TRECS | Real Estate School

Pre-License Registration FormAll Tennessee Real Estate Schools are required to submit student eligibility files electronically through the secure website provided by PSI. Please read and complete each section.Class Date: Click or tap here to enter text. First and Last Name: Click or tap here to enter text.076200FIRST AND LAST NAME MUST MATCH YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE0FIRST AND LAST NAME MUST MATCH YOUR DRIVERS LICENSESocial Security Number: Click or tap here to enter text.088900SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY0SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ARE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLYDate of Birth: Click or tap here to enter text.00MUST BE PHYSICAL ADDRESS (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE)0MUST BE PHYSICAL ADDRESS (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE)Address: Click or tap here to enter text.City, State, Zip: Click or tap here to enter text.00FAILURE TO PROVIDE HOME ADDRESS WILL DELAY YOUR LICENSE APPLICATION PROCESS0FAILURE TO PROVIDE HOME ADDRESS WILL DELAY YOUR LICENSE APPLICATION PROCESSTelephone Number: Click or tap here to enter text.Email: Click or tap here to enter text.ADMINSISTRATION USE ONLYSchool Code: 1056Course Code: 322Hours Completed: 60Date Completed: TENNESSEE REAL ESTATE COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING PRIOR CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS AND/OR DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONSRETURN TO:QUESTIONS, call 615-741-@Email: @Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 62-13-303 and Section 62-13-312 provide in part that the Commission may deny a license to an applicant who has a prior criminal conviction(s) and/or a disciplinary sanction(s) imposed by an occupational licensing body.Have you taken the exam for licensure? ? Yes ?No (if yes, see a, if no, see b)You must answer all parts to this questionnaire and submit all required documentation. Applicants with a felony conviction or a misdemeanor conviction involving the theft of money, property or services must appear before the Commission to be considered for licensure. If it determined that you must appear before the Commission, your Principal Broker will need to accompany you. You will be contacted to schedule an appearance. You must answer all parts to this questionnaire and submit all required documentation. Because of the time and expense involved in becoming an applicant for licensure, the Commission affords an individual who has not yet become an applicant the opportunity to request that the Commission make a preliminary decision on the conviction(s) or the prior disciplinary sanction(s) before the individual takes the required education and examination for license. The purpose of a preliminary decision is merely to provide advisory guidance. However, the Commission may elect to allow a favorable preliminary decision to become its final decision without further investigation or hearing when the individual becomes an applicant for licensure before the Commission to be considered for licensure. If it is determined that you must appear before the Commission, your Principal Broker will need to accompany you. You will be contacted to schedule an appearance.REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS:An individual seeking a preliminary decision must submit to the Commission a certified copy of the court disposition for the conviction(s) and/or a copy of the paperwork for disciplinary related sanctions imposed by another licensing regulatory authority. It must show the exact charge, judgement rendered, sentence or penalty and end of any probationary period. You must provide a current FBI/TBI Report. The cost is $42.00, and the report may be secured by contacting identogo at 855-226-2937 or . If the court disposition is unavailable, you must provide a letter from the court stating that the documents are unavailable. An individual may also provide the Commission with any additional information that the individual believes may assist the Commission in rendering a preliminary decision. The Commission cannot begin its processing of your application until it receives all the above items. The Commission will notify you of its decision when its investigation process is completed.Carefully read and answer the following questions.102108078740Have you ever been convicted of pled nolo contendere to, pled guilty to, or been granted first offender treatment upon being charged with any criminal offense(s) other than a traffic violation?00Have you ever been convicted of pled nolo contendere to, pled guilty to, or been granted first offender treatment upon being charged with any criminal offense(s) other than a traffic violation?? YES ? NO 102108093345Have you ever been disciplined by any state or federal licensing agency or authority which regulates any