Lesson Plan Template 1

‘Jolly Olly Octopus’ Lesson Plans

Visual Art

|Year level: |Lesson duration: |

|Prep (AusVELS- Foundation level) |60 minutes |

| |Title of lesson: |

| |Making a Jolly Olly Octopus |

| |Learning Outcomes and specific purpose: |

| |Focus/ Objectives |

| |As this is a visual art integrated lesson, the focus will be on the theme of animals, in particular sea animals like featured in the book, Jolly |

| |Olly Octopus. The art activity will involve students practising their fine motor skills, when cutting, pasting and constructing their own Jolly |

| |Olly Octopus. This integrated visual art lesson will also incorporate literacy, maths and science aspects. |

| | |

| |AusVELS Learning Focus |

| |Creating and Making: ‘Students respond to manipulating materials and constructing with their hands. They begin to select, arrange and make choices |

| |about ways of using art elements, principles, materials and equipment.’ |

| | |

| |Design, Creativity and Technology: ‘Students explore products and learn that materials can be recycled and reused to produce new products. They |

| |develop skills in the safe use of basic tools and equipment, such as safety scissors, to cut, join, shape, mix and follow instructions to construct|

| |simple products or models.’ |

| | |

| |English: ‘Students identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and|

| |supportive images. They listen and identify rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words.’ |

| | |

| |Mathematics: ‘In maths number, students connect number names and numerals with sets up to 20.’ |

| |(AusVELS, 2013) |

| |Prerequisite knowledge and/or links to previous/future lessons: |

| |Students have previously learnt how to use scissors and glue sticks. This lesson will also links to past and future visual art lessons in which |

| |students will be required to make selections and choices about materials etc. |

| |Resources required: |

| |Jolly Olly Octopus book |

| |Interactive Whiteboard |

| |Octopus photographs (google images) |

| |Equipment/ Materials required: |

| |Scissors |

| |Glue sticks |

| |Orange cardboard circles |

| |Orange crepe paper |

| |Coloured sticky dots |

| |Attachments: |

| |none |

| |Lesson Introduction: (whole class focus) |

| |The class will gather on the floor in front of the teacher, while he/she reads the book, Jolly Olly Octopus. This will lead to discussions about |

| |sea creatures and animals. |

| |The teacher will inform the students that today’s lesson will be focusing on the octopus. This will lead to discussion about the octopus. The |

| |teacher will show students photographs on the Interactive Whiteboard of real octopus. The class will discuss their features (8 legs, suckers, big |

| |head) |

| |(10 mins) |

| |Main Component of Lesson: |

| |The teacher will demonstrate to the students how they will make their own Jolly Octopus. |

| |Students sit at table with scissors and glue sticks ready. |

| |Teacher will direct students in small groups to go up to the front of the classroom and collects the materials; orange circle, sticky dots, a sheet|

| |of crepe paper. |

| |Students begin creating their Jolly Olly Octopus. Teacher will remind them to make sure their octopus has only 8 legs. |

| |The students will be allowed to come up to the Interactive Whiteboard to view the photographs of the octopus aswell as the pictures in the book. |

| |(45 mins) |

| |Lesson Conclusion: |

| |Students pack up their workspace and return unused materials. |

| |Teacher will collect the students’ artworks and display around the classroom at the conclusion of the lesson. |

| |(5 mins) |

| |Assessment of student’s learning: |

| |During and after the lesson the teacher will observe and take notes of the students’ choices of materials and see if they understand how to make |

| |links from the book to real life. |

| |-does their octopus have 8 legs, one head, a face and suckers? |


|Year level: |Lesson duration: |

|Prep (AusVELS- Foundation) |60 minutes |

| |Title of lesson: |

| |Sea Songs |

| |Learning Outcomes and specific purpose: |

| |Focus/ Objectives |

| |This music lesson will focus on the students listening and hearing skills. The activities in this lesson will involve the students identifying |

| |ocean and sea animal sounds. Students will sing a variety for songs which fit in with the sea animal theme; during these songs the children will |

| |move to the music and begin to develop a sense of beat and rhyme. Students will practise memorising elements in songs. |

| |AusVELS Learning Focus |

| |Interpersonal Development: ‘Students interact with their peers and teachers in a range of contexts. They learn to play constructively together and |

| |are encouraged to develop positive friendships with peers.’ |

| | |

| |Physical Education: ‘Students explore ways of moving and respond to movement stimuli such as rhythm, beat, music and words.’ |

| | |

| |English: ‘Students listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They identify connections |

