KEVIN M - University of Arizona

DRAFT for Final Dossier May 13, 2000


The position responsibilities are to encourage wise use of water resources through teaching, research and extension. The FTE is evenly split between these three aspects. Teaching responsibilities include teaching a Tier 1 course and an upper division course. The teaching component also includes advising and providing support to undergraduates and graduate students. Courses taught should contribute to the overall teaching mission of the department and the college.

The extension responsibilities include working with active and potential aquaculture producers in the state and with county extension professionals who are working directly with their clientele. Work closely with many high school agriculture programs as they incorporate aquaculture into their regular agriculture curricula. Develop and maintain a Web site devoted to aquaculture in Arizona and write and distribute an aquaculture newsletter.

Research responsibilities are to develop an active and recognized program focused on aquaculture and water quality issues. The program should cover issues of interest for industry and the public in the state and be recognized on a national level.

I agree with this job description.

Kevin Fitzsimmons


Chronology of Education:

Ph.D. - Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Arizona, 1999

Development of urban wildlife habitat using saline effluent from electrical generating stations.

Dissertation Director: O. E. Maughan

Master of Science - Biology, University of West Florida, 1988.

Growth and feeding behavior of larval Cyprinodon variegatus reared under continuous illumination.

Thesis Director: C. A. D’Asaro

Bachelor of Science - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1978.

Additional Professional Training:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Short Courses; Water Quality (Jan. 1983), Wildlife Diseases (Aug. 1995), Aquatic

Nuisance Species Identification and Control (Jan. 1998)

University of Arizona, College of Business, Executive Development Course, Tucson. April-May 1984

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, Leadership & Management Development, Ojai, CA. April 1988

Western Ag Education Workshop, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, September, 1995.

University of AZ short courses; Lab Safety, Radiation Protection, and Research Animal Care and Use

Chronology of Employment:

1995 to present - Associate Research Scientist - Soil, Water and Environmental Science.

1995 to present - Associate Research Scientist - Wildlife and Fisheries Science (joint appointment)

Conduct an active research program in aquaculture and management of aquatic systems. Teach an introductory environmental science lab course and co-teach two upper division 4 unit courses that are cross listed by three departments. Develop a formal aquaculture extension program including a Web site, field days, extension newsletter, visits to farms, Career Development Event and school programs. I also provide many tours of University aquaculture research facilities to clientele.

1992 to 1995 - Associate Research Scientist - Environmental Research Lab, University of Arizona.

1992 to 1995 - Adjunct Research Scientist - Wildlife and Fisheries, RNR, University of Arizona.

Principal Investigator on numerous projects with a focus on aquaculture, reuse of wastewaters and management of man-made bodies of water in Arizona. Worked with many of the fish farmers and high school aquaculture programs in the state. Began teaching Biology and Culture of Algae as an experimental course in the Wildlife and Fisheries department.

1988 to 1992 - Research Specialist, Principal - Environmental Research Lab, University of Arizona.

Coordinator for aquaculture research efforts at ERL. PI for research projects concentrating on nutrition, engineering, breeding, production and integration techniques in aquaculture/agriculture systems. I also developed bioremediation projects using saline waters for revegetation projects and soil and agronomic systems to remove pollutants from stack gases.

1984-88 - Program Coordinator - ERL, Univ. of Arizona.

Coordinator of University agricultural efforts for the Biosphere 2 project. Led and supervised a multi-disciplinary team from the University including faculty, staff, graduate students, and consultants. Prepared budgets, reports, and worked with sponsors, other contractors, press and NASA officials. Also, maintained a small program in aquaculture research.

1981-84 - Research Assistant - ERL, Univ. of Arizona.

Conducted research in support of freshwater aquaculture program and marine shrimp aquaculture project. Duties including collecting broodstock shrimp in Mexico and transporting to farm in Hawaii, designing, conducting, and reporting feeding trials with shrimp and fish.

1979 - 80 - Biological Aide - National Marine Fisheries Service, Destin, Florida.

Collected biological and catch effort data in support of the Oceanic Game Fish Investigation. Duties included coordinating fish tagging project, taking morphological, sex, and gut content data, collecting fish parts for aging studies and officiating at big game fishing tournaments.

Honors, Awards, Certifications:

Elected president of US Aquaculture Society in 1999 (aquaculture professional society)

Certified Professional Fisheries Scientist, No. 1932, American Fisheries Society

Top 20%, College of Agriculture Teaching Evaluations (Spring 1993)

University of West Florida Graduate Fellowship 1979

Invited Member of the Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals

Certified Pesticide Applicator PUG99-5630 Arizona Department of Agriculture

Service (last 5 years): Outreach:


Organized and hosted Aquaculture Career Development Event for State FFA Field Day 1998-2000

Instructor - Arizona In-service in Aquaculture Education - AED 597e June 1995 and June 1998

Board of Directors, Treasurer, V.P. and President of Tucson Zoological Society 1997-2000

Presentation “Taste and Odor in the Phoenix area Drinking Water” - Glendale City Hall - March 1997

Guest lecturer - Environmental issues - Canyon Ranch (bimonthly) 1995-1996


Co-Chair of Inland Aquaculture Technical Session, World Aquaculture Meeting - May 1999

Instructor - National In-service in Aquaculture Education - Auburn University - July 1998

Participant in National Workshop on Aquaculture Genetics, THE PHILIPPINES - March 1998

Organized and moderated Tilapia Technical Session at World Aquaculture Meetings - Feb. 1998

Organized and chaired International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture - Nov. 1997

Organized and moderated Tilapia Technical Session at World Aquaculture Meetings - Feb. 1997

Invited lecture to Nevada Aquaculture Association, Reno, NV - Oct. 1996

Organized and moderated Tilapia Technical Session at US Aquaculture Meetings - Jan. 1996

Organized Tilapia Technical Session at World Aquaculture Meetings - Feb. 1995.

