Foot and Ankle Anatomy Labeling Lab

Using color stickers or masking tape label the following structures that are underlined. After you have finished I will come around and check you off. While you are waiting answer the questions below

–Phalanges (14)

•Hallux (big toe) Checked____________

1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint (MP)

–Sesamoid bones

–Metatarsals (5) (heads of metatarsals)

–Tarsal bones (7)

–Cuneiform bones 3





Styloid process 5th metatarsal

Tibia – Fibula-

Medial & Lateral condyle Head

Tibial tuberosity Neck

Shaft Shaft

Medial malleolus Lateral Malleolus

Lateral Side

Anterior Talofibular ATF

Calcaneofibular CF

Posterior Talofibular PTF

Anterior Tibiofibular ATIF

Medial Side

Deltoid ligaments (4)

Posterior Tibial artery

Dorsal Pedal Artery

Plantar Area

Plantar Fascia

Spring ligament – Planter Calcaneonavicular Ligament

Anterior Muscles Posterior Muscles Lateral Muscles

Tibialis anterior Soleus Peroneus Brevis

Extensor Digitorum Longus Gastrocnemius Peroneus Longus

Extensor Hallucis Longus ( Achilles tendon

Flexor Digitorum Brevis

Ankle Anatomy Lab Questions

1. Name the largest bone in the foot.

2. How many phalanges are in one foot?

3. How many metatarsals are in one foot?

4. How many tarsal bones in one foot?

5. Name all 7 tarsal bones.

6. What is the bump on the lateral side just proximal to the 5th metatarsal?

7. Which bone in the lower leg is the strongest?

8. What bone is the medial malleolus?

9. Name the most lateral bone of the mid-foot.

10. Where are the Sesamoid bones located?

11. In what tendon do they attached to?

12. Describe where the Soleus muscle located.

13. Which tendon attaches to the base of the 5th

metatarsal bone?

14. Where is the spring ligament location?

15. Where does the plantar fascia run?

16. Name the muscles on the anterior part of the leg.

17. What action do they do?

18. What action does the Peroneus tendons do?


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