The Newlywed Game - Angelfire

The Newlywed Game

This is a great game for a couples party!

And can be Adapted for your products (this one is for candles)

You can set the "mood" of the party by being creative with your display. This game is your entire demonstration. You may want to put together a special door prize gift for the winning couple. After your introduction, ask a few questions, such as,

"Who has been married more than 5 years?"

"Who is newly married?"

"Anyone have a new house?"

"Anyone want a new house?"

(Plant a sponsoring seed with this one) Then ask "What caught your eye tonight from my display?" Take about 10 minutes to talk about a few pieces on your display. While you're doing this, pass the votive organizer around and tell everyone to silently select their favorite scent. They can't tell their partner! After everyone has selected a scent, send the men out of the room. They are to take their packet (books, pen, paper or business card to write on). Tell them to write down 5 favorite items and their favorite scent. Pass out heart shaped papers to the women. You are going to ask them 3-5 questions (you decide how many to ask) and they need to write down the answer they think their husband would choose. HINT: You may want to ask the hostess before the show about some of the questions, so as not to offend anyone. Save a couple for a surprise, so she can play too. Also, you may want to have the guests write # 1, #2, #3, etc on the heart shaped papers to make it easier when answering later. After the women have answered the questions, check on the men. If they have selected their items, bring the men back in and send the women out of the room (with their packet) to pick their 5 favorite items and favorite scent. Then hand out heart shaped papers to the men and repeat the questions, telling the men to write down the answer they think their wife picked. Bring the women back in and begin the scoring. You can use either the chart provided or get creative and make a big chart out of poster board. Ask the questions one at a time, going to each couple. The man answers and then the woman holds up her paper. If they match, they get 2 points for each matched answer. Repeat the process for all questions. Give 3 points for each favorite item matched. Give 5 points if they matched on their favorite scent. Give 10 points to couples who book a party (doesn't have to be another couples party, but be sure to talk up the hostess program and the different kinds of parties you do). Total each couples score and the highest score gets the door prize. Answer any additional questions, and wrap up your demonstration as you normally would with your door prize slip, etc.

Newlywed Game Questions

What do you consider more romantic?

A. Picnic at the beach as the sun sets in the ocean

B. A candle light dinner at home cooked by my spouse

C. A surprise weekend getaway

D. Staying at home with my spouse and getting a pizza and a movie

Ladies, what is your husband’s favorite dress that you wear?

What did you eat on your first date?

Where did you go on your first date?

Who said ,I love you, first?

Ladies, what is your husbands favorite sport?

Ladies, what is your husband's favorite dinner?

When was the last time you ate out?

Ladies, what is your husband’s favorite color?

If your love life was a movie, it might be called-

A. Terms of Endearment

B. Wild At Heart

C. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

What do most men like to talk about most?

A. Sports

B. Work

C. Women

Who is more romantic, you or your spouse?

Ladies, what is the most effective way to punish your husband?

A. Tell them how you feel

B. Go Shopping

C. Withhold sex

Most people think of your husband as a

A. Ladies Man

B. Family Man

C. Career Man

Ladies, when was the last time your husband was in the dog house?

Questions Page 2

Ladies, when was the last time your husband changed the toilet paper?

What are the sexiest things a man can wear to bed?

A. Silk boxers

B. Briefs

C. Pajama bottoms

Remote controls are to men as ___________are to women:

A. Telephones

B. Friends

C. Remote Controls

Where is the sexiest place your husband can kiss you?

A. Neck

B. Fingers

C. Ankle

What would you like your husband to put down more?

A. The toilet seat

B. The remote control

C. The newspaper

What is the song that best describes your relationship?

A. “One Life To Live”

B. “All Shook Up”

C. “Running On Empty?”

Ladies, if lost, will your husband ask for directions?

Hubbys, your wife’s fantasies are most likely to involve:

A. Romantic setting

B. Adventure

C. Kids

Hubbys, it would be most awkward to be stranded on an island with your:

A. Boss

B. Mother-in-law

C. Your ex

Questions Page 3

Ladies, what is the sweetest thing a father can do with his kids?

A. Read to them

B. Play with them

C. Sing to them

Hubbys, what is the best thing you can do for your wife when she’s had a hard day?

A. Listen to her vent

B. Give her a hug

C. Make her dinner

Ladies, compared to your mother, you’re:

A. Less traditional

B. More traditional

C. About the same

Ladies, Sunday football symbolizes your husband’s need for:

A. Laziness

B. Competition

C. Chips, beer and burping

Hubbys, what is the best way to get your wife’s attention?

A. Smile

B. Compliment her

C. Tell a joke

Complete this sentence, “People who date a lot before they get married are…”

A. Smart

B. Cautious

C. Not lucky in love

Ladies, finish this song, “Mama’s don’t let your boy grow up to be…”

A. Cowboys

B. Musicians

C. Lawyers

Hubbys, when your wife says, “Let’s go shopping” she wants to hear you say:

A. Have a nice time

B. I’ll put my shoes on

C. Charge it!

Ladies, what best describes your love life?

A. The 100 yard dash

B. The decathlon

C. Archery

Questions Page 4

Ladies, tell us what your husband would say to a man that always dates women with big breasts. They are:

A. Obsessed

B. Superficial

C. Lucky

Hubbys, your wife's favorite time for making love is in the:

A. Morning

B. Afternoon

C. Middle of the night

Ladies, if your husband is Robinson Caruso, his girl Friday would be:

A. Janet Jackson

B. Michele Pfeiffer

C. Heather Locklear

Husbands, once married, "I doll usually means:

A. Yes, Dear

B. Later honey

C. Did you say something?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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