Guest lecturer - Shrimp diseases, Integrated aquaculture and agriculture and the Role of Extension in Aquaculture Development - National Aquaculture Center, Abbassa, EGYPT August 1994.

Guest lecturer - Aquaculture course - University of Idaho - April 1995

Guest lecturer - Aquaculture course - Washington State University - April 1995

Guest seminar and review of aquaculture program at New Mexico State University - May 1995.

Hosted Visiting Scientist from EGYPT Jan. - May 1994.

Hosted Visiting Scientists from CHINA Sept. 1998

Hosted Visiting Scientist from ISRAEL Dec. 1999

Professional Societies:

World Aquaculture Society, (Nominated to Board of Directors, lost election)

U.S. Aquaculture Society, (President, Board of Directors, Chair of Subcommittee on Electronic Media )

American Fisheries Society (Certified Professional Fisheries Scientist, No. 1932)

American Tilapia Association (Vice President)

Arizona Aquaculture Association (V.P.& Newsletter Editor)

Aquacultural Engineering Society

Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals

Aquatic Plant Management Society

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Tucson Zoological Society (President, Board of Directors, Treasurer, VP )



Department Committee(s)

Core curriculum courses

Retreat planning

Department Web Page

Aquaculture field day

Review proposals to Agricultural Experiment Station (Wildlife and Fisheries)

University Committee

Task force to develop research and student programs with ITESM, Campus Guaymas


Annual short course on Care and Use of Aquatic Animals in Research for UA Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Member of Development Panel for Natural Resources Curriculum - A curriculum developed for teaching natural resources at the secondary level in Arizona.

Recorder for session on Whole Effluent Toxicity for Annual Arid West Water Quality Conference. June 1997.


Editorial Advisory Board for Reviews in Fisheries Science - A professional journal published by CRC Press and the American Fisheries Society

Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Environment - A professional journal devoted to these issues in the developing world

Reviewer of competitive grants for U.S. Departments of Agriculture (CSREES, SBIR, Regional Aquaculture Centers and Fund for Rural America) and Dept. of Commerce, National Science Foundation, Electric Power Research Institute and Water Resources Research Program

Member of Technical Committee for Western Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA

Member of Review Panel for Aquaculture Curriculum Guide - A curriculum developed for teaching aquaculture at the secondary level, distributed nationwide by the Council for Agricultural Education

Member of Technical Advisory Committee, Arizona Department of Water Resources

Reviewer for journals - Aquaculture, Progressive Fish Culturist, Journal of World Aquaculture Society, Journal of Aquaculture Engineering, Journal of Aquaculture Research, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, Journal of North American Aquaculture

Invited Member of the Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals



Tilapia Aquaculture : Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Editor. Fitzsimmons, K. 1997. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 106. Ithaca, N. Y. 808pp.

Refereed journal articles:

9. Galindo-Bect, M.S., Glenn, E.P., Page, H.M., Fitzsimmons, K., Galindo-Bect, L.A., Hernandez-Ayon, J.M., Petty, R.L., Garcia-Hernandez, J. and Moore, D. in press. Penaeid shrimp in the Upper Gulf of California in relation to Colorado River discharge. Fishery Bulletin 98(1): 222-225.

8. Glenn, E., Cohen, M., Morrison, J., Valdes-Casilla, C. and Fitzsimmons, K. 1999. Science and policy dilemas in the management of agricultural waste waters: The case of the Salton Sea, CA, USA. Environmental Science and Policy 2:413-423.

7. Brown, J.J., Glenn, E.P., Fitzsimmons, K.M. and Smith, S.E., 1999. Halophytes for the treatment of saline

aquaculture effluent. Aquaculture 175:255-268.

6. Fitzsimmons, K., Lovely, C. and E. Glenn. 1998. Growth differences among widely separated geographic accessions of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) in the Great Basin desert, New Mexico, USA. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 12(2):87-94.

5. Glenn, E., Moore, D., Brown, J.J., Tanner, R., Fitzsimmons, K., Akutigawa, M. and S. Napoleon. 1998. A sustainable culture system for Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) using sporelings, reef growout and floating cages in Hawaii. Aquaculture 165:221-232.

4. Glenn, E., Tanner, R.., Miyamoto, S. Fitzsimmons, K. and Boyer, J. 1998. Water use, productivity and forage quality of the halophyte Atriplex nummularia grown on saline waste water in a desert environment. J. of Arid Environments 38:45-62.

3. Fitzsimmons, K., Dickenson, G., Brand, C., and J. Davis. 1997. Effects of reducing dietary lipid levels on growth of hybrid tilapia in an intensive recirculating water system. Progressive Fish Culturist 59:293-296.

