The Great Philosophers: The Lives And Ideas Of Historys Greatest ...


Stephen Law | 384 pages | 26 Jul 2016 | Quercus Publishing | 9781780877471 | English | London, United Kingdom

Ten of History's Greatest Thinkers ? Values of the Wise

It has some great anecdotes on early economists, but ends with Schumpeter--far too soon. The scale is so broad that we only really learn about macroeconomics--never micro--and there is at least as Robert L.

With over two million copies sold worldwide, The Worldly Philosophers is one of the most widely read texts on the history of economics ever

written. It defines the common thread linking the world's greatest economic thinkers from Adam Smith to Malthus, from Marx to John Maynard Keynes, and explores the philosophies that motivated them.

This not only enables us to see more deeply into our history, but, through understanding how a capitalist society works, also helps us to better understand our own times. In a bold new last chapter entitled 'The End of the Worldly Philosophers? He argues that today's increasingly 'scientific' economics may overlook fundamental social and political The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers that are central to economics.

Thus, unlike its predecessors, this new seventh edition provides not just an indispensable illumination of our past, but also a call to action for our future. He is author of more than 20 books, and has contributed to the New Yorker. He lives in New York City.

Philosophy of history - Wikipedia

Sir Francis Bacon. Perhaps you know of the eminent historian, writer, and psychologist, philosopher, anthropologist all rolled into one, Will Durant. He died in the late twentieth century, but was truly a man of letters and a wonderful writer. I found a neat little book, compiled after his death by John Little. It is a compilation of his writings that involved rankings of merit. First, why Durant? He was a prolific writer and very wellregarded by all manner of folk.

Any time a man spends over half a century researching and writing an eleven-volume integral history of civilization, it is natural that people are going to want to know what conclusions he has drawn from the enterprise; to know what eras, individuals, and achievements stood The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers in his mind as being the greatest or most significant. I was very impressed by the book The Story of Philosophyand it is one of the most read philosophy books ever.

He is aware of some of this, though. And, he defends it:. For why should we stand in reverence before waterfalls and mountaintops, or a summer moon on a quiet sea, and not before the highest miracle of all: a man who is both great and good?

I can forgive Durant of any imperfections that mark most men of his time. Very florid and beautifully, full of pith and drama. Check this little gem out:. At every step on the stairway of progress it was thought that lifted us, slowly and tentatively, to a larger power and higher life.

If ideas do not determine history, inventions do; and inventions are determined by ideas. Certainly, it is The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers, the restlessness of insatiable wants that agitates us into thinking; but however motivated and inspired, it is thought that finds a way. Scientists and philosophers. Augustine, Buddha, Luther, and Jesus are out because they are founders or developers of religion.

Before putting their states in proper order, they regulated their families. Before regulating their families, they cultivated their own selves. Before cultivating their own selves, they perfected their own souls. Before perfecting their own souls, they tried to be sincere in their thoughts. Before trying to be sincere in their thoughts, they extended to the utmost The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers knowledge.

When knowledge became complete, their thoughts became sincere. We love him because he was alive every The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers of his life, and never ceased to grow; such a man can be forgiven for whatever errors he has made. Philosopher Colin McGinn adds this:. So, what makes life valuable according to Plato is the acquisition of knowledge. That makes life the most valuable that it can be. Not that no man had ever thought of these matters before, but that none had controlled his thinking with patient observation, careful experiment, and systematic formulation of results.

Barring astronomy and medicine, the history of science begins with the encyclopedic labors of the tireless Aristotle. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. The world does not follow him now, preferring a doubting Thomas to a dogmatic one, but there was a time when every intellect honored the Angelic Doctor, and every philosophy took his gigantic [book] Summae as its premise. Nicholas Copernicus.

The almost-accidental discoverer of the heliocentric universe. Never underestimate the depravity of a Renaissance Pope! Durant continues:. Everything was changed -- distances, significances, and destinies. I have few quotes by Copernicus, disappointingly, but here is a neat one by the luminary, Ralph Waldo Emerson:.

Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. That makes sense; it seems like Bacon never slowed down for a minute. He was involved in English court, penned a hugely influential tome called the Novum Organumand virtually changed the direction of science henceforth.

His Idols are most interesting, too, in the history and philosophy of science. Here is how Durant praises this genius:. The The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers of those alert eyes, the rich blood in those strong frames, the warm colors of their luxurious raiment, the spontaneous poetry of that impassioned speech, the creative insatiable desires, the search and sweep and fearlessness of the newlyliberated minds -- shall we ever now these days again?

In the tableau of the Enlightenment, Bacon is the herald of adventure. There is a new world waiting, he announced; let us begin the long and difficult march into its unmapped terrain. Here is physicist Brian Greene:. Many sung and unsung heroes contributed to the rapid and impressive progress that was made, but Newton stole the show.

With a handful of mathematical equations, he synthesized everything known about motion on earth and in the heavens, and in so doing, composed the score for what has come to be known as classical physics.

Mysticism gripped Newton his whole life. He may have made himself sick from too much experimental alchemy. Voltaireone of my favorite. Well, that may be true.

He was kind of a crustily aristocratic and effete man, but he was fighting dogmatism, superstition, monarchy, arbitrariness, and classism, so I can get behind him. Never did one man teach so many, or with such irresistible artistry.

He, who traveled much in Konigsberg, and from is promenaded streets saw the starry heavens melt into a half-unreal phenomenon, transfigured The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers perception into a subjective thing. This is not my favorite eulogy for a thinker, but Durant knows what he is talking about. But it may well be that for posterity his name will stand as a turning point in the intellectual development of our Western civilization. If Darwin was wrong, the world may forget him as it has almost forgotten Democritus and Anaxagoras; if he was right, men will have to date from as the beginning of modern thought.

