Case Study Template - US EPA


[A single sentence summarizing what is included in the case study]


[Detail your case study in at least one page of information. Please include the following information:

• A description of the issue or challenge your facility faced

• Relevant Executive Order goal or other drivers

• A description of the solutions your facility considered and how your facility decided on a particular solution

• A description of the implementation of the selected solution

• A summary of lessons learned from implementation

• Any results that have been achieved from implementation

• Any next steps

You are welcome to include pictures or any other supporting information you think is relevant.]


For more information about [X], please see the [Organization name] website at http://.

Information regarding [X] is available from [Organization name], at: http://.


[OPTIONAL: Provide contact information for a point of contact at your facility]

If you have questions related to this resource or need other assistance with the Federal Electronics Challenge, please contact your Regional Champion: .

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E-mail the FEC: fec@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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