2. Riley, J.J., Fitzsimmons, K. M. and E. Glenn. 1997. Halophyte irrigation: An overlooked strategy for management of membrane filtration concentrate. Desalination 110:297-211.

1. Glenn, E., Moore, D. Fitzsimmons, K. and Azevedo, C. 1996. Spore culture of the edible red seaweed, Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) Aquaculture 142:59-74.

Book Chapters:

Fitzsimmons, K. The future of Tilapia in the Americas. Chapter 1. in Tilapia Aquaculture in the Americas. B. Costa-Pierce editor.

Fitzsimmons, K. Tilapia aquaculture in Mexico Chapter 12. in Tilapia Aquaculture in the Americas. B. Costa-Pierce editor.

Conference Proceedings:

1. Fitzsimmons, K. and Posadas, B. 1997. Consumer demand for tilapia products in the US and the effects on local markets in exporting countries. Pp. 613-632. In: Tilapia Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Editor. K. Fitzsimmons, K. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication, No. NRAES - 106. Ithaca, N. Y.

2. Skeen, B. A., Fitzsimmons, K., Brown, J.J. and G. Dickenson. 1997. Performance characteristics of open and closed bead filters in a closed recirculating tilapia production system. Pp. 276-286. In : M.B. Timmons and T. Losordo, editors. Advances in Aquacultural Engineering. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 105, Ithaca, NY.

3. Fitzsimmons, K. 1997. AquaRIC’s: Philosophy and direction. Pp. 19-22. In : Webster, D. and Ewart, J. , editors. National Aquaculture Extension Conference Proceedings. Annapolis, MD.

4. Piedrahita R.H., Zachritz, W.H., Fitzsimmons, K, and Brockway, C. 1996. Evaluation and improvements of solids removal systems for aquaculture. pp. 141-150. In: G. S. Libey and M. B. Timmons, editors. Successes and Failures in Commercial Recirculating Aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering Proceedings II. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service Publication No. NRAES - 8.

5. Olsen, M.W., K.M. Fitzsimmons, and D.W. Moore. 1993. Surface irrigation of cotton using aquaculture effluent, pp.159-165. In: Techniques for Modern Aquaculture (J.K. Wang, Ed.) St. Joseph, MI:ASAE Pub. 02-93.

6. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Extending the value of aquaculture effluents through sustainable

agriculture practices, p.344-346. In: National Livestock, Poultry, and Aquaculture Waste Management.

Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. Pub. 03-92.

7. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Fertilizer value of aquaculture effluent and land disposal as a Best Management Practice. pp. 1-4. In: Proceedings of the National Extension Aquaculture Workshop. Ferndale, Ark..

8. Lightner, D., Redman, R., Mohney, L., Dickenson, G., Fitzsimmons, K., 1988. Major diseases encountered in controlled environment culture of tilapias in fresh and brackish water over a three year period in Arizona, p.111-116. In: 2nd International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

9. Leigh, L., Fitzsimmons, K.M., Norem, M. and Stumpf, D.K. 1987. An introduction to the intensive agriculture biome of Biosphere II, p.76-81. In: Space Manufacturing 6: Nonterrestrial Resources and Biosciences. Am. Inst. Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Other Publications:

1. Fitzsimmons, K., Circa, A., Jimenez, E.B. and Pereda, D. 1999. Development of low cost supplemental feeds for tilapia in pond and cage culture. In: K. McElwee, D. Burke, M. Niles and H. Egna (Editors), Sixteenth Annual Technical Report. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. pp. 57-63.

1. Fitzsimmons, K. 1998. O Mercado de Tilapia nos EUA. (Tilapia markets in the US.) Panorama da AQUICULTURA 8(45):28-30.

2. Fitzsimmons, K. and Circa, A. 1997. Development of low cost supplemental feeds for tilapia in pond and cage culture in the Philippines. In: Fifteenth Annual Technical Report, 1997. Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

3. Olsen, M., Frye, R., Fitzsimmons, K., Ebert, S. and Dickenson, G. 1997. Agricultural remediation of stack gases. Rural Electric Research Project 92-4. National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Arlington, VA.

4. Glenn, E., Moore, D., Machado, C., Fitzsimmons, K. and Menke, S. 1996. Atlas of Gracilaria Spore Culture. National Coastal Research and Development Institute, Portland, OR.

5. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1995. Evaluation of halophytes to dispose of saline water and for direct planting on ash ponds. Report to Arizona Public Service.

6. Fitzsimmons, K.M., E. Glenn, K. Hilwig and T. Holstein 1995. A Survey, with recommendations for control, of aquatic weeds and algae in the Central Arizona Project Canal. Report to Central Arizona Water Conservation District. 22pp.

7. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1995. Survey and review of constraints to aquaculture development and new species. Western Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA., University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 73pp.

8. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1994. Staff Appraisal Report: Development of aquaculture infrastructure in Mexico. Report to the World Bank..

9. Glenn, E., Fitzsimmons, K. and D. Baumgartner. 1994. Growth and water use of conventional and halophytic landscape plants irrigated with saline water. EPRI Report 8021-03.

10. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1992. Use of reclaimed water for Lakeside and other urban lakes. ERL Report #92-11-2. Report to TUCSON WATER, Dec. 1992.