This was written in probablyso I think in the interceeding years, time has only been good to Darwin. His bold view can be seen as either noble and pessimistic or noble and admirable. For people of science, he is a hero. Denying man a privileged place in creation, ... he reaffirms with his own intellectual courage the dignity of man.

Wilson, Mortimer J. Robinson, Noam Chomsky, and George Santayana. Sir Francis Bacon Perhaps you know of the eminent historian, writer, and psychologist, philosopher, anthropologist all rolled into one, Will Durant. And, he defends it: For why should we stand in reverence before waterfalls and mountaintops, or a summer moon on a quiet sea, and not before the highest miracle of all: a man who is both great and good?

Check this little gem out: At every step on the stairway of progress it was thought that lifted us, slowly and tentatively, to a larger power and higher life. Here is physicist Brian Greene: Many sung and unsung heroes contributed to the rapid and impressive progress that was made, but Newton The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers the show.

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Britain's Most Influential Philosophers

Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. John Wycliffe was born in the mids, in an England influenced by the teachings of Thomas Bradwardine then Archbishop of Cantebury and the aftermath of the Black Death. In he became master of Balliol College and soon obtained a degree in theology. Later he accepted various roles within the church, including head of Canterbury Hall in He used his position to speak against what he considered corruption and heresy of the Catholic Church, regularly criticising the pope and proposing ministers should exercise a more humble work ethic than that of extravagance.

InWycliffe completed the first Latin to English translation of the Bible, so the poor -- with many unable to read Latin -- could interpret teachings for themselves. Wycliffe died in His body was dug up and burned, and his writings were banned. It was not for another years that the English Bible became legal again.

That year he was accused of accepting bribes that ended his political career, leading him to focus on his lifelong passion, the philosophy of science. Bacon long yearned to change the approach towards natural philosophy. Inhe published the first book of Novum Organum Scientiarum New Method in Latin establishing himself as a reputable philosopher of science. Following his death, his theories encouraged a change in the nature of 17th-century European science.

John Locke was born in in Somerset, England, and studied at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with a bachelors degree ina masters in and a bachelor of medicine in Here he composed An Essay Concerning Human Understandinga theory known as empiricism, emphasising man had no innate ideas but learned through reason alone. Mary Wollstonecraft was born inLondon. After her mother died inshe left home to escape her abusive father. The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers her sister Eliza and their friend Fanny, she established a school in Newington Green.

From experience she wrote the pamphlet Thoughts on the Education of Daughtersregarding the discrimination poorer women faced in receiving an education. Later, Wollstonecraft became a translator and adviser to liberal publisher Joseph Johnson. In she published, A Vindication of the Rights of Womenwhere she fiercely objected to the notion that women should be helpless household adornments, insisting a need for educational reform and equal opportunities.

In she met Captain Gilbert Imlay and they named their daughter Fanny. InImlay left Wollstonecraft and in she gave birth to her second daughter Mary Shelley, with William Godwin. Wollstonecraft died 10 days later from childbirth complications. Inher widower released Memoirs of the author of a Vindication of The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers Rights of Womenwhich had a scandalous impact on her posthumous reputation.

John Stuart Mill was born inand received an extensive education. In his adolescence he formed many intellectual societies and contributed The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers periodicals.

Inhe suffered a major mental breakdown and began questioning all beliefs he once embraced. He realised fighting The Great Philosophers: The Lives and Ideas of Historys Greatest Thinkers with negativity was futile and instead opted to learn from bad experiences constructively. The essay

demonstrated a passionate defence of nonconformity, diversity and individuality. He emphasised society should focus more on acts that minimized pain and boosted happiness. Mills belief that the majority could deny the liberty minorities wished to seek drove his interest in social reform. Now he is regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century in regard to social and political theory. David Hume was born in Edinburgh,and at the young age of 12 he attended the University of Edinburgh. After his studies he reclusively devoted 10 years of his life to reading and writing. Later, he wrote The History of Englandtaking 15 years and over a million words in length. Critics were outraged, yet the book was extremely popular amongst the public which gave him the financial dependency he so longed for. This was followed by Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understandingwhich were considered to be anti-religion and Hume, a suspected atheist, was denied a position at Edinburgh University. His works are admired for their honest account of how human mentality and social behaviour operates. Adam Smith is believed to have been born in in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. He enrolled at the University of Glasgow to study moral philosophy at the age of 14, under the guide of Francis Hutcheson. Here, he developed a passion for liberty, reason and free speech. In Smith won a scholarship for postgraduate studies at Oxford, however, he found Oxford to be intellectually stifling and suffered a nervous breakdown, which lead him to drop out. InSmith began giving public lectures at the University of Edinburgh. Later he earned himself a professorship at Glasgow University, and inpublished The Theory of Moral Sentimentsa book which put emphasis on how human morality depends on sympathy between an individual and other members of society. The book is considered one of the most influential and revolutionary philosophical pieces ever written, and a fundamental work in classical economics. Select currency. My Plans. Open menu Menu. Britain's Most Influential Philosophers. Here, we take a look at seven hugely influential British philosophers and the impact their work made in Britain and throughout the world. John Wycliffe. Sir Francis Bacon. John Locke. Mary Wollstonecraft. John Stuart Mill. David Hume. Adam Smith. Read Next. Books 10 Contemporary Philosophers to Read Today. Books 10 Must-Read Iranian Authors. Books 7 Influential Israeli Philosophers.


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