YAYASAN WIDYA BHAKTISEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS SANTA ANGELATERAKREDITASI AJl. Merdeka No. 24 Bandung 022. 4214714 – Fax.022. 4222587http//: smasantaangela.sch.id, e-mail : HYPERLINK "mailto:smaangela@yahoo.co.id" smaangela@yahoo.co.id043URS is member of Registar of Standards (Holding) Ltd.ISO 9001 : 2008 Cert. No. 47484/A/0001/UK/En ENGLISH MODULETENSES REVIEWGrade XCompiled by: Theresia Riya Vernalita Herwanti, S.PdSMA Santa Angela2019/2020Standar Kompetensi:Menulis : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.Kompetensi Dasar:Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam berbagai bentuk teks, khususnya dalam menggunakan Tenses dengan tepatTujuan Pembelajaran:Setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan penuh kedisiplinan dan kegigihan, peserta didik dapat :- Menyebutkan pola-pola ‘tenses’ dengan benar- Membedakan masing-masing ‘tenses’ dengan tepat- Menerapkan penggunaan ‘tenses’ dengan tepat dan benar- Mendeteksi bagian kalimat yang salah- Menghasilkan teks dengan ‘tenses’ yang tepat dan benar186880521082000Conceptual MapOVERVIEW OF VERB TENSESThe Simple TenseTenseExampleMeaningSimple PresentShe is busyI go to school everydayIn general, the simple present expresses events or situations that exist always, usually, habitually; they exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future.Simple PastShe was busy yesterdayI went to school last yearAt one particular time in the past, this happened. It began and ended in the past.Simple FutureShe will be busy tomorrowShe will go to school next weekAt one particular time in the future, this will happenThe Continuous TenseForm: be + -ing (present participle)Meaning : The progressive tenses give the idea that an action is in progress during a particular time. The tenses say that an action begins, is in progress during, and continues after another time or action.TenseExampleMeaningPresent ContinuousJane is studying right nowIt is now 8 pm. Jane starts studying at 6 PM tonight, and she isstill studying. She began in thepast, is in progress at the presenttime, and probably will continue.Past ContinuousJane was studying when we cameJane went to study at 6.00 last night. We came at 8.00. He wasstill studying. Her study beganbefore and was still in progress ata particular time in the past. Itcontinued after I cameFuture ContinuousJane will be studying when we comeJane will study at 6 pm tomorrow night. We will come at 8.00. The action of studying will begin before we come, and it will be in progress at a particular time in the future. Probably her study will continue.The Perfect TenseForm : have + past participleMeaning : The perfect tenses all give the idea that one thing happen before another time or event.TenseExampleMeaningPresent PerfectTom has already eaten.Tom finished eating sometimebefore now. The exact time isnot important.Past PerfectTom had already eatenwhen his friendarrived.First Tom finished eating. Laterhis friend arrived. Tom’s eatingwas completely finished beforeanother time in the past.Future PerfectTom will already haveeaten when his friendarrive.First Tom will finish eating.Later his friend will arrive.Tom’s eating will be completelyfinished before another time inthe future.THE PRESENT TENSESimple PresentFunctionHabitual ActionHe drinks tea every morning.I get up everyday at five o’clock.My watch keeps good time.General Truth The earth goes round the sun.Honey is sweet.Fortune favours the brave.Scheduled ActivityA 9 comes every hour.We deliver progress report every Monday.All television programs ends at one o’clock.Fixed Future EventThe next flight is at seven tomorrow morning.When does the coffee house reopen?OpinionI think he will not join our group.PatternS + V1(es/s) + OShe eats every dayS + do/does + V1 + not + OShe doesn’t eat every dayDo/Does + S + V1 + ODoes she eat every day?S + to be (is/am/are) + adjThey are happyS + to be (is/am/are) + adjThey aren’t happyto be (is/am/are) + S + adjAre they happy?Adverbs of Time:always – occasionallyusually – seldomgenerally – neveroften – everysometimes - once/ twice a ….Note:Some English verbs have stative meanings. They describe states, conditions, or situations that exist. When verbs have stative meanings, they are usually not used in progressive tenses. Below are some verbs that have stative meanings.like lovehate want needprefer know realize suppose meanunderstand believe remember belong containconsist seemSome English verbs can have stative and progressive meanings, e.g.have : I have two brothers (I am having dinner with my boyfriend)think : We think we can do it (She is thinking about the difficult math problem)taste : The cake tastes delicious (The chef is tasting the soup.)see : Do you see that man over there? (I am seeing the manager tomorrow morning.)Present ContinuousFunction:An action going on at the time of speaking.She is singing The boys are playing hockey.A temporary action which may not be happening at the time of speaking.I am reading David Copperfield.He usually uses a hat, but today he is using a cap.An arranged action to take place in the near future.I am going to the cinema tonight.My uncle is arriving tomorrow.Something is done repeatedly but we are unhappy about it. They are constantly having parties until early hours in the morning.He is forever including me in his crazy schemesAdverb