11. Glenn, E., Fitzsimmons, K., and Tollefsen, R. 1991. Productivity of Long Ogo (Gracilaria parvispora) in floating cages in Moloka'i fishponds. Report to National Coastal Resources Institute. Portland, OR.

12. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1990. Software program to predict hatchery requirements for several species.

Report to Greiner Engineering, Inc.

13. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1988. Status of aquaculture in the state of Arizona. GHC Bulletin 11(1):23-24.

14. Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1987. Recent advances in aquaculture research. Bull. Az. Coop. Ex. Serv. 6pp.

15. Fitzsimmons, K.M., and Collins, W., 1985. Production and processing of Tilapia fish on the

Pasqua Yaqui Reservation, Tucson, Arizona: A feasibility study. 36pp.

16. Collins, W. and Fitzsimmons, K.M., 1985. Modern aquaculture production of Tilapia fish in El Salvador. Report to FUSADES\AID-US State Department. 43pp.

17. Fitzsimmons, K.M. and B.R. Salser, 1984. Controlled environment aquaculture at the Environmental Research Lab. Am. Fish. Soc. AZ-NM Conf. 1984:1-14.


Rusin, P., Walker, D. and Fitzsimmons, K. Control of geosmin and methylisoborneol in the Central Arizona Project and Salt River Project canals. Final report to Valley of the Sun Water Providers.

Piedrahita R.H., Zachritz, W.H., and Fitzsimmons, K. Evaluation and improvements of solids removal systems for aquaculture. Final report to the Western Regional Aquaculture Center.



Fitzsimmons, K. Shrimp farming in saline groundwater in Arizona, USA. World Aquaculture Meetings, May, 1999. Sydney, AUSTRALIA.

Fitzsimmons, K. Integrated production of tilapia and catfish with row crop irrigation in Arizona, USA. World Aquaculture Meetings, May, 1999. Sydney, AUSTRALIA.


Brown, J.J., Glenn, E. and Fitzsimmons, K. Forage crop production on highly saline aquaculture effluent. World Aquaculture Meetings. Feb. 1998. Las Vegas, NV.


Fitzsimmons, K. Use of grass carp for control of aquatic vegetation in the Central Arizona Canal. National Aquaculture Extension Conference. April 1997. Annapolis MD.

Brown, J.J., Fitzsimmons, K., and E. P. Glenn. Halophytes for the treatment of saline aquaculture effluent. World Aquaculture Meetings. Feb. 1997. Seattle, WA.

Zachritz, W. H., Sauceda-Perez, J.A., Fitzsimmons, K., Brown, J.J. and R. Piedrahita. Application of a solids removal protocol to evaluate aquaculture treatment systems: Bead filters and artificial wetlands case studies. World Aquaculture Meetings. Feb. 1997. Seattle, WA.


Moore, D., Fitzsimmons, K., Borgeas, H., Akutagawa, M. and Glenn, E. Hatchery methods and early development of Gracilaria parvispora , World Aquaculture Meetings. Feb. 1995. San Diego, CA.

Fitzsimmons, K., Olsen, M. and A. D’Silva. Cage production in irrigation systems and nutrient contributions to field crops. World Aquaculture Meetings. Feb. 1995. San Diego, CA.


Olsen, M. and K. Fitzsimmons. Integration of catfish and tilapia production with irrigation of cotton. World Aquaculture Meetings. Jan. 1994. New Orleans, LA.


Constructed and maintain several Web sites. On the Ag server I maintain sites for Arizona Aquaculture, for the Biology and Culture of Algae course and the Aquatic Plants and the Environment course. I also constructed the Web site for the Environmental Research Lab which is linked to the SWES department page. As a member of the US Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, I also construct the Web pages for their Internet site and transfer them to the Purdue University server. The usage of the Web site has grown rapidly as it is linked by other related sites and the students in the courses use it more extensively. Most recently I have used the site for storage of research results and reports. This facilitates access by other researchers and sponsors. The ag server has begun tracking requests for information or total number of “hits” to each site. The number of requests at my site has increased from 3,000 per week in February 1998 to 6,500 hits per week in November 1998.

Scholarly Presentations:

1999 - US Aquaculture Meetings 1/99

High school aquaculture curricula and Career Development Events

World Aquaculture Meetings 5/99

Integrated production of tilapia and catfish with row crop irrigation in Arizona, USA

Shrimp farming in saline ground water in Arizona, USA

1998 - World Aquaculture Meetings 2/98

Role of Extension in Arid Lands Aquaculture

Update on Commercial Tilapia Farming in the US

Tilapia Production in Mexico and Colombia

1997 - National Aquaculture Extension Conference

Aquaculture Regional Information Centers - Philosophy and Direction

1996 - California Aquaculture Meetings - Feb 96

Aquaculture Industry in Arizona

Irrigation with Aquaculture Effluents

Round Table Luncheon - Hydroponics and Aquaculture

Florida Aquaculture Association - Nov. 96

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

1995 - World Aquaculture Meetings Feb. 95

Cage production in irrigation systems and nutrient contributions to field crops.

Role of tilapia in National Aquaculture Development Plans of Mexico, Egypt and Colombia.

Arizona Hydroponic Society - Aquaculture and Hydroponics 11/95

Renewable Natural Resources - Use of halophytes for bioremediation of saline effluents 12/95.