profession? (Within the last 10-years) (Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited, such actions as: a reprimand, a suspension, a revocation, a fine, or any restriction placed on your rights to operate as a licensee).00Have you ever been disciplined by any state or federal licensing agency or authority which regulates any profession? (Within the last 10-years) (Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited, such actions as: a reprimand, a suspension, a revocation, a fine, or any restriction placed on your rights to operate as a licensee).? YES ? NO1021080100965Are you more than two months behind in making any child support payments?00Are you more than two months behind in making any child support payments?? YES ? NO102108080645Are you on probation? Please Note: Rule 1260-1-.01 STATES NO PERSON SHALL BE ELIGIBLE FOR EXAMINATION OR BE CONSIDERED FOR LICENSURE UNLESS TWO (2) YEARS HAVE PASSED FROM THE DATE OF THE EXPIRATION OF PROBATION, PAROLE OR CONVICTION, OR FROM THE DATE OF RELEASE FROM INCARCERATION, WHICHEVER IS LATER IN TIME. THIS RESTRICTION SHALL APPLY TO ALL FELONIES, AND TO MISDEMEANORS WHICH INVOLVE THE THEFT OF MONEY, SERVICES, OR PROPERTY. AN APPLICANT WHO APPEARS BEFORE THE COMMISSION REQUESTING LICENSURE AND WHO IS DENIED WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR RECONSIDERATION FOR SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE DENIAL.00Are you on probation? Please Note: Rule 1260-1-.01 STATES NO PERSON SHALL BE ELIGIBLE FOR EXAMINATION OR BE CONSIDERED FOR LICENSURE UNLESS TWO (2) YEARS HAVE PASSED FROM THE DATE OF THE EXPIRATION OF PROBATION, PAROLE OR CONVICTION, OR FROM THE DATE OF RELEASE FROM INCARCERATION, WHICHEVER IS LATER IN TIME. THIS RESTRICTION SHALL APPLY TO ALL FELONIES, AND TO MISDEMEANORS WHICH INVOLVE THE THEFT OF MONEY, SERVICES, OR PROPERTY. AN APPLICANT WHO APPEARS BEFORE THE COMMISSION REQUESTING LICENSURE AND WHO IS DENIED WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR RECONSIDERATION FOR SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE DENIAL.? YES ? NOIF YOU CHECKED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY AND SUBMIT TO TREC WITH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. If you have more than one conviction or disciplinary action, you must list each one separately and answer the following questions relative to each conviction/ disciplinary action. Use additional sheets if necessary, to respond fully and completely to each question and number your responses to the corresponding question.Disclaimer:If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, but wish to continue with registration, please see the administrator. TRECS Real Estate School will provide you with a copy of the Real Estate Commissions required Application for Decision Regarding Prior Criminal Conviction and/or Disciplinary Sanction. TRECS Real Estate School is an education provider only and does not guarantee your licensing approval. All application for licensing is reviewed and considered by the Tennessee Real Estate Commission. By signing this form, I confirm that I have read, understand, and may request a full criminal history application to submit to the Commission before incurring the expenses of education. Signature: ____________________________________________________Class Enrollment & Tuition PolicyUpon your enrollment in this course, you have made a commitment to participate and because of that, we have incurred preparatory cost of classrooms, facilities, equipment, supplies, textbooks, and instructor cost. Therefore, it is the policy of this school, that once textbooks have been issued and the instructor begins the class; there will be no refund of tuition or pre-paid deposits.If you should have an emergency, or a conflict arises, and you are unable to complete the course as specified, you may repeat the course (all or part) that then qualifies you for the state testing requirement at no additional charge. Your tuition fee will be good for three-months from the date of your registration.Tennessee Real Estate & Comprehensive Sales School strictly conforms to the Real Estate Commissions rule 1260-5-.06 (Relationship with a Broker) The rule states that no broker or brokerage firm shall use or cause to be used any facility in which a course in real estate designed to satisfy educational requirements established in T.C.A. 62-13-203 What does this mean. Absolutely no discussing, inducing, or promoting any affiliation with a broker or brokerage firm. Real Estate logos are strictly prohibited in the facility and will be confiscated by the instructors. Consequences for violating this rule could result in your dismissal and loss of tuition.I understand that, by signing this agreement, I authorize TRECS Real Estate School, and their staff to use photographs, video images, or other likenesses of myself and/or written testimonials, for the following purposes: Use in websites or Facebook post. I understand that images will only be used in Facebook post and not sold or used for any other reason. Attendees will be given notice before any pictures are taken and allowed to opt out at that time.2552700674370Course tuition fee will be collected before textbooks will be issued. