Extended abstract template - Food and Agriculture Organization

Extended abstract templateGlobal Symposium on soil EROSION | FAO Hq | Rome, Italy, 15-17 May 2019[Please submit your paper using the formatting of this template. You can type your text directly into the sections. Please delete the instruction text in square brackets and do a spelling and grammar check before submitting.The extended abstract should include the sections in this template, but subsections or additional sections are possible, and the section names can be adjusted to suit the abstract. The extended abstract should be between 1000 to 2000 words in total (including the references). Extended abstracts may contain a maximum of 2 graphic items (eg: figures, tables, formulations, images...).Times New Roman 12 point should be used for 1st level headings. Times New Roman 11 point should be used for 2nd level headings. The body text should be in Times New Roman, 11 point, single-spaced text. Figure/image and table captions should be in Times New Roman 9 points.][Title. Use sentence case, Times New Roman, 12-point font size, bold, centered]Author One1, Author Two2, Author Three31[Affiliation One, email and brief contact details on one line]2[Affiliation Two, brief contact details on one line]3[Affiliation Three, add more institutions as required][Please, indicate the presenting author with an asterisk (*)]Abstract [use this style font, Times New Roman 12 point, for 1st level headings][The abstract should be maximum 200 words and summarise the objectives, methods and findings. Font should be Times New Roman, font size 11 pt. The abstract should not include any figures, tables or extra headers.]Keywords: [Up to eight keywords can be added here.] Introduction, scope and main objectives[In the introduction, state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.]Methodology[Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced.]100012512065[Images and figures can be included, and should have a caption below. The images/figure should be of high resolution, at least 300 dpi for colour, 600 dpi for greyscale and 1200 dpi for line art. Images should be maximum 700 kB in size.]00[Images and figures can be included, and should have a caption below. The images/figure should be of high resolution, at least 300 dpi for colour, 600 dpi for greyscale and 1200 dpi for line art. Images should be maximum 700 kB in size.]Fig. SEQ Fig. \* ARABIC 1: [Image/figure caption with a description, and source if it has been published in another publication]Results [Results should be clear and concise.]Table 1: [Caption with a description, and source if it has been published in another publication]Discussion[This section should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.]Conclusions[The main conclusions should be summarized here, and can also include recommendations or suggest application of the results beyond the study.]Acknowledgements [List any people to thank or funding sources] The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.References[The bibliographical references should be coherent in style and include author names, year published, title, publisher or publication name and issue number and an online link where available. The author is responsible for verifying each reference against the original publication. Articles cited in the text should be referred to as follows: By the surname of the author(s) with year of publication in parenthesis. Example: Lawson and Michler (2014)If both are in parenthesis, no punctuation separates the name(s) of the author and the year of publication. Example: (Lawson and Michler 2014)If there are more than two authors only the senior author’s name is given. Example: (Lawson et al. 2014)Reference list is placed at the end of text. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and numbered. Private communications, reports not yet accepted for publication, and unavailable documents are not reference and should be included in the text in parentheses. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. Use the following examples for arranging the references:For periodicals:Lawson SS, Michler CH. 2014. Afforestation, restoration and regeneration - Not all trees are created equal. Journal of Forestry Research, 25(1): 3-20. For reports:FAO, 2006a. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005, FAO Forestry Paper 147. Available at: [accessed 28.05.12]For books:Killham K. 1994. Soil ecology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 242 pp.For edited books:Ward PC, Mawdsley W. 2000. Fire management in the boreal forests of Canada. In: E.S. Kasischke and B.J. Stocks (eds), Fire, climate change, and carbon cycling in the boreal forest. New York: Springer, pp. 66–84.Web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Soni V. 2008. In–situ conservation of Commiphora wightii a red–listed medicinal plant species of Rajasthan state, India. Available at: soni.pdf [accessed 28.05.12] ] ................

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