Community Presentations:

Aquaculture and organic farming. Tucson Organic Gardening Club February 1999

Marine biology in the Gulf of California. Tucson Sailing Club. August 1997.

Our Changing Seas. Center for Creative Photography August 1998

Ornamental Ponds and Water Quality - Southern Arizona Koi Association July 1998

Grants and Contracts: (last 5 years)

Multinational -

Review aquaculture industry and participate in the development of a World Bank project with Mexico to develop aquaculture infrastructure on a national level including research, extension, education, demonstration projects, and environmental oversight, 5%, PI, WORLD BANK, $15,000. 1994-1995

Federal -

Tilapia nutrition studies with Freshwater Aquaculture Center, Central Luzon State University, Philippines, 10%, PI, USAID, $75,172. 1996-1998.

Development and evaluation of solids removal systems for aquaculture effluents. 10%, PI, USDA- WESTERN REGIONAL AQUACULTURE CENTER , $161,000. 1993-1998

Development of integrated farming techniques incorporating aquaculture into irrigated field crop production. 10%, Co-PI with M. Olsen, USDA-EPA joint funding , $150,000. 1990-1993.

Develop hatchery technology for production of Gracilaria parvispora, 5% Co-PI with E. Glenn, NATIONAL COASTAL RESOURCES INSTITUTE, $70,000. 1993-1995.

Review aquaculture research efforts and commercial industry and provide input to redevelopment plans for Governments of Egypt and Jamaica, 1%, PI, USAID, $3,000; 1995 and 1998.

Constraints to aquaculture development in the Western United States, 5%, PI, USDA - WESTERN REGIONAL AQUACULTURE CENTER, $36,000. 1992-1994.

State -

Creation of urban wildlife habitat using saline water from power plants. 10%, PI, ARIZONA GAME and FISH, $41,232. 1995-1997

Water conservation potential of floating aquatic plants. 1%, Co-PI with J. Riley, UA Small Grants Program, $4,992. 1998-1999.

Foreign Travel Grant. UA Travel Grant Committee, $650. 1999.

Industry -

Survey and control projects for algae and algal compounds in drinking and irrigation water systems. 12%, Co-PI with P. Rusin, CAP, SRP, TEMPE, GLENDALE, SCOTTSDALE, MESA, CHANDLER, $188,292. 1996-1998.

Re-vegetation of mine tailings using Salicornia and saline wastewaters. 5% Co-PI w/ Glenn. KENNECOTT COPPER. $30,000. 1998-1999.

Publishing grant for Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, 1%, PI, ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, $10,000. 1997.

Control of exotic plants and animals in the CAP (Grass carp and Zebra mussels), 2%, PI, CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT, $28,900. 1995-1999.

Develop plans for a shrimp-algae-halophyte farm in India 5%, Co-PI with E. Glenn, BALLARPUR INDUSTRIES, $18,826. 1995.

Develop plans for a multi-species hatchery in France, 1%, PI, EUROPFARM, S.A. $3,000 and a tilapia farm in Colombia, 3%, PI, SAGRO S.A, $23,000. 1994-1996.

Agricultural remediation of stack gases. 11%, Co-PI with R. Frye, NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, $194,479. 1991-1994.

Production of Paddlefish in Intensive Recirculating Systems, 5%, Co-PI with C. Brand, DISNEY, $25,000. 1991-1993.

Consultant on hatchery redevelopment project for Arizona G&F facilities, 2%, PI, GREINER ENGINEERING, $6,947. 1993.

Updates and improvements to aquaculture display at EPCOT Center, Disney World, 20%, PI, DISNEY, $50,000. 1992-1994.

Re-vegetation of ashponds using halophytes and saline waste waters. 5%, PI, ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE, $7,500. 1993-1994.

Nutrition of tilapia in intensive recirculating systems. 2%, PI, RANGEN FEEDS, SIMPLOT, ARKAT FEEDS, INTEGRAL FEEDS, FISH N DAKOTA, STAR MILLING, $5,579. 1994.

Development of a commercial tilapia farm in Arizona. 10%, PI, HORMEL $16,774 and ALFICO, $5,000. 1992-1994

Private Foundation:

Sustainable agriculture through hydroponics, aquaculture and biotechnology: A technology linkage grant between Chino Valley High School and the University of Arizona. 1%, Co-PI with John Morgan, Phoenix Foundation, $100,000 ($26,000 to U of A) 1997-1999.

Proposals Pending:

Reduction of phosphorus in aquaculture effluents. $95,000. USDA- WESTERN REGIONAL AQUACULTURE CENTER.

Producing Salicornia using shrimp pond effluent water. $3,000. INTERNATIONAL ARID LANDS CONSORTIUM.

Constructed wetlands as biofilters for shrimp ponds. $3,000. INTERNATIONAL ARID LANDS CONSORTIUM.

Survey of water quality parameters in the SRP Lakes. $120,000 w/ Walker. SALT RIVER PROJECT, SCOTTSDALE, MESA, TEMPE, CHANDLER, GILBERT and GLENDALE.

This is a true and accurate statement of my activities and accomplishments. I understand that misrepresentation in securing continuing status and promotion may lead to dismissal or suspension under ABOR Policy 6-201 I.l.b.