of Time:now - this weekat present – stillat this time/moment – currentlytodayPatternS + to be (is/am/are) Ving +OShe is studying nowS + to be (is/am/are) + not + VingShe is not studying nowto be (is/am/are) + S + VingIs she studying now?The Past TenseSimple PastFunction:Began and ended in the past-a completed action-and no relation with present.Duration is not important.The steamer sailed yesterday.I received his letter a week ago.The Simple Past is also used for past habits/past schedule.He studied many hours a day.She always carried an umbrellaTo introduce quotationsThe president said, ‘We must work hard to develop this country.’PatternS + V2 (ed) + OShe studied yesterdayS + did + V1 + OShe didn’t study yesterdayDid + S + V1 + ODid she study yesterday?S + to be (was/were) + adjThey were happy yesterdayS + to be (was/were) + adjThey weren’t happy yesterdayto be (was/were) + S + adjwere they happy yesterday?Adverb of Time:yesterday - last …………this morning - ……… agojust nowFrequency: often, sometimes, always;a definite point in time: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago.an indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago etc.Past ContinuousFunction:Was in progress at certain time in the pastShe was listening to the radio all evening. I was speaking on the telephone at eight o’clockWas in progress when another action happenedShe was cooking when she heard a knock at the door.We were not sleeping when they arrived.To show two actions taking place at the same timeEve was mixing the drinks while we were eating our sandwiches.My sister was lying in bed while I was talking to her.To indicate a continuous action within a certain periodHe was working between eight and five o’clock.What were you doing all last week?To express a change of mind- I was going to spend the day at the beach but I’ve decided to go on an excursioninstead.Adverb of Time:- when - while - as- at … o’clock yesterdayS + to be (was/were) Ving +OShe was studying when we arrivedS + to be (was/were) + not + VingShe was not studying when we arrivedto be (was/were) + S + Vingwas she studying when we arrived?The Perfect TensePresent Perfect TenseFunction:To indicate completed activities in the immediate past.He has just gone out.It has just struck ten.To express past actions whose time is not given and not definite.Have you read Gulliver’s travels?I have never known him to be angry.To describe past events and the effects result at present.Tony has eaten all the biscuits. (The tin is empty)I have cut my finger. (It’s bleeding)To denote an action beginning at some time in the past and continuing up to thepresent moment. (non-continuous verbs)I have known him for a long time.He has been ill since last week.An action has been repeated a number of times up to now.They have been to Chile three times.I have often wished I’d learned to read music.Adverb of Time:Already – justYet – recentlySince – latelyforNotice the difference:Thompson has made 13 films and the latest is the best. (Action might repeat)Thompson made 13 films before was tragically killed. (Action is finished)PatternS + have/has + V3They have studiedS + have/has + V3They haven’t studiedhave/has + V3Have they studied?Past PerfectFunction:Result at the second action in the past / used to make it clear that one eventhappened before another in the past.When he arrived, the party had been in progress for an hour.The doctor gave some medicine after he had examined me.I had gone to bed when the phone rang.Adverb of Time: Beforeby (the time)afterPast Perfect before/by Simple PastSimple Past after Past PerfectPatternS + had + V3They had studied when we arrivedS + had + V3They hadn’t studied when we arrivedhad + V3Had they studied when we arrived?EXERCISESUse either the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses.I can’t afford that ring. It _________ (cost) too much.Look. It (begin) __________ to rain. Unfortunately, I (have, not) ________ my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He (wear) _________ a raincoat.I (own, not) ________ an umbrella. I (wear) _________ a waterproof hat on rainy days.As a rule, I (sleep) _________ until 6 o’clock in the morning, and then I (get) _________ up and (study) ________ for my classes.Ssshhh….. Grandpa (take) ________ a nap in the living room. We (want, not) _________ to wake him up. He (need) _________ his rest.Right now I (look) _________ at Janet. She (look) __________ angry. I wonder what’s the matter. She (have) __________ afrown on her face. She certainly (have, not) __________ any fun right now.Right now I (look) __________ around the classroom. Yoko (write) __________ in her book. Carlos (bite) __________ his pencil. Wan Ning (scratch) _________ his head. Ahmed (stare) __________ out the window. He (seem) __________ to be daydreaming, but perhaps he (think) _________ hard about verb tenses. What (you, think) ___________ Ahmed (do) _________?I (want) _________ to figure out the meaning of this saying: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” I (know) _________ that ‘mightier’ (mean) _______ ‘more powerful’, but what’s a ‘sword’? What (‘sword’, mean) ____________?Right now Martha is in the science building. The chemistry experiment she (do)__________ is dangerous, so she (be) __________ very careful. She (want, not)__________ to spill any of the acid. She (be, always) _________ careful when she does a chemistry experiment.My parents (live) __________ in Bristol. They were born there and have never livedanywhere else. Where (your parents, live) _____________?Put the verb in brackets into the PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS tense!Dear Mum,I _______________________________ (JUST WRITE) to tell you how much I _______________________________(APPRECIATE) the money you have sent me, and to tell you how I __________________________ (GET) on in my firstterm at university. In fact, I _______________________________ (REALLY ENJOY) myself. I ____________________________(STUDY) quite hard as well, but at the moment I _______________________________ (SPEND) a lot of time makingnew friends. I _______________________________ (STILL STAY) with my friend Jill and I ______________________________(LOOK) for some place to live on my own. Only a small number of first year students __________________________(LIVE) in college here and I ___________________________ (SEEM) to be spending a lot of time travelling.I _______________________________ (ATTEND) lectures every morning, and most afternoons I _______________________(STUDY) in the library. In fact, I _______________________________ (WRITE) this letter right now instead of an essayon Shakespeare.I think I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you’ve sent me. Everything ___________________________ (COST)a lot here, and I _______________________________ (SAVE) to buy a coat for the winter months. It ___________________(GET) really cold here in the evenings.I now _______________________________ (KNOW) some other students and we ____________________________ (HAVE)quite a good time. I _______________________________ (ALSO LEARN) to drive. University students _________________(GET) a refund if they take their tests here. I _______________________________ (LOOK) forward to coming homenext month. See you soon.Kate.Put in the past simple or past progressive. Note where both forms are possible.Mrs. May, our District Nurse, (drive) _________ home at 3 a.m. one night after an urgent visit to a sick patient. She (drive) ________ along a deserted country lane, when she (see) ________ a new kind of animal. She (stop) ________ her car and (get out) ________ The animal (be) clearly visible in the blaze of her headlights. It (look) ________ like a hedgehog with a tall white hat. It (cross) _______ the road withoutpaying any attention to Mrs. May. When Mrs. May (go) ________ close to it, she(notice) ________ that there was a plastic yoghurt pot on the hedgehog's head. Thepoor creature had got its head stuck in the plastic pot. Her instincts as a nurse (tell)_______ her she would have to rescue it, so she (pull) _______ the pot off the hedgehog's head. Mrs. May (think) ________ the hedgehog (look) ________ rather sad,when she (notice) ________ that the pot was half full of strawberry yoghurt. She (give)________ it back to the hedgehog. The creature (seize) ________ it, (put) ________ iton its head again, and triumphantly (continue) _________ its journey across the road.Use the simple past or the present perfect.What (you, learn) __________ since you (come) _________ here? And how many new friends (you, make) ____________?Since classes began, I (have, not) __________ much free time. I (have) _________several big tests to study for.Last night my friend and I (have) _________ some free time, so we (go) _________ to a show.I admit that I (get) ________ older since I last (see) ________ you, but with any luck at all, I (get, also) ___________ wiser.The science of medicine (advance) ____________ a great deal in the 19 th century.In the last fifty years, medical scientists (make) __________ many important discoveries.Libraries today are different from those in the 1800s. For example, the contents oflibraries (change) ___________ greatly through the years. In the 1800s, libraries (be) __________ simply collections of books. However, today most libraries (become) ___________ multimedia centers that contain tapes, computers, disks, films, magazines, music, and paintings. The role of the library in society (change, also) _______. In the 24 1800s, libraries (be) __________ open only to certain people, such as scholars or the wealthy. Today libraries serve everyone.A: Are you taking Chemistry 101 this semester?B: No, I (take, already) _________ it. I (take) _________ it last semester. This semester I’m in 102.A: Hi, Judy. Welcome to the party. (you, meet, ever) __________ my cousin?B: No, I __________.A: Do you like lobster?B: I don’t know. I (eat, never) ___________ it.Fill in the blanks in the letter with an appropriate form (the present perfect progressive, the present perfect, or the past simple) of each verb in parentheses. Two answers may be correct.Dear Yukiko, I (live) _________ in New York for two months now, and I (learn) ________a lot. In general, I (be) ________ very happy up until now, but I (feel) _________ little lonely, too. Since I (rent) _______________ this apartment, I (meet) ______________some ofthe people in the building. There are some interesting couples. In the past few weeks, I (talk) ____________ a lot to an American woman who is married to a Vietnamese man. A Peruvian man and his American wife (promise) ________________ to invite me to dinner sometime, but they (not