear beloved Buddy You will always be Loved and thought of too, by me, from above . . . To guide you into the Land of Oz is going to be one Beautifull Bliss-filled moment indeed. Ill be there. Waiting for you . . .Love AileenHi Sis! . . . Yoooo man, saw Elton John on Rosie O’Donnels show. He made a jerk out of himself. Was wearing a super flacky funky lookin flannel styled suit coat outfit. Whipppped! . . . Then after he sang he went and started bowing on the floor to Rosie. As if desperate He to me seemed out of control from past drug + booze abuse . . . Geeeeez! ...The pictures! Yes Dawn! You do not have a moon face in your shots of yourself. Your attractive and you are quite photogetic . . . You could of done modeling easily . . .Untill next timeLove alwaysAileen,. . . Thank you for the “Beautiful” Easter cards . . . I sure wish my butt could cruise to some gift shop and get you some friendly notes too. Shoot! I’d be buyin the dang store out.Yes mame! And! Ill take that over there/and this over here, and that huge painting of Jesus over there. My buddy Dawn will just love it . . . Got the 42500 right here! Zip Zip, and out I go! Later, thank-you.U Aileen! you’re a shoot, its nothing, you should see me now, in real life. Im a royal kicker alright. Head out to the grocery store with me. Whew! “I love to clown,!” Basketball /with lettece. Baseball/with tomatoes. Ha. Ha, Ha. Flower salesman in the isle’s. I, (Pick up a bundle) (Whistle to someone) Yo! excuse me, but my cat died, and I’m trying to get these flowers for her. I’ve got 250 but need a buck more. Would you be willing to assist this hour of need. Ha, Ha, Ha . . . Grab fruit eat it and see how long I could get away with it. Never, did get busted . . .Have a Super Easter too Buddy! Love ya . . .4-now from the Kiddo! gone Mad.***Lorena Bobbit, Acquitted. Yeeeeeee hoooooo! Right on ha ha ha ha ha . . . Ya her scummy hubby sure is trying to get some spot light on his evil ass, isnt he. As a rapist acquitted, he now wants to get rich over it. What blows my mind is the pukey perverted Society seems to be more on his side too, then Lorena’s. Geez! . . . Anyway! Thank-God she got exonerated . . .?4-nowLoveAileenLets see. King trial and the four cops. Two were acquited 2 convicted. One was Koon GOOD . . . 53 some off people were killed in the L.A. Riot, over 1 billion in damages. All because of these racist pigs who love to be spoiled and think they can do as they wish . . . I believe if the Judges slaps there wrists on there convictions. All over U.S. hell is gonna break loose. And I dont blame em. Where all sick and tired of Crooked Cops! ...“Merry Christmas”, and “happy New Years.” . . . I’ve got a drawing I’m doing for ya for Christmas . . . For black ink its comin out really good. I’m impressed myself. Because Blue ink usually comes out better on night drawings. But in black. So far so good ...Back to Phyllis. When she says the money should go to her attorneys. She’s talking about her associates. So this shows me right here, shes 2 face, and lying like hell . . . Well everyone is in for a goddamn fuckin surprize. Cause no ones gettin “Anything!” . . . will ya take care of me? Sis———tar please. Only packages now and then . . . Think you could handle it? . . .Dawn, no no no. You read my letter wrong. I didnt have any feelings of you “Not wanting to go to court in my defense.”66 . . . Lets face it you and I know I’m gonna die here. O.K! So who cares about court! Court isnt ever gonna change. They fucked me good to death. Just like the rapist tried . . . I love you just as much to the highest heaven. Need to close er up. See ya soon. Take er Slow. Love Lee***When I cry. I am funny looking. My face looks like pork sausage before its cooked. Are yeah rollin over that one now or what . . . Well I’ve got to close so . . . 4-now Love LeeI am quite amazed you still care. While I’m glad our teenage escapades hasn’t left an embedded complete embitterment, back in black and the heart forever, with good memories do still preside...I’m reading here, about “March” that you may have the resources to visit me. Near thee end of. Man I hope so! This would be “Fantastic.” Cause the sooner the better. You never know, when the states gonna do there evil deed ...Dawn. Remember, never to worry my trust in you. We come a long way. Regardless of the missing years of seeing one another . . . I love and trust you. “Forever” always will be dear to me, as even Ty is. Matter of fact. You and her. Are the only ones close to me . . .Dawn. I intend to keep a close contact. As long