Kevin M. Fitzsimmons

Candidate Statement of Objectives on Teaching, Research and Service:

When ERL joined the SWES Department I was allowed to proportion my appointment between teaching, research and extension. I requested a 1/3 appointment in each area because I believe these three activities are the pillars of a Land Grant University. It is also an accurate description of how I view my responsibilities and of how I had been conducting my program here at the University. When I first started at the ERL, I was primarily in a research technician position. My interactions with the rest of the university community were fairly limited. It was the Biosphere 2 project and my need to work closely with many people from various departments that brought me back into a more interactive position with those on campus.

Teaching: In 1992, Dr. Lightner offered the Introduction to Aquaculture course for the first time. He asked me to participate by providing one third of the lectures and assisting on the field trip. I greatly enjoyed this teaching experience and decided to investigate teaching a course of my own. Teaching was not in my job description at the time, but there was a lot of discussion at the time regarding faculty who did little or no teaching but concentrated instead on their research. I wanted to do my small part in reversing this trend and believed, and still believe, that teaching is the best way to keep the basics fresh in our minds and allow us to better integrate research findings into our chosen fields. I also found that teaching was the best way to find talented students as employees for funded research. Since then I have had several research opportunities develop solely on the basis that I taught a particular subject at the University and interested parties were directed to the faculty who taught that subject.

In my mind, a research university should be teaching specialized courses that incorporate the most recent research findings and use of up to date equipment and techniques. Most important it should provide students an opportunity to participate in a state of the art research environment. A weakness in the system that is often criticized, is the lack of teaching skills possessed by some research faculty. I did not want to fall into that category and have made an effort to improve my teaching skills. I took a UA AgEd course on teaching university level science courses, attended a short course and several seminars on teaching skills. I have observed and tried to adapt techniques from other faculty whose teaching I have admired. I try to provide the students in my classes, and in my lab, personal attention and keep in mind that one of our primary goals is to make sure that our graduates are ready and able to join the work force. In that regard I feel that we must improve the average students writing skills and also their hands-on skills. In my opinion, the university does not provide students enough training in basic laboratory skills or enough time in the field. Graduate students and undergraduates who happen to get an opportunity to work in a lab may get this experience, but many undergraduate students do not. Most science students, when they leave the UA will go into entry level jobs where they will be expected to be familiar with microscopes, pH meters, spectrophotometers and other general lab equipment. I try to make this a priority. I also make an effort to post job announcements and remind the students why we are covering certain topics and skills and how it well help them in their careers very soon.

I have also been involved with several high school aquaculture programs in Arizona. These programs are producing excellent citizens, most of whom go on to college. As aquaculture grows as an industry it becomes more important to include it in the ag curriculum. From a practical point, many teachers have found aquaculture to be an important substitute for large animal husbandry that is not practical in the urbanized part of the state. It also has proven to be an important part of the environmental science curriculum at some schools and has become a focal point for integrated science instruction at some schools.

My primary objectives in teaching are to prepare the students for careers where they have the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful in their chosen field.

Extension: Before the merger of the ERL and the Soil and Water Department, I was acting as the de-facto aquaculture extension specialist in Arizona. Most people in and out of state assumed this was part of my job here at the university. I know virtually all of the aquaculture producers personally, I had served many years as an officer of the Arizona Aquaculture Association, and had been the representative from Arizona to several regional and national extension meetings. Dr. Lightner and I were also the primary representatives from Arizona at the annual World Aquaculture Symposia. When the opportunity arose to formalize my extension position I was pleased to begin working with the extension professionals in Cooperative Extension. Aquaculture is still a relatively small industry in the state, but it has been growing steadily and I expect that it will become a more visible sector in the near future. I have provided additional details on my extension work in SECTION VIB.

My primary objective in extension is to provide information, both research based and general, that will encourage a wise use of resources for the production and consumption of aquaculture products.

Research: I am especially excited about aquaculture as a research area. Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of agriculture in the US and around the world. Here in Arizona, we have a special situation of enormous amounts of water being used for field crop irrigation. Much of this water could be used to produce a first crop of fish. There is a great demand for additional fish products that can only be met through domestication. Arizona and Southern California are large markets that are constantly seeking new product. The farmers in Arizona are in need of new technologies which afford them an opportunity to produce new products, utilize their water resources more efficiently and to fertilize their crops in a manner that will be less harmful to the environment. Integration of aquaculture and irrigation is a technique that has wide application in Arizona and many other arid regions of the world. One of the central themes in the early years at ERL was to develop ways that people could be productive along desert seacoasts, without destroying their environment. The reuse of aquaculture or other waste waters for production of field crops or in the case of saline waters, irrigation of halophytes, is a technique that has great potential here in Arizona and other desert regions. Within this broad category, I have directed my research program in two subject areas. First, the mechanical, economic and biological details of fish production in irrigation canals and reservoirs. Second, I have specialized in the aquaculture of tilapia. When I first started working with tilapia at ERL the fish was virtually unknown in the US. For the last three years, more tilapia were sold in the US than trout. This year US consumption will exceed 100 million pounds. This will put it in the second tier of seafood, behind catfish and salmon but ahead of virtually any wild caught species. My research has included nutrition, pathology, genetics, marketing and most other aspects of tilapia aquaculture. I have been asked to organize the technical sessions on tilapia aquaculture at the annual World Aquaculture meetings for several years. In 1997, I was the chair of the organizing committee for the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, moderator of the symposium and editor of the Proceedings.

