2. The “Two Things You Should Fix” Email - Nutshell

 16 B2B Cold Email Templates That Sales Experts Swear ByHave your cold emails been getting a chilly response?We asked 16 sales and marketing experts for the best B2B cold email templates that they’ve ever received or sent, and compiled them here for easy copy-and-pasting.1. The Compliment/Benefit/Time/Help EmailSubject line: Your websiteEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME], You’re leading a fast growing startup so I’ll keep this brief. At [YOUR COMPANY NAME], we have great software developers that we can quickly deploy to help move things forward in your product roadmap or quickly iterate on new product ideas. We have a wide skill set from web to mobile developers as well as the ability to execute on custom software/projects or nail down your entire platform from backend to frontend. Are you available later this week to speak over the phone for 15 minutes? I’d love to see if we can help you guys out in any way! Thanks,[YOUR NAME] HYPERLINK "; 2. The “Two Things You Should Fix” EmailSubject line: [RECIPIENT’S NAME] <> [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY NAME]Email body:Howdy [RECIPIENT’S NAME],It looks like you checked out [YOUR COMPANY NAME] a few months ago.Sorry I didn’t reach out earlier...I was busy perfecting my [STRANGE HOBBY] skills.Anyway, our growth expert, [NAME] combed through a ton of sites and hand picked [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME].Why?Because we love what you’re doing BUT, we also saw two things you should fix.SO, we can show you exactly how to fix it next [DAY] at [TIME] (your time!) [smiley face]You up for a quick screen share to see what I mean?[YOUR COMPANY NAME] love,[YOUR NAME]3. The Bear GIF EmailSubject line: Free Trial [BEAR EMOJI] [PARTY-POPPER EMOJI)Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],Did you have a chance to check out [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s free trial last week? I know you may be thinking:[EMBED THIS GIF]But we can change that! I would still love to chat to find out more about your pain points. I'll stop reaching out, but please let me know if there is a better time in the future to check back in.4. The Good Reviews EmailSubject line: [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]'s [# OF REVIEWS ON CITED PLATFORM] Reviews Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],Your customers love you - congrats to you and the team at [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]! Based on [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]’s [NAME OF REVIEW PLATFORM] reviews, it looks you’re doing an awesome job getting your happy customers to advocate on your behalf![INSERT SCREENSHOT FROM REVIEW PAGE]Have you ever considered a formal strategy around customer engagement and advocacy? What other B2B marketers are finding is that companies with a happy set of users are usually leaving money on the table by not proactively tapping into their customers. We work with companies like [NAME OF NOTABLE CLIENT] and [NAME OF ANOTHER NOTABLE CLIENT] who are seeing success with this approach to marketing.Do you think it’s worth chatting to learn about how we can help you build stronger relationships with your customers to help add value at every stage of the sales funnel?Kind Regards,[YOUR NAME]5. The Rap Video EmailSubject line: Made you a rap videoEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],Thought you might like this video I made, since you’re in the [CITY] area:[EMBED PERSONALIZED VIDEO]Since you’re in sales, I’m sure you’ll appreciate the hustle of an SDR like myself reaching out on a Saturday.Imagine your sales team having access to a tool that seamlessly imports cell numbers and emails for anyone on LinkedIn into your CRM with one click.Our customers like [NAME OF NOTABLE CLIENT] and [NAME OF ANOTHER NOTABLE CLIENT] love us — ready to see [YOUR COMPANY NAME] in action?[YOUR NAME]6. The “You’re a Big Deal” EmailSubject line: I don’t know if you know this, but…Email body:...you’re kind of a big deal.[EMBED THIS GIF]If you weren't yet aware, [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME] is currently the #1 highest rated [INDUSTRY TYPE] platform. Congratulations![INSERT SCREENSHOT SHOWING THE ACCOLADE CITED ABOVE]I don’t have a single customer at #1 that isn’t utilizing their positioning across all of their marketing channels. I’d love to share with you how some of them are doing it and how you can expect to benefit from doing so. Would you be open to this conversation perhaps this coming Friday or Tuesday?7. The Starbucks Gift Card Email Subject line: Did you get the coffee?Email body:[RECIPIENT’S NAME], I sent over a personal letter w/ a Starbucks card. I know we’re not in the same city but I'd still love to have a coffee with you. I