US History Terms Review - Mr. Fryar's Social Studies Class

American History 1, NCFE Terms Review

Unit 1: European Exploration and Colonization (pre-1492 to 1763)

1. Native American regions and cultures 2. Crusades 3. Christopher Columbus 4. Aztecs, Incas

5. Conquistadors 6. Columbian Exchange 7. Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

8. Middle Passage 9. The “lost colony” 10. defeat of the Spanish Armada 11. Jamestown

12. John Smith 13. Joint stock companies 14. Indentured servants

15. headright system 6. House of Burgesses 17. Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay

18. John Winthrop

19. Roger Williams 20. Anne Hutchinson 21. Colonists/Native American relations

22. Colonial regions 23. Mercantilism 24. Navigation acts 25. Salutary neglect

26. Enlightenment 27. Great Awakening 28. Salem Witch Trials

29. the “terrible transformation” 30. Bacon’s Rebellion

Unit 2: Revolution, Independence, and The Critical Period (1763-1787)

31. European colonization in North America 32. French and Indian War 33. Albany Plan

34. Pontiac’s Rebellion 35. Proclamation of1763 36. “no taxation without representation”

37. Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts

39. Lexington and Concord 40. The American Revolution 41. Declaration of Independence

42. George Washington 43. John Adams 44. Thomas Jefferson 45. Battle of Saratoga

46. Yorktown 47. Treaty of Paris, 1783 48. Articles of Confederation 49. Northwest Ordinance

Unit 3: The Constitution and The Federalist Period (1789-1820)

50. Shay’s Rebellion 51. Constitutional Convention 52. Great Compromise 53. 3/5 Compromise

54. Federalism 55. checks and balances 56. US Constitution 58. Ratification Debate

59. Federalists and Anti-federalists 60. Bill of Rights

1. Washington’s precedents 2. Judiciary Act of 1789 3. Hamilton’s Financial Plan and effects

4. Federalists 5. Democratic Republicans 6. strict vs. loose construction

7. Jay’s Treaty 8. Pinkney’s Treaty 9. Washington’s Farewell Address 10. XYZ Affair

11. Alien and Sedition Acts 12. VA and KY Resolutions 13. Marbury v. Madision

14. midnight judges 15. John Marshall (Marshall Court) 16. Louisana Purchase 17. Lewis and Clark

18. Embargo Act 19. Tecumseh 20. War of 1812 (causes/results)

21. Hartford Convention 22. Battle of New Orleans 23. Adams Onis Treaty 24. cotton gin

Unit 4 and 5: Era of Good Feelings and Jacksonian Democracy/Antebellum Culture and Reform

25. factors in Industrial Revolution 26. Samuel Slater 217. Lowell System 28.Erie Canal

29. Eli Whitney 30. impact of IR on regions 31. American System

32. McCulloch v. Maryland 33. Gibbons v. Ogden 34. Monroe Doctrine

35. Tariff of 1816 36. 2nd Bank of US 37. Era of Good Feelings 38. Adams Onis Treaty

39. Cyrus McCormick 40. Election of 1824 41. Democratic Party 42. Jacksonian Democracy

43. spoils system/patronage 44. Nullification Crisis 45. Jackson’s War on the Bank

46. Panic of 1837 47. Whig Party 48. Indian Removal Act 49.. 2nd Great Awakening

50. trancendentalism 51. Early 19th Century Reform Movements 52.Abolition Movement

53. Seneca Falls Convention 54. Nat Turner’s Rebellion 55. Frederick Douglass

56. Nationalism in art and lit 57. Hudson River School 58. Horace Mann 59.Dorothea Dix

60. manifest destiny 61. Texas Annexation 62. Oregon Treaty

63. Mexican American War 64. James K. Polk 65. Liberty Party 66. Mexican Cessian

67. Gold Rush 68. Compromise of 1850 69. Missouri Compromise 70. nativism

71. William Lloyd Garrison 72. Harriet Tubman

Unit 6: Expansion, Conflict and Compromise 1848-1877)

73. Southern Social Structure 74. Northern Society 75. Know Nothing Party 76. Free Soil Party

77. popular sovereignty 78. Fugitive Slave Act 79. Harriet Tubman 80. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

81. Kansas Nebraska Act 82. Republican Party 83. Bleeding Kansas 84. Sumner Brooks incident

85. Dred Scott v. Sanford 86. Lincoln Douglas Debates 87. John Brown’s Raid

88. Election of 1860 89. Abraham Lincoln 90. secession

Unit 7: The Civil War

91. Fort Sumter 92. Bull Run 93. border states 94. . Union/Confed strategies 95. Anaconda Plan

96. Union/Confed adv/disadv 97. George McClellen 98. habeus corpus

99. Union/Confed drafts 100. Union draft riots 101. copperheads 102. wartime economies

103. “cotton diplomacy”

104. Emancipation Proclamation 105. Gettysburg 106. Vicksburg 107. Gettysburg Address

108. Ulysses S. Grant 109. Willliam T. Sherman 110. total war 111. Appomattox

Unit 8: Reconstruction

113. Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, Radical Republicans’ plans for Reconstruction

114. black codes 115. Civil Rights Bill, 1866 116. 13th, 14th , 15th Amendments

117. Impeachment of Johnson 118. 15th Amendment 119. carpetbaggers/scalawags 120. Ku Klux Klan

121. sharecropping 122. Redemption 123. Compromise of 1877 124. Jim Crow Laws


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