as your willing. I hope its untill my demise. Thanks for coming back into existence of our long lost friendship ...Take Care for now Love LeeGotta Go Gal. I love you too. By the way buddy! I always cared about you, and thought about you on many many occasions. You take GOOD. care of yourself.4-now Love LeePenalty Phase, is Bull! . . . So I am relieved once again, that your staying home. Our face to face visitation here will mean a heck of alot more . . . can’t wait 4 this! . . . Lights, camara, Action! Ladies and Gentlemen these 2 women haven’t seen each other in 20 years! Can you imagine how much they’ll have to say, to one another with only 6 hours to count. Surely the time won’t be enough. But lets have a warm welcome for Botkins and Wuornos. And hundreds begin to clap. Guess who! All the Angels in heaven. chuckle chuckle . . . Well need to close . . . Baby! Love LeeEndings9-19-02Dear Dawn,. . . And see here Linda Would like to be at Starke. While all I can say is – by all means, if she can afford it – then “GOOD!.” “WHY NOT!?.” We both know you could use support in this. So if she’s up to it “financially and emotionally” – then by all means . . .Then – after my death – I hope you guys party like crazy because I’ll be up there, for sure, sweetheart. “JUST HAVING A BALL” so – please – after the tears – have a blast – will ya . . .THANKS . . .Now – should we go back to the pits!. Smoke a dobbie. And swig up some Boone’s Farm before we head out racing around in a Barracuda, then jump off the rope for a swim.Which pit ya wanna meet at – the 1st or the 2nd one. (I believe the last one was still under construction back then).Today – I cant stand pot. . . . . buttttt to go back in time with ya, I’ve got a 5 finger bag and 3 bottles of wine. If ya need anymore to get off on – theres some cool dudes I know off of Rochester that might turn us on to something!. Or maybe I could cop out at the park. Feel like thumbin with me over there!?. It’ll be fun – even if there’s nothing out there. Dawn, come on – whatchya – say!?.So – off we traipse, as the music runs off car radio’s with the “Who” “Hendrix” “Joplin” “Zeplin” “Moody Blues” and others to the “story of “our” eyes.”ō what fun we had . . .Know to that I’ll be shootin pool (all over again) once I get up there!. And can you imagine the “concerts” I’ll be seeing – all those “hip artist” who died.Yeah – its gonna be “Awesome” up there, indeed. “NO DOUBT.” And boy I tell ya, lately I’ve been feeling a “REAL SENSE OF PEACE.” I mean, “BIG TIME” . . . like hundreds of invisible angels are present around me. Its a real Cooool feeling. Man. Love it.”And to think – they say when ya die – your entire life passes before you. Well – if so – I’ll be sure to stop when we were together as teens. Kickin out the jams and having a hell of a good time – then. To go back in time there, will just be “heaven” all over again for me – sis. So if I can, I’ll relive it – during the ride out. Should it be true.. . . And heres were I’ll close up for now., because I’ve got to catch up on some sleep. Like I told ya my energies – gone. So, I’ll see ya in a few days. OK. In the meantime I hope your doing real good, and, stay tough.Until the next Time,LoveAileen***I hope you’re having a beautiful time in life and it isn’t hard on you. By the way, this is the end times, so I hope your getting closer to the man up stairs . . .Last night I had a night mare and a half. Satan was choking me to death . . . So BAM! Rereading the Bible and get him to “Leave me alone!” You might say he literally scared me to death. ha ha ha! That’s alright! I’m gonna scare him back! . . . 4-now Love Lee***12-25-93Dear Dawn,OK! I’m back, let me continue on in this idea of mine as to why were here like this.So [God] created human form as a shell for each [fallen angel] who fell to be given a temperary life, and prove themselves, that evil they do not wish to follow. That is any rebellion against God as this 2nd chance is being given to prove of fruits of our spirits in. And he has allowed Satan to continue to govern the planet, and influence man in his ways and idea’s, so to test us., of-which God allows for this plan of mercy to reveal our true hearts desire . . .Alright there you have it, a concept in wonder I came up with as I was studying. Could be, and then again I could be way off. But it was somethin I needed to share with you . . .Well now let me answer some of your letters here. What! Montel Williams didnt say anything bad about me . . . Amazin ? ! . . .OK! Dawn, were at the part about spiritual healin. Your