


Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Martin O’Malley, Governor – Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor – Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D., Secretary

Family Health Administration

Donna Gugel, Acting Director

CCSC HO # 12-08


To: Health Officers

CRF-CPEST Program Directors, Coordinators, and Staff

SAHC CRF Program Directors, Coordinators, and Staff

From: Barbara Andrews, M.S. Ed., R.D., Program Manager

CRFP Unit, Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control

Date: March 19, 2012

Subject: Teleconference on CRF Cancer Programs – Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Attached is the agenda for the Teleconference on Wednesday March 21, 2012, from 10:00 -12:00.


Dial in to the following “Meeting Place” dial in number: 410-225-5300

Give the following Meeting ID Number: 9339#

When entering the Meeting ID Number, follow by the # sign.

If there are problems, we will send out an e-mail notifying you about what is happening and what the next steps will be, so please check your e-mail. If you have any trouble dialing into the audio-conference call, please contact DHMH Teleconference Services at (410) 767-5108. A staff member will assist you in your connection to the audio-conference. Please turn your phone to MUTE unless asking a question at the teleconference. You may connect into the conference call as early as 9:55AM, NOT SOONER, PLEASE

Special Guest Speaker: Alva Hutchison, Chair, Maryland Cancer Collaborative

“Maryland Cancer Collaborative - Partnerships and Progress”

Attachments (E-mailed to Health Officers and CRF/CPEST Program Directors/Coordinators)

cc: Donna Gugel/Kelly Sage

Courtney Lewis/Sarah Hokenmaier

Diane Dwyer, M.D.

Barbara Andrews


Cancer CRF Teleconference

DHMH Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control

Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 10:00-12:00 P.M.

Dial in to the following “Meeting Place” dial in number:


Meeting ID Number: 9339#

Please turn your phone to MUTE unless you are asking a question—and DO NOT put your phone on “Hold” during the teleconference (or we will hear background music). Thanks.


We understand this is the first day for the Dialogue for Action in Baltimore City therefore some of those that are usually in attendance during this conference call, may not be able to join us.

The Program staff is encouraged to listen and participate on the Monthly CRF-CPEST Teleconferences. Audio Files of the Teleconferences are available on line with the Health Officer Memos at (Note, the DHMH is migrating its Web site and the URLs may change to )

1. CCSC Announcement – Kitty Musk, Nurse Consultant with the CRFP Unit since 2001 has announced that she will retire effective 6/1/2012. We are happy for Kitty, but really sad that we will be losing a valued member of our staff.

2. Minority Outreach and Technical Assistant – Christine Charles

o Update on DHMH Health Disparities and MOTA activities

• There are currently 15 Jurisdictions that have MOTA Programs.

• We are encouraging MOTA Programs to align with their local health departments to participate on coalitions/task forces such as SHIP, cancer and tobacco, cardiovascular disease, and infant mortality.

• In a month or so, the RFA for FY 2013 will be available. Encouraging organizations and entities and (eligible) jurisdictions where there currently is not a MOTA Program to apply.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Christine Charles, MS, CHES, CTTS, Director, Health Disparities Initiatives, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities.

Phone: 410-767-8954 Email:

3. Maryland Skin Cancer Prevention Program – Roberta Herbst

o We're waiting for the State legislators to votes on the tanning bed bills - banning use for minors. We are not sure when that will be. If Roberta learns anything before the call, she will let us know about it.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Roberta M. Herbst, M.S., Program Manager

Maryland Skin Cancer Prevention Program, Center for a Healthy Maryland

1211 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 410-539-0872 ext. 3340 or 800-492-1056, ext. 3340

Email: rherbst@

4. Maryland Cancer Fund Updates - Sandra Buie-Gregory

o Update on Maryland Cancer Fund

For more information or questions, please contact:

Sandra Buie-Gregory, MCF Coordinator

Phone: 410-767-6213 Email:

5. Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan –Sarah Hokenmaier

o Introduction and Presentation of Special Guest Speaker, Alva Hutchison Chair, Maryland Cancer Collaborative – “Maryland Cancer Collaborative - Partnerships and Progress”

For more information, please contact:

Sarah Conolly Hokenmaier, Acting CCSC Deputy Director

Phone: 410-767-0804 Email:

6. Clinical Issues and Updates- Margo Nathan, Medical Student, UMMG

o National Polyp Study (See attached PowerPoint Slides)

7. Surveillance and Evaluation Unit Updates –Carmela Groves

o Colonoscopies – Locations Provided. (See attachments). We will discuss the provided maps and information and request your input.

o Client Database (CDB)

Move to the Intranet:

Thank you for testing connections per HO Memo #12-07. Some counties are not connected to the Intranet. I am exploring options in lieu of VPN with the DHMH OIT staff.

