UNIT 30 (Advertisement Production for Television) Task 1 (i)

UNIT 30 (Advertisement Production for Television) Task 1 (i)363855622300069151562230002015 ‘HUMMER’ Advert (0:40)2010 Visit Wales ‘PROPER HOLIDAY’ Advert (1:58)ACCOUNT STRUCTUREFORM & STYLE CATEGORIESAnimation – The Compare the Market advert is part animation due to the inclusion of CGI characters.Anti-Realistic – The advert features and follows the goings on of two fictional characters (meerkats). A situation of which cannot happen in real life.Series – The Compare the Market ads of which features both Aleksandr Orlov and Sergei is part of a long line of adverts, which began in 2009.Humorous – The advert is designed to be comedic using funny language, script and by including a celebrity interacting with the meerkats.Parody and Nostalgic – References are made to the Terminator franchise, mainly in the form of quotes from the series.Documentary – This advert follows the holiday of a family during their time at Shell Island.Series – This advert is one of a number of ads in which sees the family involved visit different places in Wales.FORM & STYLEThe Compare the Market advert comes in the genre of a comedy film intended in making the audience laugh and or seeking entertainment from the pare the Market have continued to use the two fictional characters of which they have used for a sustained period of time. The ‘Compare the Meerkat’ campaign, which has been used for the company’s adverts, has been running since 2009 and mainly features CGI meerkats, Aleksandr Orlov and Sergei who are portrayed as coming from Russian aristocracy. The Compare the Meerkat brand in itself has become a popular hit featuring its own comedy website, merchandise and has become universally recognisable on British TV through the uses of both main characters and catchphrases like ‘Simples.’ It has since developed into providing incentives for those who choose to buy from the main website, Compare the Market. It has been reported that as a result of the campaign, the sites market share had increased by seventy six per cent.Unlike earlier adverts in which saw the Compare the Market brand mentioned throughout (in order for the audience to actually know what the advert was advertising), the now recognisable nature of the characters has meant that in this advert, the Compare the Market name is now not mentioned until around thirty six seconds in. Unusually for most adverts, the ‘Hummer’ ad does not directly advertise the services provided by Compare the Market in much detail. The ad is actually designed to advertise an incentive in which is given if the customer buys either car, home insurance or energy via the website. In April 2015, after a stint of offering cuddly toys, Compare the Market launched Meerkat Movies in which gave customers two for one cinema tickets if they bought through the Compare the Market website. The Hummer ad is one of a few adverts from the company which saw them team up with the makers of Terminator Genisys to help advertise not only Compare the Market but also the new film. The advert is made using a mix of live action footage (mainly background and with live action character) and CGI created characters featuring live action voice-overs. The ad also contains heavy interaction between the live action elements and the CGI characters.One of the narrative elements of this advert is to advertise the ability for customers of Compare the Market to get two for one tickets to see Terminator Genisys in particularly. In reference to this, the advert features main terminator actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as make references to previous films using Arnold’s famous one-liners from the franchise. The ad also features Arnold and the meerkats singing along to the 1980’s version of “I Think We’re Alone Now” in reference to the decade in which the original Terminator films were made and released. The Visit Wales ‘Proper Holiday’ advert comes in the form of a fly on the wall style piece in which sees the audience follow the experiences of one particular family as they stay on the popular tourist campsite of Shell Island in Gwynedd. The advert is portrayed in a realistic format, giving the impression of us following a family who is actually on holiday at the resort, just with us observing what they get up to.The advert features the “Darke” family who consist of both parents, two sons and one daughter all of which range in ages. These are presented in a typical way we envision family holidays domestically. The distinct age range and the different types of people shown on the ad allow the producers to show how the location is suitable for people of all ages and presents a variety of positive reactions to the resort from the point of view of each of the family, and what matters to them from the holiday.The advert takes the form of a documentary style with the participants providing a narrative voice over, explaining their thoughts and feelings of the holiday over images of them at the location. These thoughts and feelings are often linked to the individual’s personality and age i.e. the children would talk about the fun they had. Some audio is included from the actual holiday although this is mainly natural conversation/reactions in the moment rather than addressing the audience watching the video.The ad additionally seems to be presented in a highlights style, showing a whistle stop tour of the activities the family go up to during