askin me not to get mad. you KNOW I could never get MAD at you. puff, puff, puff... But, you are wrong.... God can do Anything! . . . If you truely desired him to heal you. “He will!” . . . it would be quite a mockery of God to get your med and then pronounse to everyone your being healed by it, by God. God doesnt want people going around expressing his power as, mediocre. He wants to perform a miracle . . . OK, Ill get off the subject, but I do think you can see what I’m trying to say here now. Okee do Kee . . .Here your complementing me on my bible studys to ya. Well, let me tell you Buddy, I am so gratefull you’ll listen. Man, I love you gal, and want to see you, your family and even others not miss the boat . . .Oops! 5th page. hum, I need to close this one here up. But “Ill be bock!” . . . Happy Holidays! And I love ya with all my heart, now go pray for a spiritual healin . . . please! . . . Stay Cool! 4-now Love Aileen?***7-28-96Dear Dawn,I’m Back! Hi BuddyOK. I’m still on the subject of sex and Adam + Eve. If we turn to Genesis 6:4. We see the Fallen Angels mingled with the human race . . . in Genesis 6:4. It says quite frank and boldly – There were giants in the earth “In those Days” . . . I disagree to Dake’s cross referrence on. Sorry Mr. Finis Jennings! Ha Ha. But as we see here by the word. Angels had sex with Women. What remains a mystery is how!? Was it like we hear today of exterristrial encounters – through insemination. The children they bore were huge. And I might add to huge to have sexual intercourse with. There penis’s were bigger then Holm’s of playgirl. His was 15". So I think the Bible is displaying throughout its word, various passages of hints only a spiritual eye would catch. One who really search’s out the word and seek its meaning – with reality of things and not kiddish sounding fairy tale garb, that to many seem to take the Bible as . . .And so if I’ve hit the head of the nail once again ... We can see why were not immortal as planned . . .Your question was human life during the Millenium in existence and afterward “Eternal.” The answer is. If you should die before the rapture, you will remain in your soulish state of being untill Christ 2ND coming. When he comes – then the new of all things begins. The soul will receive a new body, as when it was on earth, but only way different as in “Purity.” No scars, No marks, No anything but totally bran new. Young looking in the 20(s) . / Mature and young, And of-course Incorruptable . . . But if you sin during the 1,000 years which will be nearly hard as heck to ever do – then you’ll incurr the death Penalty and be cast out bound to the rest of the fallen – who await the 1,000 years out . . .There’s some pages in the Dake I wanted to referr you to to help you along in your question as well as just to acknowledge as your growing further in Christ. And they are: Isaiah 65:20-25 . . . Then page 837 2ND column were it says “Death Will Continue through the Millennium.” also 837 1st column (D) Then page 928 2ND column were is says “Sinners will enter the Millennium” . . .And now my beloved Sis. I must close er up here . . . Love ya GalAileen, ?***10-13-98Dear Dawn,And as I said I’d do, I’m here to get back with you on the rest of my beliefs in Christ. The personnel “what ifs” . . . in wonder. Through mixing the studies together of archeology and theology – with a bit of science also.As you know by Now . . . that there was a flood on earth before Noah’s. Havin taken place even before Adam and Eve. And took place with Lucifer on Earth with a 3rd of the Angels falling with him. Em Em Em Pretty Stupid! The CREATED trying to take over the CREATOR.And as you know by Now – By many of the Space Missions and their Scientific Findings on, from our high tech probe of various planets such as our Moon and Mars, “that they may of once held water. And as well had at one time experienced a major flood.” . . .Therefore! Between the “RECORDED” word and this Science in itself we “Now” have to think twice here from the literal discoveries founded by the Missions. And so I’m wondering if then that the planets surrounding ours – was no other than the fallen angels. And that when God in Scripture Speaks of a 3rd havin fallin with Lucifer – if he’s not referring to – not only earth that Lucifer governed. “But the Planets as well Around Earth.” As being the ? that fell with Lucifer in) the Universe as a whole. That – if earth wasnt merely – The Governmental Headquarters of the Surrounding Planets. And that purhaps “Paradize” (is) Heaven – And that the “Garden” (is) the ring of the planets within the universe. And that “Earth” purhaps was better known to the Angels and Lucifer as “Eden.”