From a first interest in utilizing aquaculture effluents for irrigation, I have also collaborated with Dr. Glenn on several halophyte projects using saline waters for revegetation of disturbed landscapes. This is a field where we have been able to demonstrate that saline waste waters and halophytes can be used for human consumption, for animal feeds, for revegetation, for creation of wildlife habitat, for fugitive dust control and

for landscaping.

My primary objectives are to further establish Arizona as a center of tilapia aquaculture research, to determine the most effective methods of producing fish in irrigation systems and to discern the practical benefits of producing crops with effluents.


Extent of Teaching: Effort

Spring 1993: Biology & Culture of Algae WFS 476 100% Enrollment 19

Spring 1994: Biology & Culture of Algae WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 14

Spring 1995: Biology & Culture of Algae WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 22

Fall 1995: Introduction to Environmental Science SWES 106 100% Enrollment 25

Spring 1996: Biology & Culture of Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 26

Summer 1996: Independent Study SWES 499 100% Enrollment 1

Fall 1996: Aquatic Plants and the Environment SWES/WFS/ECOL 474/574 50% Enrollment 18

Fall 1996: Introduction to Environmental Science SWES 106 100% Enrollment 12

Fall 1996: Discussion section SWES 105 100% Enrollment 25

Spring 1997: Biology & Culture of Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 24

Fall 1997: Introduction to Environmental Science SWES 106 100% Enrollment 15

Fall 1997: Aquatic Plants and the Environment SWES/WFS/ECOL 474/574 50% Enrollment 18

Spring 1998: Biology & Culture of Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 23

Summer 1998: Independent Study Projects SWES 499 100% Enrollment 1

Fall 1998: Introduction to Environmental Science NATS 101 100% Enrollment 18

Fall 1998: Aquatic Plants and the Environment SWES/WFS/ECOL 474/574 50% Enrollment 32

Fall 1998: Independent Study Projects SWES 499 100% Enrollment 1

Spring 1999: Biology & Culture of Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 25

Spring 1999: Independent Study Projects SWES 499 100% Enrollment 3

Fall 1999: Aquatic Plants and the Environment SWES/WFS/ECOL 474/574 50% Enrollment 32

Fall 1999: Independent Study Projects SWES 499 50% Enrollment 2

Spring 2000: Biology & Culture of Algae SWES/WFS/ECOL 475/575 50% Enrollment 24

Spring 2000: Independent Study Projects SWES 499 100% Enrollment 2

Spring 2000: Research SWES 900 100% Enrollment 1

Summer 2000: Thesis SWES 910 100% Enrollment 1

Instructor: Short course on Care and Use of Aquatic Animals in Research (Yearly)

Guest Lecturer: Introduction to Aquaculture WFS 456/556 (Alternate years)

Guest Lecturer: Wildland Water Quality WSM 468/568 (Yearly)

Guest Lecturer: Arizona In-service in Aquaculture Education - AED 597e June 1995 and June 1998

Teaching Awards and Grants:

Received CCIT grant ($2,000) for purchase of multimedia computer and software for use in the classroom.

Grant for Aquaculture CD-ROM

Individual Student Contact


Currently on advisor list to undergraduate students in Environmental Science. Have met with 5 students but have not been given a formal list of students yet.

Have served on graduate committees in the past. But wasnot on any committees during the four years while I complete my Ph.D. program. I continued to advise several graduate students whom I supported on my research grants.

Served on College of Agriculture phone bank welcoming new students (March 1999).

Office Hours

I meet with students before or after classes or by appointment at my office in FCR 324.


Before I began working on my Ph.D. I served on four committees for students in various departments. Once I began the Ph.D. work I was not allowed to serve on committees. However, I have provided assistance to many students in the form of research funding, lab facilities and mentoring on projects and thesis/dissertation topics. See below for details.

Career Counseling

I have made a special effort to discuss careers with students in my classes. I have written over 50 letters of recommendation for students for jobs, graduate schools, the Peace Corps, and special programs. Many of the students still keep in contact regarding what they are doing in their careers.

Honors Program

Received a letter of commendation from Carol Thompson for contributions to the Third Annual Collegiate Institute for Leadership sponsored by the UA Office of Student Activities and Organizations.


Sponsored three students in the UA In-Step program for high schools students at risk, each for one semester. Worked with three students in the TUSD Professional Internship Program each for one school year.

Independent Studies

Kalb Stevenson – Comparison of algae in BioSphere 2 and the Gulf of California

Lisa Althoff – Design of a small aquaculture recirculating system

Carol Huntsinger - Respiration rates of marine algae.

Cory Stephens - Growth of Salicornia accessions under different salinities.

Chris Cummins - Chlorophyll a of various marine algae.

Alison Dainty - Feeding trial with three species of Tilapia.

Kendra Portada - Red algae in closed marine systems.

Sam Sanchez - Salinization of soils in a constructed habitat irrigated with power plant cooling water.

Sam Courtland - Reproductive biology of rosy snapper.

MS committees (financial support and research direction in bold)

Matt Vandersande -

David Ward -

Patricia -

Lora Hine – A constructed wetland to improve water quality at the Reid Park Zoo

Casey McKeon - Potential human pathogens found in an aquaculture production unit.

