Evolution Quiz #1

Land and Aquatic Biomes – Quiz #1

Standard/element covered:

S7L4: Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments.

e. Describe the characteristics of Earth’s major terrestrial biomes (i.e. tropical rain forest, savannah, temperate, desert, taiga, tundra, and mountain) and aquatic communities (i.e. freshwater, estuaries, and marine).

Answer the following questions by bubbling in the correct answer on your answer document.

1. The area that contains the deep water of the open ocean and is where the seafloor drops sharply is the _____________________.

A. benthic

B. neritic

C. oceanic

D. intertidal

2. Which of the following is NOT an intertidal zone?

A. sandy beach

B. coral reef

C. rocky shore

D. mudflat

3. Use the diagram below to answer the following question: In what area of the diagram would organisms MOST likely carry out photosynthesis?

A. Area A

B. Area B

C. Area C

D. Area D


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4. The zone that contains the deep water of the open ocean and large marine animals.

A. benthic

B. neritic

C. oceanic

D. intertidal

5. The zone where the water is warm and receives a lot of sunlight; sea turtles live here.

A. benthic

B. neritic

C. oceanic

D. intertidal

6. The zone where animals must adapt to crashing waves and exposure to air.

A. benthic

B. neritic

C. oceanic

D. intertidal

7. A terrestrial biome that is cold and does not support the growth of trees is the ___________________________.

A. taiga

B. tundra

C. temperate grasslands

D. temperate deciduous forest

8. Which two biomes receive the least amount of precipitation?

A. savanna and taiga

B. tundra and desert

C. tropical rain forest and temperate deciduous forest

D. temperate grassland and temperate deciduous forest

9. A major factor used to classify biomes is ___________________________.

A. the climate in the region.

B. the sources of water present.

C. the surface area of the region.

D. the number of people that live there.

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10. Which of these biomes is furthest from the equator?

A. taiga

B. tropical rain forest

C. tundra

D. temperate deciduous forest

11. A researcher is studying the plants and animals in a particular biome. The observations include ferns, large woody vines, monkeys, sloths, and boa constrictors. In which biome is the researcher located?

A. desert

B. tropical savanna

C. tropical rain forest

D. temperate deciduous forest

12. In which biome does Georgia belong?

A. desert

B. tropical savanna

C. tropical rain forest

D. temperate deciduous forest

13. About how much of the Earth’s surface is covered in water?

A. 3%

B. 30%

C. 75%

D. 97%

14. Many countries in the world struggle to obtain fresh water. Why might this be?

A. 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered in fresh water.

B. Countries are not located near water sources.

C. Only 3% of all of the Earth’s aquatic ecosystems are fresh water.

D. 97% of people in the world do not have access to water.

15. Which of these is an example of a marine ecosystem?

A. stream

B. ocean

C. river

D. lake

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16. A researcher is investigating an estuary. What is an important characteristic of an estuary?

A. Its water is locked into frozen sheets of ice.

B. It consists of cold salt water under high pressure.

C. It is formed by cold, fresh water moving rapidly.

D. It contains a mixture of salt water and fresh water.

17. Why are photosynthetic plankton found only near the surface of the oceanic zone?

A. They are too light to sink deeper.

B. This region of the ocean is very shallow.

C. Large organisms along the ocean floor eat them.

D. Sunlight penetrates only for a few hundred meters.

18. A friend from South America visits Georgia during a snowstorm. She exclaims, “This must be the tundra!” What is the value of her claim?

A. She must be correct because the tundra receives a lot of snow.

B. She cannot make a scientific statement because she is not a scientist.

C. She cannot draw conclusions about biomes based on temperature and precipitation.

D. She cannot make a valid conclusion based on such a small sample of conditions.

19. Lena’s family is camping in a national park. The region they have chosen has definite seasons and average rainfall that is spread out through the year. They set their camp among maple, oak, and elm trees. During their stay, they see white-tailed deer, raccoons, and squirrels. In which biome is Lena’s family camping?

A. taiga

B. savanna

C. tropical rain forest

D. temperate deciduous forest

20. Which biome is most like the desert in terms of precipitation?

A. tundra

B. tropical rain forest

C. temperate deciduous forest

D. temperate grassland

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