. . .Well just incase you cant Picture what Im trying to say then let me give you an idea of what I mean through a star trek scene. OK!There we are on the Bridge of the Star Fleet Command. I’m Kirk and your Piccard. And were studying “A MAP” of the———Universe there above the screen on deck. As were looking over the Universe – there in the far northern corner of the map lies a cluster of planets and its sun. Our thoughts are on finding the Kingdom of Lucifer’s within the Galaxy. As we float aboard craft in the twilight of paradise searching.His headquarters are located within the “Gardens” realm known by the title Eden. All the while being an otmost perfect spot for his headquarters. Spaced within the very middle – within the ring of the realm—the planets (or) better yet known as kingdom. Our Mission! To seek and Destroy. Why!? Because it has become known to us that Lucifer and his Kingdom has agreed to war against God. So God Has sent us to flood them out. They’ll be left entirely desolate eternal. Until further notice. What will be felt eternally desolate!? The Planets my Dear. The Planets! Although I have heard between the grapevine Piccard that our Lord may use the middle seat of the cluster eden as some sort of mercy seat for the 1/3rd fallen. Some type of 2nd chance I overheard. But how he plans to go about it I don’t know. All I’ve heard is that 1st offenders will be given a one chance shot at it in this 2nd chance he has planned. And if the fruit proves itself worthy to be saved from this fall (that the very govenor of the plains enticed them to fall under) That then he or she shall be saved. All I know is that I’d love to see this plan. When we haven’t even flooded them out yet.!OK. Anywayyyy! Thats one of my wonders. Here – with Lucifer and the Flood. Since we’ve now discovered other planets around as may have been under alot of water as well. And Soooo. What’d ya think.? Sound to strange to crazy to wild – or. is. it Hey! Maybe you Got Somethin there. Ha Ha. Gotta Go 4th Page and My inks Runnin out.CATCH YA in theNEXT KiteLove ya SisStay Cool, AileenDear Dawn,. . . And sure hope none of ya’s had any terrible hangovers.167 I can recall some pretty hairy tricks to get rid of off the road. Lordy, I must of tried em all too. But only one I really liked. Alcazelzer. Ha Ha Ha. But I cant really say if it actually worked or not. – Because I basically got drunk., everyday! So by noon I was back to a buzz on the stuff. – I swear once I had one so bad, I didnt even feel human! Ha Ha Ha. I couldnt wait to feel human again. Ha Ha Ha. It was a Terrible Hangover. Big time bad one . . .Ive still plenty here by the way – on my Star trek gig on the fallen Angels., and I’ll get back with you on it, after I get this regular kite out to ya and shoot the bull a little bit with ya. Want to catch up with ya. ok . . .By the way.... Have you heard at all from Steve an Arlene. I wonder what they’ve been doing all this time now. Its been since 94. Me + them . . . Anyway! . . . How would you feel if I made Amends with them?! I’m curious . . . Feelin ya know that I may be up for XN/. And so was wonderin. If you dont like the idea Ill drop it. If you dont care! Well. Then I need to get in contact with em – ya know . . . Let me know OK. Do you have there phone numbers—(?)Well. I’ve a few things I’ve got to do. Trays are Comin . . .Love 4-now – Aileen***1/ 2nd Chance Angels10-25-98Dear Dawn,Hi And as I promised – I said to Copy down what Ive been writting to your Mom. So let me do so . . .Remember. I’m Kirk and your Piccard.And there we are on the bridge of the “Star Fleet Command” gazeing up at a map thats stationed – In a planetary 3-D effect accross star boards screen. And as we were looking the areas over of the Universal Solars and all its Planets Inhabited abroad., we search for Lucifer’s. As it is known as.... “The Garden of Eden” within this kingdom of His. And EDEN within the Realm of this Kingdom – is His Head Quarters over it all. Our Mission. It is to Seek and Destroy these rebel’s through flooding out of their entire Garden. Since word has come from their Kingdom to our Lord they wish to war against him.What!Against our Majesty and all of His Heavenly Host!.Yes. Piccard – and what fools to think they could take him on and literally overthrow their Creator! But it is war they want – So war they shall have! . . .Well Now. Let us Be Going. Much to be Done. ahead of us here. (And as