Instructions to Teachers: - English Banana

Complete the sentences below with one of these basic phrasal verbs in the most suitable form:get uplie downswitch onswitch offput on take off get onget offget in get out come ingo outpick upput down take awaybring backstand upsit down go intocome out ofWould you mind _______________ your high heels indoors, please?Trevor _______________ early today because he wanted to go jogging.‘Can I use your laptop?’ ‘Sorry, I’ve just __________ it __________.’I had to _______________ on the train today because there wasn’t a free seat.I _______________ the lift and pressed the button for the second floor.Ronnie _______________ and started to relax immediately.Maya _______________ her phone and began to laugh.I saw Kay _______________ the nightclub with Darren.Please _______________! The play is about to start.We were _______________ our roller blades, when we met Jerry.He shouted, ‘_______________ – and don’t come back!’He _______________ his car keys from the table and left the room.I _______________ the tram early and walked the rest of the way.Lenny left the house and _______________ the garden.Can I borrow your pen? I’ll __________ it __________ in a minute.We _______________ the heating when we got home, because it was cold.Can I _______________ these brochures to read at home?Do _______________! It’s great to see you again! ‘Are you staying in?’ ‘No, I’m _______________.’Mia was _______________ the bus when she dropped her phone. ................

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