Annual Narrative Report - Template

Annual Narrative Report Template

Identifying Information

Report Date:

Dates Covered (time period):

Project Title:

RWJF Grant Id:

Name of Program: (if this grant is associated with a national program)

Report Instructions

• The Annual Narrative Report should be no more than three pages.

• Incorporate the questions as bold italic subheadings.

• The only appendix or attachment should be the stories as noted for question #2.

• Submit your report in the Reports section of your grant within the RWJF Grantee Hub.

Questions to cover within the Annual Narrative Report

1. What did you accomplish during this reporting period?

• Be sure to tell us if you used a logic model, indicators, or benchmarks to determine your progress.

• Tell us about the work of any subcontractors.

• Tell us how you are progressing on any deliverables for your project.

2. Do you have any stories that capture the impact of this project?

Please share one to two; you may include the stories as an appendix.

3. What, if any, proposed activities were not completed and why, and what are your plans for completing them?

4. Did RWJF assist or hinder you in any way during this period?

5. For this project, has your organization received funding from other foundations, corporations, or government bodies?

6. Is there anything else you want to tell RWJF?

7. What were the main products of the reporting period?

Submit these products using the Products section of your grant within the Grantee Hub.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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