there walking off the Bridge – Kirk Stops Piccard and States). I overheard something the other day of which purhaps I shouldn’t have. I just for a moment overheard one of our Lord’s Top Angel’s saying to another about these fools getting a 2nd chance. And then I heard something to thee effects of a Mercy Seat. But Lo if I heard no more for I was in a Great Hurry and not able for even a hair of a second stop to chat and find out what it was all about. Well whatever it May Be. An Hail to His Glory.A YEAR LATERAs the fleets Cruise the stars visiting many plains and poliecing the Universe from such intrustions as Lucifer’s that occurred. / Kirk enters bridge.AHHHHH! Piccard! Remember that tiny bit of a discussion we had way back when Lucifer was being tracked down . . .Well.... That future has arrived, and the time has come for us to be briefed on it. We are to meet with our Majesty in the Union Hall at Noon. He is going to be chooseing various representatives from all around the Galaxy! To take charge over – His Commands and see them through. There is a big uproar of excitement from Colony to Colony. Everybody can’t wait to embark and partake upon the stars of this Glorious Mission. Those Imprisoned have been in Heavy prayers with the Lord.., and he had finally leaned his ear to Mercy – Predestineing them a way out of this tragic mess they’ve befallen in.Is there a title to this Mission!?.Yes – There is Piccard.! Actually I should say a few.! For one is called – Salvation. Another.... Redemption. Their meaning is . . . Redeemed. But Now!? Well.., Will just have to wait for noon to find out. So I’ll be going and getting myself ready. And when you do, wear your best!. OK!? Until then, See you there and God Bless.To Be Continued.LoveAileen***Dear Dawn,. . . O MAN . . . By the way! . . . As I was trying to tell you in short while sending the Mars article to you. Is that our wonderful Lord and Savior is So Smart! God is he ever! When He created us!.. He put within us a built in satellite, by putting the very material substances that are used for T.V.s/ Radios/ and Computers/ etc. Such as Copper and then other earthly substance within our very flesh. So – it is that apparently when we do “PRAY” we are being heard. By angels and our Lord! . . .When I did read the article way back when I instantly thought of “Star Trek” and the “Next Generation.” The Bridge aboard the starship. Switching it around to “The Throne”, and instead of Kirk or Picard in Control . . . Its Jesus. And we are all constantly being watched and evaluated from the bridge or “The Throne” . . .Love Aileen***Thank-you – on your Sweet Comments concerning the Star Trek Episodes. The reason Im Kirk by the way and your Piccard – is Because Kirk had Brains – But yours were even smarter! Now! Feel Better! Ha Ha. Man. its not over yet OK. So. I’m on a roll good Buddy!.Its taken so long – because I’ve been really careful at how I’m wording it all. Dont want him to mad at me – once I get on thee other side if I was – By chance way off. Chuckle. But I’m sure he doesn’t mind us gettin lost in our imaginations . . .OK. I’ve got to close shop. Last call! Whatta ya want!? Me. Ill take a Ice Cold Coors. Pleeeeeeeese. Ha Ha . . .Love ya BuddyUntil then/ Aileen***5/ The Fallen Angels – and Lucifer.11-9-98Dear Dawn,Hellloooo! This here is the last part. OK. A regular Kite will follow behind . . .Jesus Continued and SaidLet us now eat and Tomorrow we will meet again for another gathering on all these mattersNow before I close here and let you all enjoy your dinner along with the day . . .For much will begin in the Marrow of the Morning Star. I’ll leave you with a mysterious expression. See while you eat if you can figure its riddle in purpose. If So /Report it back to me. As it is this.“One Day shall Be As A 1,000 years. And a 1,000 years as one day.”“Unto the Day of the Lord.”Now let the Man Adam begin – And the last – with a Trump.THE ENDLove Aileen, . . .