was hoping we could chat about using mobile marketing to improve customer experience and increase revenue. Can we set-up a 10 min call?8. The Friendly/Flattery/Relevant EmailSubject line: [NAME OF MEDIA OUTLET] story / Experienced customer story writer availableEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME], Hope your week is going well! I read about [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]’s launch in a recent article on [NAME OF MEDIA OUTLET] — you guys are doing some cool work!I was checking out [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]’s website and noticed you don’t have any customer success stories.Do you need help with this? As an experienced customer success story writer, I turn positive customer experiences into captivating stories.With your new launch and need to build trust and growth, I imagine you have lots of great stories to tell that showcase the impressive results you’ve helped your clients achieve. For example, the testimonials by [NAME OF TESTIMONIAL PROVIDER] of [THEIR COMPANY NAME] and [NAME OF ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL PROVIDER] of [THEIR COMPANY NAME] would be perfect ones to flesh out into 2-page case studies.As you may know, research has shown that a 2-page case study is one of the most effective content marketing methods to generate leads. You can use case studies at strategic parts of your marketing to convert leads — like in new client packets, on your website to earn email addresses, or attached to a follow up email after a new client meeting.Recently I helped a [INDUSTRY] company boost awareness — and blow their funding goal out of the water — with a case study. You can check it out here.Also, I help companies with their other content marketing needs, like blog posts, e-newsletters, reports, white papers. Because of my background as a legal software specialist and writer, I can clearly explain complex software issues and tell a compelling story to get new clients and build trust for [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME].When are you open for a 15 minute call next week to chat about how we can work together? Looking forward to hearing from you!Cheers,[YOUR NAME]9. The Ferret EmailSubject line: Apologies in advanceEmail body:Greetings [RECIPIENT’S NAME],You’ve never heard of me. (Hi, I’m [YOUR NAME]!) I got your details from a list *gasp*. But hey—you’re list worthy; that’s gotta be something, right? :-)OK. Let’s get down to brass tacks. I’m writing to you from the office of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], a highly creative marketing & advertising agency I run with a team of [##] people far more talented than me.For over five years, we’ve run our amazing agency—and we absolutely love it. It’s a wonderful feeling to know we’re not ripping clients off and producing the best work of our lives.We’re looking to win new clients over to our side and away from those evil (ok maybe not evil...but not as good) other agencies.If you let me have a chat with you about your digital marketing or advertising, spectacular content creation, or bedroom tidying needs—I will buy you lunch/coffee/tequila shots and promise to be somewhat entertaining. If you’re lucky, I may even wear a top hat. First off, I’d love to provide you with some ideas you are free to steal.I have included a sticker containing a picture of a ferret that has been dressed up. According to the Internet, his name is Colin. I trust this will charm you into submission. I’ll be in touch on email when you least suspect it...Dun Dunn Dunn!I await your profanity filled response.Have a splendid day10. The “No Extra Work” EmailSubject line: I have a suggestion for [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME] knowledge baseEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],Forgive me for the unsolicited email, I’m [YOUR NAME], [YOUR COMPANY NAME]’s founder. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a [DESCRIPTION] software. I have launched a couple of months ago and you are amongst the first people I have reached directly.I have seen that your knowledge base is powered by [COMPETITOR NAME]. [COMPETITOR NAME] guys are working hard on their ticketing features but the knowledge base seems a bit forsaken. You may be interested in features like Analytics, Intercom integration and our Screenshots Manager. On my side, I’m curious to learn what could be helpful to you and work on these features. Actually, I am building a public roadmap step by step.I thought that [YOUR COMPANY NAME] could be interesting for [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]. I would be happy to:Create an account for youImport all your articles myselfCustomize your knowledge base to match your brandingThis means no extra work for a brand new knowledge base. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is free as long as the knowledge base in not published, so this gives you all the time required to review it with your team.Let me know if you give me the green light for working on [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]’s knowledge base :)Best,[YOUR NAME]11. The Partnership EmailSubject line: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] <> [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],I’m the co-founder of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], an online community of over 220,000 creative freelance professionals. We help them with the business side of being a freelancer so that can focus on what they do best, creating awesome content!The reason behind my email today is that we have been asking our creative what some of their biggest issues are, and as I am sure you are aware, managing their projects came back as a problem facing a lot of our community.With that in mind we think [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME] would be perfect in offering a practical solution to our community, one that we are sure would prove popular.Would you be free to discuss potential partnership options and how this could be mutually beneficial?Kind regards,[YOUR NAME][YOUR TITLE]12. The Short and Direct EmailSubject line: Scheduling Our MeetingEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],I understand you're the [RECIPIENT’S TITLE] at [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY NAME]. Considering the success of our customers in your space, a chat may prove beneficial.In short, we track companies like [NAME OF NOTABLE CLIENT] and [NAME OF ANOTHER NOTABLE CLIENT] to provide alerts on who is using, adding, or dropping their software.That said, there are some interesting ways we can work together. Are you available for a brief conversation on [DATE] at [TIME] or [TIME] your time?13. The Link Building EmailSubject line: Question regarding your resources pageEmail body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],I'm emailing you because I'd like you to consider adding our website to your useful links page.Here are the reasons why you should consider doing that:1. My boss will be happy and he won't fire me.2. I'll sleep better at night.3. I think it'd be a very useful resource for your fans.Let me know!Best regards,[YOUR NAME]14. The Backlink Swap EmailSubject line: Got two minutes for a backlink swap?Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],My name is [YOUR NAME], and I work for a [DESCRIPTION] company called [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I just found your article on [DESCRIPTION WITH LINK], and I was hoping you could include a link to one of our blog posts in the [DESCRIPTION] section. Perhaps something like...[SUGGESTED SENTENCE THAT INCLUDES BACKLINK].In return, I'll add a [RECIPIENT’S COMPANY WEBSITE URL] backlink of your choice to...well, any of our blog posts, really. Let me know a specific term you're trying to rank for, and I can provide you with a short list of relevant high-ranking posts that we could include you in.Drop me a line if you're interested, and thanks so much for your time!best,[YOUR NAME]15. The Newsletter Reply EmailSubject line: [REPLY DIRECTLY TO A TARGET COMPANY’S NEWSLETTER]Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME, IF AVAILABLE]!Longtime reader; love your articles.I just released an infographic based on [DESCRIPTION].Would love to get your thoughts on it: [LINK TO YOUR CONTENT][YOUR NAME]16. The “Perfect Match” Article Pitch EmailSubject line: [PROFILE SUBJECT] and the future of [TOPIC]Email body:Hi [RECIPIENT’S NAME],It's strange writing you as an editor as I've been a fan for years and following your work for a long time. I have a piece I believe the [RECIPIENT’S MEDIA OUTLET] audience will appreciate about how an 8-minute-long ask for money actually worked and what that means for the future of media and high-quality content.My previous pieces on [TOPIC] have gotten traction on [NAME OF OUTLET w/LINK], but given the success of your articles on the same topic, thought I'd ask if you think it would be a good fit for [RECIPIENT’S MEDIA OUTLET].Other reasons I think the [RECIPIENT’S MEDIA OUTLET] audience would like it:They've shown an interest in [ARTICLE SUBJECT w/LINK] before [ANOTHER REASON REFERENCING THE RECIPIENT OUTLET’S PAST COVERAGE OF THE MAIN TOPIC] HYPERLINK "; [ANOTHER REASON THAT REFERENCES TIMELY INTEREST IN THE STORY]The draft is copied below my signature. Edits and suggestions are welcome. I've earmarked where you can insert [RECIPIENT’S MEDIA OUTLET] article links. If you think it's not a good fit, not a problem, I will find it a home elsewhere. It's a privilege to get the opportunity to write you. Sincerely,Margo ................

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