do) ________________it yet. Actually, I (not see) ______________ the inside of an American family's apartment since I (move) ______________here. A very nice Arabian woman (visit) ____________ me this week. She (be) ____________ married to an American for several years. She says she (have) ____________ problems with the customs of the United States since she (move) ____________ here, and there (be) _____________ cultural conflicts. I'm surprised at the number of cross-cultural couples that I (get) _____________ to know since last month. And now an American student (ask) _____________ me out. What do you think? Should I go?Your friend MoniqueUse the simple past or the past perfect to complete the sentences. Are there some blanks where either tense is possible?Sam (be) _________ a newspaper reporter before he (become) ________ abusinessman.I (feel) ________ a little better after I (take) _______ the medicine.I was late. The teacher (give, already) ________ a quiz when I (get) _______ to class.It was raining hard, but by the time class (be) _______ over, the rain (stop) _________.Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) ________ the earth, but they (become)_________ extinct by the time humankind first (appear) __________.I (see, never) __________ any of Picasso’s paintings before (visit) __________ the art museum.Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) ________ Pam Donnelly, an old frien d of mine. I (see, not) _______ her in years. At first, I (recognize, not) _________ her because she (lose) ________ a great deal of weight.In 1980, my parents (emigrate) _________ to the United States from China. They (travel, never) ________ outside of China and were, of course, excited by the challenge of relocating in a foreign country. Eventually, they (settle) _______ in California. My sister and I were born there and (grow) _________ up there. Last year, I (go) _______ to China for the first time to study at Beijing University. I (want, always) ________ to visit China and learn more about my own family background. My dream was finally realized.Choose the correct answerAt 11 o’clock yesterday morning, John 1. was/ has been sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s. Next to him 2. is/ was a woman with a very large thumb. “How 3. did you do/ were you doing that?” John asked. “I 4. hung/ was hanging a picture on the wall and I 5. hit/ was hitting my thumb by mistake.” “Oh dear. How long 6. have you been/ are you waiting for the doctor?” “About an hour, and my thumb 7. is hurting/ has hurt a lot.”Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.Mary usually 1. __________ (take) a bus to the office but today she 2._______ (drive) because she is late. Last night her manager 3._______ (tell) and 4.________ (ask) her to be at the office at 8.30 a.m. for an important meeting. “I 5._______ late (never/ be) for a meeting in my life. Why 6. ________ (my mother/forget) to wake me this morning?Read the letter from Chris to her friend, Jo. Chris is from San Francisco and has just had a holiday with Jo in London. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct fromDear Jo, Well, I 1. __________ (arrive) back safely two weeks ago. The flights 2. _______ (be) fine, but a bit long. I 3. _________ (watch) two films and 4. _________ (eat) twobreakfasts! Thank you for everything. I 5. __________ (have) a really good time with you in London. I hope you 6. ________ (enjoy) it too. Everything here is very different from London. I 7. ________ (write) this letter outside in the garden. I 8. ________ (sit) under a big umbrella because the sun is very hot today. I know we 9. _________ (have) some sunny days in London, but I remember there 10. _________ (be) also some rain! It was difficult for me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but it’s OK now. I 11. ________ (be) in a new department since I 12. _____ (come) home and it’s interesting. I 13. ________ (have) a new manager now, and that’s good because the old one 14. _________ (be) horrible. 15. _______ (you/ like) rock music? My brother 16. _________ (be) a drummer in a new group. He 17. _________ (practice) in the bedroom at the moment and it’s quite loud! I 18. _________ (just/ send) you some of his recordings. I hope you like them. By the way, 19. ___________ (you/ find) a black leather photo album? I think I 20. ________ (leave) it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry. Jill 21. __________ (sit) in the garden with me and she sends her love to you. Please write soon, and thank you again for a wonderful time.Love,ChrisReferencesAlexander, L.G. 1998. English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. New York: Longman.Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education.Murphy, Raymond. 2004. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Murphy, Raymond and Helen Naylor. 2001. Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary exercises. Cambridge: Cambridge University tle, Mark and Diana Hopkins. (n-date) Developing Grammar in Context. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Wulandari, Dra. 2018. Tenses for the twelfth graders compiled by: Dra. Wulandari. wulaningangela.Awang, Catharina., S.Pd. 2019. Tenses Review compiled by: Catharina Awang S. Pd. catharinaangela. HYPERLINK "" ................

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