***9-18-98Dear Dawn,. . . O MAN . . . By the way! . . . As I was trying to tell you in short while sending the Mars article to you. Is that our wonderful Lord and Savior is So Smart! God is he ever! When He created us!.. He put within us a built in satellite, by putting the very material substances that are used for T.V.s/ Radios/ and Computers/ etc. Such as Copper and then other earthly substance within our very flesh. So – it is that apparently when we do “PRAY” we are being heard. By angels and our Lord! . . .When I did read the article way back when I instantly thought of “Star Trek” and the “Next Generation.” The Bridge aboard the starship. Switching it around to “The Throne”, and instead of Kirk or Picard in Control . . . Its Jesus. And we are all constantly being watched and evaluated from the bridge or “The Throne” . . .Love Aileen?9-19-98Back in the SaddleChuckle Chuckle——Saturday——7:00 A.M.Dear Dawn,. . . I can tell you got mad. I’m really Sorry. Yoooo! But I’m back.! So scrub the grudge, and be Understanding. Prison is Very Stressful. OK! . . . Can take awhile to get yourself back together.I pray your all doing well up there! . . . I myself am doing fine after some rest. My ear is so messed up. There isnt a bit of protective wax in it.! So its wide open. And certain sounds can kill it royal. And the eardrum . . . tends to giggle around . . . Its a bummer. Thats why my handwrittens off. I lose balance because of this “no wax in the ear gig.” All of which Medical rigged ... they handed me these ear drops claiming the stuffs Antibiotic med . . . All over the Box it said “ear wax remover.”. From that Day on. I knew., as well as with the dental dept. I’d be negatively mistreated. So I now have to watch my back in most everything.OK/ So now you know the problem I’ve been under. An why I went to space for awhile . . .Wouldnt the Supreme Court love to hear this stuff.! In big black + white bold letters concerning death row inmates in America . . . The laws are in the book I sent back to ya in 93-94 . . . And need I tell you. None of those laws are being followed here. I can clearly see they do think there above it. “The Law” . . .And so I’ve been haveing some problems – but nothing I cant overcome . . . Ya gotta roll with the thunder. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I’m rollin. I’m Rollin. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. KABOOM! . . .4 now / Aileen?10-13-98Dear Dawn,And as I said I’d do, I’m here to get back with you on the rest of my beliefs in Christ. The personnel “what ifs” . . . in wonder. Through mixing the studies together of archeology and theology – with a bit of science also.As you know by Now . . . that there was a flood on earth before Noah’s. Havin taken place even before Adam and Eve. And took place with Lucifer on Earth with a 3rd of the Angels falling with him. Em Em Em Pretty Stupid! The CREATED trying to take over the CREATOR.And as you know by Now – By many of the Space Missions and their Scientific Findings on, from our high tech probe of various planets such as our Moon and Mars, “that they may of once held water. And as well had at one time experienced a major flood.” . . .10-19-98Dear Dawn,. . . My Gosh.! I HAD NO IDEA it was DAVIDs BiRTHDAY! . . . With the party you guys rigged up – I’m sure you had a blast . . . Havent Been to a party like that since my ol’ teen Days. Went to Some with 50 too 100. And Some with NEAR 300 there. This one I was at in Denver Colorado. Actually outskirts of. Was the one with near 300. God Girl this Guy throwin the party had these gas barrel drums cut in 1/2 and then with Bull Dozer’s – Dug out Pits and stationed them in the pits as such for grilling, as grill plate’s were made to be put over . . . There were at least 20 different Bar B-Q sauces lined accross a table to pic and choose from. Em. Em. And Of-Course. I went ahead and dipped pig meat in them all. Dam pig was so Juicey! EMMMMM. I can taste it still – Today! EM. EM. EM. .Gōōōōōōōd!. . . Good Buddy – we do think A-like . . . By January I could as well turn out as Judy. I must say Fly By Hints have been thrown at me left and right. The 2 major ones stated to me the most (are) / Hang in There and / Bye . Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. For real. But it doesn’t Bother me in the least. Why!? Because . . . of us possibly being Angels that fell with Lucifer and given purhaps a 2nd chance . . . Anyway. I’ll do the same and send to you my very love for you in writ. So should I ever depart – And ya Get to Missin Me. Open the Kite. OK! . . .LoveAileen,***Say the other clip out of National Geographic! I’ve got a funny feeling this might be some left behind work of Lucifers and the angels that lived upon this planet before the fall and then were flooded out . . . I’m betting it was a . . . Navigational Landing strip for space Vehicles. And what I’m also thinking on (this) unknown creation (is) that the space vehicles were probably really huge like on the flick “Independence Day.” and the arrows helped spot the crafts landing as (a) whole of itself.Awesome!? A. Could be! And again – that’s why archeology intrigues me so much . . .