their holiday in a linear form. As can be expected, the advert shows a variety of activities in the aim of showing that it is attractive to a variety of different people. The ad also makes a point of including people with what it seems are Yorkshire accents, hinted to the ease of access to the rest of the UK, the resort has.The ad is completely live action and shot in High Definition against different backdrops in the area giving those watching an idea of the landscape and environment they can see and explore if they visited the area.Unusually, no end board using the Visit Wales logo or where to find more details is included in the ad. The majority of information is included in the commentary by the family with the name of the resort being displayed at the start of the advert. This gives people watching the urge to find out more and this can be done easily online by searching for the resorts PUTER GENERATED IMAGES, SFX & PHOTOGRAPHYBoth meerkats Aleksandr Orlov and Sergei are computer-generated images created by London based animators, Passion Pictures and directed by Darren Walsh. Bother characters have live action voice-overs with Orlov’s being performed by Simon Greenall. Both characters are created using realistic modelling techniques and are often seen interacting with real objects and with live characters. Advanced CGI techniques also allow the meerkats to move around an area in a realistic manor with facial gestures and limb movements also being included for additional emotional affect.The ad’s end board is also an animated moment in which sees the logo of Meerkat Movies and the logo (plus additional text) for Compare the Market being displayed on screen. No real sound effects are used during the advert other than additional environmental sounds (such as Arnold taking keys out of ignition) as well as sounds made by the meerkats when interacting with the environment.The advert looks to have been shot in California in the United States and is filmed during the day, with blue skies and bright sunshine. During the scenes looking into the car, the camera looks to be placed on the bonnet looking in through the front windscreen. This changes to different angles looking in different directions, all from the bonnet as well as some from the side windows. During the interior scenes, the camera rarely moves. External shots are either tracked from in front of the Hummer or pan following the car into position.No significant computer generated images are used on this advert except for the opening graphics in which shows the name of the area the video is focusing on (Shell Island) as well as a slogan (Famous for Shells).Some image enhancements may have been made in post-production in regards to the brightness of the ad and the colours of which are displayed in the visuals. This may be particularly the case during shots of which we see the characters in silhouette against the sun.The ad also features some slow motion footage of which looks like it has been slowed down in post-production as well as one short three second cutaway featuring time-lapse photography of the main camp site. The slow motion photography is mainly used during interaction moments between characters.No artificial lighting looks to have been used at any point during this advert for enhancement or during night scenes.The ad looks to have been mostly shot with handheld cameras when following the main characters as well as some tripod and camera crane scenic shots. The ad is edited in a quite fast pace, switching to different activities and scenes frequently. This will likely be in order to converse a lot of information in a short amount of time.A non-diegetic soundtrack is included in the advert, which is mainly made up of a guitar as well as some lyrics referring to the sun. The song is quite slow pace referring to the relaxing nature of the holiday.TECHNIQUESINTENDED MESSAGEThe intended message from this advert is that if you buy a product through Compare the Market, here is what we will give you in addition to what you are paying for and in this case, it is two for one-cinema tickets. Incentives are a popular way for companies to attract people into buying products from them rather than competitors by giving the customer something in addition to what they are buying. Lucrative advertising deals with cinema chains allow Compare the Market to provide these tickets without any detrimental loss to them and by using strict terms and conditions of which additionally benefit Compare the Market. The message within the ad also benefits cinema chains that are providing the offer by enticing individuals to come to their cinema and spend money. For large chains, giving two for one tickets would not have a damaging impact and the cost of one ticket would still have to be paid. This does not include the possible additional revenue spent by consumers of items such as refreshments and or seeing films in particular formats such as IMAX and 3D.This ad’s specific link with the film Terminator Genisys will also be beneficial to the films distributor as the ad provides direct advertising to their film as well as make it even more accessible to a audience proportion. This also works the other way around in which people who want to see that specific film may be tempted to buy a product from Compare the Market in order to get the two for one ticket to see the specific film.Overall this advert is providing welcome benefits to a variety of parties involved