
Gilberto CeballosMr. GillEnglish 119/18/13Juveniles Being Tried as AdultsAre juveniles accused of violent crimes ready to be tried as adults? Hundreds of juveniles are being accused every year of committing violent crimes as teenagers, but the question is, should they be tried as adults or as teenagers? Some critics believe that they should be punish the same way as adults would for the same crime. However, others believe that accusing juveniles as adults is not fair due to their age. In most cases the juveniles are unattended or are passing throughout difficult times in their life’s; all this contributes to their negative actions or crimes. Most juveniles could get back in track with a little help. In my opinion juveniles should not be tried as adults because juveniles brains have not fully develop, juveniles are not capable of defending themselves in court and because society is not being consistent in the judgment of juveniles.Juveniles can commit actions that might look innocent or immature for adults and that is because juveniles brains have not fully develop. In recent years studies have showed that juveniles suffer a massive loss of brain tissue this have a great impact in the actions taken by the juveniles accused and sentenced to death row as well as any other teenager (Thompson paragraph 4). The massive loss of brain tissue mostly occurs in areas that control impulses, risk-taking, and self-control this asserts that a teen brain have not fully develop to understand the effects of their actions; therefore it is cruel to trial juveniles as adults. It’s not their fault how the human brain develops. The brain development can also affect the actions taken by juveniles in court. Juveniles should not be tried as adults because they are not ready neither capable of defending themselves in court. An examination where 1,400 teens where exanimated concluded that age and intelligence are the most significant factors in determining the juvenile’s ability to understand the judicial process. (Greg Krikorian). Each year 200,000 juveniles are tried as adults. Krikorian believes it’s a violation of constitutional rights to be in court when you are not competent to stand trial. The question everyone still asks is if juveniles are capable of understanding the long term effects of their actions. A third reason why juveniles should not be tried as adults is because society is being inconsistent in the judgment of juveniles who commit crimes. Marjie Lundstrom claims that we don’t let kids under 18 buy alcohols, cigarettes, neither do we let them vote, but when they commit a crime we judge them as adults. This is being unfair in the judgment of juveniles because we don’t let them do some things that are only reserved for adults like voting but when they commit crimes no matter what age they are we judge them as adults. If they want to start judging juveniles as adults they should also start lowering the voting age to fifteen let them buy alcohol or cigarettes that would be a fair way to do it. Not everyone supports the idea that juveniles should not be tried as adults because some people believe that they deserved to be punished the same way as an adult if they commit a crime of any kind. They believe that teenagers have the same ability to understand what’s going on around them and the actions they are executing. However there is evidence that proves that teenagers don’t have the same ability as adults because teenagers lose a part of their brain during their teen years, affecting the ideas and the way they act, and the actions they take (Paul Thompson). Therefore juveniles should not be tried as adults. To conclude everything up juveniles should not be tried as adults because their brains haven’t fully developed, juveniles are not capable of defending themselves in court, and society is being inconsistent in the way they tried juveniles. They are not ready to be adults and this could be seen in the way teens are treated because they are not mentally ready to compete with adults. Juveniles should not be tried as adults because they are not ready to be tried like adults because everyone deserves a second chance. ................

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