Play/Character Critique Grading Sheet

Name: _________________________ Period : _____

Play/Character Critique Grading Sheet

Instructions: Watch the play and focus on a specific character. For paragraph 1 name the play, the actor and the character they are playing, tell me about who the character is, and tell me what the character going through in the show. Introduce your next three paragraphs in one clear sentence. For paragraphs 2 – 4, I need a minimum of 2 terms. Name the term, tell me how the term is used by the actor (emotion/subtext), and specifically tell me when the actor used the term (quotes from the show are the best way.) Everything written must be in a complete sentence. Your last paragraph needs to conclude the essay.

This paper is due one week after the final performance of that show.

Paragraph 1:Basic Summary

Who the character is 1 pt

The situation the character is in 5 pts

The next three paragraphs are introduced 3 pts

Language conventions (Complete Sentences, Spelling, Grammar, etc.) 1 pt

10 pts

Paragraph 2:

Use of 2 of the vocal terms 2 pts

Specific example 2 of the vocal terms and what this demonstrated 2 pts

Language conventions (Complete Sentences, Spelling, Grammar, etc.) 1 pt

5 pts

Paragraph 3:

Use of 2 of the physical terms 2 pts

Specific examples of 2 of the physical terms and what this demonstrated 2 pts

Language conventions (Complete Sentences, Spelling, Grammar, etc.) 1 pt

5 pts

Paragraph 4:Technical Terms (Lighting, Sound, Costumes, Makeup, Set Design)

Use of 2 of the technical terms 2 pts

Specific example of 2 of the technical terms and what this demonstrated 2 pts

Language conventions (Complete Sentences, Spelling, Grammar, etc.) 1 pt

5 pts

Paragraph 5:

Clear sentence(s) restating main points 4 pts.

Language conventions (Complete Sentences, Spelling, Grammar, etc.) 1 pt

5 pts


Typed paper (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Tahoma, double spaced) 5 pts

Extra Credit:

Including an additional theatre element with a specific example and demonstration 2 pts each

Total: _____/35

Example: Paragraph 2 (With 2 out of 6 elements)

James Earl Jones made great use of his voice when he portrayed the character Darth Vader. He used rate very well near the end of “The Empire Strikes Back.” When Darth Vader stated, “Luke, I am your father,” he said the words slowly to emphasize the important revelation. With the help of audio equipment he also used tone well. The raspy breathing machine he used created an ominous presence which created audience suspense.

Name: _________________________ Period: _____

Play/Character Critique

Vocal, Physical & Technical Assessment Essay

Paragraph #1: Introduction

Identify a specific character from the play. Describe who the character is and what their situation is. Also introduce the next three paragraphs Example:

___________, is a _________________________. By identifying how ___________ used vocal, physical,

(Name Character) (Short Character Description/Situation) (Name the Actor)

and the technical elements I will be able to show how they were able to bring their character to life.

Paragraph #2: Vocal Elements

Describe how the actor used 2 of the vocal elements (rate, pitch, articulation, inflection, tone/vocal quality, and volume) to create a realistic character. Use specific examples and complete sentences. Example:

___________ used several different vocal elements to help create the realistic character of _____________.

(Name the Actor) (Name Character Played)

(List 2 vocal elements, how it was used by the actor (be specific,) and what the use of the vocal element showed about the character.)

Paragraph #3: Physical Elements

Describe how the actor used 2 of the physical elements (gesture, business, facial expression, and blocking) to create a believable character. Use specific examples and complete sentences. Example:

___________ used many physical elements to help create the realistic character of ________________.

(Name the Actor) (Name Character Played)

(List 2 physical elements, how it was used by the actor (be specific,) and what the use of the physical element showed about the character.)

Paragraph #4: Technical Elements

Describe how the actors or the designers of the show used 2 of the technical elements (sound, make-up, costume, lighting, properties, and setting/set design) to bring the show/their character to life. Use specific examples and complete sentences. Example:

The designers of _________ and ___________ used a variety of technical elements in creating the believable

(Name the Show) (Name the Actor)

atmosphere for the character _________________. (List 2 technical elements, how it was used by the actor (be

(Name Character Played)

specific,) and what the use of the technical element showed about the character/scene.)

Paragraph #5: Closure

Stating the name of your actor and restating the theatre elements, write a closing paragraph to your paper. (Copying the example will be considered plagiarism – restate the example.) Example:

By incorporating various vocal, physical and technical theatre elements into their performance ___________,

(Name the Actor)

and the creators of __________ were able to create a memorable performance.

(Name the Show


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