Eric S - Temple University

Publications Authored and Co-Authored by Graduate Studentsin the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University2012-20202020Fader, J. J., S.W. VanZant, and A.R. Henson. (2020). Community-level crime framing in an era of criminal justice reform. Justice Quarterly.?(Online First) , J.J., & Henson, A. (2020). “This individual may or may not be on the Megan’s Law Registry:” The sex offender label’s impact on reentry. In Leverentz, A., Christian, J., Chen, E. (Eds), Moving Beyond Recidivism: Expanding Approaches to Research on Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration. New York, NY: NYU Press.Heinzeroth, R. D., Sr. (2020). A socioeconomic edge effect: Rational crime in small areas of sharp socioeconomic contrast. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. (Online first). A. (2020). Meet them where they are: The importance of contextual relevance in prison-based parenting programs. The Prison Journal, 100, 4, 468-487. doi:10.1177/0032885520939294Johnson, N. J., & Mendlein, A. (2020). Quantifying marginality across the globe: An empirical assessment of Vigil’s multiple marginality model in predicting gang involvement. International Criminal Justice Review. (Online first). Mendlein, A., Nguyen, T., & Rege, A. (2020). Cybersecurity awareness and training through a multidisciplinary OSINT course project. Proceedings from the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. doi: 10.18260/1-2—34367.Miller, J., Maloney, C., Harding, C. S., Palmer, K., Brey, J., Sandoval, J. R. (in press). Assessing Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) implementation outcomes: Lessons from five diverse Pennsylvania counties. The Prison Journal.Perez, N. M., Nguyen, T., & Vogel, B. (2020). Community–police dialogues: Evaluating the effects on adult, youth, and police participants. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. (Online first) doi: 10.1093/police/paaa034Perez, N.M., Nguyen, T., & Vogel, B.L. (2020). Community police academies: Assessing the effect of education on public perceptions of police. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice, and Principles. (Online first) doi: 10.1177/0032258X20926939.Ratcliffe, J.H., Taylor, R.B., & Fisher, R. (2020). Conflicts and congruencies between predictive policing and the patrol officer’s craft, Policing and Society, 30, 6, 639-655.Rege, A., Nguyen, T., & Bleiman, R. (2020). A social engineering awareness and training workshop for STEM students and practitioners. Proceedings from the 10th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC).Rege, A., Williams, K. & Mendlein, A. (forthcoming). An experiential learning cybersecurity project for multiple STEM undergraduates. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC).? Roman C.G., Klein, H.J., Harding, C.S., Koehnlein, J.M., Coaxum V. (2020). Post-injury engagement with the police and access to care among victims of violent street crime: Does criminal history matter? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (Online first). doi:10.1177/0886260520922520 Wolff, K.T., Baglivio, M.T., Klein, H.J., Piquero, A.R., DeLisi, M., Howell, J.C. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and gang involvement among juvenile offenders: Assessing the mediation effects of substance use and temperament deficits. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 18, 1, 24-53. doi:10.1177/1541204019854799Wooditch, A., Fisher, R., Wu, X., & Johnson, N. J. (2020). P-value problems? An examination of evidential value in criminology. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 36, 305–328. , J.Y. (2019). Latino nativity variations link to street violence in drug markets.?Crime & Delinquency, 65, 1, 69-93.Forney, M., & Ward, J.T. (2019). Identity, peer resistance, and antisocial influence: Modeling direct and indirect causes of desistance. Journal of Developmental and Life-course Criminology, 5, 107–135.Houser, K., Furst, G., Pich, M. (2019). Animal Visitation Programs as a Therapeutic Intervention for Jailed Women with a Mental Health Diagnosis. Prison Service Journal, 245, 2019, 24-33.Patch, CM, Roman, CG, Conway, TL, Taylor, RB, Gavand, KA, Saelens, BE, Adams, MA, Cain, KL, Engelberg, JK, Mayes, L, Roesch, SC, & Sallis, JF. (2019). Crime and Physical Activity: Development of a Conceptual Framework and Measures. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 16, 12, 818-829. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2018-0405.Roman, C. G., N. Link, J. M. Hyatt, Avinash Bhati, and M. Forney. (2019). Assessing the Gang-Level and Community-Level Effects of the Philadelphia Focused Deterrence Strategy. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 15, 499–527: , S., Johnson I. D., Taxman, F., Rieckmann, T. (2018). Probation staff attitudes toward substance abuse treatment and evidence-based practices. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62, 2, 313-333. doi:10.1177/0306624X1665067 Henson, A. (2018). Strengthening evaluation research: A case study of an evaluability assessment conducted in a carceral setting.?International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62, 10, 3185-3200.Roman, C. G., H. Klein and K. T. Wolff. (2018). Quasi-Experimental Designs for Community-Level Public Health Violence Reduction Interventions: A Case Study in the Challenges of Selecting The Counterfactual. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14, 2, 155-185. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-017-9308-0.Ward, J. T., McConaghy, M., & Bennett, J. Z. (2018). Differential Applicability of Criminological Theories to Individuals? The Case of Social Learning vis-à-vis Social Control.?Crime & Delinquency, 64, 510-541. ?2017Auerhahn, K., Henderson, Jaime S., Patrick R. McConnell, and Brian Lockwood. (2017). Are you judged by the residence you keep? Homicide sentencing, attribution and neighborhood context. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society. 18(1): 28-51.Belenko, S., Visher, C., Pearson, F., Swan, H.,?Pich, M., O’Connell, D., Dembo, R.: ?Frisman, L. Hamilton, and Willett, J. (2017).?Efficacy of a Process Improvement Intervention on HIV Testing in Correctional Agencies.?AIDS Education and Prevention, 29, 3, 241-255.DaGrossa, J.A.?(2017). Understanding resistance in correctional therapy: Why some clients don't do what they should, and what to do about it.?Federal Probation, June, 24 - 31.Eidson, J., C. G. Roman and M. Cahill. 2017. “Successes and Challenges in Recruiting and Retaining Gang Members in Longitudinal Research: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Site Social Network Study.”?Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 15, 4, 396-418.Eidson, J.?& Fattizzi, A. (2016, Spring). Moving from risk to rnr: Philadelphia adult probation and parole's shifting focus towards addressing criminogenic needs.?Perspectives, 40, 2, 88-97.Harding, C. S., & Roman, C. G. (2017). Identifying discrete subgroups of chronically homeless frequent utilizers of jail and public mental health services.?Criminal Justice and Behavior,?44(4): 511-530.Johnson, L. T., & Bennett, J. Z. (2017). Drug markets, violence, and the need to incorporate the role of race.?Sociology Compass,?11(1).Johnson, Lallen?& J.H. Ratcliffe. (2017). A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime. Security Journal, 30(2): 437-453.Link, Nathan. W.,?& Roman. C. G. (2017). Longitudinal associations among child support debt, employment, and recidivism after prison.?The Sociological Quarterly. 58, 1, 140-160.Link, N. W., Kelly, J. M., Pitts, J. R. Waltman-Spreha, K., & Taylor, R. B. (2017). Reversing broken windows: Evidence of lagged multilevel impacts of risk perceptions on perceptions of incivilities. Crime & Delinquency, 63, 6, 659-682.Ratcliffe, J.H., Perenzin, A. & Sorg, E.T. (2017) Operation Thumbs Down: A quasi-experimental evaluation of an FBI gang takedown in South Central Los Angeles, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 40, 2, 442-458.Rege, A., Parker, E., Singer, B. & Masceri, N. (2017). A Qualitative Exploration of Adversarial Adaptability, Group Dynamics, and Cyber Intrusion Chains. Journal of Information Warfare 16(3): 1-16.Rege, A., Biswas, S., Bai, L., Parker, E. & McJunkin, T. (2017). “Using Simulators to Assess Knowledge and Behavior of “Novice” Operators of Critical Infrastructure under Cyberattack Events”. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).Rege, A., Parker, E. & McJunkin, T. (2017). “Using a Critical Infrastructure Game to Provide Realistic Observation of the Human in the Loop by Criminal Justice Students”. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).Roman, C. G. and Link, N. (2017). Community reintegration among prisoners with child support obligations: An examination of debt, needs, and service receipt.?Criminal Justice Policy Review, 28, 9, 896-917.Sorg, E. T., Wood, J.D., Groff, E.R. & Ratcliffe, J.H. (2017). Explaining dosage diffusion during hot spot patrols: An application of optimal foraging theory to police officer behavior. Justice Quarterly, 34(6): 1044-1068.2016?Haberman, Cory., J.H. Ratcliffe, E.R. Groff & Evan T. Sorg (2016). Satisfaction with police in violent crime hot spots: Using community surveys as a guide for selecting hot spots policing tactics. Crime and Delinquency, 62(4): 525-557.Johnson, I. D., & Hiller, M. L. (2016). Rural location and relative location: Adding community context to the study of sexual assault survivor time until presentation for medical care. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online First.Link, Nathan W., Cullen, F. T., Agnew, R., & Link, B. G. (2016). Can general strain theory help us understand violent behaviors among people with mental illnesses??Justice Quarterly 33(4):729-754.Roman, Caterina G., Meagan Cahill and Jillian L. Eidson. (2016). “Street Gang Definitions across Two US Cities: Eurogang Criteria, Group Identity Characteristics, and Peer Group Involvement.” In?Gang Transitions and Transformations in an International Context. Pp. 15-32.?(CL Maxson & F-A Esbensen, eds). Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29602-9_2.2015 Blasko, Brandy. L., Roman, C. G., & Taylor, R. B. (2015). Local gangs and residents’ perceptions of unsupervised teen groups: Implications for the incivilities thesis and neighborhood effects. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43:1:20-28. doi: , E.R, Ratcliffe, J.H.,?Haberman, Cory, Sorg, Evan T., Taylor, R.B.,?Joyce, Nola?(2015). Does what police do at hot spots matter? The Philadelphia Policing Tactics Experiment. Criminology, 53(1):23-53.Haberman, Cory, & J.H. Ratcliffe (2015). Testing for temporally differentiated relationships among potentially criminogenic places and census block street robbery counts,?Criminology, 53(3):457-483.Hamilton, Leah, and S. Belenko (2015). Effects of pre-release services on access to behavioral health treatment after release from prison. Justice Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2015.1073771Johnson, Lallen, Taylor, R. B., & Groff, E. R. (2015). Metropolitan local crime clusters: Structural concentration effects and the systemic model. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(3 (May-June)), 186-194.?McConaghy, Megan. & Levy, M. (2015). The impact of gender and early delinquency on reoffending: A life history perspective. Victims and Offenders, 00(1): 1-34.Medina, Justin (2015). Neighborhood firearm victimization and levels of social capital over time. Violence and Victims 30, 1. Ratcliffe, J.H., Groff, E.R.,?Sorg, Evan T.,?Haberman, Cory P. (2015). Citizens' reactions to hot spots policing: Impacts on perceptions of crime, disorder, safety and police,?Journal of Experimental Criminology,?11(3): 393-417.?Ratcliffe, J.H.,?Sorg, Evan T. & Rose, J.W. (2015). Intelligence-led policing in Honduras: Applying Sleipnir and social psychology to understand gang proliferation,?Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 30(2): 112-123.?Sorg, Evan T., Wood, J., Groff, E.R. and Ratcliffe, J.H. (in press). Boundary adherence during place-based policing evaluations: A research note. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51(3): 377-393.Swan,?H.,?Hiller,?M.,?AlbizuGarcía,?C.E.,?Pich,?M.,?Patterson,?Y,?and?O’Connell,?D.J.?(2015).?Efficacy?of?a?Process?Improvement?Intervention?onInmate?Awareness?of?HIV?Services?Delivery:?A?Multi-Site?Trial.?Health?&?Justice.Taylor, Caitlin J. and Auerhahn, K. (2015). Community justice and public safety: Assessing criminal justice policy through the lens of the social contract. Criminology & Criminal Justice 15:3:300-320. DOI: 10:1177/1748895814553132.Taylor, R. B., Ratcliffe, J. H., & Perenzin, Amber (2015). Can we predict long term community crime problems?: The estimation of ecological continuity to model risk heterogeneity. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52 (5): 635-657.Van Cleve, Nicole Gonzalez and Mayes, Lauren (2015). Criminal justice through “colorblind” lenses: A call to examine the mutual constitution of race and criminal justice. Law & Social Inquiry, 40: 406-432.Welsh, W.N., &?Harding, Courtney.?(2015). School effects on delinquent behavior. In: M. Krohn & J. Lane (Eds.),?Handbook on Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice (pp. 181-198). John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJWelsh, W. N., Prendergast, M., Knight, K., Knudsen, H. K., Monico, L., Gray, J., Abdel-Salam, S., Redden, S.M.,?Link, Nathan.,?Hamilton, Leah, Shafer, M., & Friedmann, P. D.?(2015).?Correlates of interorganizational service coordination in community corrections.?Criminal Justice and Behavior.? Welsh, W. N., Knudsen, H. K., Knight, K., Ducharme, L., Pankow, J., Urbine, T., Lindsey, A., Abdel-Salam, S., Wood, J., Monico, L.,?Link, Nathan., Albizu-Garcia, C., & Friedmann, P. D. (2015). Effects of an organizational linkage intervention on inter-organizational service coordination between probation/parole agencies and community treatment providers.?Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. doi:?10.1007/s10488-014-0623-8.?Wood, J.D.,?Taylor, Caitlin J., Groff, E.R., & Ratcliffe, J.H. (2015). Aligning policing and public health promotion: Insights from the world of foot patrol. Police Practice and Research 16(3):211-223.2014DaGrossa, J.A.?(2014). Improving legitimacy in community-based corrections.??Federal Probation, 22 - 27.?Groff, E.R., Taylor R., Elesh D., McGovern, J., and Johnson, Lallen (2014). Permeability across a Metropolitan Area: Conceptualizing and Operationalizing a Macro Level Crime Pattern Theory. Environment and Planning A?46(1):129-152.Houser, Kimberly.?& Welsh, W. (2014). Examining the association between co-occurring disorders and seriousness of misconduct by female prison inmates.?Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41,?650-666.?Houser, Kimberly,?Blasko, Brandy.?&?Belenko, S.? (2014).?The effects of treatment exposure on prison misconduct for female prisoners with substance use, mental health, and co-occurring disorders.?Criminal Justice Studies. In press.Pearson?F.S.,?Shafer?M.S.,?Dembo?R.,?Del?Mar?VegaDebién?G.,?Pankow?J.,?Duvall?J.L.,?Belenko?S.,?Frisman,?L.K.,?Visher?C.A.,?Pich?M.,?Patterson, Y.?(2014) Efficacy of a process improvement intervention on?delivery?of?HIV?services?to?offenders:?a?multisite?trial.?Am?J Public?Health, 104(12):2385-91.Pitts, Joseph R., Johnson, Ingrid D., & Eidson, Jillian L. (2014). Keeping the case open: Responding to DeJong and Blanchette's "case closed" on the minimum legal drinking age in the United States. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75(6):1047-9.Roberts, David, Taylor, R.B., Garcia, R. Marie, and Perenzin, Amber. (2014) Intra-streetblock spatial patterning of crime-related parochial control. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 31(2):143-162.Tower, Sondra M. and E. Groff (2014). Examining the disorder-crime connection in Philadelphia parks. Security Journal, 27: 1-18Wood, J. D. & Beierschmitt, L. (2014). Beyond police crisis intervention: Moving ‘upstream’ to manage cases and places of behavioral health vulnerability. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37: 439-447.Wood, JD,?Sorg, Evan T., Ratcliffe, JH, Groff, ER, &?Taylor, C. J.?(2014) Cops as treatment providers: Realities and ironies of police work in a foot patrol experiment, Policing and Society, 24(3): 362-379.2013Belenko, S., M. Hiller & Hamilton, Leah (2013). Treating substance abuse disorders in the criminal justice system. Current Psychiatry Reports, 15.Blasko, Brandy. L. & Jeglic, E.L. (2013). Conducting treatment in the prison system: Rehabilitation research. In Prison and Prison Systems: Practices, Types and Challenges, Johan Fuhrmann and Stefan Baier, eds. New York: Nova Science Publishers.Berger, T.A., &?DaGrossa, J.A.?(2013). Overcoming legal barriers to reentry: A law-school based approach to providing legal services to the reentry community.?Federal Probation, 3 – 8.Groff, E., Johnson, Lallen, Ratcliffe, J. H., & Wood, J. (2013). Exploring the relationship between foot and car patrol in violent crime areas. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36(1): 119-139.Haberman, Cory. P., Groff, E. R., & Taylor, R. B. (2013). The Variable Impacts of Public Housing Community Proximity on Nearby Street Robberies. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50(2): 163-188.Johnson, Lallen T., Taylor, R. B., & Ratcliffe, J. H. (2013). Need drugs, will travel?: The distances to crime of illegal drug buyers.? Journal of Criminal Justice, 41, 178-187.?Roman, Caterina G, and Caitlin J. Taylor. (2013). “A Multi-level Assessment of School Climate, Bullying Victimization and Physical Activity." ?Journal of School Health, 83(6): 400-407.Sorg, Evan T., Haberman, Cory P., Ratcliffe, J.H & Groff, E.R. (2013) Foot patrol in violent crime hot spots: Longitudinal impacts of deterrence and post-treatment effects of displacement. Criminology, 51(1): 65-101.Taylor, Liana, Hiller, M.L. & Taylor, R.B. (2013). Personal factors and substance abuse treatment retention among felony probationers: Theoretical relevance of intial vs. shifting scores on impulsivilty/low self-control. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41(3): 141-150.Waltman-Spreha, Kelly (2103). Engaging students on the topic of restorative justice and serious offenses. Contemporary Justice Review, 16(1): 91-114.2012Belenko, Steven, Houser, Kimberly, & Welsh, Wayne N. (2012). Understanding the impact of drug treatment in correctional settings. In J. Petersilia and K. Reitz (eds.) pp. 463-491. Oxford Handbook on Sentencing and Corrections (pp. 463-491). New York: Oxford University Press.Bichler, G., Orosco, Carlena, & J. Schwartz. (2012). Take the car keys away: Metropolitan structure and the long road to delinquency. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, No.1:83-93.Groff, Elizabeth. R. & McCord, Eric. (2012). The role of neighborhood parks as crime generators. Security Journal, 25(1): 1-24.Haberman, Cory P., and Ratcliffe, J.H. (2012). The predictive policing challenges of near repeat armed street robbery. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 6(2): 151-166Hamilton, Leah. Koehler, J. & L?sel, F. (2012) Domestic violence perpetrator programs in Europe, part I: A survey of current practice.?International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. DOI: 10.1177/0306624X12469506Houser, Kimberly, Salvatore, Christopher, & Welsh, W. (2012). Individual-level predictors of community aftercare completion. The Prison Journal, 92(1), 106-124.Houser, Kimberly, Belenko, S., & Brennan P. (2012). The effects of mental health and substance abuse disorders on institutional misconduct among female inmates. Justice Quarterly, 29(6): 799-828.Johnson, Lallen, & Ratcliffe, J. H. (2012). When does a drug market become a drug market? Finding the boundaries of illicit event concentrations. In M. Leitner (Ed.), Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies. New York, NY: Springer.Salvatore, Christopher., Taniguchi, Travis., & Welsh, Wayne N. (2012). Is emerging adulthood influencing Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy? Adding the “prolonged” adolescent offender. Western Criminology Review, 13(1):1-15. Taylor, Caitlin J. (2012). Balancing act: The adaptation of traditional judicial roles in reentry court. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 51, (6): 351-369.Taylor, Caitlin J. (2012). Tolerance of minor setbacks in a challenging reentry experience: An evaluation of a federal reentry court. Criminal Justice Policy Review (Available online. DOI: 10.1177/0887403411427354)Taylor, Caitlin J. (2012). Reentry courts. In Barton-Bellessa, Shannon M. and Golson, J. Geoffrey (eds.), Encyclopedia of Community Corrections. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Taylor, Ralph B. & Eidson, Jillian L. (2012). "The Wire," William Julius Wilson and the three Sobotkas: Conceptually integrating "Season 2: The Port" into a macro-level undergraduate communities and crime course. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 23(3):257-282.Taylor, R. B., & Lawton, Brian A. (2012). An integrated contextual model of confidence in local police.?Police Quarterly, 15(4), 414-445.Wyant, Brian R., Taylor, R.B., Ratcliffe, J.H. & Wood, J. (2012) Deterrence, firearm arrests, and subsequent shootings: A micro-level spatio-temporal analysis, Justice Quarterly, 29(4) 524-545. ................

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