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or CashI have read, understand, and agree to the above terms:91440011303000548703511303000SignatureDate617220127635TRECS Real Estate School COVID-19 LiveClassroom Protocol for All licensing Classes We have spent the last several weeks studying and researching the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the State of Tennessee Department of Health to find appropriate guidelines being practiced at institutions of education.53340014287500Below is the precautionary protocol we will practice for our live classes:Only healthy students and instructors will be allowed into the TRECS classroom. No one with a body temperature of 99.0 (F) or above will be allowed entry.A pre-screening questionnaire (See page 2) will be completed and signed by all instructors and students in the morning prior to the start of every class being offered by TRECS.Each instructor and student will submit to and record their body temperature upon arrival.We will limit the number of students in our classes to 25 with appropriate space between each student to ensure adequate distancing.All students and instructors will be requested to bring their own hand sanitizer to use upon entry into the training facility or use the hand sanitizer provided by TRECS.All students and instructors will be requested to use a disinfectant wipe provided by TRECS to wipe down their chair and table space they intend to use during the class before sitting down for class.All students and instructors will be provided their own pen to use to sign-in at the beginning and the end of the class, as well as for taking notes during their class.The student textbooks will be handed out in the reception area so the students can take their own textbook without touching other students’ books.Students and instructors are urged to bring and wear their own protective face masks when entering and exiting the classroom throughout the day when the class is not in session but will be allowed to remove the masks while sitting in their chairs, if desired.STUDENT AND INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY & ACKNOWEDGMENTReceiving Live Licensing Education During the Covid-19 PandemicYou have come to our class today to sit for one of your required licensing education classes to be held during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be advised to the following: While TRECS is complying with all known and appropriate guidelines publicized by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the State of Tennessee Department of Health, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in an educational setting, we cannot make any guarantees regarding the state of your health in the days and weeks following this class.You have been urged to wear your face mask and wash your hands on-site prior to entering the classroom as well as hand sanitizer upon entry into the classroom. You have also been provided disinfectant wipes to use to clean your space in the classroom prior to selecting your seat.Our instructors are symptom-free and, to the best of their knowledge, have not been exposed to the virus. Each instructor and student, upon their arrival will undergo this comprehensive screening as you are. However, since we are conducting our class in a place of public accommodation, other classmates could be infected, with or without their knowledge. By signing below, you are acknowledging that you and your family members agree to hold harmless - your classmates, instructors, TRECS, and its OWNERS, if you contract the virus at any point during or after this live class.To reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, we ask that you honestly respond to these“pre-screening” questions below to the best of your knowledge and ability.PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING SCREENING QUESTIONS:Are you currently awaiting the results of a Covid-19 Test? ? YES ? NO Do you have a fever?? YES ? NOYour body temperature at check-in: Click or tap here to enter text.If your temperature is above 99.0° you may not stay for today’s class.)Do you have any shortness of breath or a dry cough or sore throat?? YES ? NODo you have a runny nose or any flu-like symptoms?? YES ? NOHave you encountered any COVID-19 positive patients in the past 14-days?? YES ? NOIf you answer “YES” to any of these questions above, we ask that you leave the classroom immediately and make arrangements directly with TRECS to take a later class.Signature: ______________________________________________________________ ................

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