3RD ESO October 18


Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets

1.- My sister is _____________ my brother. (intelligent)

2.- The blue whale is ____________ animal. (big)

3.- Iceland is ___________ Spain (cold)

4.- This is ___________ book I’ve ever read. (good)

5.- My neighbour is _________ person I know (lucky)

6.- Friday is the __________ day of the week. (busy)

7.- These trainers are much ____________ those. (cheap)

8.- Frank works __________ most people. (hard)

9.- I’m __________ at English than you. (good)

10.- Today has been _________ day of the year. (hot)

11.- This is __________ CD I’ve ever listened. (bad)

12.- English is __________ Japanese. (easy)

13.- Which mountain is ___________ in the world. (high)

14.- John is _________ his brother. (clever)

15.- English is _________ Latin. (useful)

16.- What is ___________ word in English? (common)

17.- The Nile is ___________ river in the world. (long

18.- This is my __________ brother. Mary is their _________ daughter (old, old)

19.- That skyscraper is one of __________ buildings in the city. (tall)

20.- The first exercise was easy but this one is ________. (difficult)


A. Fill in the blanks with the present simple of the verbs in brackets:

1) We __________________ (play) with the computers at school.

2) She __________________ (forget) everything.

3) John __________________ ( speak) French.

4) Carol __________________ ( not/ go) out in the evening.

5) What _______ she _________ ? (do)

B. Fill in the blanks with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets

1) She __________________ (talk) with them.

2) We__________________ (learn) English now.

3) _______ he __________ by the river? (lie)

4) I __________________ at her ( look)

5) Mary __________________ tea at the moment. (drink)

C. Circle the correct form in each tense.

1) What are you doing / do you do for a living? I´m a teacher.

2) I like / am liking my work but my wife need / is needing help with the children.

3) We usually work / are working together, but at the moment she earns / is earning a higher salary.

4) I usually take / am taking the 9.00 train.

5) She is painting / paints her bedroom now.

4. Put the verb into the correct form Present simple or present continuous.

1) I __________________ (like) cinema very much.

2) Jane __________________ (want) to go to the park with you.

3) At the moment they __________________ (stand) in the rain.

4) We are very busy now because we __________________ (wash)the floor.

5) Mark usually __________________(go) to school by bus.

6) My sister __________________ (eat) cereals every day.

7) You __________________ ( not/ run) at the moment.

8) The sun __________________ ( rise) in the east.


1. Fill in the blanks with was or were:

1. There __________ two books on the table.

2. I lost my pencil. It __________ here yesterday.

3. There __________ many birds in the garden.

4. There __________ a dog in the street.

5. Leonardo da Vinci __________ an Italian painter.

6. Yesterday the weather __________ very hot.

2. Make these sentences negative.

1. I went to the cinema. ⇨ _________________________________________

2. She read a magazine. ⇨ _________________________________________

3. They had a big cat. ⇨ ____________________________________________

4. We took a photograph. ⇨ _________________________________________

5. Carol watched a movie. ⇨ _________________________________________

3. Write the verbs in the Past Simple.

1. Last week I ____________ (go) to the cinema with Margaret. We ____________ (watch) an interesting movie and we ____________ (eat) popcorns.

2. Yesterday I ____________ (help) my mother to make a big cake. It ____________ (be) my sister’s birthday. We ____________ (invite) many friends and she ____________ (receive) a lot of presents. We ____________ (listen) to music and everybody ____________ (dance).

3. Mr. Thompson ____________ (travel) to Paris and he ____________ (see) the Eiffel Tower. He _____________ (visit) other monuments and ____________ (take) many photographs.

4. Put the verb into the correct form past simple or past continuous.

1.- It _____________ (snow) when I _________ (leave) home this morning.

2.- It was a sunny afternoon and people __________ (sit) on the grass in the park. Then suddenly it __________ (start) to rain.

3.- A: I tried to explain my problem to her. B: ____________________ (she/listen)?

4.- My brother ______________ (talk) on the phone when I arrived, but when he ____________ (see) me, he ___________ (finish) the call. Perhaps he thought that I ____________ (listen) to his conversation.

5.- I nearly had an accident today. A car ____________ (come) towards me, but I moved quickly out of the way and fortunately nothing ____________ (happen).

6.- A: Which hotel ______________ (you/stay) in when you lost your passport? B: I don’t remember. I ____________ (visit) many places during my European tour and I ____________ (stay) in many different hotels.

7.- I ____________ (move) to Hastings in 1999. I ____________ (live) there when I met them.

8.- ________________(many people / wait) for the 9:15 bus last night?

9.- I ______________ (dance) with my girlfriend when the disc jockey played our favourite song.

10.- I ____________ (study) grammar when I ___________ (fall) asleep.

11.- The scientists ___________ (work) in their laboratory when they___________ (discover) the new drug.

12.- We ___________ (climb) the wall when the gardener ___________ (see) us.

13.-Vicky ___________ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock __________ (ring)

14.- As he ____________ (run) for the bus he ___________ (collide) with a street lamp.

15.- When he __________ (carry) a suitcase, he __________ (drop) it on his foot.


A.- Complete the sentences

1. There are ………………… people in the lift

2. This dress isn´t big ………………… for me.

3. We haven´t got ………………… rice for the paella.

4. My tea is ………………… sweet for me.

5. I can´t go to the cinema because I´ve got V work. My sister is V young to drive.

6. I am not tall ………………… to be a basketball player.

B.- Write sentences using the prompts. Use past simple.

1. I / not have / money / buy / mobile phone (enough)

2. The / ending / story / be / predictable (too)

3. The/ beginning / film / not be / dramatic (enough)

4. There /be / salt / the sauce (too)

5. _ING//INF + TO

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

1.- They love (read) novels

2.- My mother promised (give) me a present if I passed my exam

3.- Our friends plan (visit) London some day

4.- I enjoy ( do) aerobics

5.- My brother hates (study) Maths

6.- I recommend (watch) the new film in 3D


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