David Walker - Sediment relations and effects on drinking water quality in Lake Pleasant and the CAP. (in progress)

Robert Battaso - Use of Salicornia meal in Tilapia diets.

Member on dissertation committees (facility support and research direction in bold)

Dennis McIntosh -

Justin Marble -

David Walker -

Celecina Azevedo - Use of N15 to track nitrogen partitioning in integrated aquaculture/hydroponics.

J.J. Brown - Use of halophytes to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from aquaculture effluents.

Student Evaluations

Since my earliest teaching in 1993, I have consistently received high marks on my student evaluation forms. Since joining the department my scores have been near the top of those tabulated for the department.

|Course |Year |Instructor |Overall Course |Amount Learned |

| | |Effectiveness |Rating | |

| | | | | |

|SWES 474/574 |Fall 1999 |4.4 |4.3 |4.1 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |4.2 |3.9 |3.9 |

|SWES 474/574 |Fall 1998 |Not rated | | |

|NATS 101 |Fall 1998 |4.2 |3.6 |3.7 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |4.0 |3.7 |3.7 |

|SWES 475/575 |Spring 1998 |4.8 |4.5 |3.9 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |4.2 |3.9 |3.9 |

|SWES 474/574 |Fall 1997 |4.7 |4.4 |4.1 |

|SWES 106 |Fall 1997 |4.6 |4.6 |4.4 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |4.3 |3.9 |3.9 |

|SWES 474/574 |Fall 1996 |4.7 |4.1 |4.0 |

|SWES 106 |Fall 1996 |4.6 |4.5 |3.9 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |4.2 |3.7 |3.7 |

|SWES 475/575 |Spring 1996 |4.8 |4.8 |4.6 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |3.8 |3.6 |3.7 |

|SWES 106 |Fall 1995 |5.0 |4.9 |4.9 |

| |Mean of comp. courses |3.8 |3.6 |3.6 |

Summary of Student Comments:

SWES 474 “Strong lecture techniques and well organized notes.”

“Class was good and informative.”

“He makes learning about wetlands interesting.”

“Kevin is a great instructor - he presented ideas in a fun and easy manner.”

“Very good at explaining information & relating it to students.”

“Good background knowledge and very enthusiastic about teaching.”

“Field trips were great.”

“Relevance of materials to life outside of academia was very well illustrated.”

SWES 106 “Gives clear direction, is easy to talk to, and gives good feedback.”


“He is an overall great teacher.”

“Kevin is very fair and is always there after class if anyone needs help.”

“Class was enjoyable because he made it so interesting. This was by far my favorite class.”

“Give this guy a raise! He deserves it!”

“Kevin Fitzsimmons was an exceptional lab instructor.”

“Been a role model.”

“Kevin was awesome.”

“Pleasure to come to class. Gives the material in a way that increased my interest in the subject as well as my understanding.”

SWES 475 “Made me understand the importance of algae to us and the rest of the environment.”

“Kevin, just work on your drawing.”

“Made the subject interesting.”

“He’s the most down to earth prof. I’ve ever had. It’s a pleasure coming to class each day.”

“Kevin has been an excellent instructor. He spends a lot of time and energy making this course excellent.”

“Kevin’s always interested in students comments and questions. He had time or would make time to help students even though he had a busy schedule. I really enjoyed the class.”


Extent of Educational Outreach Program:

Serve as officer for Arizona Aquaculture Association;

Edit Arid Lands Aquaculture newsletter covering University and Association activities;

Participate in drafting of aquaculture legislation, regulations and Best Management Practices for the Arizona Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Quality;

Work with food institutions (from multi-nationals to individual restaurants) in the market development of aquaculture products;

Construct and maintain World Wide Web Pages for aquaculture and aquatic systems in Arizona with links to local, US and international URL's. Also created sites for U of A courses, the American Tilapia Association and the U.S. Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society;

Instructor for week-long courses on aquaculture for Arizona Agriculture Education Teachers, at Round Valley High School, June 1995 an Chino Valley High School, June 1998.

Participated in National Aquaculture Extension Workshop, Little Rock, AR, March 1992;

Served on National Advisory Committee for 1997 National Aquaculture Extension Workshop, University of Maryland, April 1997;

Provided tours of University aquaculture facilities for high school and junior high school classes

Partner to Rio Rico High School “School to Work Partnership Grant – Opportunities in Hydroponics and Aquaculture” awarded to Rio Rico by Arizona Department of Education.

Visited and reviewed six high school aquaculture programs.

Answer 12 - 15 e-mail requests for information daily.

Evaluation of Extension Efforts

My primary feedback from the industry has been comments from producers whom I have assisted with various problems. I have treated disease and water quality problems, assisted with marketing contacts, found supplies and suppliers, matched job openings with students, and provided background information and reviewed business plans for potential investors.

The industry in Arizona has demonstrated an uneven pace of growth, but has expanded in recent years.

I have had to deal with an ongoing problem with the Maricopa Agriculture Center competing for contracts with the private sector. The most gratifying activity has been the expansion of aquaculture in the high schools. The schools are providing valuable training and exposure of aquaculture products. Most of the schools are using the fish the students produce for various fundraisers.

The other feedback I receive are the requests for reprints, Website hits, and requests to be added to the newsletter mailing list. Many people are interested in Arizona aquaculture and I have made an effort to provide accurate and timely information to the public.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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