in the advert making collaboration a good way of enticing customers. The intended message for this advert is to market Wales a destination of which can cater for a variety of different groups of people and create good holiday memories in a location of which is on the doorstep to many in the UK. The ad gives the impression of showing that great holidays, particularly for families, can be found locally and that families do not have to pay for expensive holidays abroad to have an enjoyable holiday.The narrative of the video seems to cover most of the basis of which most families care about when going on holiday including the activities that they can take part in while they are there with the opinions of the parents and the kids on what they are like. The activities mentioned range from the more extreme as well as a mention for the smaller, far cheaper activities that still have a positive impact. There is an additional visual mention of Rugby shown, a highly popular sport in Wales. The ad also includes opinions on the quality of the environment, accommodation, wildlife, scenery and security. The video additionally shows typical family holiday activities such as barbeques. EMOTIONAL ASSOCIATIONBoth Aleksandr Orlov and Sergei have become highly recognisable characters of British television as well as gather a large following. In October 2015, Orlov gathered 66,000 followers on Twitter and over 700,000 fans on social network site, Facebook. The ads are also subject to significant conversation on social media with an earlier advert also featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger in particularly making conversation online. It has come to the point now that as mentioned before, the Compare the Market brand name is now not mentioned until the end of the advert. Both meerkat characters now have an emotional impact on the audience with many choosing to go along with conversations and interactions made by the characters, despite being completely fictional.By showing the point of view of a family in a realistic manor, this makes it very relatable to a large audience. The point of view shown in the advert will be very familiar to a lot of people and will give people confidence that they can go to a location like this, with all the activities being shown being easily accessible without too greater cost. The positive attitude shown by the family in which many will believe are real (and actually did it) will make the audience question whether there are any downsides to going and having the same experience personally.Holiday and tourism adverts always usually have the tendency to exert some sort of jealousy on the audience. This makes the audience feel that they wish they were there with the family and consider planning a trip of their own.CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCTUNIQUE SELLING POINTThe unique selling point of the products sold by Compare the Market is the fact that customers have access to two for one-cinema tickets. This is an incentive is which is designed to attract customers to buy products through them rather then at competitors. The ad features a unique collaboration with the new Terminator Genisys film and as a guest main character; Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cameo of himself. This is very unique to the Compare the Market ad and emphasises the connection with the film and the company in addition to making the offer feel special and one-off. The unique selling point of the product on offer in the advert is the ability for families to travel to a location of which is relatively easily accessible (especially for the West Midlands and Birmingham) and will ultimately not cost a fraction of what it costs to go abroad. The key however to the USP for this product being advertised is that a variety of activities for all types of people can be accessed still within this environment.BRAND IDENTITYThe meerkats have a strong identity on UK TV and their consistent run with the Compare the Market ad’s has made them synonymous with the brand. Compare the Market has even gone to the length of creating a separate Compare the Meerkat brand and website, directing users to the main website when necessary. When on screen, many automatically associate the meerkats with being part of the Compare the Market website and the adverts are often a place of attraction on YouTube. The identifiable aspects mainly associated with the meerkats are their distinct Russian accent and their language, often ending ads with “Simples”.The Terminator brand is referred to throughout the ad with the us of lead character Arnold Schwarzenegger, references to his famous quotes from the franchise and the logo of the new film being displayed at the end of the advert.In terms of Visit Wales as a brand, there is no mention of this anywhere throughout the advert. References to the specific location of the advert are however mentioned throughout the ad in the form of the commentary plus the graphic at the start of the advert. A reference to Wales is showed when we see the rugby ball of which has Wales written on it and is a very popular sport in the country. The brand identity of Visit Wales in the advert may have been purposely kept out to allow for the experiences of the family and the scenery to speak for itself throughout the ad. In today’s society it is also easy to search location online and the need for Visit Wales branding may have not been needed, by the assessment of