***Dawn informed Aileen that “Ducky,” Dawn’s older brother Don, was murdered in a drug deal gone wrong in 1986.No! I am very sorry to hear about Ducky!6 Was it 3 or 4 years ago. Please! I know its hard but tell me more about this . . .***. . . Yes I like Rod Stewart. Alot of his songs, but my favorite—favorite—“FAVORITE” group I’m into is R.E.O speedwagon. (There best hits.) Man whenever they come on my radio, I drop everything, plop my headphones on and just go hog wild. I love the way the sing. My heart does a million beats per minute . . .Butt out hands forward in the air, rockin my ass back and forth like the black girls do . . . 4-now—Love LeeDear Dawn,. . . I-Love-biker lookin guys!.... If I was a guy I’d have super long hair and probably a handle bar mustache. Ha Ha. I just really get off on the, Biker look with any guy!. And every one I’ve ever met was cool!. Except for (a) real biker. There trash. Always into, criminal thoughts . . .SummariesDear Dawn,. . . And now for a regular catch up kite. I’m on L now . . .by the time I reached 18 I quit cruisin in [to Troy]. The reason is because most were off on there own. or not home. or gettin married. So I was’nt going to interferr with their private lives . . . Only comin back then for Keiths funneral. And just a couple of times to see Lori and Barry. Then that was it! Michigan turned out one place I’d never see again . . . then to Fla. I’d wind up from 20 to 34 . . . Doin all of that, only to die in Florida’s electric chair. Amazin ?!? WOW!. I look at it like this. Jesus has a special gig for me when I get up there. Because through it ALL I NEVER gave him up to believe in anything else ... So I firmly believe my syn-dromized actions are in far more Innocense then they’d like to think. Because of! All the Rapes, and all the Violence I recieved by Society that I faced. Driveing me, Cold and Calcullated. Bottom line.***I Love you dearly from the friendship we acquired as kids . . . Exspecially Thank-you for taking care of Keith in his last leg of the Cancer he had. Did he ever talk about me to you.? . . Check this out! I hitch hiked to Cal. to see him . . . When I was there . . . He said. Aileen I know you hooken to survive out there on the road . . . he said. You need to get off the road., one of these days your gonna wind up killin about 9 of these guys.! ... Wasnt 9 – Just 7 but close. Geez! So my brother quoted my future., fate.I was at Flagler. No Port Orange ... I told ty. If we dont move up North and get outta Florida. So I can find a factory Job and quit hooken. / . . . I said if we dont move I’m gonna wind up back in prison. Who Knows maybe for good. Even I quoted my fate. Yet had not a thought in mind to Killin – like this. I was thinking on the lines of maybe one who assaults and I succeed in self-defense.So WOW! ?.... Life is a trip. Indeed. ***Hope you’ve had fun. Mine had been a struggle. On the road untill 20. married 60 days, back on the road until 21, 25 went to prison for three years, 28 turned lezzy. First lover,11 ripped me off then left. And oh God was I in love with her. Then I looked for a replacement, found tyria. Still love her after 4? years, and am fixin now to die, as soon as time will let me. Exciting life huh! Geez! . . .Hi! . . . Man the memories just start rolling away in my mind. I miss ya! . . . When you said about Dave askin us if we needed a lift. All this I do not recall . . . I must of been blitzed. Darn. I thought we went to the bar and you met him there.Matter of fact I thought Dave was hitting on me, and I shoved him off in my nonchalant manner. So he went to you . . . All these years I had a wrong panorama of it. Shit! oh well! . . .The wizard of oz I am completely intrigued with.28 And also had in mind at collecting stuff on it. When I was with Toni it started. With tyria I was going to begin. But she always spent my bread that I’d make. and I never had a chance to. So the next day I’d go out and make more. It was so easy to. And big bucks. All the bars, fancy night clubs, and restaurants we’d hit. As well as her buying clothes for herself. I had one beat up bra, a few pair of underwear—recked tennis shoes. 3 pairs of pants and 5 Tshirts to my name. She had gobs of clothes. I couldnt help it. I was insanely in love with her. And just wanted her to have it all. I was her puppet . . .I was meeting strangers more so then my regulars during the last year of ty and I’s relationship. Because my regulars most of them where at “Desert Storm” now . . .? ................

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