The move is still in process. Once the database is operational and programs can connect, I will make an announcement via a HO memo.

o CDB Updates:

CRC recall report (C-Re)-added age of client at next recall screening date

Oral cancer screening form cycle report -shortened to print on two pages (one back-to-back) for ‘normal’ screenings when there is no reason to go to post screening

Oral download-included more fields: ‘other’ findings as check boxes and text

PSA result-allow for entry of 1000 or greater

Compatibility icon-fixed so does not need to be selected when changing a sponsor

Oral cancer screening form-making changes for brush biopsy results, VELscope

o CDB training for new users, offered monthly. Next scheduled training is on Monday, April 2, 2012. Please contact Lorraine Underwood to register for training and further instructions at 410-767-0791 or via e-mail at

o EDB, Preparing education data for site visits:

Please note that approximately two weeks prior to the site visit, we will download the data for review. Any entries after this time may not be included in the review.

If you have any problems such as connecting to the EDB and CDB or navigating the system, you may contact:

Lorraine Underwood at 410-767-0791 (Main number)

Jia Soellner at 410-767-0815 (Client Database) (Education Database)

8. Education and Training – Barbara Andrews

o Health Officer Memos – On Line. We are in the process of having all health officer memos since mid-November 2011uploaded to the web as there was a delay due to the “migration”. We will advise you when we confirm that prior memos and the audio files become available.

o CRC Awareness Packet – We hope you have found the provided materials useful. This information was included in Health Officer Memo 12-05 that was sent out on 2/21/11.

o Governors Proclamation for Colorectal Cancer Awareness (See attached PDF file). 20 of our 25 programs received an original proclamation. When we receive the additional requested proclamations will send them out. In the meantime, please use the scanned copy of the proclamation if it helps you.

o Screen for Life Materials – 8 CRF-CPEST programs requested and received CDC materials. There may be additional materials available, if you’d like to receive, complete the previously sent forms.

o Screen for Life – We have been notified that a DVD that includes Screening for Life TV PSAs were just released to media. This would be a good time to contact your local TV stations to encourage them to use them. Also new Screen for Life posters are available.

o American Cancer Society – Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention. (See attached abbreviated version of the main points.)

The entire article in available on line at:

Suggested uses include:

▪ Community Health Coalitions presentations

▪ Web site links

▪ Flyers for doctors and health care clinic offices

o American Cancer Society Dietitian on Call Program, Overview and Frequently Asked Questions and flyer (See two attachments.)

o New Employee Orientation – If you have a new employee(s) who needs orientation or other education and outreach materials please contact Barbara Andrews at 410-767-5123 or e-mail at Just a reminder, please complete the orientation quizzes and submit as the materials request on the last slide in the presentation.

9. Administrative/Grants/Budget and Related Fiscal Issues – Barbara Andrews

o Using Hospitals Charity Care for CRF Clients– the Eastern Shore experience with Shore Health System.

o Regional CRF/Cancer Control Meeting, October 2011 Power Point presentations by Dr. Eileen Steinberger and Ida Sahlu will be placed on-line with Health Officer Memo #11-44, with the agenda for the regional meeting and are attached to this teleconference agenda. (See three attachments.) The presentations were:

1) Quality Assessment of Colonoscopy Reporting: A Comparison of Colonoscopy Reports Before and After CO-RADS

2) Ten Years’ Experience of Colorectal Cancer Screening in the CRF Program

3) CRC: Screening, Incidence and Mortality

o CRF-CPEST/Public Health Budget Modifications were due to your CRFP Unit lead by March 15, 2012. Please contact your lead (Kitty Musk at or Dwayne Selph at if you have not yet submitted you budget modification and plan to do so.

o Medicare Reimbursement – We are working on finalizing the updates to Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates. It will be forwarded via Health Officer Memo shortly in time to provide with your requests for FY13 Provider Contracts.

Future monthly teleconferences are scheduled for the third Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon of each month in 2011-2012 calendar years:

April 18

May 16

June 20

July 18

August 15

September 19

September Regional Meetings (Caroline Co. 9/5, Allegany Co. 9/10 and Baltimore Co. 9/14)

October 17


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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