| |between texts and their personal experience. They listen and identify rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words.’ |

| |(AusVELS, 2013) |

| |Prerequisite knowledge and/or links to previous/future lessons: |

| |Students have previously explored the book Jolly Olly, so they are familiar with the story and the characters. Students will learn how to create a |

| |soundscape later in the term, so this lesson will work well in establishing their beat and rhythm. |

| |Resources required: |

| |Jolly Olly Octopus book |

| |Once I Caught a Fish Alive YouTube video: |

| |Under the Sea YouTube video: |

| |Henry the Octopus YouTube video: |

| |Equipment/ Materials required: |

| |Interactive Whiteboard |

| |iPad |

| |YouTube videos |

| |Attachments: |

| |None |

| |Lesson Introduction: |

| |The students will sit on the floor, while the teacher reads the Jolly Olly Octopus book. During this reading the students will point out things in |

| |the book which might make sounds (waves, water splashing) |

| |(10 mins) |

| |Main Component of Lesson: |

| |Students stand up facing the Interactive Whiteboard, which will screen the YouTube video of “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive.” Students |

| |sing along and do the actions. |

| |Next the students will view the video “Under the Sea” and then they will learn how to sing it. The focus of this activity will be on the students |

| |listening, watching, singing and memorizing. |

| |The final video will be of “Henry the Octopus” and in this singing activity the students can do actions also. |

| |*The teacher will film the students singing along to the songs, with the iPad. |

| |(40 mins) |

| |Lesson Conclusion: |

| |Teacher will play Ipad video (connected to Interactive Whiteboard) of the students performing the above main lesson activity. The students will |

| |have a class discussion on which songs were easy to memorise the beat and rhythm and which ones were abit tricky and why (eg. they had lots of |

| |words). |

| |(10 mins) |

| |Assessment of student’s learning: |

| |During the lesson and after the lesson the teacher will take note of students’ participation and performance in the whole class activity. |


|Year level: |Lesson duration: |

|Prep (AusVELS- Foundation) |60 minutes |

| |Title of lesson: |

| |Sea Animal Movements |

| |Learning Outcomes and specific purpose: |

| |Focus/ Objectives |

| |The focus of this drama lesson will be on identifying how animals in the Jolly Olly Octopus book move. Students will learn how they can make their |

| |bodies move in ways like the animals. |

| | |

| |AusVELS Learning Focus |

| |Interpersonal Development: ‘Students interact with their peers and teachers in a range of contexts. They learn to play constructively together and |

| |are encouraged to develop positive friendships with peers.’ |

| | |

| |Physical Education: ‘Students explore ways of moving and respond to movement stimuli such as rhythm, beat, music and words.’ |

| | |

| |English: ‘Students listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They identify connections |

| |between texts and their personal experience. They listen and identify rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words.’ |

| |(AusVELS, 2013) |

| |Prerequisite knowledge and/or links to previous/future lessons: |

| |Students have previously been introduced to the book Jolly Olly Octopus and they have learnt about the animal, the octopus. This lesson will be |

| |exploring other sea animals from the book. |

| |Resources required: |

| |Flash cards of sea animals (print out and cut- enough so there is one per student) |

| |Equipment/ Materials required: |

| |iPad |

| |costumes/ craft materials if available (for students to wear to represent their sea animals) |

| |Attachments: |

| |Flash cards of sea animals |

| |Lesson Introduction: |

| |The class will all stand in a circle for the warm up activity, which will involve the students copying the teacher who will perform movements and |

| |stretches that relate to the sea creatures in the story. |

| |Each student gets to have a ‘lucky dip’ into a bucket, which contains cards with pictures of the animals from the book. The students will stand in |

| |a circle again ready for instructions for the main component of the lesson. |

| |(10 mins) |

| |Main Component of Lesson: |

| |The teacher and class will practise the movements of each animals (from flashcards) |

| |The teacher will read the book and when the students animals appear on the page the students who have that animal on their card will stand up and |

| |act like their animal (the teacher will show the pictures of the book to the students, so they can identify which animal that have on their flash |

| |card) |

| |The teacher will read the book without showing the students the pictures and the students will stand up when their animals are featured (teacher to|

| |film students performance with the iPad) |

| |(40 mins) |

| |Lesson Conclusion: |

| |The lesson will conclude with the teacher showing the class the video of the students acting out the book. This could also involve a discussion |

| |about who performed well and why. |

| |(10 mins) |

| |Assessment of student’s learning: |

| |During the drama performance the teacher will take notes of students’ involvement, engagement and interaction with peers. |

Figure 1.



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