the producers.Additionally, the Visit Wales branding may have not been included in the ad in order for the board/council/government to show its support to individual businesses, advertising them specifically rather than Wales in general (it should be mentioned that this advert forms part of a series of adverts featuring the same family of which sees them visit different locations around Wales).This advert was additionally shown online through websites such as YouTube as well as a multimedia device on the Visit Wales website. This may also explain the lack of official branding due to it not being needed.ADVANTAGESBy buying any products (most but not all products are eligible) on Compare the Market, this gives the customer automatic access to two for one tickets to see any number of films not just Terminator Genisys at selected cinemas. Compare the Market is a price comparison website in which works to seek the cheapest options for energy suppliers, car and home insurance plus much more. This in theory means that if customers should choose to buy through Compare the Market, it will provide a detailed list of quotes from a variety of suppliers for their chosen search area. Using the meerkats as figures for the brand make people feel comfortable with the brand and gives the impression of shopping there as an enjoyable experience rather than use a monotone feel to their advertisements.The activities shown in the advert are not necessarily organised, pre-paid activities in which means can be accessible to all.The advert shows how great holidays can be made domestically and how home resorts can cater for all the needs most modern families expect from holidays.The advert covers all the basis of which are important not only to children (in terms of things to do) but also important aspects for parents (e.g. accommodation and security). The advert is realistically shot and written meaning that nothing shown in the video should be out of reach to the general public. The advert also does not mislead the audience by showing the location falsely or by glamourizing it unnecessarily.DISADVANTGESThe advert doesn’t go into detail when it comes to explaining what the website offers in terms of services. Instead it solely focuses on the incentives in which can be received when the customer shops through Compare the Market.The advert solely relies on the two for one cinema tickets being an incentive for people to purchase through Compare the Market, for a proportion of the population that does not like watching films/going to the cinema, this would not be effective.What isn’t mentioned in the advert other than in the small print is that cinema tickets are only valid for Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s in selected cinemas. There are also strict terms and conditions in regards to what tickets can be bought with the deal. This could be confusing to the audience if additional research is not carried out. The advert shows the family staying on Shell Island in a yurt (round, white tent). I personally have been to the location on a number of occasions and as also reinforced on the resorts website, yurts are not provided on the site in real life and camping on the beach is not allowed. This could be confusing to the audience watching who may want to stay at the site in a similar manor and who may think the site provides yurts.The lack of information on the advert in regards to finding out more information may put some individuals off as well as confuse some of the audience on where they can find more information. It may be hard additionally for some individuals to identify where exactly the advert is referring.SOURCES CITATION You151 \l 2057 (YouTube, 2015) CITATION Wik1557 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, 2015) CITATION Pas15 \l 2057 (Passion, 2015) CITATION Met153 \l 2057 (Metro, 2015) CITATION Met154 \l 2057 (Metro, 2015) CITATION com15 \l 2057 (, 2015) CITATION com151 \l 2057 (, 2015) CITATION com152 \l 2057 (, 2015) CITATION com153 \l 2057 (, 2015) CITATION You10 \l 2057 (YouTube, 2010) CITATION You152 \l 2057 (YouTube, 2015) CITATION She15 \l 2057 (Shell Island, 2015)Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY , 2015. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015]., 2015. MEERKAT MOVIES Terms & Conditions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015]., 2015. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015]., 2015. MEERKAT MOVIES. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].Metro, 2015. Amazing Arnold Schwarzenegger Compare The Market advert has Twitter excited. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].Metro, 2015. Arnold Schwarzenegger gets interviewed by Compare The Market’s Aleksandr Orlov and it’s amazing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].Passion, 2015. Darren Walsh. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].Shell Island, 2015. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2015].Wikipedia, 2015. Compare the Meerkat. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].YouTube, 2010. Day 3 - The Darkes 'Proper Holiday' in Wales, A Visit Wales Film. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2015].YouTube, 2015. Hummer | Compare the Market TV Ad. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2015].YouTube, 2015. Visit Wales. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2015]. ................

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